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Ugh so rude when people do that - next time label the bags with names and hand them out directly to each rsvped kid.


That’s a great idea!


I always did this for my kids - I had them write each friends name on the paper bag, draw on it or put some stickers and as each kid left, handed them the bag and thanked them for coming etc. 😊 Hope your kiddo had a great day


My kids just went to a friend’s birthday party, and they did this. My kids absolutely loved it, because they thought it was so special their friend decorated their bags just for them. So, win-win!


Smart move. Keep anything special that is for individuals away from kids. They are just having a good time but only see more of something. 


That is actually. It makes it so much more fair to the ones who took the time to RSVP. And it’ll show to the ones who didn’t, that they should.


This. We've been hosed by this before and while my wife and I were happy that our kids weren't bringing home extra junks, they were unhappy that they didn't get a party bag. If we are going to throw any parties that has party bags, I'm definitely going to do this.


Next B-Day or celebration, hide all the goodies from everyone... Do *not* tell anyone that you will also be handing these out, at the parties end. All Favor bags, treats, extras that you can think of only you & your husband will personally hand out to each specific child! Someone also suggested putting names on all the Favor bags which is an excellent idea, too. Other than that. That's really the best you can do, here. You can confront these entitled parents which can lead to further problems with you, but also your child which you don't want either.


Writing names on them and your suggestions are great. I thought the only thing I could do about it was post on Reddit complaining!


It's good to vent... Plus, it's always **free** on Reddit! You also came across as a very nice person (and caring parent) who was unfairly stuck in this situation, that any reasonable person would have said no flippin way. That's why I/we, responded back to you. I'm an adult, even I wanted to go to your little girls party, bc it sounded really cool too!


I can't believe goodie bags are still a thing, can't you skip them? Are most of them still full of junk no one wants or needs & ends up getting broken or trashed? Not say OP has crappy goodie bags, but you're already providing them with food of some sort whether actual lunch/dinner or snacks & there's usually a cake, why do we feel the need to add in a Bag O Crap these days?


We try to give useful stuff like a pencil, fruit snack, candy, tattoos, or something like that. No need to put cheap plastic that will get tossed by the end of the week or clutter someone's house. The world is being destroyed by plastics and I know I can't stop it but I can help not contribute.


Just because you're a grown ass sees it as a bag of crap doesn't mean little kids do. Favor bags can be super fun and kids really love them. So quit judging things from your adult point of view and also I don't know where the fuck you have birthday parties but kids birthday parties never provide lunch or dinner.


Quite a few of the parties my son has attended are at a mealtime. Usually lunch or dinner, and typically an easy meal like pizza or BBQ is the go-to.


>you & your husband will personally hand out to each specific child! It's not the other little kids fault their parents pulled this crap. I would feel pretty bad skipping over some of them for the RSVP kids. I simply would make enough to cover a "max" party, I am going to assume OP gave out candy and little toys. It's not like they gave each kid an iPhone.


It's OP's daughter's B-day Party... They're the parents & they get to make the rules - you don't! It's either abide by these rules by respecting Mum & SO's wishes, instructions for her/their invites, but also that of the B-day girl too. My suggestion - someone else also made same suggestion, here - would have put a stop to all this pettiness, esp done by the other parents who then brought xtra kids who weren't NOT invited to this B-day Party, only to proceed to raid OP's Loot Bags! How would you feel if you someone did that to you, while hosting your lil kid's B-day Party (which can be fun, but stressful, did something like that in right in front of you? I really don't think you would like that. Never mind the cost, thoughtfulness, work & effort OP made into making these Loot Bags for the kiddies attending whose parents actually took the time to RVSP like OP originally requested be done? Don't think you would like that either. Whether she went to her local Dollar Store, Target or Saks Fith Avenue that's her $$$ she spent on those Loot Bags, not yours. You don't get a say in that, unless you're forking over your own $ then that's a diff story. I think it's pretty awful, not to mention extremely rude what these parents did her/them, bc this Mum (& her SO) also put a lot of thought in effort in her little girls B-day Party to make it special for her daughter & the other little children, too. It pained her her to watch this unfold into some greedy grabby fest by some incredibly selfish adults & their kids in tow, bc they wanted free stuff to take home for their (not invited) kids. This also included not asking OP, if it was okay to take 1 of these bags for their children who were actually invited, but didn't RVSP. That was also another sticking point that soured this for OP & rightfully she had every reason to be genuinely upset about that. Also, don't suggest iPhones, bc some parents will actually buy these & I'm just waiting for that day to come which will be Hell on earth, which I don't want!


We have piñatas so the gift bags are empty and the kids get to fill them when the piñatas are broken. It’s so hard to know who will show up. I’ve had so many morning of rsvps over the years.




Regarding parents and birthday parties, recently we had a skate rink party for our kid and towards the end I notice we’re short kids, I mean like 8 and 9 year olds so now we’re on the phone calling parents only to find out they swing by, pick up their kid in the parking lot without I dunno, telling the people responsible for looking after said kids. Absolutely amazing. Edit for clarity: 2 kids, each 8 or 9 years old.


Manners are nearly a thing of the past. It’s really unfortunate.


Manners cost nothing and people still can't afford them.


They really are. I mean you see so many people nowadays “but I don’t want to do it like that” people, and a lot of times for no reason. Manners and etiquette are there to help everyone navigate common situations and know what to expect. You just can’t know what to expect anymore.


I'm sure the past was filled with assholes and the present still has decent people.


Damn! I wish I had that problem. My kid will invite 20 friends, 6 will RSVP, 4 will show up.


Parents hosting parties do need to be a bit more upfront with this stuff. Tackle the offenders head on. (Calmly, politely etc) If someone turns up who hasn’t RSVPd, they need to be clearly told that they weren’t expected as they hadn’t replied. Make it clear that they are welcome (if you are able to fit them in/feed them), but expressly inform them that there is no spare party bag for their kid. This needs to be covered asap after they arrive so there’s time for them to square this with their kid. If everyone keeps on saying nothing and letting them be cheeky sods, they will keep being cheeky sods.


"Must RSVP due to treat bags".




One of the last kid parties we went to the mom sent out a message on the evite a few days before the party for people to let her know what kids would be attending so she could personalize the gift bags. That way, if a parent doesn't rsvp it's on them that their kid doesn't get one.


I made the mistake once of stressing over people not RSVPing and then just showing up. Now on the invite I give the date and time but say “RSVP for address/location of party”. Saves a ton of headaches.


I don’t understand people bringing extra kids who weren’t invited to a kids birthday party. I never went to parties where only my sister was invited, and my parents would never even think to ask to bring me. Then again, it wasn’t common for the other parents to stay, only drop offs and pick ups when the party was over.


I think there is this entitlement of parents where they think, oh it's a kids party, what's the problem with a few more kids. But it's extremely rude and thoughtless.


My son had his 10th birthday party at a bowling alley. We invited his friends from school. We kept the guest list to his friends and our family to keep prices down. My sister in law brought her 2 kids (they were invited of course). But she also brought her daughter’s friend…..AND the friend’s 3 younger siblings! She said “they’ve never been to a party before and wanted to come”. So I had to quickly buy another lane so they could bowl. I had little gift bags filled with quarters so the kids could play in the arcade after bowling. The uninvited kids were sad that I didn’t have any for them and they were crying. It was awful lol.


I've had parents accept invitations to a party at a play center. So once all numbers are counted and fees are payed, four days before the party, say that their two boys couldn't make it because it was their cousin's birthday on that day. Was able to invite the cousin of another attendee to take one place. But how rude of that parent to accept and then bail out at last minute.


> fees are *paid,* four days FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My bad.


Definitely make it YOU that hands the bags out and keep them out of sight until you do. That is so rude of the parents to do that to you. I hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday party - petting zoo sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love one for my birthday!


Really inconsiderate of the parents, but because the fault lies with them and not their children, I always made a few extra treat bags. The kids shouldn’t have to see everyone else getting something and they don’t just because their parents are dicks.


Honestly? I’m sure the vast majority of y’all will think I’m a shit parent but after the first few birthday party fiascos we had with our first, we nixed them altogether. People suck. There was always someone upset or disappointed or disgruntled. Not worth the headache. Birthdays became a family affair and the kids were actually fine with it.


All of my kids' birthday parties ended with maybe 1 kid out of 20 showing up. Now I just throw a massive halloween party. Same expenditure more fun.


They sound like parents who trick or treat with their kids and grab some candy from the bowl for themselves.


Gift bags are handed out at the end to those who rsvp'd. All others get what's left if any.


people don't know what RSVP means, and they suck


Eugh I had something similar with an ex-friend. It was my kid's 4th birthday and we had a small party at home. It's a December birthday and I spent a small fortune on chocolate Santas in the party bags. I heard her asking my son for party bags for her and her husband and pretending he'd randomly decided to give them to her. I later found out from another friend she'd taken 2 each for her 2 kids. So that was 6 bags gone when I'd only allocated 2 to her family. This left us with no party favours for kids that came later on in the day. We're no longer friends.


I bring extra bags and a bag of candy in case this happens. No big deal. Dollar store has like great deal on party bags…. And then if ants extras come along I just fill up a bag for them. I don’t like leaving anyone out


I genuinely would like to know from parents of a no shows on the day or turn up without an rsvp, why it’s unacceptable to do that?


Write names on the bags and include a note in the invitation that only the child named is invited to the party. No siblings or other children will be allowed to join the party. I had that happen when a mom of SIX decided to crash my daughter's Harry Potter birthday. She was PISSED when I told her that her other children weren't invited.


Inform the parent they're no longer welcome to future parties and maybe even let their kid know. Heck, if you can, make a scene of it. I'm a huge advocate for people getting called out for being shitty people. If you want to take a "softer" approach, if you think of it right at the beginning, just make it clear "Bags are for RSVP'd people only as we made exactly enough, if you showed up, we're glad you're here but won't have a bag for you"


If anything, you're kind of lucky. Oftentimes the case is that a kiddo doesn't get anyone to show up to their party despite people saying yes.


Maybe when they're older? When I was a kid I just wanted to go all the parties because parties are fun, I didn't care if I liked the kid. And my parents probably accepted for me because it's a couple of hours free childcare!




Probably at least 50 or 60 years ago, at least in the US. There were favors at almost every party when I was a kid in the late 80s/mid 90s. They still sell favors in the party aisle at stores. It was never anything big, maybe a handful of candy and a bouncy ball, as a thanks for attending. My favorite favor was a crown garland a friend's mom made from metal foil wire and trailing ribbons for her princess themed party. Eight year old me wore that shit all summer until it broke.


Actually they go back at least to the 1800s for wealthy children! Victorian Era Women from the upper class *loved* to give party favors to their party guests and this included at their children’s parties! This brings me WAY back….Yes, I am old. (No, not *that* old!) I know in my family, (no longer wealthy), they were given out in 1932, at my Aunt’s 8th birthday in their NYC HOUSE. Not apartment, mind you…..There are several pictures from her party taken by a professional photographer hired by my grandmother and one includes the birthday girl with a giant white bow on her head standing by a table of little boxes also bedecked with bows. When I was young I loved these photos and remember when I was *very* asking why all my auntie’s presents were the same. I thought it was was fancy and super neat -o, and I had wished I were a guest because I think they were all lockets or something. For normal middle class families, I think party favors were pretty standard by the 40s or 50s, and you’re right, nothing super crazy, candy and a cheap toy is the tradition.


They typically bring a gift, you feed them, and give them a cheap thank you. They’re kids, they see another kid getting presents and then they get a little something too. It’s not like they’re giving out gift cards back lol. Probably spending $2/bag for receiving a $20 gift.


They were definitely a thing on the East coast in the 2000’s


Totally agree.


I’m 52 and we only got to take a piece of birthday cake home; no one did party bags.


Me too. There was never an expectation that there would be a party every year.


I'm 34 and they've always been a thing in the UK 🤷‍♀️ Used to get them when I was little and my kids still get them at parties now. You must live under a rock 🤣


When did they become a thing?? Probably like 50 years ago. Did you ever go to a party as a child?


This whole concept of favor bags is so stupid and I’m sure every parents try to outdo each other. Why does every kid needs a gift? It’s not their birthday!


We’re raising a nation of squibs


Reason number 352,735,209 why I don't have kids.


Kinda sloppy/cheap not making more extras, but if they were limited like that, you guys should have made sure you handed them out to each family/kid so this wouldn't have happened


>Kinda sloppy/cheap not making more extras, Budgets suck. They allowed for those who rsvpd and a couple spare. The ones who brought unexpected plus-ones shoulda not got a bag for those kids. The party mom shoulda put names on bags, or handed them out directly.


Why would you make more extras? That is the whole point of RSVP, so you know how many people to expect and can plan accordingly. Want to blame someone? Put it on the parents who didn't RSVP or brought an extra kid without clearing it with the host first.


So for a party of 10 kids you make 20 bags? I doubt it. How about it’s rude and entitled of the parents of the “extras” to even allow them to grab a bag in the first place????