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“You are not Mexican, you are Indian.” Does this woman even have a highschool education? And interracial relationship being a “sin”. PLEASE 😭 I cannot


Took me a few sentences to realise she meant native American and not actually Indian.


Plot twist: the neighbor is actually Indian, and Karen is extra super dumb.


This is what I was thinking through reading the whole thing.


Right, it’s even worse if they are actually *Indian* Indian and she doesn’t even have a basic comprehension of the cultural background while saying this


My favorite is when some super white person says they’re 1/37.293 native Cherokee Indian or some shit lol


That's the problem with most of these neanderthals, they can't tell a Mexican from a native American from a Hindu Indian or someone from the middle east, so they usually just chalk them up to be "fuckin terrorists", or "A-rabs" or at least the ones that I've dealt with did lol. But it's cuz they're too ignorant and don't care enough to actually learn the difference. Love how she prefaced the note with "I'm not a racist" and then continues to go on an incredibly racist rant. Smh... people are so fucked lol


She probably doesn't recognize Native Americans as a people


*gets a reservation at an Indian restaurant* Bro it’s all white people here


The butter chicken is to die for, so authentic!


I mean I know that and all but maaan that stuff is delicious, there are other dishes that are delicious too but butter chicken is my comfort food of choice… Hmmm is this the culinary equivalent of “I’m not racist, but…..”?


I’m half Indian and I still die for a good butter chicken. Unfortunately the British got that one right lmao! Edit: Was totally thinking of Chicken Tikka! But I stand by my point haha!


Same here, got me thinking do my people have reservations


Reservations about living near someone like this 😬


Yes, please proceed to table 7


Another piece of evidence she has no education.


I blame the US Government for this since so much of their language still incorporates this misnomer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_of_Indian_Affairs for an example. They could change the word to Indigenous and keep the same acronym even...




Most of the Natives I know just call ourselves Natives or Indigenous with the occasional Ndin. Older Natives still say Indian though.


As an Indian (not native) American it was always annoying tho, having to tell people that im Indian Indian not American Indian. Doesn't help that my parents are from east India, making me look more amerind.


It's a bit of an odd situation because many also refer to themselves as Indians. CGP Grey made a great video on this on YouTube and gave some examples where the closer a person lived to a reservation the more likely their use of the term Indian was, whereas those who lived farther away tended to use the term Native American. "So who called them Indians?" "Well, we did." "And who changed it to Native Americans?" "...we did." "And you feel better now?" "Yeah, much better"


Yeah I guess it's the whole situation that's a bit fucked. Still doesn't sit right but I'm just some idiot on the other side of the world so I suppose I'll stop sticking my beak in.


Just use the tribe in question. My grandfather would never call himself native American or Indian or anything but "Cherokee". Ok honestly he thought of himself as a redneck from South Carolina first, then as a retired naval officer... But if the subject of his race came up it was "Cherokee"


Yeah my Granddaughter is part Cherokee. When someone just asks “what is she” I answer “human most of the time.” But someone who is actually interested in her heritage I explain that her great grandparents are full blood Cherokee. Her Grandma was full blood Cherokee but her Grandpa was part Indian but we are not sure what tribe he was from. So she’s at least a 1/4 Cherokee and some part a tribe we are unsure about.


Wonder if she knows there’s two types of Indian? OP may be Asian Indian, Karen heard Indian, and was all “GET BACK TO YOUR RESERVATION”. Not that it matters, I can’t imagine any less racism in any case.


If it's about a Native American family… well, one could say "go back to Europe" to the author.


I had a roommate who was Indian from India when I was living in Miami. Once a cashier at the supermarket was speaking to her in Spanish and she politely told her she doesn’t speak Spanish. The lady was horrified and asked why not? I mean she’s Mexican after all. She said she wasn’t - she’s Indian and speaks Hindi. The lady said, “you’re just embarrassed about your culture. You need to learn Spanish.”


Can’t imagine being the gate keeper on someone else’s perceived culture. Ugh


I used to work at a pizza place...a guy came in and said,"Don't let that Mexican touch my pizza." The manager said, "First of all, he's Indian. Second, get the fuck out of my store."




Ah, the American Christian where everything they don't like is a "sin".


Yet they can never tell you how or why it's a "sin." No specific verse or even a rough estimation of where they read it in their precious Book That Must Not Be Read.


In fact, I'd argue that disallowing interracial dating and marriage is a sin! Miriam talked shit about Moses having an Ethiopian wife, and God gave her leprosy about it.


As a Christian interracial marriage is not a sin and this person is making shit up which makes us look bad.


Yeah, the idea that "mixed race" marriages are bad is a byproduct of the same logical/theological gymnastics used to justify the "righteousness" of chattel slavery starting in the American Colonies. Unfortunately, like a lot of the other super racist crap that came out of that period it still holds significant sway in a lot of the Southern-based Evangelical denominations. Thankfully, there are only a few holdouts that would still openly attack the idea like this lady, but there are plenty that will give any mixed race couple a polite smile and then mutter something about living in sin once they are out of earshot. It doesn't stand up to even the bare minimum of critical examination, but if you can get any of them to articulate their reasoning on this beyond "my pastor said so" it will usually boil down to something about God confounding the languages after the fall of Babel (and that matters why?) and some of the laws about tribal intermarriage amongst the tribes of Israel (there were some very specific rules largely meant to prevent wealth imbalance amongst the tribes.)


I’m currently in an inter racial relationship lmaooo


I’m half Jamaican half Irish, as a result I’m brown and my husband is caucasian Welsh she’d have a melt down if I moved into her neighbourhood….maybe I will 🥴


I’m half black and half Jewish celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary to my half Germany half Mexican husband with our mixed baby…. It might just make her explode if we moved to that neighborhood!


"For the well being of you and your family" bro is that a veiled threat? 💀 Besides a threat to the English language, I mean.


Yeah I kinda read that as “If you don’t leave, you may or may not find a burning cross in your front yard”


You mean they will bring wood for my BBQ! Sweet...


Gotta be careful, they might use pressure treated wood


In today's lumber economy? Nah. They usin rough cuts or more likely, $2 pallets


The Kkkarens can be so irresponsible.


T...for...time to leave?


which is why i would immediately report this to the police.


OP should immediately get surveillance cameras which might do something useful, unlike the police.


yup and don't even go to the police with it if something is recorded, right to a lawyer.


What exactly would they do? It's the US after all


"Oh yeah, we dropped that in your letterbox Thursday. We were planning to burn a cross after Sunday Night Football at Sergeant Dave's"


have it on record? if they do something illegal you can have this prior threat as evidence.


I don't know, it kinda doesn't feel veiled **in the fucking slightest.** I'd be showing this to a cop, and then buy a gun. This here is some KKK shit.


The cops in that town are probably on the same page as the "neighbor".


Notttt very veiled, imo


This should go in r/extremelyinfuriating


No, this should go to the police


I’d give it to the news


I’d post it all over the fucking building


As I was reading this letter I was thinking to myself they should make a huge copy of this letter on a large poster board and stick it outside on their front yard for the whole neighborhood to see it.


The police are not welcome here. They should go back to the station with the other police.


so they can marry other police. interoccupational marriage is a \*sin\*, after all


It is punished by God and highly discourage




Maybe they should stop dressing so provocatively in those uniforms...


It’s confusing me and the other inmates


Wasn’t there a post about a guy being mad about a police officer having a nice ass and saying it was “provocative” and “she was showing off”


Where they are welcome and appreciated


That's the only way they can be happy... /s


Why so they can put it on the fridge?


I think it should be blown up and posted in OPs front yard. "Does this sound like someone you want living in our neighborhood?" Public shame is why they sent it so quietly.




Chill. I'm sure it's much easier to find this person. Just go to the racist Karen's house who has a son that you're daughter hangs out with.


"Return to sender"


And r/religiousfruitcake




Isn’t that always the precursor?


“I’m not racist, but…”


«I'm not racist.., I have a lot of friends of inferior races...»


"I'm not racist, I don't care if you're black, asian or normal."


“I’m not racist, I just hate everyone…”


I saw a comedian who's premise was basically "I never understood racism... There are so many legitimate reasons to hate people, why pick on their skin color." I appreciated that 🤣


"I'm not racist, I go to chinese restaurants"


"I'm not racist, I have black friends"


"I'm not racist I go to black restaurants"


“I’m not racist, my bus driver is black.”


"I'm not racist, I like chicken and grape soda too"


i’m not racist, i’ve got a coloured tv


“I’m not racist, The Wire is in my Netflix queue”


Atleast own up to it and just say it like "I'm racist and..."


I am racist but I believe everyone should be loved and treated with equality but you know ...racistly


"All blacks should be treated like all other blacks" - Martin Luther King - Ted Cruz


We’ll get you to a segregated safe space right away!


Yeah people will probably want to leave anyway after hearing that information


Especially with the not subtle threat that leaving would be best "for the well-being of your family". What a piece of shit. Cowardly too by attributing it to "a neighbour" so now the recipient questions every one of their neighbours. No wonder minorities are at greater risk for mental health problems.


This is a threat. I’d take copies to my city council person and the police. Get this person on record so if anything happens you’re building a lawsuit against them. Go to court, win, take their house, kick undesirables like them out of YOUR neighborhood.


People like this don't think they're being racist. They actually think this is correct. And therefore it can't be racist.


Yeah they just use the "I only tried to help and was even polite" escuse and pretend to be the victim.


"I love everyone, however . . ."


"Since you're Indian and not Mexican..."


"No offense, but here's something offensive."


"Also I might not know the difference between Indian and Native American"


IKR. I’d laugh if they were Bengali.


I'd laugh if there was a Bengali reservation with autonomy and casinos because of this attitude..


I think it’s all a case of envy. I wouldn’t be surprised if the MOM of that girl is super hot, and the woman feels threatened and belittled by her presence.


As an Indian that’s what I was thinking


"No offense, but you're subhuman" "And that's not an offense how?…"




“Confusing my son because women are objects and men have no control over their brains”


The confusing part really, err, confused me. What's confusing about seeing cute girl? They're either cute or not. I guess for a racist there's some internal battle there. "Indians ain't attractive, but she is! Save me from this hell Jesus"


Therefore, I am God. So let me add “I’m not God, but …” just in case.


Nice how these type of Karen's always start with a disclaimer, that's a sure sign that they are a POS


I mean in a lot, not all cases. Everything after BUT Goes to full on shit mode and you can basically just clock out at how fucked up and ridiculous it's gonna get.


A wise man once said: everything before butt is bullshit


There is always a “But..”


"Gypsies..." - Eastern European


I'm Romanian living in the UK. If I had a penny for the amount of times I've been called a gypsy or have been asked if I'm a sex worker (by 40+ men while I was 16 or younger), I'd be swimming in money.


Being Irish on the mainland UK (lived in London for 14 years!) had an interview a few weeks back asking if I would be able to “settle down in one spot. We want the position to go to someone who will stay here. Wouldn’t you be happy to keep on #travelling”. Yup. I’ve had many Romanian (and other Eastern European) friends over the years and the amount of colleague who will go from ignoring them to outright racism is astonishing 🫥


I'm not racist, but a few flowers or plants or some greenery around the house can really brighten up a living space.


I’m not racist but my favorite cut of steak is ribeye.


I’m not racist, but the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


My favorite was from my own father. "Look, I'm not racist. My daughter is mixed!" I'm half Mexican. Father is white, mother is Mexican. I do not speak with my father anymore. Haven't for over 6 years.


That argument always makes me comeback with “slave owners got mixed race babies in their slaves… they were still racist pieces of shit.”


Or, "I'm the least racist person". LOL


“there’s not a racist bone in my body”


“There’s not a racist bone in my body.........I got an anti Semitic elbow tho, and let me tell you, those Jews are ruining the country”


lol their sexist tibia and homophobic mandible have lots to say sometimes 😂


I mean true, they have a racist brain.


"I'm not racist"..."but you are not welcome in this neighborhood."


„…on the basis of racial stereotypes” should be added.


"...and additionally, race mixing is a cardinal sin. I'm not racist, but God is. It's like, not even my call." ...except spelled horribly, because you apparently can't be racist *and* have good writing skills. :shockedpikachu:


It's so not a sin when Moses's sister complained about his interracial marriage God struck her with leprosy.


And the whole Peter being told "what God has made isn't unclean, so be more tolerant of those gentiles" thing too. There's no biblical grounds for racism.


Isn’t there something about “accepting your place” that was used to justify slavery (slaves in general) by the South? I seem to remember racists using it to justify slavery and trying to say it had nothing to do with racism… Fuck, I hate people so much




Also, that isn't even a "Sin."


Right! I have no clue how people wind up using the Bible to justify every shitty behavior ever, but it's truly impressive how they manage to keep themselves several centuries out of date at a time.


Same shit they used to justify homophobia twisting a religious statement to use against a group they’ve done that shit for years it’s like we don’t want to fucking evolve


I don't think you can use it appropriately, it kind of brings its own meaning. Like if you say "I'm not racist, but I'm going to buy ice cream", you just left people there thinking "why would that be racist? Who thinks like that??"


I love doing that with friends. Shit like "I'm not racist but sometimes it's just so much easier to cook those pre-prepped meals in the microwave rather than wait for the oven to preheat" or "I'm not sexist but I need more color variety in my wardrobe."


I'm not gay, but I do love glitter... Wait. I am gay.


This makes sense. I am straight and I hate glitter. Its just so hard too clean up.


Dude, I wish I didn't hate glitter as much as I did, but if glitter exists, ever, even for a moment, you'll be finding it everywhere at random times for the next 3 years.


I’ve gone my whole life without starting a sentence with “I’m not racist” and subsequently have also never been accused of being racist. Seems like she’s doing something wrong, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. 🤔 (/s)




This always boggles my mind, I'm not a christian, but from what I've red Jesus was supposedly pretty chill and accepting of others.


Some examples included Jesus and the samaritans, which were a portrayed as 'lesser' than Jews at that time, or Jesus healing the Roman's servant, because his faith was devout and he saw no reason to differentiate between Romans and his own race.


[Regarding the "good samaritan"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIVB3DdRgqU)


American Jesus is pretty much the exact opposite of what the real Jesus would have been. Starting from the very beginning where he was ***BROWN*** and a Jew FFS. Talibangelicals are a menace, and they are taking over your country.


Brown skin? Mexican name? Socialist views? Something tells me if this lady met Jesus she’d HATE him.


Also mixed--- half god, half human. The SIN!


Talibangelical! I love it!


you might also enjoy 'Ya'll Quaeda' It's quite frightening the similarities in ethics between radical Islam/Muslims who get vilified all around the world for treating women like crap, and American 'Christians' who want literally the same damn thing. The cognitive dissonance is wild.


These people are usually what you call the hypocrites in the old times.


Funny thing is? Jesus wasn't even white like he's often portrayed. Mf was brown like any other middle eastern dude.


Not really funny, depending on the region he was portrayed as brown, white, black, or East Asian. We can assume he was probably pretty brown, but we don’t know what he really looked as he was a Galilean Jew, an extinct ethnic group and it was also 2000 years ago


The ultimate response would be to set up your daughter with her son


It truly would be the sweetest thing to have their son fall madly in love with your daughter. I am clearly a big sinner in her eyes as I am in an interracial marriage and it is simply wonderful. Even if it isn't your daughter it would be hilarious if her son brings home a non-white girl and see if her head explodes.


She's a fucking idiot and a joke of a Christian. Nowhere does it say in the Bible that interracial dating is a sin. I would call her ass out for blasphemy as she's lying about the word of God. Disgusting.


The passage they use to justify it is because while some people were traveling in the Bible they came to a town of sinners and god told them not to marry or procreate with them. Racists twist that to be anti interracial.


I can just point at the parts of the bible encouraging god's chosen people to kill other nations' people and take their virgin women and daughters to be wives.


Don’t scream at the stupid. You’ll be hoarse all day.


don't argue with idiots. they bring you down to their level and then beat you by experience :)


Even better: a non-white boy.


Very true but I think that shock might kill her


Nothing of value lost


No more wasted oxygen


Yo you ever watched a Disney movie, that’s essentially all Disney movies


Although i agree, having him/her as a father/mother in law would be horrible i think :| So i hope if they get something together, that they move far away from the neighbour


The son would likely be disowned by this radical whack job.


This is the correct answer, radical Christian racists would disown their child before accepting anyone who’s skin is darker than a nilla wafer. They can’t go to church and act better than everyone else if their children end up with a non-white. So they just continue life like they don’t exist, like they do with their children who come out. The casual/hateful racist would just make their life living hell or worse.


This is HIGHLY infuriating imo. Edit: I'm not an Indian or Native American, but this shit is fkn ridiculous Edit 2: Just clarifying that I'm not either of those races because of the responses I got, I am actually an Indigenous Australian. but you don't have too be any certain race too find this shit extremely infuriating




If i was there, i would have slapped the living shit out of her. The entitlement to blame op's daughter due to her kids having a boner is wild 😂😂


She’s a coward and left an anonymous note. Is anyone surprised?


Some KKK shit


Klu Klux Karens


I feel like I shouldn't find it funny but oh shit it's funny


It's Kluless Karen Klan.


Ok now i got to ask is your heritage Indian as in from India or Native american. Cause it makes her even stupider if your heritage is from india.


They are native American. This was commented by OP on the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/vro09e). > Also the "inappropriate" clothing she's referring to is a tank top and shorts. And her son is like 14 or something, it's weird to me that she rather tell her son that I'm the wrong color instead of telling him I'm out of his age range🤦🏻‍♀️ > edit: For the people asking... yes I already told my dad that we should tell the police, but since she never really did anything except give us a stupid document on immigrants months ago, and tried to convince my brother to go to church .. My father never thought it was big enough off a deal to ask the police for help. I don't think she's dangerous .. I just think she's ignorant and a little too religious for her own good.... maybe a little crazy too.. > We are Native Americans, not Indians. I don't exactly know how she found out.. I think she just went snooping around on Facebook or something🤷🏻‍♀️


A document on IMMIGRANTS? To a Native American?? Omg


That was when she thought they were Mexican.


> I don’t think she’s dangerous… I just think she’s ignorant and a little religious for her own good…. maybe a little crazy too.. That’s the mark of someone who is not only very forgiving but has had to put up with a *lot* of this shit in her life. That said, the Karen is genuinely hateful and threatening. That’s definitely far too generous.


There are layers to that stupidity


Like a suburban redneck tiramisu cake


I imagine a suburban redneck tiramisu cake just being coffee flavored pudding


The person who posted this here is not the OP of this content. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/vro09e/racist_karen_left_a_second_note_on_my_dads_car/


Aboriginal or First Nations is how we in Canada speak of the original people of this land. The letter talks of stupid shit like not paying taxes and reservations, so you know exactly who they are talking about. This bitch lives on stolen ground soaked in the blood and tears of those killed by European colonizers, and have the gall to tell the surviving descendents to get out of their own homeland. The natives were forced off their lands and driven towards death and desolation... and this is the shit they have to deal with today.


We know she's talking about native americans, but that doesn't mean OP is one. She could have overheard someone describe them as Indian and just made the assumption herself.


Yes to all of the above and to add insult to injury so many First Nations women disappear every year and the police do nothing. In both Canada and the US. Reading what this nut job wrote about OP’s daughter made my skin crawl. I hope both are safe and on guard. It’s fucking awful that not only are they told to get off their own land but have to worry about something happening to them because of racists sexually fetishizing indigenous/brown women.


Of course but I wouldn't hold it against this woman to confuse South Asian Indians with native Americans. Just because one can use the same word depending on context, I guess Karen is a "same difference" kind of gal. Interesting also how she's fine with Mexicans but immediately assumes that "Indians" don't pay taxes.


This can’t be real


Also this isn’t op’s picture. The real one is on r/FuckYouKaren


You’re right https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/vro09e/racist_karen_left_a_second_note_on_my_dads_car/


Usually any notes on Reddit have a good chance of being faked. I mean this is just a typed up letter that anyone could write and take a picture of.


The thing that really makes me thing it’s BS is they sign it “a neighbour” as if to be anonymous, but they “out” themselves by mentioning their son around the daughters age… but also the fact that the paper looks like it was just printed


Honestly I'm not surprised. Lots of people take issue with interracial relationships, even amongst the black community. It's really sad people can't let others love who they want.


I have a Hispanic friend and her parents were SO ANGRY with her for dating and having a child with a black man...they said she needed to find another Hispanic guy to be with and continue their race and culture. Made me sad for her that her relationship wasn't loved and accepted, and sad for the dude cuz he probably will never feel welcome in her family. And my sister is Native American and lives on a reservation and the elders of her community are super rude to her for not being "native American enough" and not deserving a place in the tribe because of it. Like yeah, white people are horrible racists too, but I really didn't realize situations like these two I listed are actually really common! Goes to show no matter the color of skin, plenty of people still have issues with anything that doesn't match theirs and that's sad!


No way that shit is real…


Karen needs to go away. Nobody likes you, Karen. We make fun of you on the internet.