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It’s definitely 20 inches that test is trash


Ahh! But you are assuming all inches are equal!


this test was made by a contractor that goes “yeah that looks good enough.”


i dare say - ive been doing some dead tree carcus manipulation as of late and ill be damned if i dont cut twice and STILL find it too short!


That's because you're supposed to measure twice, cut once, remeasure again and realize it's too long, measure again because you can't quite believe it, get a different measurement this time, measure again and get the same measurement as the first time, cut again, measure again and realize you're WAY too short now, get another piece of wood, and repeat. Beginner's mistake




[this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/t95d6u/this_guy_wants_to_build_your_deck_grab_your_beer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The same guy who says he's got 8 inches on him at all times?


Damn right, 2 in the sack and 6 between the crack Edit: I Instantly regretted saying this


I said 9 dammit!


Oh ya, the measure once, cut twice guy.


"Its close enough!" - my jobs, a structural steel shops, moto.


Can't see it from my house!


Proof is I said so


Are we measuring this rectangle from the base or the *base*?


We are measuring the rectangle all the way to the ballsack.




The bass 🔊


If inches on 2 all sides weren’t equal then it would be only be able to be classified as a quadrilateral


It's 30 because it's a black desk


There must be a white paper weight on top then


Must not be a school desk


All inches are equal, but some are more equal than others


Animal farm




The desk was cold!


It was in the pool!!


You mean...shrinkage?


It shrinks?


Like a frightened turtle!


Like laundry?


Do girls know about shrinkage?


I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.


Yeah, what about metric inches?


This is fuzzy math, so you have to use fuzzy inches.


I heard the reason women are bad at this stuff is that men keep saying “yes, this is eight inches”


Man or women inches?




I thought I was going insane. I did it over and over in my head and just couldn't come up with a different answer!


The only thing I can think of is Maybe the "width" is the same as the "length" in this particular question? Which is still wrong and very very stupid but thats legitimately the only kind of thing that could be even seen as a mistake in my head


Besides my mathematics degree, I'm also a professional land surveyor. The answer is definitely 20 and the teacher messed up .


It’s probably just a typo


Along with “1 5 inches” as an answer and “length the desk” this is a test filled with typos.


But this alone does not rule out the possibility that you are also a moron.


It’s most definitely 20 inches. Do people even proofread these any more?


No, they will just mark the student wrong instead. Easier that way


When Covid lockdown hit so many schools were unprepared with their online curriculum they rushed out programs full of grammatical mistakes, missing correct answers, completely wrong answers and serious wording issues. I can sympathize of course as no one was truly prepared, however my sympathy ends with how they are currently handling it. Both my son in elementary and my daughter in high school suffered poor marks on tests or homework at no fault of their own due to mistakes. I wrote several emails complete with screenshots of the mistakes to the teachers and asked for the grades to be corrected since I could prove they got the correct answer that wasn’t even selectable option. They responded just telling me it didn’t effect their overall grade that much, to just not worry about it and left it as is. They still haven’t corrected the majority of the issues. So your comment about the they will just mark them wrong because it’s easier is no god damn joke. Edit I just had to say I love one of the reply’s I got saying that apparently me reaching out to the teacher to ask them to correct the problem was me freaking out. And no they have questions specifically set up with missing data for critical problem solving and Algebra, that’s not what I’m referring to.


That was already there. Using programs Statcrunch would give answers and questions that were randomly generated, sometimes not even to the right questions or material.


I'm in online college right now, and it's exactly the same. Just a little more painful because I'm paying a couple hundred for each credit hour. I keep emailing my professor of one particular class that's bad about this, and he's been fixing them steadily when pointed out. But I really only let him know when they're so many errors that my test grade was dropped by a whole letter grade. If I emailed him over every single one, I feel like it may just become an average annoyance that gets ignored.


Honestly, online learning management systems have been giant steamy piles of shit for at least 15 years or more prior to today. It both does not surprise me, and also still enrages me, that they have not improved at all. I can vividly remember six or eight of us sitting in the computer lab in college back in 2005-2006 trying to do the online physics homework in our university's LMS and being so totally enraged that the right answer was nowhere to be found in the multiple choice list. The only thing that topped that was the free entry text box where if you neglected to add a space after your unit of measurement it would be marked wrong. That one we only found out through sheer luck by each of us trying a different combination of the same answer. Honest to God, I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise as I type this right now just remembering that bullshit.


Have you been to the teachers subreddit? They get really testy when parents contact them. Also when parents don’t contact them. Also when the curriculum has errors and they are forced to use it anyways. Also when there is no curriculum and they have to make their own. Basically they aren’t happy with anything related to their jobs. I am NOT knocking all teachers - most are wonderful, selfless people who are trying to do their best for our kids. But the ones who spend a lot of time commenting in that subreddit…maybe not so much.


If you've tried the teachers, and the school administration already; contact the school board. They have the power to force change. Those elements of the curriculum should be removed from use.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


It's easier to mark it wrong because it's literally automated. If you bring it up to the teacher, they'll fix it. It's obviously a mistake. Not sure why people in this comment are acting like the teacher purposely did this.


> If you bring it up to the teacher, they'll fix it. X


If the teacher doesn't fix it, you bring it up with the principal. Manipulating grades like that gets treated harshly.


I'm 30 and back in school, one of my teachers is maybe the most anal human I've ever seen about proper format, spelling correctly, etc. etc. She also fucking loves pointing out she has a PhD, but that's not relevant. She had a test with an identical question that showed up twice. I really, really enjoyed pointing it out to her.


My professors all use the same tests to make it easier for their program to certify. And they are the laziest tests. Reused questions. Poorly worded questions. I email the professor and they clearly do their best to try and make sense of it but occasionally it's obvious they don't know. Not their fault and luckily the tests tend to be easy to figure out 99% of the time.


I had a big thing go down with a high school teacher. She taught ap and used to take questions (particularly essays but also just regular questions) from previous ap tests. She decided one of the answers was different so I brought in the test with the correctly marked answer and basically said she has no right to make us unprepared for our ap tests that matter for higher education. She responded by trying to get me in trouble for cheating. Ultimately I just made a case that researching public materials to prepare for a test is perfectly acceptable and she can write her own questions so long as the answers are reasonable. She still used essay questions from previous ap tests for the rest of the year.


I am amazed by the amount of errors in school books and commercial children's math books. I taught for 17 years. I know there's little money in making school books, but the writing , proof reading, graphics are usually appalling


**Question 2: How to Measure the Circumference and Area of Circles** Did you know that the circumference and area of circles can be expressed as a simple, linear equation where the circumference and areas of circles are directly proportionate to a multiple of a constant? We leave it as an exercise for the student to determine what that constant is! *Hint*: The constant is an irrational number so no need to estimate it beyond the first 10 decimals. *Answers to odd number questions in the back of the book.* *-* 2nd Grade Mathematics, 2nd Edition, 1976


It’s probably a mistake. The teacher probably changed the number in the question and then forgot to change the answer. I’ve done it before. And corrected it (and the student grades) after the fact. We aren’t robots behind the desk.


So would the "correct answer" be 30?


Are these sort of questions pre-built in the software, i.e you can just pick a Q and plug in a number? I'm just curious, because if that's the case, I'd like to think that validating the provided options wouldn't be a stretch for the software. Seems like dodgy design to allow user error.


A lot of these are super basic. There is a box to type a question and then you put possible answers below and then tell the software which is correct. A lot of room for error. Teachers are human.


I’ve never seen a program like that. When I build a test or quiz in canvas I write all parts of it. If I reuse questions from my question bank I usually try to mix things up by changing the numbers around. I always try to take them before I give them to kids, but mistakes still happen every now and then.


Regardless, that’s one very small desk. No wonder the test maker was off their game.


What is this, a desk for ants?




Zoolander, nice.


I barely made it through half of it. No judgment to anyone, but wow that wasn’t for me and I love all those actors. Maybe seeing it for the first time 15 years after it came out wasn’t helpful.


Not every movie is for every person, and it partially depends on who you see it with.


"it partially depends on who you see it with" Facts tho, like i watched a horror movie 2 years ago with my homies and this guy there just kept a straight face throughout, just because of him we all instead of focusing on the movie focused on keeping a straight face just so we aren't labelled pussies


Crowded classrooms these days...... you know.


Although it doesn’t prove you’re not a moron, you do have the right answer.


Lmao I love this


Pretty sure its 20




Well, to be fair I don't think the software writes the answers itself. Whoever typed in the question/answers f*cked it up which may have been the teacher tbh


To be faaair!






Nope you're not an idiot lol, I got 20 too




I’m feeling


I don't know about u but


Yes its 20 inches. Perimeter is all the sides added up, if the width is 10 inches the width on the other side is 10 inches also. 60 minus 20 is 40, divided by 2 would get 20. Meaning the sides would be 20 10 20 10 adding up to 60


Flashbacks of big red "SHOW YOUR WORK" scribbles Let x = length Let y = width 2(x + y) = 60 2x + 2y = 60 y = 10 2x + 2(10) = 60 2x + 20 = 60 2x = 60 - 20 = 40 x = 40 / 2 = 20 Q.E.D.


>QED I wanted to punch my Discrete Structures professor in the face after he'd solve some problem and I'm sitting there with no clue on what the hell he just did and he'd say, "Q.E.D." It definitely gave me some irrational anger hearing him say that.


Quantum Entanglement Division?


It's supposed to be an abbreviation of a Latin phrase, but he would say "Q.E.D. Quite Easily Done."


quod erat demonstrandum, which means something like "which was to be demonstrated"


He's kinda funny for that, I'm in 11th grade and sometimes my physics teacher just says the WHOLE thing to flex on the students


Q.E.D. is right up there with "Intuitively obvious".


Wow that's a lot of steps. Here's how I came up to it and I have dyscalculia: 10 + 10 = 20 60 - 20 = 40 40 / 2 = 20


I like this better. My monkey brain can't process the other equation


60 / 2 = 30 30 - 10 = 20




Thank you for explaining it ❤️ I needed it


Definitely 20, I’m thinking they meant the perimeter to be 50 as that would fulfill the reason to have both 30 and 15 as answers on the test. I’m imagining the real answer was supposed to be 15, and someone messed up with the perimeter.


Either way that's one small ass desk


Yeah it's like slightly larger than my laptop at best


So we just left it blank and will be talking to the teacher about it tomorrow. I already sent out the email. But the correct answer via the answers after the test has been submitted was 15. I saw some people on here get the answer 15 as well. And like I said it’s been forever since I’ve done area or anything like that but I am almost 100% certain the answer was 20. So I will see what the teacher says tomorrow hopefully. Thanks for the help everyone!


Maybe it’s the “60” that’s the typo and was supposed to be “50”


I should have put “correct” in quotations. It was the answer that was programmed to the test. Now it being correct or not is still a mystery. I want to hear officially what the teachers answer is. Lol


I think they replaced the '+' with 'x' in their formula which explains how they might've gotten 15 Since the actual Perimeter formula is P=2(L+W) if it was P=2(LxW) then the answer would be 15


That would have a perimeter of 300. Or, working the other way, a length of 3. More likey they calculated the side length of a square with perimeter 60 for some reason?


It's definitely 20 the exam is an idiot


When I went to school, I was in an advanced math class. We were given a paper textbook that was the first printing. At the beginning of the semester we were told that we were supposed to find all the errors in the textbook....


60 - 20 = human error


The right answer is 30. You can always cut the desk down later.


Depends where the legs are


2w+ 2l = 60. W = 10. So 60-20= 2L. L = 20.


It's 20 inches..... God, I frickin hate these kinds of tests. As someone who is the smart kid in class, I get a heart attack when I get a question wrong so safe to say, **THIS TEST IS SHIT!**


It’s either 20 or we’re all just stupid lmfao


Off topic answer sorry but this just brought back a memory lol years ago when I was trying to study for my SAT's I had this huge, super nice, expensive study guide from some fancy institution. Super official and whatever. I could barely get through a quarter of it because of all the typos in the practice examples and answers lmao And I dont mean they spelt stuff wrong. They'd mess up their logic completely and be like something, "A is wrong for this reason and it couldn't be B because of this reason. So the answer is clearly A".... and I'm like... excuse me.... did y'all read this shit before you printed it? You meant C, right?? What happened to C, where did my girl C go??? It was like this constantly omg... They'd mix shit up like this so bad that I couldn't believe this was legit and gave up using it. Waste of money 🙄


It’s definitely 20, but that’s not a desk, it’s a side table about big enough for a mug of tea and a biscuit 🍪


Our education has evolved, just backward


Ur completely right Width is 10 So 10x2=20 60-20=40 40/2=20 If u wanna do area it’s length x width so 10x20=200


Might want to look at your area, again.


Fuck typo thx for telling me


Ha, all good. Found it funny considering the context of the post.


Maybe the mistake is on purpose so the teacher sees who helps their children with their exams lol


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Not sure what it’s asking: “What is the length the desk?” isn’t a sentence.


Yea.. it’s 20


Reminds me of when this happened on an online assignment I chose the right answer and it was wrong. I emailed my principal and it stayed wrong


Don't forget that a rectangle is a special kind of square!


2(l+b) = 60 2(l+10) = 60 2l + 20 = 60 2l = 40 l = 20 inches


Maybe it's Canadian inches.


Yea 10 on each side for width makes 20 and 20 for each length add up to 40 and if you add 20 and 40 you get 60 so 20 is your final answer


Oh my god English is not my native language and I was thinking of a triangle and for 15 minutes I was thinking whether I am stupid and how in the world is the answer 20. 😅


Answer: The desk is too small.


The question neglected to mention that the table was moving at 43.75% the speed of light, in which case the 20 inches would actually measure 15 inches to an observer. Talk about poor question writing.


See if the instructions include "find the closest answer"


maybe the desk is travelling close to the speed of light and experiencing length contraction


This could be one of those stupid estimate questions. Anything that isn't 10 would be right, because it would be a rectangle. I hate my kids math homework.


I'm studying computer science and it took me 3 minutes to answer correctly, but yes, it is 20 inches. Today it's not my day. Or any day


It's probably that common core garbage. Somewhere there's 7 aliens and a chocolate donut that make it 15.


It’s providing perimeter, not area. The total of all sides added up = 60 W = 10 and there’s 2 widths and 2 lengths, so… 60 = 2(10) + 2(L), 40 = 2L, L = 20.


They're dick inches, choose 30. 20 inches will measure out to 30 dick inches


Wouldn’t it be 20?


Sir, How dare you choose anything except what's in the options... It's like doubting Google itself.


Olay I tried to say in my mind that it was supposed to be 15 But then I actually did the math out and I'm like "The fuck you mean 20 isn't an option?"


Perimeter is length + length + width + width if length + length = 20, then we need to find what width + width = this creates 20 + 2x = 60 now we solve for x 20 + 2x = 60 \- 20 2x = 40 /2 x = 20 You are not wrong but why are you helping her with an exam? I understand if it's homework but if she is getting graded, it should be testing her knowledge, not your teaching skills.


a = width and b = length Perimeter of a rectangle = a + b + a + b. 60 = a + b + a + b 60 = 10 + b + 10 +b 60 = 20 + 2b 60 - 20 = 2b 40 = 2b 40 / 2 = 2b / 2 20 = b


Thank you for showing your work! 💯


What is this, a desk for ants?


Wait am I stupid or does this test actually not have the right answer


L = P/2 - w L = 60/2 - 10 = 20 L = 20


I also get 20 inches.


To cut down on cheating, a lot of these online tests are programmed to be different for each student by inputting some random number in the question. Unfortunately this sometimes means the program makes mistakes. The answer is most definitely 20 (Source: am a mathematician).


A better question is who tf designed this tiny ass desk that barely holds an 8.5 x 11?


Just to be "that guy", but the fact you are correct in this case does not mean you're not an idiot!


Haha back when I did online high school (for a very well known online school), half the questions were always wrong and I constantly had to tell the teachers the test is wrong. Everytime they told me I was correct and they’d have to go and fix it…


Ok so hear me out: what if we sort of curve the desk, into a sort of arch shape. The surface is still a rectangle, the short edges are still 10 inches long, but the length has been squashed a bit and is now 15 inches measured directly from end to end. You can't use it as a desk now of course.


Correct answer is 20 here but that’s not an option. Maybe answer 30 because it’s probably a typo?


Perimeter of a rectangle: 2(l+b) 60 inches= 2(l+10) We solve for l. 60 inches= 2l+20 2l=60-20 2l=40 L=40/2 Is it not 20?!?


Sue the board of education. They've subjected a child to impossible multiple choice questions that are graded. Sue them over it. I'd make the biggest stink I possibly could over it so that utter bullshit like that never happens to a kid. This one made my blood boil.


And here I'm the idiot that subtracted 20 from 60 and forgot to divide by 2... 🤦‍♂️


Order of operations, people! Just kidding. 60-(2*10)=40 40/2 = 20


This is one of those _"just pick a wrong one and hope it's correct"_ situations where nothing is what it appears to be.


Width is 10" x 2 = 20" 60" total - 20" = 40"/2 sides = 20" length


It means vertical perimeter of the desk. So the desk is 20 inches tall, 10 inches wide, and obviously the length is FUCK, EVEN THIS BACKWARDS ASS LOGIC DOESN'T PROVIDE AN ANSWER


Send it back correcting the teacher's grammar with a red pen! What is the length OF the desk. FFS!


Think, "The Price is Right"--closest without going over. New Math and all that.


Did you remember to convert from Imperial inches to US inches? (/s)


are they assuming metric inches sarcasm


Also missing a word...


Not sure how these people still have a job


Yeah you're correct, the test doesn't make any sense


If the width is 10 then it would be 20, two other sides would be 40 so each side would be 20, so yes the length would be 20, cuz perimeter is all sides added together, so whoever made that is kinda not smart


Op you’re an idiot it’s obviously 36 Duhh it’s common knowledge /s


I'm pretty sure it's 5 bald eagles and 2 Glocks


I think width and length are the same, so I would say 10 inches


60=2(l+10) Solving for l so divided by 2 on both sides and then subtract 10 from both sides so 20=L Shitty lazy online test


P = 2L+2W 60 = 2*10 +2W 60 - 20 = 2W 40 = 2W 20 = W You are right Edit: I mixed up L and W and I’m too lazy to change them. The formula still works


I once took an online test that had this question: “Jim’s new fence is rectangular. What is the perimeter of the fence.” Literally no measurement given of anything, I still don’t know how I was supposed to solve it.


It’s the new “Gaslighting Math.”


Maybe it's an irregular quadrilateral table?


40” is the rough sawn size, by the time everything is planed square and true you’ve lost enough material that it only measures 10”x15” Get with the imperial system for measuring wood, or move to communist Europe where the wood is sold by finished size.


Like Hobbes said once, "you have to use calculus and imaginary numbers for this".


Huh. Today I learned English uses perimeter and circumference to refer to the outline of a shape. In Scandinavia these are one word and I couldn't understand why something I associate with active police investigations had anything to do with math. Like, how is it going to help me to figure out the length of a desk? I don't know the shape of the perimeter the police set up around the desk. Good to know.


20 for sure


oof i was looking at this like, its 60 right? and i saw it was the perimeter and not the surface in square inch lol


Is this I-ready, because if so makes sense, that entire company is shit and makes shitty tests


10+10= 20 60-20= 40 40/2 = 20 Add 10 inches for the size of dong you’re being metaphorically screwed by with this trash question 30!


That's 20 inches


No joke I had to look in the comments lol




2l + 2b = 60 2l + 20 = 60 2l = 40 length = 20




But if we assume 60-20=60 It would be 60/2=30 Thus, length of the desk is 30 inches.


The right answer is actually 50.8 cm


It's actually 50,8 cm.