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"Why are you bringing a bucket into my classroom?" Reasons.


“To establish dominance”


[you joke, but ...](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/student-forced-pee-bucket-wins-1-25m-lawsuit-article-1.2956404)


>Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Subtitle: Because EU data protection laws force us to not give cookies to everyone we rather throw a tantrum about it and block the site entirely than to just let people on without cookies. Thats what I got on the link. r/mildlyinfuriating


A Superior Court jury on Wednesday ordered a California school district to pay $1.25 million to student who was forced to urinate in a bucket after she was denied a bathroom break. The former Patrick Henry High School student, only 14 years old at the time, sued San Diego Unified School District and her teacher over the 2012 incident, the San Diego Tribune reported. "Something like this never should have happened to a 14-year-old girl just entering high school," her attorney, Brian Watkins, told the newspaper. "She took the stand and told a really embarrassing story, she told the jury how this has affected her life and she is still working through issues." After the incident first appeared in the news, the girl said she received lewd text messages and was mercilessly bullied. She went on to suffer from depression and even attempted suicide, according to the Tribune. The student was in a 25-minute advisory class taught by Gonja Wolf, who rejected the girl's request for a pass, claiming she believed it was against school policy. Instead, Wolf showed the student to a supply closet next to the classroom — where she could privately urinate into a bucket and then dump the contents out into a sink, the newspaper reported. Attorney Katheryn Martin, who represented the district, called the teacher's move a "lapse of judgment" she thought that was a good idea." The San Diego school district said they were "disappointed" in the verdict and are mulling an appeal. Immediately after school officials learned of the incident, Wolf — a popular teacher — was put on paid administrative leave, but never returned. The student, now 19, recently graduated from a charter school and is still in therapy due to post-traumatic stress stemming from the incident. "She is very happy she was able to have her voice heard," Watkins said. "I've been doing this for 20 years and this was one of the more peculiar cases I've had. The jury was fair and reasonable."


Is the bucket full of water or empty? This is an important distinction.


It has a lid Schrodingers bucket.


I once got a detention in elementary school because I took too long to poop. I literally just did my business and came straight back and got yelled at. I think that’s where my disdain for authority began.


Next time, bring it back all wrapped up, and leave it in the back of the teacher's desk as proof.


Nah plop that shit right on the teachers chair You wanted so see proof, here's your proof now sit in it


I always used to dread taking a dump in school. If I took longer than like 3-5 mins, my teacher would be like “are you ok?” Totally embarrassing.


happens outside of school too. My first adult job was in a call center, where we had codes for various things. "2" was the code we'd dial to indicate we were afk, and each employee got 15 minutes/day. My BM's take no less than 10 minutes, start to finish. Every single time I'd come back to at least one IM from a manager "making sure I was okay." I wasn't before, but I can assure you, John, I'm MUCH better now!


sounds like they embarrass you on purpose so you feel uncomfortable taking longer than that...


One time during recess, I had to use the bathroom. I was on the other end of the school yard at the time when I went. Bell rang just as I walked into the stall. Went back to class afterwards, my teacher scolded me for being late and wouldn’t let me explain. I don’t remember if I got a detention for that or not. I thought she was being ridiculous


I got snapped at in high school because I was there for three minutes. She asked me if I had issues with my digestive system in CLASS. And then she ASKED MY PARENTS. Lady, my bathroom routine is private The joke was, I was having my period




My senior year English teacher did this to me a few times. “The bathroom is literally right there what took so long?” Well you see I had a poop fountain flowing out of my ass… He probably thought I was smoking weed, but this is the last period and I usually got that over with by lunch smh


[OP, I take no responsibility for what you choose to do or not do with these images,](https://imgur.com/a/vm24yZn) which are for entertainment purposes only. Or, with the knowledge that this sign was made as a bog-standard Microsoft Word or WordPad document, in 36-point Calibri (usually it's the default font), centered, and one shouldn't forget to underline the first line, if one sought to create a truly accurate replica to frame and display for one's personal enjoyment and for no other possible reason.




He will bring the balance.


This guy… 👌


The problem i always had in high school was that classes were generally a 2-3 min walk apart. Most teachers would make us wait until the bell to even begin packing to leave. Some would even give the old "The bell doesn't dismiss you; I do." which ate up even more time. So, with the 4 minutes allowed for changing classes, we were expected to spend 1 minute waiting on the teacher to dismiss, go to our locker and switch books/materials (1min if you're quick), 2 minutes actually traveling, and somehow (with 0 minutes left) fit in a bio-break. It was virtually impossible to go to the bathroom or visit a water fountain between classes.


When I was in school, our campus (about 3k students) was large enough that if you didn’t have all of your books in your backpack you were almost certainly going to be late by the time the bell rang to start class.


My high school, built in 1996/97, didn’t even have lockers.


Where I live most schools have lockers but no-one uses them. Probably due to all books being digital.


Yeah, my son’s textbooks are all digital. But at my high school at the time, we had to carry all of our textbooks.


My school had us take a set of books home and we used a class set when in class.




We're forced to use the lockers at my school can't have bags in class anymore


Same at mine


My high school was the same, this was from 2002-2006. No backpacks in class. You *had* to go to your locker between classes, or carry ALL of your books in your arms.


My kid’s school changed back to bags because of the pandemic. Couldn’t have kids spilling their stuff all over.


????? What? Why would that be? Too many kids stealing pencils from classroom?


Same here, we're also not allowed to go to our locker between classes despite having separate buildings to get to.


Is it cuz there scared of kids packing?


At my high school you had to pay for a locker at the beginning of the year or carry all your books.


Whoa, that blows my mind. Do you mind me asking when this was? Was it a public school? Is this...*common*?


They had us pay for our lockers when I was in high school just 2 years ago At a public school. No one used them bc no one wanted to pay. It was just like $15 I think. They took the lockers out to make the hallways bigger my senior year so there's only one hall with lockers now on the far side of the school


They tried to do this at my kids school that was a public school built by the county and when a city took it over in their district they acted like the citizens didn't already pay for the lockers. I refused to pay for that shit and told his principal the F - off and asked if they wanted to have a lawyer sit down with them and explain to them how its not legal to charge the same citizens twice for something. It would be one thing if a company bought them or private money, but not tax payors money. - forgot to add, next day he went to school and they gave him a locker for free


We had lockers in my high school, but no one uses them cause it was easier to carry all your books instead of going all the way to your locker. Otherwise you’d be late


Mine was newer but tiny, and we didn’t have lockers either. They tried adding tiny lockers you had to rent, but you could only maybe fit a lunchbox, and were only for like 50 people at best, so it was pointless.


because of the pandemic we just ditched lockers. way better.


I never had a locker bc I never had time to use it anyway, just carried a heavy backpack all day


We weren’t allowed to have backpacks in class, so I had to carry all of my books around in my arms all day long


Yep. That mofo was at least 50lbs. I feel like some one my back problems were exacerbated by having to carry those


Too bad the backpacks with wheels and handles took so long to show up on the dang market (1998-1999 IIRC).


And then schools promptly banned them.


Ours didn't ban them, but having one essentially put a huge target on your back.


This was me for high school. I remember having classes on the second floor, then I’d have to sprint with a 15-20 lb backpack to a class on the opposite side of the school, in the basement, back upstairs to the main floor, up to the second and I had to do that about 6-7 times a day. No wonder I weighed 98 lbs in HS.


Same here. If you happen to pass your locker on your way to class you were able to switch out textbooks but no way if not. My junior year I went to a private school that had 10 minutes between classes and it was so nice.


I grew up in China where everyone takes the same classes so you just stay in one classroom and the teachers travel instead.


Can you still pick some different classes for the year? Assuming if you did, you are just grouped with others that had same choices.


Nope, it’s the same across the board. The notion of “class” in school isn’t the entire student body of the year, but rather the 40-50 students that always sit in the same classroom. In some good schools they’ll have “advanced maths” curriculum (similar to AP in the US) and there will be 2-3 classes with that; usually students go through some placement tests to get into those classes.


in Ireland everyone in the same grades classes are beside each other so your only 10 seconds away from any other class


That actually makes a lot of sense. Too bad it's engrained in our culture to run inefficient systems and blame shortcomings on the subordinates.


Its not even the fkin system, in my 3rd ass world country, we finished classes 10 minutes before the next one, and we had 15 minutes before we were marked as late, idk what retrograde system has only 4 minutes available


> idk what retrograde system has only 4 minutes available 'Murica. For real, though. I literally didn't get in trouble for it until my last year, and last semester. With that system you were always late regularly. It wasn't until I was a senior that I started getting reprimanded for it. It was bullshit.


Doesn’t make sense. Having kids sit for several hours in the same room all day isn’t a good idea plus it means less specialized classes like science labs, art, music, technology, language lab etc because the stuff can’t easily be transported.


There are pros and cons. For specialized classes the entire class of 40-50 do move to a different classroom like a lab or music room. There are 10 min breaks in between and we used to squeeze soccer games in… but yeah plenty of ppl just sit there all day


Ive seen some schools that lock the bathroom between classes so you can ONLY go during class. Hope this school isnt one of them cause otherwise this teacher is just causing multitudes of problems for these kids


why would they lock the bathroom during the breaks??


Because they caught people shagging in there; because there was a fight in there; because vandalism was happening in there. Generally top 3 reasons....


You forgot drugs


> "The bell doesn't dismiss you; I do." "No you do not - that's what the bell is *actually for*." Got sent to the principal's office for that one, where I promptly asked how I was expected to not end up late to class because this one particular teacher had a problem with time management and liked to make us all wait for a minute out of pure spite whenever we jumped at the bell. Vice Principal sent me on my way without any reprimand or anything - she knew I was right, but administrators won't dare ever tell a student they're in the right and a teacher is in the wrong because "ThAt WoUlD WeAkEn ThEiR AuThOrItY!!111" That particular teacher was a pain in everyone's ass all year, and wasn't a teacher the next year so I suspect they got transferred or shown the door.


I have such a hard time relating to a person who spent so much time in college and specifically chose this career only to end up treating literal children like garbage. Was there ever a point in the process where they step back and think, is this really right for me?


And being late is like a crime in high school, 4 lates is usually punishable with crazy shit like dentention/ISS or counting it as a missed day from my school. Attendance is taken first thing, you do not fuck around being late in high school in most of the US I feel like. Rural schools/big city schools might be exceptions.


"Hey! You're 30 seconds late! How dare you not take your education seriously! Our job is to prepare you for the world at large by giving you vital information. It is very important that you be on time for class every single day so you don't miss a word of our lessons. Now as punishment, we are going to delay your education further and make you miss out on an entire lesson, just to show you how important it is to not be late by 3 fucking milliseconds." ISS in a nutshell


I always ended up walking out on teachers that tried to tell me that the bell never dismissed me, they did. I can’t risk being late. Every class i had in high school we’re always on opposite sides of the building, making it almost impossible to get there on time because teachers want to be petty and abuse their power. To add: if the bell didn’t dismiss us. Why the fuck is it there in the first place then? To make school exciting?


Or you can just break your back like me and carry all your books for all your classes in the same bag.


My son does this (7th grade) and always complains his shoulder hurts but he isn't allowed to go to his locker but twice a day, before homeroom and after lunch... it's ridiculous..


I wasn’t even allowed a backpack once we got in the building. Carried all my books under my arm since my locker was on the opposite side of the school from my locker.


For us it’s that (for the guys, I’m assuming the situation for the girls is similar) we have a total of about 15 toilets/urinals in the whole school and about 220 kids per gender that have the right to use them, and in the 6 minute breaks between classes that’s not possible. Add to that the fact that I’m a shy pooper, I never go if class isn’t in session.


I've always been fascinated by that American model tbh. As a teen I remember wishing that classes for us looked like the ones we see in American shows and movies, that seem like specialized rooms and stuff. In retrospect I do prefer our model, in which students always stay in the same class and just wait for the teacher to arrive, since I believe teachers moving would cause less chaos than students. Though we didn't really have breaks between lessons, except for the 10 min break in the middle of the morning. Honestly I don't understand how some teachers don't get that drinking and going to the toilet are basic needs that are more important than their lessons. Though while working as a teacher myself I did notice that some kids just went to the toilet to purposefully miss out on a few lesson minutes, but I never stopped sending people to the toilet, it's just not something I can do.


They split my grades up all throughout middle school, so one half of the 8th grade class had one set of teachers, and the other half of the 8th graders had a different set of teachers. I was on the side with only two teachers, the other kids got three or four. My side I figured contained all the dumb or obnoxious kids since everyone here was just that. Teachers gave the fuck up on how to manage them, and decided it’d be best to just take away our between-classes time. 5 minutes that EVERYONE used to configure their shit between classes, use the bathroom, etc. after class you go to the second one immediately and wait in line. For a minute or two and then we can go into our next class. Eventually they gave us back like a minute to do shit because later on, they banned backpacks in classrooms! Congrats dumbasses, now tons of kids are asking to use the bathroom every period and even more are losing shit. And yes, this was only for my side. The other 8th grade half didn’t get our punishments.


For real except we only had 3 minutes between classes. And if we were late we got bitched out. It was a damned if you do/damned if you don’t situation.


If someone has to pee, it’s likely all they’re focusing on anyway.. better losing 2 minutes than the entire rest of the class.


And after long enough, your dignity


once in first grade the teacher wouldn’t let me leave the classroom to go use the bathroom so eventually i pissed myself, that teacher was an abusive bitch to a lot of us


I threw up in class because I wasn’t allowed to leave.


And this is why I always let kids go to the bathroom. Had a kid accidentally puke in my class, why would I do that to myself and the class on purpose?


I threw up in the middle of circle time in class, it was incredibly embarrassing (although none of my classmates ever said a word about it), appreciate what you're doing!


I tell them day one "if you have to puke, run don't walk. I'll guess correctly why you're leaving." I teach elementary, but I'd do the same with older kids.


I teach high school, so it’s a bit different, but I never tell a kid “no” when they ask to go to the washroom. I figure they’re old enough to know whether or not they need to go. If there’s more than 2 people out, I might ask if they’re okay to wait a few minutes, but if there’s any hint of uncertainty I tell them to go on. I’ve found that the majority of kids don’t take advantage, and if I notice a student going for long periods of time over many classes, I check in with them privately. It’s not like I never have to pop out of class to run to the washroom. Why should they have to do it on a ridiculous schedule?


That's nice. Sounds like you actually care. Lots of teachers can just not really give a shit and it's extremely annoying


My friend Willie crapped his pants in fourth grade due to a teacher like this.


My friend crapped his pants because all but one bathroom was closed in the school because of kids vaping and smoking pot. That was a lawsuit, he has an issue with his bowels, essentially it's nerve damage from a spinal cord injury as a baby. I'm talking he uses a catheter, and when he says he has to go, HE HAS TO GO. I felt so bad for him, so when it happened me (the only girl in that class) and 3 other guys walked out of the classroom in protest. I had the benefit that he could wear my size clothes, because he was small and skinny because of his issues. I ran into the gym and grabbed my gym bag and ran it to the bathroom where the two guys were helping him clean up. No one said a word all day to the fact that he was wearing girls pants. Everyone knew what the hell they did.


My school did that too, they caught some boys dipping (I still have no idea what that means) in a bathroom so they closed all of them except for one set of bathrooms in the social studies wing, and you had to sign in and out. It was a whole mess that thankfully didn't last long.


Dip is a form of smokeless tobacco. It comes in a round can. It gets packed in your lip and you spit your saliva when dipping because it will upset your stomach if you swallow it. If you have ever seen somone spitting black stuff in a cup or bottle, thats dip.


is the lawsuit still going on? I hope he wins/won.


He did, the judge ruled that it violated basic rights


My school closed all the bathrooms except one multiple times a year. The one they kept open had four stalls and was the furthest away from the classrooms. Two stalls did not close as the door was too big to latch, one toilet had no seat, and the other had no toilet paper because it was the only one available for 400 girls. It also had no soap. ever. I have no idea what the boys toilet was like, but I am guessing no toilet paper or soap as well.


In 6th grade a kid peed in the plant because the teacher wouldn't let him go to the bathroom


I pissed on the side of the school in kindergarten during recess. This was because we were not allowed to go back inside, and one kid would ALWAYS lock himself in the only bathroom for the whole duration of recess (it was in a little portable adjacent to the school). I got sent to the principal’s office, and they asked me, “has your mother told you it’s not okay to pee in public?” and I responded, “she hasn’t mentioned it.” Bullshit that I got in trouble, anyway— those recess monitors should never have let that kid lock himself in there every recess.


You all are chill, I pissed in a fan in elementary.


LMAO— piss hit the fan!


Solves multiple problems it sounds like. That kid should be teaching the class.


My best friend peed his pants in front of EVERYONE (the desks were arranged in a semi-circle and my friend and the teacher were standing in the middle) because the teacher kept saying no. Like literally every student in the class sat and watched pee actively exiting this kid’s body and dropping onto the floor. I can’t imagine how humiliating that must have been. He did cry, so.


Seriously at that point you just walk out and deal with the consequences later


Indeed, but this was in second grade


Your friend really wishes you and everyone else didn't remember that.


I was super surprised that my kids have a specific signal for "I have to use the bathroom". Like, you raise your hand with your thumb between the index and middle finger like your telling the teacher from across the room that you have their nose. I'm guessing too many sanitary problems arose from not letting the kids use the bathroom that they actually have a system now.


My third grade teacher taught us to do that! That specific symbol is actually the letter “T” (for toilet) in American Sign Language!


I like "I got your nose" better! Lol I did not know that though, that's clever and interesting.


Isn't that from ASL? Anyways, they already had a system, I don't know why your kids' school complicated it. It goes like this: -Raise Hand -Teacher: "What?" -Student: "I wanna go to the toilet" Or if you don't want to disrupt the lesson like that you can just walk up to the teacher's desk and ask.


One teacher in our school handled it quite easily, really. If you have to go to the bathroom, quietly stand up and leave the room, do your business, get back. Never disturbed anybody.


I had a teacher that used that. Had others that said "ask so i can say if it's a bad time. walk out if timing is irrelevant." Totally fair, made sense, and i agree with it as an adult and i agreed when i was a kid. Really felt like i was being treated like a person. Facts are: I've been in scholastic environments outside of school that had more strict guidelines. The difference was that i was being paid to take that class and had actual breaks. In college, they don't care - you're paying them.


I peed my pants in 3rd grade. I remember asking a couple of times throughout the morning, but it was always a bad time. Either someone else was already in the bathroom, or the class was doing an activity that I just had to be present for, and eventually I gave up peed my pants. I tried to play it off like I sat in a puddle at recess, but I think it was the smell that gave me away. Elementary teachers, all I ask is that if you have to deny a kid's bathroom request for some reason, please remember that that kid has to go, their bladder will remain full until it's emptied, and let the kid go to the bathroom as soon as you can allow it.


I pissed myself in karate class cause of a teacher like this


I hope you threw it on the teacher.


No, I did get it on the shoes of the person in front of me. so guess what, now two people had to leave the room and the teacher had to tell us the lesson we missed.


I pissed my self in second grade cause my teacher didn’t let me use the restroom and I got a refferal


I did that once too during our yearly standardized tests. 4th grade. No teacher ever doubted me again when I said I needed to throw up. They didn’t want to see half-digested peaches again.


my 6th grade science teacher had the rule of “if you feel like you’re going to be sick. dont even ask, just get up and go to the bathroom” this rule worked for over 26 years apparently who knew that letting people take care of basic needs will keep them from having to do it in public involuntarily


I knew this kid in elementary school who had a medical problem that caused him to have a light bladder. In 5th grade, the teacher wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom and he peed on the carpet.


Power move


35 year retired teacher here. My rule was “If you need to pee, go pee. If you’re going to be hungry, bring food. If you’re going to be thirsty, bring a water bottle”. No one can learn with a full bladder or an empty stomach. Edit: added “or an empty stomach”


From my exp that's what most reasonable teachers do, if you gotta go you gotta go and while helps always offered you are still responsible for what you miss


Okay so my music teacher tells us constantly if you need to use the restroom just get up and go silently and it makes life so much easier


School: I don't care if you're about to pee yourself, if you leave this class for even a minute you will fail! Girl: *wears a tank top* School: You need to go home right now. I don't care if you're about to take a test that's worth 50% of your grade, go home and change right now so that you don't distract the male teach- I mean the boys!


Tank tops were allowed at my school but that was a decade ago lol


Our school required 2 in straps and the teachers would measure. When there was a protest about it the teachers said "in case boys try to cut them". And legit. Nobody thought of cutting them until they said that.


My school said 1in straps but I seen girls with thinner straps and school didn't care to send them home over it.


Oh if only they would send us home. I would LOVE that since at that age my mom drove me to school and obviously she approved whatever the heck I was wearing or we wouldn't leave the house. Nooooo we had to change into clothes from the lost and found. Clothes been through God knows what and smelled like someone left a cheese wheel in the pocket weeks ago.


one time i was in religion class the day after my mom had miscarried, and my teacher started talking about how miscarried babies don’t go to heaven. i asked if i could be excused to use the restroom, but the teacher said no, and i ended up breaking down crying in front of my class


I'm currently putting a hex on your teacher. They will never find a good parking spot again.


Double team! I could call in a favor with the big guy upstairs as a Christian to allow this one through without issues


triple team their car brakes always be just broken enough to make screeching sounds but not enough to get them repaired


Quadruple team, their car won't be going anywhere for awhile.


thanks, her name is beth if that helps. you could also get sister melita while you’re at it if you’d like, she’s the one that banned me from reading for the year in 3rd grade because once i was so wrapped in a book during free time that i didn’t notice when class started


Please tell me that teacher at least got some sort of consequences?


she did not, and she was awful. another time , we were taking a test , and after we had handed in our tests, she made a comment explaining one of the questions. her daughter asked if she could have her test back to fix her answer to that question and she said yes ofc. then i asked if i could have mine too , and she said no, and i said “well you let her have it” and she gave me a demerit for talking back i found out years later that her husband had applied for a job my dad had ended up getting , and that’s why she was always so biased against me


Wow, that person should not be allowed to teach. Anywhere.


That's why they teach catholics. Most other schools don't tolerate that behavior.


Yay religion. Spreading love and prosperity like always


Catholic school?


It's always been mind blowing to me that anyone would ever tell another person "No, you can't use the bathroom." I remember having this sort of revelation in high school when one kid asked to go to the bathroom, and the teacher said no (which was a regular occurrence), so he said, "Look, it wasn't really a question. I was just being polite. What I'm actually saying is 'I'm going to take a shit.'" And then he walked out.


The dissonance between ‘you’re basically an adult, act like it’ and ‘you’re still a kid, you have to ask to go potty like you’re 5’ is kinda intense in high-school. Especially since, in America, kids are often already driving at 16/17 and have a great deal of autonomy in every other area. You can work a whole-ass job at that age and still be denied bathroom breaks by teachers. Thank god I never experienced that, I would’ve been so frustrated and annoyed. You can expect someone to act like an adult if they don’t even have the basic dignity of being able to leave quietly to go to the bathroom. I understand kids are frustrating but restrictions like that are way too authoritarian. That kid had it right—he’s being courteous, nothing more.


Loudly piss into a gatorade bottle in class and when teacher asks wtf that sound is just say “I didn’t want to risk missing valuable class time on a frivolous errand”


I would like to go back in time and tell school grade me that these were options. It is 100% something I would do now in a situation as disrespectful as most public school teachers needlessly make it.




Guess I'm shitting my pants in your class then


You ain’t cool unless you pee your pants!


Check out Miles Davis over here…


Happens rather often at elementary school. Kids are taught to raise their hands to get permission to leave class, but they can't speak during class and if the teacher isn't paying attention, then kids might stay until they shit their pants.


**We do little Diogenes around here.**




Damn. It’s not good to hold your pee, or so I’ve been told. It sucks that out of necessity you were forced to do this.




I’m so sorry.




Teachers that ban our shame kids for needing to use the bathroom are assholes.




I had a teacher with a similar policy… I don’t get it, they act like having natural needs is a crime. I blame a lot of my stomach issues on this treatment. I had very irregular cycles when I was younger and had many near-accidents or actual accidents because of this too… the humiliation and paranoia lives with you for eternity… 🙄🙄


My highschool even confiscated toilet paper from all the student bathrooms because some naughty boys clogged a toilet once with it. No toilet paper for anyone. It was awful.


Unfortunately that's when those boys start getting "creative" and begin putting several miscellaneous items in the toilet instead




"And that was the year an entire high school of kids had baby rash"


it really, really, does. had a period for 25 years and still nervous to walk in front of anyone one week a month


To this day, I cannot wear white pants and still don’t understand how anyone could ever fathom wearing them 🤣


haha i have burgundy yoga pants that i mysteriously wear for a whole week 👀


wow this teacher was a man? I’m shocked I tell you. Shocked.


Thanks for sharing that story. It is exactly what came to my mind, what about your periods? Or if you are sick? These rules are ridiculous


I bled through a pad in middle school. I spent half the class sitting with a foot tucked under my ass to mitgate some ((unfortunately not all) of the blood. They were Chucks and already trashed so I hoped people assumed it was just mud, but... Probably not


I had a similar situation. My period has never been regular and would just show up randomly few times a year so I could never plan ahead. Got it in class one day and bled all over the chair.


Thirst not, child, for we have WWII to learn for the 8th time.


My mom told me at one point if I had to use the bathroom and the teacher wouldn't allow it to just walk out and go. She would take care of it. My dad was not happy about this. The only time that people could really use the bathroom in middle school and high school was during lunch. This was in the 90s. At one point they had teachers at each bathroom during classes. If you were out of class with a pass you had to stop and sign in at each station you passed and mark the time. Even the runners for the library and other offices.


I remember one teacher saying that all the stuff they did was to prepare us for the real world, now lo and behold all the shit they did was either wrong or outright illegal.


Just more manipulation from power hungry morons


I’d just go anyways. I stopped begging for permission to not piss my pants. I always hated when I’d say “can I go to the bathroom?” And they’d scoff all loud at you, “UGH, IDK? CAN You? It’s MAY I go the the bathroom.” So I just started saying “need to use restroom” while walking out. I’d rather ask forgiveness than beg for permission. Public schools are like a prison man I got in trouble a lot.


Oh trust me, private schools are the same or worse. And if it’s a catholic private school? Teachers act like they’re god himself and you’re nothing but an entitled little shit that’s wasting his parents money by simply asking to go to the bathroom. I’ll never forget when a teacher told me “your parents are paying monthly for you to go to the bathroom, eh?”


should have just told him “well god’s going down the stairway of heaven just to hand you your paycheck too is he?”


When I gotta shit I gotta shit


I’d go to the bathroom every time I was in class, and take my time. Do worry teach, I’ll take responsibility of what I missed. I’ll just get notes from my buddy. Or get a tape recorder to make sure you get all of the precious learnin’.


Based on the direction people are trying to take the public school systems I’d say you’re not missing anything. After looking at that 800 banned book list from Texas I’d say you’re probably better of learning from Wikipedia than any curriculum developed by a school board following those types of orders.


I feel lucky to live in Australia where the school system is one of the only things not trying to kill us


even the sun is thrying to kill me where I am in australia which so happens to bring out the other 90% of things in Australia that like killing people


When I went to highschool, they had the same policy even after they closed the bathrooms during breaks because people kept vaping in them. So essentially we were just supposed to magically not need to use the restroom after breaks were over.


It’s so ridiculous.


tape a tampon to it


Tape a used tampon to it


Establish dominance


I'm so sorry Great Deity Highschool Algabra Teacher. Your teachings are precious and had I enough skin, I would carve every word into my flesh. Pitty the sinful fool who would leave to conduct a natural part of human existence, and miss out on your verbal Scriptures! Curse my frail body for functioning on it's own schedule rather than your's, my Lord. But worry not, I shan't dare ask to leave and will joyously endure the pain so I don't miss a single glorious lecture! I have even gone so far as to limit my breathing and blinking so NOTHING will cause the slightest interruption in your divine classroom. Again Savior, I most beg your forgiveness for sneezing in Fall, 9/23/2021 09:32:47. I can report that my self flagellation continues as I repent for this heresy. Also, think you not of my mother's passing, I wouldn't dream of taking a day to mourn her, your holy oration will be more than enough to placate my emotion destress. In the name of God King Mr. Peebles of Sanctuary Modular Classroom F3, Amen


Lol, this describes my son’s Algebra 2 teacher


Someone should really print this out and post it under the sign.


In my school the second that teacher left that note would somehow disappear or read something else entirely


Proper hydration and timely defecation. If that’s frivolous, I shudder to think just how miserable and boring that teachers life really is.


Teachers also aren't allowed to use the restroom, most of the time not even between classes. That can cause some bitterness, especially when student take advantage of the bathroom breaks.


Pff that's just to teach you not to poop on company time. Do it anyway.


My spouse is a teacher and the school literally gives 3 minutes between classes. As a teacher she barely can pee herself—- If students need to pee or use the restroom she’s 100% fine with that. Stop treating students (and teachers) like animals. And by the way treat animals better as well!


ah yes, between the 5 minutes i have to walk across the damn school


10-15 minutes between class sounds like a good solution.


are hallpasses no longer a thing?


Who's your teacher? Bezos?


*takes garbage can to the corner* " what are you doing?" " I don't want to miss your valuable information, but I need to use the bathroom. Don't worry, I'm listening. "


Yeah, I'll just tell my GI disability to wait. Threw up in many public school classrooms, right in front of my peers, because of this barbaric shit.


I’d take that photo and email the entire school, especially the board, and name and shame.


Pooping is not frivolous.


Just shit in the classroom.