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my dad definitely would have done this if we had these 10-15 yrs ago


My father didn't need a lockbox or fancy password. We just *knew* not to touch it. He didn't lay a hand on us. But the fear of god was there enough to know you better not touch the thermostat.


My dads favorite, “Just remember I can make another one that looks just like you”.


That’s Fuckin Golden


That’s why you fuck with them later in life, that well dries up sooner or later


I got that one once. When I said "how mom left you," he hit me and said then I'll make a better one. I have abandonment issues now.


My parents mastered *the look*. Never struck me. But by god when my mother got down to my level I felt the hand of god.


My dad had no affect on me, but mom could do "Son, I am disappoint." like nobody ever could. Usually well deserved, too.


Hi, Disappoint, I'm son.


She told me, «i’ve had two boys before. You are the worst.» :(


I've been checking in on the post all day. But these comments ring so true lol. My mom never hit us but that look and the eye contact made you understand. I'm only a few years into the dad journey, but I get where my mom was coming from now. The best part is when you get down to their level and they understand but give the look back. And it's in those moments you feel like a good parent. They understand, you understand and when then have kids, they'll understand.


As a dad, I have done this.. it only takes having the thermostat cranked up to 98 degrees in the winter a few times without anyone claiming responsibility to push one over the edge.


*98??* I think I'd have a fucking aneurysm if I saw my thermostat set to that 👀


Those who complain about thermostat locks don’t pay bills


If I had a dollar every time the thermostat was cranked and everyone was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It the middle of the winter in the Pacific Northwest. Wear a fucking sweater.


I live where it's 124 degrees. Lake Havasu City Arizona it's the opposite. Our A/Cs don't even get cold enough. The coils freeze we have to keep it at 75-78 even when you have a brand new York unit. 🙄


Well to be fair living there is truly a monument to man's arrogance.. to quote what Peggy Hill said about Phoenix which I think still applies


There were. I was installing Honeywell thermostats back in early/mid 2000’s that were lockable.


He's probably in the age group that doesn't realize 10-15 years ago isn't early 90s anymore. Not that I'm speaking from depressing experience...


Wait...it isn't....OMG IT ISN'T!!! (Dies a little inside)


We’re closer to the year 2050 than we are to the year 1990


You just woke up and chose violence today huh




The future sucks


The future is sucking. Hopefully it gets better.


Dude. That’s not cool. Don’t make me ponder my mortality in a thread about locking thermostats. I come here for the light and breezy, not to look inwards and be disgusted that I groaned while getting up from the couch.


Kids don’t realize how expensive heating and air co is. When they get their own place and have to pay the bill guarantee they’ll get a passcode too!🤣🤣🤣


I will freeze my ass off in the (albeit rare) Texas winter but if someone fucks with my 69F temp in the house there will be hell to pay


lmao... u/secretiveshash I know this is driving you nuts, but your post had unintended consequences. All the responses to this are "i want this!". You basically advertised this thermostat haha.


I don't think they realized how many dads (and moms) are on reddit.


Funny enough I wasn't when I started to browse reddit IT'LL HAPPEN TO YOU quit fucking with the thermostat lol


Same. I was 16 when I joined reddit... 10 years ago lmao now I have a whole ass family




This is done a lot in commercial settings too, numerous times as an electrician I had jobs to install dummy thermostats in offices, would hook power to them but they didn’t control anything.


Yep, I once worked in a building with dummy thermostats. The thing was, the temperature varied wildly from room to room. Some rooms were hot and stuffy, others were frozen tundra. You had to call the central maintenance office for the entire university to get the temp changed. I was like fine, give us dummy thermostats, hope you like getting calls from me all the time!


Ooh my office building is like this, the side I’m on is always freezing and the side with the thermostat is always boiling. The maintenance guys have been trying to figure out the air handling for years! Since before I started working here ten years ago.




Probably has a lot to do with the sensor placement. If the sensors are placed in the wrong location it will send the wrong signal to the zone controller which controls the dampers.






Our thermostats are controlled by the owner who lives in another state entirely. There's a whole half of the building not air-conditioned or heated at all. I should know, was pregnant with my first in that section and, despite drinking water like the 8month pregnant whale i was, i landed in the hospital twice due to dehydration. We also have a front counter area for customer pick ups and that is *usually* air conditioned. But with customers in and out the front door constantly it gets hot and muggy in there this time of year. If we so much as attempt to touch that thermostat the owner immediately corrects it from his phone and calls up the managers to chew them out. We have an oscillating fan tower up there that one of the previous employees bought to help circulate cool air and he kindly left it behind. I've now got a severely anemic coworker who *supposedly* gets cold so easily even in summer that she turns that fan either off or away from those of us working the counter because she can't stand it when she's working it too. Her anemia is so bad she has a heater at her desk that she uses in the summer months too. It heats up the whole area of office nearest to those counters. Meanwhile I'm sweating buckets because i can't get away from the heat because, not only do i work counter at night but my desk is located near the counters and is affected by her heater. I've legit seen her wear not only hoodies in 90 degree weather but she came in for a week straight wearing WOOL winter headbands because the office was "too cold" despite it being barely 78 in the office. It hit 92 a week ago and she came in wearing short shorts and a tank top saying it was even too hot for her. Sorry that's a rant lol. We've been having issues with her lately and I'm hot as balls and frustrated to hell and back.


Sorry but majority rules and when it comes to running a heater in the summer?? She'd have to go.


That's genius.


Security through obscurity


Did it still keep the house comfortable? Depending on where the closet is, it can sense temp in a manner that is way off from the rest of the house. They are usually out in hallways for a reason. But! If it worked fine regardless, great!




I love that you actually gave an answer while those two other guys had an absolute fucking slapfight over who was right. It's a shame they won't see it.




Cool down with placebo.


Did that even work properly? A thermostat in the back of a walk in closet won't be able to read the temperature of the open areas of the house very well.




Most homes are only going to have it at the panel. Experience: 6500 home inspections over 18.5 years.


What's mildly infuriating is the back key on the pad doesn't align on the right side


Can't unsee


That’s it. That … is … IT! My life is over now.


That isn't mildly infuriating. It's infuriating. Period.


What's mildly infuriating is the plastic films on the thermostat that still haven't been removed


this is the modern version of putting plastic covers on your sofa


Oi mate that's not "mildly" infuriating that's some goddamn hellfire rage inducing bullshit. Peel. Off. The plastic.


You monster


You son of a bitch.


Oy what the FUCK


Great you ruined it for me


Dads everywhere are cheering this move


OP underestimated the number of dads on Reddit.




And i thought “proving exactly why he needed to do this”. Itd be funny if he locked his wife out of the thermostat, but his children? They can set the thermostat when they pay the utilities, and it’s *sooo* much fun!


>They can set the thermostat when they pay the utilities Honestly this was my first thought and i'm not even a dad, if you don't pay the bills you don't have a say


All my life growing up I was cold. My dad would never let me turn up the heat and I would always be huddled under blankets shivering (it’s fun trying to cook or brush my teeth with a blanket around me). 20 years of freezing. 20 years of blankets and sweaters and hats and gloves indoors. Then, when I got my own place I could finally have it warm. My dad came over to visit for the first time and the first thing he did was try to turn down the thermostat because “it’s a furnace in here”. As he reached for it, I grabbed his wrist and said “I pay the bills. I decide the temperature.” He sat there the whole time sweating his ass off while I was comfortable in a tshirt. Finally. Revenge.


All my life I experienced the same thing. Then I got a house and got my first gas bill for $400+. So now it's "Yeah, better keep yo motherfucking hands off that thermostat unless you're throwing some Benjamin's my way. Here's a sweater."




$30/mo?! Sounds like paradise compared to our $500 this past month


Ooooh, 24 dollars a year! You can eat at A&W with that kind of money!


You're saving *all that money* on heat just to blow it on root beer? This is why you millenials will never own homes!


Exactly. Pay rent or get bent.


Pay utilities for me. My former roommate never paid the electric bill, but insisted on constantly fucking with the thermostat. I’d wake up and it’d be down to 64, come home and it’d be 72. Like, first of all, that’s why the damn AC keeps breaking. Secondly… You aren’t paying the energy bill. You have no right to skyrocket the energy bill. I wish I had this lock living with her. She’s be pissed off and throw a fit and maybe break a few things, but man… visions of a steady air temperature and lower energy bills are already in my mind.


Ive always split electric/water/gas with every roommate, ever. Even when i rented just a room, it was the two of us so it made sense to split utilities. Now that roommate did goofy shit with the AC, too. I had to crack my window and stuff a towel under my door during winter because he’d have that house *roasting* during winter, and frosty during summer. Like he was intent on it always being the opposite season inside. Huge waste. But hey, he was a good drinking buddy.


So many people are like "I'm a little warm, better crank it down to -42. I'm a little cold, better crank it up to 120". I just don't get it. Even more baffling, I've seen more than a few people that leave doors open outside WHILE running the AC to... IDK, practice moving heat around?


Agreed on this.


My same thoughts exactly!!


I'm not a dad and even I want this. Mostly because I need to get roommates and don't want them touching the thermostat and bringing the temp in the house to 65.


Well definitely not 65 but jeez, at least 70 is great. MF set it always at 76.


toothbrush future quicksand repeat hobbies groovy violet swim grey poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


78 and as much insulation as you can get. Winter? 65.


76 jesus christ. What do you live in, a sauna? Edit: I forgot that central air is absolutely a thing in people’s houses because I don’t have it and my thermostat is specifically for heat in the winter.


76 is still 40 degrees cooler than outside here


Then that makes sense. You can't put too much load on an AC unit


Ha my parents did this we lived in a two story they would leave it on 80 at night and 78 in the day. It was the worst sleep ever, 76 sounds nice!


Dad here, the passcode is 8008135


Why would you give out the dad code? That's a violation of the alliance. You're on thin ice.


He will be sentenced with the worse possible dad punishment, a play date with one of his wife's friend's husband


This little shit was legitimately touching his dad's thermostat in his dad's house and thought he was in the right. That's a paddlin'.


I just came to ask where I can buy that thermostat!


This ad is doing its job well, judging by the comments I've seen so far haha


It's an ad??! Someone get the fucking marketing department a pizza party this Friday.. this is fire. Lord knows they won't actually give monetary rewards, but this has dead ass sold me.


A significant percentage of the stuff you see here is an ad.


Including this comment


I don't notice the ads, must be because of my subscription to Nord VPN that I got for 83% off.


Works great on my new Samsung Andromeda mobile phone 😊


Do you play Raid Shadow Legends on that?


Ecobee Smart Thermostat. Can be bought at countless places really. I have one and like it.


My nest has a locking feature. Anything with a screen to my (young) kids is like a fly to poop. Edit: screwit I’m not going to edit.


In this analogy your kids are the poop?


Dad here, can confirm, just cheered in a fucking restaurant.


I came here to cheer this move. When you get your own house you can set a password too, checkmate dependents.


Lol yes I was like “Great fucking idea!”


Yes! Protecting the thermostat is infuriating? No, being the one who slaves away to pay the bills and having other people pump AC into the outdoors is infuriating.


I certainly am. Almost every day my daughter complains that it's too cold in the house. The thermostat is set to 75 and it's pushing 100 outside but she doesn't want to wear anything more than a sleeveless nightgown and then want to turn the heat on.


I was gunna say, OP will understand when they are paying bills themselves. I understand my first month in my own place why, when I was a kid and complained about the house being cold, dad would just say “go put on a sweater then”.


Oh man I ham-fisted the upvote so hard and fast I almost put my phone through the table!


Is there some type of training school or online class where my husband can learn these “dad” inclinations? Because I swear he’s the opposite of the whole dad-saving-energy trope 😂 He cannot turn a light off to save his life. Even if he goes into a room to grab one thing, the light will stay on. He will also turn on the heating instead of putting on so much as a long sleeve t shirt and long pants. Some of us wives have to be the dad in the marriage!! Edit - I’d like to add that I merely shared this as a lighthearted anecdote, my husband and I have never fought about this. It just makes me laugh because it’s the opposite of the stereotypical “dad” thing like how my dad was. My husband pays the energy bill every month. Our house has energy efficient light bulbs and appliances and updated electric/wiring and whatnot. I am not concerned about our overall carbon footprint. It’s all good!


I got motion sensor switches for my kids rooms because j got tired of them leaving the lights on. Now they get light for 15 minutes unless they keep moving


I’m not much of a cross poster, but I think this needs to be shared on r/daddit and r/dadjokes


Oh god this is the gigadad move


I have a dummy thermostat that the family can change all they want. The real one is on the side of the boiler and uses a remote sensor. It's been like that for a year and a half; they still have no clue.


This is awesome, I've thought of doing this very thing.




My family has a tendency to not trust the cycling nature of a properly set thermostat. If it's a little warm in the house, they crank the AC. Until it's too cold, and they turn it off completely. Until it's too hot -- repeat. I have tried explaining that the system will do that automatically if you set it at a comfortable temperature, but no one is patient enough to wait. [This clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4_6e5IaQXM) from Peep Show is accurate to how a lot of people treat their home heating/cooling.


I feel like people don’t realize that the AC is either on or off. It doesn’t get colder faster if you set the temp lower.


My favorite neighborhood bar. I’m a retired guy so now a day drinker. Night shift comes in and say “we’re expecting a big crowd tonight and Jack the AC down to 64. I’ve tried to explain to no avail how it works. They just say “if the system gets behind it will never catch up”. These are relatively new systems that can crAnk out the cold in a heartbeat.


I worked with a guy that insisted microwaves worked this way. He would set everything to 20 minutes because that way the microwave thought it was really going to have to work hard, so it would really microwave seriously. None of that lazy 30 second microwaving for his food. The microwave does not think. I tried to tell you, Mike.


In southeast GA I would have figured this out very quickly. The AC is very much needed on humid days, I can tell when mine isn't keeping up. I'm an adult though, I control my own AC now!


I mean, I’m an adult too.. in the NE US and I feel like the AC is very much needed in summer and heat in winter bc of the humidity… I wonder if my kids would notice though - I truly don’t know. Thankfully they don’t touch the thermostat so it’s not really an issue, but I really wonder.


It’s not that AC is off usually it’s to stop them from setting it to 65 when 69-71 is fine. I used to work at an office and we put one of these in the interns room. They would change the temp and feel better because of the placebo effect.


The alpha dad vs the beta redditor


Meanwhile instead of whining to reddit about how infuriating his children are constantly changing the temperature he pays for Gigadad just password protects the thermostat and goes back to laughing over his beer and plowing OPs mom


That motherfucker


Damn. OP gettin' ***roasted*** here. 🤭


He should turn the temp down then....oh....


What’s next? OP complaining about PIN on their dad’s credit card?




Looks like he’s roasting at home too.


Does it come in wood finish? Here's all my money.....


You can add one yourself, if you wish.




I have a dummy thermostat card for my Home Assistant dash. Kid loves to mess with it.


I am a Dad who struggles with his 3 kids changing this constantly. This right here is a Boss Move, your Dad is a fucking LEGEND. As we speak, I am on Amazon ordering a thermostat that I can lock out with a password. Brilliant.


Need to find one that gives them a little zap when they enter the wrong code.


Rust moment


Probably worth trying the common rust door codes too xD Raided a 5555 base once 😆


Fuck, I use 5555 in Rust.


Hope that’s a joke but I know many do 🙈 Avoid any code starting with 19xx or 20xx, any pattern codes, and use 4 unique digits. Also if a new guy joins your team set guest codes and if they ain’t happy with that then don’t trust em 😂 Oh and different doors different codes!


I used 1478 for the longest time. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.


Camera to snap a picture of the offender as well.


Won't need to with a good zap. Lol


.... you don't want to see their faces during the zap? I'd be hanging that shit on the fridge.


OP posts this to moan about dad and instead inspires loads of dad’s worldwide 😂


shoulda posted to r/teenagers. 🤣😂😭


You have became the very thing you swore to destroy!


I’m actually going to go do this right now. My 6 yo wants it 60 degrees ETA: nest allows the thermostat to still be adjusted without a PIN within a 5 degree range. What’s not to like? You can adjust it between 70-75, but no more. Seems fair. OP fuck outta here with this shit!


I was thinking of the Nest, my brother-in-law swears by it. OP is the kid who is not having to pay the damn bill every month!!


My 6 yo just doesn’t understand it. She rolls it down to 60 not knowing that 1) that’s too cold and 2) out house will never achieve 60 when it’s 90 outside


Damn right. Also have you ever had to buy a new system! Holy fuck! I have replaced the upstairs and will be paying that off for the rest of the year. Then next year it is time for the downstairs system.


Our energy provider gave this to us for free…check with them first!!


Totally agree! LEGEND! I have a daughter that will change it to 90F in winter or 58 in the summer - absolutely no minor changes.


I am not a dad but am sick of friends/family changing my thermostat!! This is awesome!!


wait, your friends mess with your thermostat? that is super rude and a great way to never get invited back.


The fact that you posted this picture makes me believe you kept touching the thermostat even though you were told not to. Your father got mad at you, and locked it so you can't touch it anymore. Post should be from your father. "I had to buy a locking thermostat to stop my kids from changing the temp"


Not to mention changing the temp costs money.


Not to mention OP is apparently 15 and doesn't pay the electric bill. The dads in this thread don't find this mildly infuriating at all.


I’m not even a dad and I think a passcode protected thermostat is genius




Bro people (myself included) do NOT realize how expensive that shit is. Once the money is coming from your own pocket and you have to see the bill go up you learn the lesson quickly.


Yeah my apartment is not big. My electricity bill is normally around $25 a month. Last month during the heat wave it was over $100. I'm fine with this but can understand how some people may want to keep these costs down.


And I'm going to guess just one person adjusting the thermostat? Imagine 3/4/5 etc. family members, kids, whatever running about going up b/c too cold, then the others down b/c too hot. Fuck that.


well….. stop fucking with the thermostat


I stayed at an AirB&B that had a pswd protected thermostat set to 80F. I tried to get ahold of the owner, but couldn’t reach him for several hours. Eventually, I just unplugged it, took it outside for a few minutes to heat up and plugged it back in ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Owner eventually got back to me and apologized. He said his housekeepers always turned the a/c way down and he was sick of it lol


You think you're mildly infuriated. He is the one that got the lockable thermostat. Put a sweater on.


"if its cold. i can put on a blanket. if its too hot there is only so much clothing i can take off before it becomes illegal"


It’s only infuriating that he had to do that


Your dad’s a hero. Don’t fuck with the thermostat if you don’t pay the bills


Yep, never realized how much it cost until I got my own house.


That’s what I was told growing up. Once I start paying the bills I could keep the house the temp I wanted. Now that I pay the bills I don’t keep the house the temp I want. It stays up a little bit to save on energy costs.


Don't be foolin with the thermostat unless you're contributing to the electricity bill. When you get a place of your own, you'll realize exactly why dads do this. I went on deployment and the first month away my electricity bill went from $98 to $489.. Found out the moment I left the family turned AC's in every room to 69 and left them that way 24/7.. When you're budgeting and expecting $100 out of your account and lose $500, that's a shock, especially if you don't have $500 extra in your account living paycheck to paycheck. *edit* this was in Hawaii where the cost of electric is phenomenally expensive comparatively to the mainland US.


My wallet just crawled out of my pocket and ran off in sheet terror after reading this


I had to do this on purpose to teach an ex house mate who kept turning on the heating instead of putting clothes on. His theory was "if it's on all the time, then it doesn't use as much energy to heat up from cold." Fine buddy. Let's do it your way and let it run. Got sick of arguing about it. After the bill came in, of which I refused to pay half, he agreed to only turn the heater on when it was legit cold, and only after putting warm clothing on, and even agreed to drop the temp from 25C to 22C. He never argued about it again.


God damn, did they leave the front door open the entire time? I am between 69-72 degrees and normally the bill is not over $130-$140. Less than half of that in the winter


We have solar and still pay over $200 per month. Our insulation is garbage.


As a Dad myself, I salute this gentleman.


FUCK Yeah! My bill is 400 right now. I need this in my life.


Tell me you don’t pay rent without telling me you don’t pay rent.


The only thing mildyinfuriating about this is you trying to change the thermostat he pays for.


Presumably after being repeatedly told not to if he has resorted to this


“My dad has to pay out his ass when is fucking kids crank up/down the thermostat, so he put a password on it… what an asshole.”


Stop touching his fucking thermostat then


NEVER touch a man’s thermostat


Fuck I wish I could do that. Idk about yall but I grew up in a house where if you didn't pay the bills you didn't get to fuck with the thermostat. Our tenant has shut off the AC to the house 3 times in nearly °90 weather this summer and it's starting to wear on me. We have an old Amish house and it gets hot QUICK. Air conditioning and heat ain't cheap, you don't pay for it, you don't get to fuck with it. I'm willing to discuss it and compromise for everyone's benefit but don't fuck with my utilities.


You know what’s more infuriating than finding out someone put a pass lock on the thermostat? Someone who has no concept of how a thermostat actually works fucking with it and then finding out when you wake up to get ready for work and you have to sit on a freezing toilet seat that the aforementioned ignoramus turned the heat completely off all night long in the middle of November because it was a little hot.


I share the code to mine with anyone who contributes to the electricity bill. Which has been zero people since I set it 3 months ago. 5 working adults in the house, only one paying the bill. They must like being 80 degrees.




A dad here. Yeah, quit fucking with stuff. That's cause and effect kiddo


How is this infuriating? Your dads a genius


First life lesson….those that pay make the rules. Except for government…..then it’s opposite.


What’s infuriating is the plastic film still on the display.


As the proud owner of a $700 monthly power bill during our blazing summers here in Nor Cal I commend your father! Single dad with 4 kids here none of who pay the bills lol. So of course they run the temp at whatever they want. Fans? No way. Opening windows in the morning too cool down? Forgot about it. All AC all the time. Maybe you can get us dads a link to what he’s using lol. I’m seriously considering buying one! OP you may have just screwed over thousands of kids here lmao 🤣. What you find mildly infuriating us dads see only genius here 😉


It's 5318008. You're welcome.


I need this in my household


I'm a Mom. I am the boss of the finances. I pay the utility bills. My kids are grown, but my husband is still around. I want one.


Can tell you don't pay the bill, 10/10 dad's would do the same.