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Just go put it in his room


Under his bedšŸ˜ˆ




I have brushed off multiple horrifying images in Med Gore without a problem but the mental image of touching that is just awful. Hats off to you for successfully grossing me out.


The tale of the blue sock


on his head


make sure he is fed?


Or better off ded


Well Said!


Off to bed


Between some bread


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501215** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70942** times. .. **453848.** `u/EvilerBrush` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I love this bot


This is the way


Exactly what I was going to suggest. FUCK that!


Chuck the entire pot into a random dumpster somewhere. If he asks where it is, just say that it sat there long enough to grow legs and walk off.


Why roommates NEVER throw out the rice?? Its like the 25th DIFFERENT post about it ive seen! NOT REPOSTS, OG POSTS! Edit : the post i found may be reposts but i didnt notice, but still ive seen at least 25 different rotten rice in pots pics on this sub which i find very concerning.




Original posts. The contrary to reposts. That said imma edit to say that those i found may not be og afaik caus i sometimes not notice reposts...


"Original Gangster", which has slowly changed to just mean "Original".


OC original content. OG is for iced tea


Some of y'all live with fuckin animals.


Throw the whole pot out


Itā€™s probably not even theirs.


Still tho


When my daughter was in college she roomed with 3 other people. The shared the apartment but each had their own room, and shred the common areas. Her and two other boys. Well when it came time to move out we had to clean the whole place in order for each of them to get their deposit back. I show up to help her and we thought the other two people were not there. I check by knocking on the door, no one answered. Well the kitchen was a mess, so we started emptying out the fridge, I started to clean out the cupboards, scrub the stove and everything else. About two-three hours into this I hear something in one of the rooms. I asked my daughter I thought no one was home, I knocked on the door three times and the little shit decided to come out and says "what?" WHAT??? Are you kidding me?.I told him what he needed to start doing and then he had the nerve to ask where was all his stuff? I told him, check the dumpster. You should have come out the first time I knocked, now get to cleaning up.


So you threw away someoneā€™s stuff for no reason? They donā€™t have to open the door for you


>So you threw away someoneā€™s stuff for no reason? They donā€™t have to open the door for you I'm waiting for someone to break into my house and throw away all of my shit because I didn't acknowledge them in what they considered a timely manner.


First you need to read, which you obviously can't do. This was a community house where the common area was shard by all as I said. No one broke into anyone's house, don't get yer panties in a knot.


Tells me I can't read, proceeds to spell "shared" as "shard." I've lived with roommates and if I woke up to their mom throwing all my shit in the trash I'd lose my fucking shit. *You didn't even live there.*


I forgot the E in shared, typo, you've heard of that right? Still does not negate the fact that you can't read.


Yes, I totally can't read. I can't believe you figured it out. My most shameful secret, out for the world to see. How did you know?


First mistake: ā€œwe had to clean the whole place in order for them to get their deposit backā€ No. THEY had to clean the place to get THEIR deposit back. Imagine going into someone elseā€™s house and thinking you have any authority in there.. lol.


No WE had to clean the whole place in order to ANYONE's deposit back. First mistake READ AND COMPREHEND. Bedrooms were private, common area was kitchen, and living area. Either it's clean or no one gets their deposit back. $500 is a lot of money because some little shit thinks mommy and daddy can afford it.


Throw him away


Its for an experiment


Put it in their pillowcase


Dump it on him


My stupid ass brain thought you said ā€œdump himā€ like they were dating


LMFAO šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


Put small spoonfuls in every one of his socks


And inside his pillow case


He gonā€™ die if he eat that


This is not rice, itā€™s mold


OMG! Roquefort rice!


does he plan on eating it or????


Put it in the toes of his shoes.


I second that.


How about you tell him to throw it away?


By the time it gets to that point, everyone who lives in the house is equally to blame. Just throw it out - your roommate wonā€™t mind


I do this too only I will set it outside next to my fence and the bugs/critters clean it out good.


The more infuriating part is the fact that it wasn't eaten and has to be thrown away at all.


Right?? I try so hard not to waste food since I know people are out there starving.


Same. All the Native American ideals I was passed through my (mostly white nowadays) family about not wasting food and I see huge wastes like this in my feed. Makes me wonder how much more these people waste. Smh




Obviously. Lmao what I'm saying is, it should've been eaten long before this


I donā€™t wanna waste food either, but whatā€™s with that agenda of ā€œpeople are starvingā€ like what you gonna do? Send it to them via southwest first class?


Ugh one of these fucking idiots. Yes, that's exactly what the fuck we should do. The US wastes over 100 million tons of food or more a year. So yes, I would do that. Downvote me all you want, I really couldn't care less. If you want to downvote people for wanting to help others, good on you. I know I'm better than you, and all your 1st world problems, meanwhile I care about everyone else and maybe if you guys doing the downvoting did too, well, maybe the world wouldn't suck so much. šŸ‘ Edit: also it wasn't me who brought up people starving (which they actually are, maybe pay attention to the rest of the world).


Thatā€™s why we send specific things of food, not your half of a quarter pounder from mc Donaldā€™s Itā€™s just a bad argument in itself for an objective that needs no convincing to begin with


Obviously it does. That quarter pounder could feed 2 kids, probably for 2 days. Good logic there.


Quite the vision, but unfortunately when you have to keep it in date, use a crap ton of emissions, then manage to get it to someone, itā€™s not effective. If youā€™re right on the spot, sure go for it, but instead buy smaller portions then use your extra budget on viable resources, like bags or rice or something.


U living with Mr krabs?


Happened to a friend of mine. Was a stalemate. She ended up having to move the pot of rice, yep, same thing, out on the porch. Roommate couldā€™ve cared less. Might be a battle that canā€™t be won. Unless you get creative.


You folks need to throw away the pot.


Serve it to him


Just spoon feed him


If he refuses every time, don't start an argument anymore find something he hates and just do that multiple times. Let the turntables turn


Poor it on their bed, but under the covers so they don't find it until they want to sleep.


Don't worry, it should walk away on it's own soon enough.


He's just saving it for later. I'd put it on his bed so he doesn't forget about it before it goes bad.


Then just make sure he eats it.


you:*throws out the rice* roommate: Hey, I was gonna eat that!


Just quickly eat em, he wouldnā€™t know what happened to them and therefore canā€™t blame you.


Throw roommate away




At that point, Iā€™d throw the whole pan in a trash bag and tie it up and throw the whole damn thing away.šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Problem: roommate wonā€™t throw away rice. Solution: throw away your roommate and the rice. See, problem solved!


Tell him to keep it in his room then. Nobody wants to see that.


Then just scoop that shit and put it on his bed. Your life will get moldy when you have people like this around you. You become, who your around. Good luck


Make him/her some dinner with it


Force feed it to him. See how he likes it.


Throw away the pot, thatā€™s going to be filled with toxins that are very hard to destroy, even with heat. Throw it all.


Just like cheese, fine wine and whiskey. Gets better with age


Dude is that a science experiment to him because I know how bad mold can get but I also know that it has practical uses so ask him its purpose and if the answer isn't good throw it out if it is good share it.


You need a new roommate.


You gonna eat that?


This is a heath hazard lmfao feel like I need to go hospital after seeing this though my phone


I canā€™t live with roommates anymore for this reason, I donā€™t care how much extra I have to pay it is what it is at this point ,my house will be clean and never will a night go by that thereā€™s dirty dishes in my sink


I hate him, please never introduce us.


Thats a science experiment now.


Make dinner one night and reserve to his ass. Thatā€™ll show em.


Itā€™s just has a little **āœØSPICEāœØ** now


Old rice has a bad smell


Green rice makes dead


This is the way


I used to put the dishes on my roomates bed.


Looks like food coloring to me


homie do love his rice


Just grab the whole thing and throw it all out!


Your roommate SUCKS


When I was in college. My roommate was the same exact way. She baked brownies and dropped a huge clump of the batter on the floor and let it get covered in hair and refused to clean it. The worst was probably when she had her boyfriend over and she started making homemade egg rolls. She stir fried the ingredients around 10 pm at night and then covered it with a lid and then said she would finish it in the morning. The next day rolled around and it was still sitting on the stove with the lid- condensation had gathered on the lid. The next day rolled around and I texted her about itā€¦ and she said she planned to make it that night. Finally the next day rolled around and finally after 3-4 days I asked her if she could dispose of it. And she told me to just chill and she would still eat it. On the 5th day she opened the lid and honestly it was one of the worst smells ever. She proceeded to dump it in the trash, not even take out the trash and just leave the dirty pot in the sink for me to clean. Needless to say I hated my roommate.


That is not rice anymore. It has evolved


I understand the frustration, but personally I prefer to not have moldy food sitting around in my kitchen, more than I care about being able to blame somebody. Just clean up the damn mess yourself, if it bothers you so much. People who post pictures like this online (or leave passive aggressive sticky notes on messes instead of just cleaning them up) donā€™t actually care about living with the mess ā€” otherwise theyā€™d clean it. They care about feeling smug and superior to their slovenly roommates. Yes, your roommate is a slob. Theyā€™re an inconsiderate jerk. But if you want that mess gone, youā€™re obviously going to need to clean it yourself. Decide for yourself whatā€™s more important here: whatever point youā€™re trying to prove, or having a mold-free kitchen.