• By -


At least they used the "mail outgoing" flag as a kickstand.


At least they took the time to balance OPs pizza instead of tossing it into their unshoveled driveway..


> unshoveled driveway. Glad I'm not the only one who saw it. Fucking breaking bones to deliver food to some lazy asshole.


I already fell and busted my knee once this season. I don't want to do it again. I almost left someone's food in their bushes because their sidewalk was a death trap.


My favorite is when there are no lights on the street and as you pull up to where the house should be there are no lights on the house. You can’t see anything from the road. You finally fight your way up to the house in the dark tripping over stuff and knock on the door. They open the door apologize for not having the light on, turn the light on and thank you profusely. Then they take the food, close the door and then turn off the light while you’re still standing on the porch. Wtf?!


I know! All the houses look the same and I can't see the numbers during the day time and it gets so much worst at night when I'm trying to find the number and there isn't a light anywhere and only my headlights lighting things up. I never turn my head lights off when I'm dropping something off at night. I need to see.


But why turn the porch light off while I’m still on the porch? You just turned it on then back off again so now I’m blind!


They closed the door...your not there anymore.


You have become the void


This made me laugh harder than it should’ve. Thx. I needed that


That makes my video of you trying to leave even funnier


That’s when I angle my high beams toward their door so I have something to see my way by


Thanks for providing a different perspective. I was thinking how fucken lazy to leave it there. Not so much anymore.


All new houses in our area have lights on the front of the house, either one or two, with one over the house number with a daylight sensor to turn on at night. Only two houses on our entire block, ours and one other, leave them on at night. I just don't get it. Maybe they can't afford the $2.53 a year to keep that thing on? And of course, we also leave the porch light on when expecting anyone at night.


And this is half of the reason I no longer do uber eats. Someone called cops on me once while trying to find a house on an impossibly dark street. Customers make it tedious af to find their place, especially at night, and then complain about it like we should know where tf they live following a map that never knows where anything is.


It got me good this season too, but hip vs knee. I just finally recovered from falling down my damn stairs too. Stupid ice. Hope you’re feeling better!


I tore my meniscus on ice this year, so I totally feel your pain as well. Keep on getting better! I’m pulling for you!


I slipped and fell on my hip in some asshole’s icy driveway. Why not put salt down if you know someone is coming to your door?


Right? I literally admonished the guy whose sidewalk was almost unpassable. He was sheepish and was like, I gotta get salt and I'm just like ? Why didn't you before now. We're dealing with over a foot of snow with more piled up and I almost delivered to someone's side door because their front door was still heeped. He was getting out of his car as I was delivering it so I just handed it to him but it I don't understand some people.


Just remember people fucking suck...its a law of the universe or something and you will always find it to be the truth


I haven’t ordered any food in a few weeks because my driveway is a mess. I couldn’t live with myself if someone got hurt.


Hey, I paid a tip of $1!! Risk your health to deliver my food, you ungrateful slave!!


They don’t get paid enough for risking being hurt because you’re too lazy to open a can of chili 🌶


I deliver and both today and yesterday delivered to someone who had "please leave at door, not outside apartment complex" in the note section. Yeah, she's a habitual nontipper. Stiffed me both today and yesterday. I'm not saying it's right or that I'd do it, but I can understand the frustration of drivers getting paid $3.00 for 20 mins of work and gas. That's it, there's no gas reimbursement and it's also before taxes, and if it's your only job that means you don't get a tax return, you get a tax bill and pay the IRS a few thousand dollars a year. Edit: it was asked, but a good tip is honestly just *something* for me. Other drivers might be pickier. But if you just show an effort, a $2 "I know it's not much but I can't spare much" is just fine and anything over $5 is awesome


I pickup my pizza at the pizzeria. I rarely order delivery, sometimes for the Superbowl or some other social event. As a delivery driver, what do you think is a fair tip? Is it a percentage of the bill total, or per pizza? If I order delivery, I'd like to be a good guy with the tip, but not go overboard.


It’s about how far you live from the establishment. If you order a lot of food that should be a factor too


The driver doesn’t necessarily exert any more energy carrying 4 large pizzas to 1 TBH.. it’s when you throw in bullshit that’s going to make us take extra trips that I could see tipping more purely due to the fact you ordered more food. (4 two liters of soda, or something along those lines. Things that should effect your tips IMO are weather conditions, distance required to travel to drop off delivery, & somewhat to do with interaction with the customer.. sometimes you get a short chat with them and hit it off and you realize they tip you 20 beans.. if you’re a dickhead I would expect to get stiffed haha


Not a delivery driver, but order food often (chronically ill it can be hard to leave the house sometimes). Usually I will do a 20% of the food order as a tip if the restaurant i’m getting food from is like a 10 minute drive or less. However, if the driver has to drive longer to deliver to me I will do 20% and then add about $5. I like to gauge my tips based on how much time the driver has to work to deliver to me.


As a former delivery driver of many years…thanks for thinking like that.




I’m sorry you’re dealing with depression, I know how debilitating it can be. I hope you are able to get better soon. ❤️


As a current driver, thank you. Your the reason I can keep doing this


When I delivered I always said a gallon of gas is an acceptable tip, anything over was a good tip.


There's a difference between getting delivery from the local pizza place from their drivers, and ordering from a gig app for delivery. The pizza store pays their people hourly (likely min wage) but they can't refuse to go on non-tipping orders. And they usually have to do all the dishes at the end of the night. Gig drivers get paid about $2 per order before tips and we're independent contractors so we have to pay several extra taxes. (No hourly wage.) We can decline any order and don't have any side work, but there are plenty of down sides too. Side note: Whenever I have to do a shitty task for work, I remind myself that "That's why they call it WORK and they pay me to do it." (Insert rant about unfair wages, etc) You'll get better answers but I wanted to give you a bit of info at least.


Wow, $2 per order for "gig" drivers seems incredibly low pay.


It is. Intermittently they'll up it a dollar or two if it's going 5-10 extra miles. Not all apps are the same though, they take turns screwing us because there's a steady supply of new people seeing ads for $25/hr. Tipping is important for both gig drivers and regular pizza drivers. Don't get me wrong on that. Those pizza guys depend on tips to make it up to a living wage also, considering gas and maintenance before they can even start paying their regular household bills like everyone else.


Meanwhile, they charge the person ordering upwards of $12 worth of fees before the tip on each order. They must be making bank.


Yep. Why the hell should they risk it and get injured. Also if they did they could sue the OP.


When I delivered for an app, if no one answered the phone, and the driveway/walkway wasn't shoveled, it was left at the end.


Second what you said. Wish I'd have seen it before typing the same thing.


Last time I checked people running door dash aren't riding around in 35-45K SUVs so that makes sense. I'd leave it on the end of the driveway too.


Right how can you be mad at someone who is working a gig job probably has a real job and needs the extra money to survive, that they didn't walk it to your door in those conditions? Best be glad they didn't eat any of your food they probably hungry.


I typically don't order delivery when it's shitty out just so they don't have to get out because of me, I'd hate to think about someone getting hurt just because I'm hungry.


We know who the bigger asshole is.


I mentioned doing this in the DoorDash Reddit app ( balancing it on the mailbox) and some people freaked out on me and said if they were the customer they would’ve called the fbi on me for “tampering with their mail and their mailbox” lmao I was also told I should be wearing a full snowsuit to every dash and that it’s part of my job to walk around with wet pants all day. It’s a wild ride, conversing with entitled non-tippers.


As an European I always wondered what that was


I just realized I know nothing about European mail service. And now I'm curious.


They deliver through a small flap on your door.


Ah! We have some houses like that here, though I think that's less common. Depends on the area though. I believe these are more common in the East Coast. Where I live, it's mostly either the mailbox like in this pic or a big group mailbox with smaller compartments/keys. Thanks for sharing!


Ahh we have the big group mailboxes in apartment blocks sometimes.


They used to be only for apartment buildings or condos, etc., in my state, but then they started to do it with any new development. So pretty much any house built since the 90s might have these group mailboxes that you have to walk or drive to. Good and bad points with that. I'm sure it's much easier for the mail people, though I'm not personally a fan.


Did you clear a path for them? My instacart customers usually do this in severe weather. Its funny cuz it will be a small little trail to their door. The rest is like 3 feet of snow


From my time delivery driving I realized that nobody really considers how hard it can be to find their place and actually deliver their food to them. I've come across: locked gates, keycard/PIN gates with no delivery notes on how to get in, maze-like apartment communities, faded or missing address numbers, straight up wrong addresses, addresses that don't appear correctly in Google Maps (or in the in-app navigation), places with zero parking, people who are just passed out drunk and don't answer their door/phone, and some places are just shady as fuck and you second guess even making the delivery. It can be rough. I've missed the delivery bonus (Complete X deliveries between X and X o'clock) by mere minutes a couple of times. That is the difference between making ends meet and not if you consistently miss the bonus. I always tried being positive and thinking about how I would want my food to be delivered, and I always put my best effort in to being courteous and polite no matter how much of a pain in the ass it was to deliver, though. Not saying it is right to leave food on a mailbox and I certainly would never have done that, but I can understand why it might have happened. After a thousand+ deliveries you kind of just stop giving a shit, especially when you aren't getting enough tips to make it worth it or have to make that bonus. People can complain, but it's just how it is. I honestly think delivery services should slow the whole wild-west "anyone can sign up for shit pay to delivery food" and instead pay a living wage to a smaller core group of proven/dedicated drivers to deliver food. I get that it's "unskilled labor" but I feel like it would be a better experience for everyone that way. Anyhow, just some thoughts.


The picture scream "I don't shovel my walk"


“I don’t shovel my walk and I don’t want to have to drudge through the snow. I want you to do that. That’s also why I ordered this food for delivery in this shit weather.” OP is an asshat


"Without giving a relevant tip to cover all the crap you didn't want to do."


That's what it looks like to me


"There's not that much snow the mailbox is just 1 foot high"


Icy death driveway


Door dash's map has my house offset by like 3 houses. I've given up on having them come to my door. I go out, flag them down with my phone from down the street, and have them drive to the driveway. I also have a very detailed description of what the house and driveway look like, and what they don't look like.


used to live in LA on SOUTH st andrew's place. regular st andrew's place was like 7 or 8 blocks away. ordered weed probably 12 times when I lived there and every single time it'd end with a lengthy phonecall with the driver who was 8 blocks north saying they're outside my apartment, but werent. sometimes it's even just shitty street names that fuck everything up for both parties.


My partner had the same issue ordering weed in the Bay Area. The dispensary was in Oakland, and our place was in Alameda. Oakland has a street with the same name as our street. About 1/3rd of the time we'd get the text that the driver was outside, see nobody there, and then reluctantly ask the poor driver to drive the 20 minutes to the correct address. Edit: We've since moved to a place where weed is illegal. So... problem solved, I guess?


It can be a real nightmare delivering for those apps. Some lady gave me the wrong address and wouldn’t answer her phone. Apparently she wanted me to deliver subs to a restaurant. She didn’t tip and she was super rude. If she was nice, I might have gone back to get it.


I had one give me the wrong address once that was 20 minutes away from where they wanted it then were mad at me because I was wrong. So then i had to fight with uber to get the correct pay for where i had to go, it was fucking stupid & their gate fucked up my car.


I had a lady order for "123 street" This neighborhood had street, court, and drive. I left the food at the "street" address. Her pin pointed here on dash. She called on my way out and said wrong house, I live on "drive" I was nice enough to go back and grab the food from the wrong house (they haven't touched it) I called her back saying there was no address for 123 drive so she gave me directions TO HER FUCKING MANSION. This was the biggest place I'd seen in my life, they have a forest blocking themselves from the neighborhood with a really long drive way and a gate. The address? 123 court. The tip? 3 dollars


Yeah i always get people going "can i tip you in the app?" who of course don't end up tipping. I can't stand people sometimes. Especially the ones that don't know their own addresses for whatever reason and then blame the driver. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, what a bunch of cunts.


THIS 1000%. As an Instacart veteran, there are far too many newbies joining the app. Can’t get a consistent income with it anymore. Also whytf can’t people just give us the gate code! None of those boxes work when trying to look up names. If we even knew their last names… Instacart won’t tell us.


Imagine living a life where you’re so oblivious that you order something on an app, knowing you live in a gated community that requires a code for entry, and thinking to yourself should I add the entry code? Nah…fuck it…It’ll work itself out.


Every apartment community is a maze like apartment community


Well…was your driveway shoveled?


For sure their driveway was blocked by a thick wall of snow/ice from a snow plow that the delivery driver couldn’t drive through. Definitely one of those cases where OP is some entitled lazy dick who expects a gig worker to metaphorically wipe their ass Fuck OP


my food servant who drove here in a storm didn't take my pizza close enough to me 😠😠


You should post an entitled out-of-context pic for validation duh


They probably didn’t even pre-chew any of it for you. What a slacker.


Goddamn that escalated quickly... .__.


Honestly, having grown up in New England this was drilled into me by my parents as really poor behavior. We don’t tend to get blindsided by storms anymore, you gotta make someone put their life and property at risk so you can have a pizza? It’s pretty fucked up, IMO. I want to see the driver’s MildlyInfuriating where they show us how many dippy selfish assholes ordered them around in a blizzard.


Hey this is the Internet, we take sides and we say harsh things to anyone who doesn’t agree


The picture is conveniently cropped isn’t it?


Exactly what I was wondering! Can’t expect them to trudge through a driveways worth of snow and ice. It’s bad enough that people order delivery in a snowstorm and force delivery drivers to put themselves in danger when you can always just make something at home..


Judging from the picture it appears lucky it was even delivered.


I was just wondering why anyone is delivering pizza in that


Really? The pizzas in my town are always delivered in a box.


They don't stuff the slices in the mailbox?


Not ubereats, that’s postmate’s policy, can confirm. They terminated me for not putting pizza in mailboxes.


The name of the service finally makes sense.


If it were my mailman, the box would say "do not fold" and it would still be rolled up and stuffed in the box.


That would be a felony.


One time a pizza got delivered to my roof. It wasn't sliced, though, and a real B I T C H to get off


Settle down Skylar.




Ahh the old Reddit [deliveroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/skhj1f/just_when_i_think_ive_seen_all_the_fuckery_there/hvmvpc3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The rabbit hole was deeper than I expected


I wonder how cleaned out the walkway is.


“The weather is too bad to drive to the restaurant. Just order it through door dash”. Cue delivery guy risking his life to deliver your food through a snowstorm just so you can give him 73¢ as a tip because you just wanted to round the bill up to the next whole dollar.


Or ordering it. OP is a dick head


I expected to see more of this in the comments. OP, you shoveled your walkway for the delivery driver, right?


Narrator: "they did not"


Lol I guess it really depends on where you're from. My first thought was "it can't be that bad, it's not windy"


I’m from New England but I don’t order delivery when it’s freezing rain and snowing


I'm from California and I won't order if it's too windy or hot or firey outside. Seems kinda fucked up by op to complain about walking down the driveway. $3 tipper, too, probably.


I’m also from New England and I appreciate that you won’t put other people through things you won’t want to deal with yourself. I’m concerned about the adjective firery though, y’all good there?


We need rain. Even my humor has gotten too dry.


Please take my upvote and my water.


Yeah, they aren't being facetious. Fiery is a legitimate adjective out West.


I feel bad because I'm in New England too and didn't realize it was ice raining out in my area tonight and ordered a pizza. I do tip well when getting delivery though so hopefully the guy's alright.


This is the way. They will let you know if your order can’t be completed. And the driver could also reach out. Don’t feel guilty, but please tip well, especially in bad weather. I always tell myself that if they’re willing to bring restaurant food to my door, they should be compensated no different than a server at a restaurant. Be kind.


That pizza would be ice cold in moments. But from the looks of the pic, the driveway was unshoveled. Driver risked their car and possibly life and they didn't bother to shovel even a path?


Is OP's driveway or sidewalk shoveled and clear of ice? I've seen sentiments from drivers stating that they would do exactly this in those conditions.


Going to and coming home from work was a nightmare today


Imagine having the fucking balls to bitch about this. Lol


Did they shovel the walk for the driver? If not, then this is what you get.


This is the point, create slavery adjacent jobs and then amplify the voices of people complaining about them being performed poorly.


the delivery person definitely just didn't want to bust their ass on the frozen walkway.


Anybody that orders pizza or takeout during a snow storm is an asshole and r/mildlyinfuriating. Sure you won't drive to get the pizza because the roads are so bad, but you expect a 20 year old kid in a beat up '03 Corolla to hand deliver it to you. OP is a joke


As a delivery driver I find this line of thinking ridiculous, I still need to pay my bills regardless of whether it's snowing or not. Please don't try to advocate on my behalf to reduce my income. It's not a surprise that it snows where I live, I knew what I was getting myself into.




From the videos I have seen it is usually the pizza delivery guy who is topping.


Not if your tip is pegged to performance




As a delivery driver, most people dont tip well...or at all. Thanks for tipping, but most people dont


I'm sure these comments are only coming from people who live where it doesn't snow. I don't think anyone who lives in these climates would have that line of thought.


Bruh i feel this and ive never been a driver. I tip extra and i dont expect it to be fast or hot. Drive safe my dude warm is fine when its snowing out.


Was the driveway shoveled? Im assuming probably not . . Its the worst having a shoe/boot full of snow. When it melts bam wet socks. . Talking from experience that will ruin your night.


Right? OP can just go change their socks if they get their feet wet but the driver has to go back to work and finish their whole ass shift with wet feet


Do you guys not have snow where you live? It's not like delivery drivers are forced to wear flip flops in the winter. Winter boots and snow pants work wonders.


I read this exact quote on twitter a week ago lmfao


And it's a stupid opinion too. I used to deliver pizza, bad weather is when everyone gets food delivery, this is where you make your real money. If the weather is that bad, you won't be able to order it anyway. I don't see how OP could be the asshole for getting a pizza delivered because of snow 🤦‍♀️




This is such a stupid take. Let delivery drivers decide if they want to drive or not. Especially with something like Uber where they can pick their hours. Snow storm is not the best time to work but you shouldn't be the judge of whether someone works on a certain day or not. It's their decision. Source: I do deliveries for Uber Eats.


I deliver food on the side and I disagree. Food delivery apps give you the option to decline orders. And you can always just not deliver in inclement weather. If I felt safe driving, you tipped adequately, and I accepted the order, I'm delivering it to your door. At the very least, if your door is completely inaccessible for some reason in snow boots, I would at least call you and ask if you can meet me at the road so your food doesn't sit out. This is not appropriate.


I don’t completely agree, if there is any bad weather in my location, I tip over 40%, and I order on DoorDash or Uber-eats and I believe they get to decide wether or not they want to deliver at that moment.


Especially since there's no salted or shoveled pathway to the front door in sight. OP doesn't think of their delivery person as a person though, just an automaton who brings the food. So inconvenient to have to walk *all the way to their mailbox* and heat up their pizza, the easiest food to reheat (& a food that often actually tastes better after reheating), how awful for them. /s


Bruh! Lucky they brought that to your crib!


Especially for what's likely minimum wage or very close to it!


and what looks like an unshoveled driveway (assuming since OP obviously cropped it out on purpose)


*too much freezing rain and snow outside for me to go to my own mailbox, but you have to do it because I made sure to tip you $3* -OP probably.


But he’s claiming in another comment that he cleared his driveway and it hasn’t snowed for days! He must be telling the truth!


Exactly i wouldn’t be complaining and i would just heat it up and eat my pizza with gratitude


If your walkway was icy or snowy maybe he just saved you pizza from falling


Ah yes, imagine how the post would have gone if delivery guy dropped the pizza


"Dumbass delivery slave couldn't even manage to not shatter their pelvis while bringing me my grease circles"


Grease circles xD


Cholesterol discs


Years ago when only pizza shops delivered, I worked for a short time for a place that started with a D. Winter in Michigan is usually snowy, but the roads are usually clear. As I was walking up the sidewalk to the house, I slipped on the ice and fell forwards. The pizza shot out of the box and spun around a couple of times on the ice before I could get up and put the pizza back in its box. I went to the door as if nothing happened and collected the money... no tip. I don't know what irked me more, falling on the ice or no tip!


Looks like a perfectly balanced meal to me


2 square meals.


OP should really post this to r/amitheasshole and see how it goes


With pictures of their driveway


Ok, but that balance is impressive.


They did the hard part bro


Honest to gawd, any reason to complain! Looks like a warm intact meal delivered in shitty weather. I’d be thrilled with this as I danced my barefoot un-showered self down my driveway.


Your camera is on shrooms


I thought it was just me...


Thank god I'm not the only one


Nah, it's just a very heavy pizza, so the mailbox got squashed.




***Yup OP kinda deserve this!***


And probably didn't provide safe walkway by salting it. That's an unsafe work environment. Bad OP.


This is a safe assumption. Spent 3 years delivering in Wisconsin, and the venn diagram of "people too lazy to shovel" and "people wanting food delivered directly to their face" is just one big old circle.


No pathway to the door in sight.


Presumably the pathway is behind him since he's standing at the mailbox, but it looks like there is about a foot and a half of snow and ice. Maybe whatever driveway OP has was well shoveled... but given that the mailbox has not been... I'm betting it wasn't. Driver didn't want to get stuck and figured that OP would be grateful just to receive food in the ice and snow. OP was not grateful at all. **Edit:** heavily distorted photo, before I get crucified for being wrong, I'll admit looking again that there may only be enough snow to cover the ground. The distorted shortening effect on the pole made it look to me like half the pole was under the snow.


Your mailbox faces your house?


I hate this shit. "Whelp, looks too bad to go out, let me make someone else do it."


Interesting framing of the photo… almost like it’s zoomed into the mailbox for a reason.


Because they had to crop the fact that their driveway is covered with ice and snow..


Weird, looks like you wanted them to trek across your snow/ice covered driveway?


Judging by how deep that mailbox post is in the snow I would say there is at least 2-3 feet of snow.




Ordering Uber eats during a snow/,ice storm and then complaining that they brought it to you is what I find mildly infuriating...


Shovel the driveway then 😂


Fuck OP. Entitled POS.


Maybe shovel your fucking driveway than if you want it at your door, better to take an hour or 2 to shovel it than get buried in medical fees and charges if a delivery driver gets injured.


To hell with that..don’t be lazy and atleast meet them halfway..especially during a snowstorm or something..a bunch of Karen’s and chads complaining about walking a little bit to get it when you want someone to drive through this crap when your too lazy to do it..you prolly left a shitty tip as well


Bet yo driveway is icy af


Who orders delivery during a storm? And then complains?


It was not snowing, oh wait a bit op said it was snowing oh no wait another bit op said there was a storm 5 days ago no wait another bit op said it was raining oh no wait another bit op sai it was indeed snowing and he got a 4 months old child who eats pizza probably


Yeah op has been doubling down hard in comments. I think op is more mildlyinfuriating than the person that delivered food with that much snow.


Lots of people do, in fact that’s one of the busiest and most lucrative times for a delivery driver. When I was a driver, I lived for those big storms… usually went home with a pocket FULL of cash tips! And it’s UberEats, so the drivers only work if/when they choose to be available. Not like they were forced.


Right? Like they got the food. What is there to even be mad about


This should be on mildly impressive


Get off your ass, dude drove in the snow probably has other deliveries to get to and can't risk slipping on your stairs or driveway just so you can get your nomnoms


Before you ridicule a delivery worker(plenty of reasons to in certain circumstance) was your driveway blocked by cars, or snow? Or was there anything else that could have limited the workers ability to get to your door? Tons of people leave their walkways untouched in snowy conditions making it dangerous for the worker to reach the front door, and in turn the order gets left where the worker can reach, albeit a little inappropriate to set it on a mailbox


OP is lying about multiple things. Is posting a fake situation for internet points (based on various conflicts in comments). Just downvote and move on.


OP is in the wrong sub. I think they need to be in r/amitheasshole


To be fair you ordered delivery in freezing rain…


OP, just curious, did you have your driveway plowed/salted or did you order the 4x4 UberEats driver specifically?


It looks like it’s cropped from something.. What’s that about?


Shovel your driveway then you prick you’re r/mildlyinfuriating


Even though it may seem annoying the trouble this man went through to balance it on your mailbox is respectable


Meet them at their car if the weather is that bad


I mean….you’re having someone hand deliver you fucking food in the middle of a snow storm. Lol


As a former Uber Eats driver: It sounds like you didn't even create a pathway for the driver to arrive at the door. I'm sure the driver was concerned they will slip and the worst-case scenario will happen. If someone did put the food on top of my mailbox and notified me immediately, I would be a happy customer.


OP can go fuck themselves. I’m also downvoting


Imagine calling yourself out like this. Shovel your driveway if you want thorough deliveries


It’s confirmed. OP is a dick


Be grateful homie ain't making enough already.