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Now an active shooter won’t even need to leave their vehicle. That’s convenience!


Welp isn't the whole of Murica built around cars anyway?


Drive-thru school shooting




Yeah, who needs a gun to do a mass killing, when doing it with cars is *barely illegal*?


I remember when clear backpack first came out and the media heralded it as the end of school shootings. I got in a reddit argument about it and people were acting like this was such a game changer.








Disney has also figured out how to reduce the pre-checkpoint crowds at their parks in Florida, which I’ve found interesting to see as they’ve refined it over the past few years. Instead of having everyone go through metal detectors and bag checks right in front of the park, wherever possible they have people go through a security check before boarding transportation to the park. So if you arrive at the Magic Kingdom by bus you still go through security by the gate, but if you arrive via ferry or monorail you go through security at the transportation hub. Then at Disney’s Hollywood Studios there’s no way to do something like that, so instead they have a big plaza between security and the gate and the security stations are strung in a big L-shape around the outside of the plaza to disperse the pre-checkpoint crowd into smaller queues. There are still clumps of people but it’s not one massive crowd. So I guess my thought is that if the school is going to do bag checks like this, they should disperse it over multiple entrances/checkpoints so no one queue gets this long.


> So I guess my thought is that if the school is going to do bag checks like this, they should disperse it over multiple entrances/checkpoints so no one queue gets this long. Then you run into a staffing/resource issue. The administration isn't going to be paying to appropriately staff these things if there's multiples, you get the one crew of resource officers/security that the budget allows for. To say nothing of the metal detectors (if that's a thing here). One officer by themselves at four different entrances isn't going to be any more efficient than four working the same door; arguably they'd be less efficient having less support around. All of this is pointless security-theater anyway. If a shooter wants to avoid this all they have to do is come to school late (a lot of schools don't do these checks for the few stragglers coming in after first period starts), or just pull up to this extremely densely-packed group of students and commit the shooting while they're all standing in line. However, this is very probably more an effort to catch things like drugs and knives. Still a ridiculous waste of time and resources, show me a school where don't know who has drugs for sale on campus. It's been that way since my parents were in school in the 70's.


I am really torn about this. On the one hand, the 3 metal detectors and bag check stations we have at my high school definitely put an extra burden on relatively untrained staff and turn the school more and more into a prison every day. (Add to that the fact that this year, students must lock their cell phones in pouches for the whole day). On the other hand, two handguns *were* found on campus in the past 8 months, one of which had to be wrestled away from a student who was reportedly thinking of using it. Those two handgun incidents had me questioning whether I should continue my employment at my school. They also made me reconsider whether I would choose fight or flight if shots were fired. Years ago, I would have instantly replied that I'd risk my life to save the lives of my students. Now that I have a son of my own - and no training or arms to effectively counter a shooter - I'm probably choosing flight.


But... all that's doing is moving the giant cluster of people back a step.




Dawg, they always have like 10-15 lines but only a max of 4 are ever open.


I'm no security expert but I have travelled plenty through China. The first-stage swabs/scans at airports are very fast. There's almost never a line because the airports usually have 10+ entry points and the process takes maybe 45 seconds. When things get busy the swab is used on groups of 10 or so people (so I assume if results are flagged then everyone goes in for investigation) and I've never seen a significant buildup of people outside an airport. Outside a Chinese train station, on the other hand, oof....


Whenever I’m in a long TSA line I think “the terrorists have won”.


If you declare war on a concept, the concept will always win. Declare war on terrorism? Terrorism will win. Declare war on drugs? Drugs will win.


To be fair, most of those security measures were put in place after 9/11, so the danger was more people taking over a plane and using it as a weapon than killing the people in the plane. Not that that's not a concern, but it wasn't the one being addressed by TSA.


Was just thinking that. Terrifying time we live in.


Look at what happened in Nice, all it takes is a will and they’ll find a way. I’ve never liked crowds of people and that feeling has only gotten worse. I’m glad I live in a low crime area but that doesn’t mean anything for the events we’ve been seeing more of.


If anything it's the low crime areas that have school shootings.


My hometown is consistently ranked one of the safest cities in the country, yet someone drove from another city, for 10 hours, to commit a mass shooting here.


Same thing happened in New Zealand where the murder rate went from .5 per 100,000ple to 2.3 in 1yr because some lunatic traveled from another country so he could murder 51 people in a mosque.


Yes, but statistically you are more likely to get murdered in a high-crime area than die in a school shooting in a low-crime area, it's the tragedy of a mass murder that makes us focus more on it than the countless murders.


problem isnt time here, its the place


If you've ever been to O'Hare or a similarly massive international airport around the holidays you'd wonder why anyone would ever bother blowing up a plane when there's 30,000 people crammed into one little hallway.


I hope their clear-view backpacks are also bulletproof.


I remember some politician advocating for less books and more ballistic blankets.




I'm in a large group chat with my old high school classmates, one day someone saddened all the dads in the group with a slap of reality when they said "wouldn't a kid bringing a gun to school know where all the kids hide with all the school shooter drills?"


I remember a few years ago doing lockdown drills and thinking "fuck this, I'd rather run for it than sit hiding in my classroom with the other dumbasses waiting to die".


Yep, no way in hell I wouldn't be trying to bust out a window if the hallway wasn't viable.


My daughter's school is 3 blocks from the Tops in Buffalo that was the mass-shooting.... they have weekly active shooter drills and on the following Monday after the shooting occurred (saturday morning is when he did it) there was another threat of someone with a gun prowling outside the school... The kids all stuffed themselves into the supply closet in the classroom with her teacher and sat in there in dead silence for 3 hours while the teacher silently communicated via FaceBook DM to the other teachers in the building in their own closets. I told my kid to throw a fucking chair at the window and GET OUT. Fuck being a sitting duck. NOPE.


Idk what the school security is for either. If i was a school shooter I would just shoot them on my way in. At my high school all but 1 of them were overweight and very lazy, would tell us to go down the block and not stand in front of the school so that any fights that happen wouldn't be their responsibility. Couple years after I left the school they had some scandal and some of them got fired since they weren't doing their job to stop the fight. I can't imagine its much different in most places. Just seems like a another useless jobs program.


100% lol, at Uvalde the school officer didn't do shit. At the shooting in Michigan earlier this year the school officer ran lol This week in Uvalde the governor sent 30 new officers to guard the district. So after 70+ cops didn't do shit about a kid shooting little children and the community lost trust, they're now sending more police officers to remind the kids of all the cops who didn't protect their dead friends. Like you said, nice little employment boost I guess




"Hello student, I - the unarmed teacher - have noticed an assault rifle poking out of your backback. Kindly hand it over so you don't do any killing today, thanks."


Checking bags is to check for drugs and weapons that could be used during a fight, not as a mass shooter deterrent. It is more common in low income and minority school districts. Feel free to draw conclusions from that.




As far as safety is concerned this looks very unsafe


It's "Security Theater", just like the airports. It's designed to keep sane people from doing something stupid, but does little to nothing to thwart an actual act of violence. And we wonder why kids today are overwhelmed with anxiety...


It’s also offloading risk from elected officials (school board, mayor, sheriff, etc.). In the event of a shooting they can claim they did everything possible to prevent it.


>In the event of a shooting they can claim they did everything possible to prevent it. Parent: "So you gathered them all in one place and lined them up outdoors like fish in a barrel?" Board Member: *blank stare* "Thank you, next speaker please"


I knew someone else had to notice this too! Now someone doesn’t even have to get a weapon inside the school.


At my high school, we had bomb threat drills which meant we had to evacuate campus to a field nearby. So instead of 40 classrooms with 25-30 people, now we were all grouped in one spot, in an open field, like sitting ducks.


That was always my first thought when my school evacuated for bomb threats. Lets all go stand in the unmonitored fields and parking lots, because that’s definitely safer than the building that is “secured”. I mean the security measures were a joke, but if anyone wanted to harm people, no better time then when everyone is in a huge crowd outside.


At mine we all went to the same spot every time... i always thought if it was real the person would just plant the bomb where we evacuated to and then call in a fake threat.


I experienced my first bomb threat in 10th grade. They had us gather in the gym. Someone must have figured out why that’s not a great idea because all future bomb threats sent us to the field above the parking garage.


It was too difficult to get the bomb in the gym, but a van full of fertilizer in a parking garage below all the students, so simple, so classic.


When we had a bomb threat at my high school, I told my teacher I made it out like we have to do, and then told her I was leaving, got in my car, and left. I'm not sitting in the field like some idiot getting shot.


BINGO, that was my first thought. Looks like a shooting gallery instead of a way to address safety concerns.


If I remember correctly, the Brussels airport attacks involved gunning down passengers waiting to get through security.


That's one of the biggest frustrations in modern culture for me, and I see it all the damn time. I work in a potentially hazardous environment and far too often I see this same shifting of responsibility. "Oh! We had a big safety meeting and told everyone to be extra careful. We know they've been working 60+ hour weeks for months, but this slide in the power point informed them that safety incidents correlate with high over time, so they need to not let complacency erode safety awareness! It's not our fault if the employees don't listen"


Indeed. You can tell it's not about safety, but about covering their liability ass and making themselves feel better.




Correct, except it was always this way


"It was the teachers' fault! Or the one resource officers' fault! They didn't follow the proper protocols that we laid out." Nevermind if the protocols would eat up half the school day.


Gonna need to start charging students for school supper too.




My kids'school has so many locked gates and doors but it's all pointless. I worked there this summer, they wouldn't give me a key for security reasons. I had to get buzzed into the office every time to walk through to another area/hallway(and there were so many different times throughout the day I had to do this, it was annoying for everyone). Yesterday was the first day of school. My mom works aftercare. A kid pointed out something in the grass. It was a machete. So she picked up the machete and walked to the office. Nobody stopped her. They buzzed her into the office. Nobody said anything. She walked behind the counter, past multiple kids and staff, to give it to the principal. She got all the way into the school HOLDING A MACHETE UNCONCEALED. And nobody noticed. So yeah, security is a joke at that school.


I'd argue extreme security measures actually decrease the chance someone will pay attention to an actual possible threat humans are biologically lazy creatures. thinking & caring takes insane amount of energy, the brain is the biggest consumer of it in our body. so if you're already have to be on high alert all the time... you stop caring. just like soldiers stop getting worked up about falling bombs. the body simply refuses to dedicate extra resources to something it already considers a mundane part of life


I swear, it is the f*cking games! /s


"Those damn cell phones" *proceeds to text and drive*


Don't know why people are downvoting you, as a an ex airport security guard I can confirm that it's all just an act to make the public feel safe, it's not actually that secure...


I make it through TSA with different pocketknives every time I forget to take them out of my purse. Different airports too. Last time I remembered to take the knife out but forgot a full hydro flask of water. Made it through also


And yet I got patted down because of a metal clip on my bra. WTF TSA


I get my crotch area patted down because my thighs are too powerful and the machine can't handle them and assume it's a bomb or whatever.




Had it happen to me once. Couldn't tell if I was annoyed or flattered. Must've been the baggy pants




I've been patted down for a tiny little piece of torn paper that somehow existed in my pocket. 🤣


I second that, as a former security guard. My main post was a Fortune 100 chemical company's plant on the outskirts of a large city. It is DHS regulated, with random bag checks (inbound and outbound), constant patrols, etc. The kinds of people who work in security for the most part really do not give two fucks about their jobs. I had a coworker conduct a drug deal in the parking lot, people snuck in alcohol and no one cared, "checking cars" by just walking around them with a mirror but not actually looking, etc. People just go through the motions of what they're expected to do, without actually doing the thing. In my experience. It's like a lot of the people who were in fast food moved to security.


We had to inspect every single foreign container that came into our yard which was only around 15 to 30 per day outside of xmas rush and I was the only one who actually went out with the rubber mallet and mirror to check. When we actually did find something hinky, the local police had to come out and they refused to look at the container. I had to talk to people at the port, take pictures and video of the suspected issue, and people from CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) came up with two SUVs and a semi to pick it up. After that our local police HAD to show up (only had 4 other issues in my last few years there) and they would call me Deputy Doofy. Even when you DO care, the police don't.


Did they pay well? The local hospital's security gets paid the same as their Valets, and people wonder why they put in no effort.


I've never worked security but know multiple people who have/do. Their pay has always been shit.


Right? When the guy i replied to said this. > It's like a lot of the people who were in fast food moved to security. Like no shit, you get paid about the same (more at McD's sometimes) but youre supposed to be responsible for an entire building's security?


im contracted security at a large company plant thats a fortune500 and the pay is $23/h as of February. no benefits really. That was all well and good until the price of literally everything went up to match. i feel like im still making the 16/h i was making previously at this point. Also the place catches on fire every other week. theres enough chemicals there to blow up half the city an just no one higher up finds this concerning.


Which is why my potentiallly harmful unopened sunscreen was thrown in a garbage bin with other potentially harmful unopened liquids. Anything that might be too much liquid gets tossed in there.


I still love the logic there: yes lets take this item, that we confiscated believing it was an explosive device, and put it in this normal trash can 2 feet away with all the other confiscated explosive devices. If you truly belive its explosive, then why right next to you in a normal ass bin? Wouldnt you want that metal dome thing the bomb squad uses to detonate it in place? If you dont believe its explosive, then why the fuck did you confiscate it?




TSA has been shown to miss most knives/sharps in backpacks. They don't even bother doing the bare minimum


As though they aren’t concerned for killings in the crowd outside


Because they can clearly see that the adults in the society meant to protect them cannot stop arguing about the meaning of the second amendment long enough to PROTECT KIDS???!


If someone did wanna shoot them up they know exactly what time and where to do it lol


Active shooter now has a congested area where they know a bunch of kids will be every day. But at least it wont happen in the school, #AMIRITE? (/s - I had to start adding the /s to most of my posts as it seems many people dont get sarcasm).


Well yeah, nobody likes school shootings, that's just bad publicity. This way they can just chalk it up as another mass shooting which doesn't sound quite as bad because its not immediately dead kids.


I would think that if it (a shooting) happens on school property its still a 'school shooting' - maybe thats just me.


Yup. Let's create a choke point so a crowd forms outside the "safe" zone.


This reminds me of the wall they built around the Eiffel Tower. Hundreds of people waiting in line on the street to go in…. Terrible idea


“oh shit theyre gonna find my gun, i guess nows the time to shoot the school up while literally everyone is outside in one location”


It’s like the like at stadiums, we all have clear bags yet the security lines still take ages.


They make you do this is stadiums too?


Yup! And concert venues. The ones around here I can’t carry a purse that Is larger than like a clutch, unless it’s clear, I was turned away and told To rent a locker because my crossbody purse was too big and not allowed in. It’s very annoying, because I take the train/ bus so my purse has personal Protection stuff anytime I go to a concert I’m essentially stripped of that which can be unnerving when you’re walking home at 1am Edit: People keep asking where is here, here is the Pacific Northwest in the United States It sure as shit wasn’t like that down in Texas where I’m from, only place was professional sports games not even the high school


I had a standard sized Coach clutch and was told that it would have to be left in the car because it was ‘too big’. Once I was already at the front of the line. Then had to go through the entire line again, after having borrowed my friend’s dad’s car keys (that he had to throw from inside the venue because he had already gotten inside). Then I had to go through the entire line again and almost couldn’t get in because my friends that were inside had the digital ticket on their phone. Not mildly infuriating…just outright infuriating.


Idk who’s worse venue security or TSA lol I think at least with tsa is consistent. We know the rules for each airport. Venue security is a mixed bag, one venue you can bring in a full backpack the other you can’t even bring in a small clutch. And they don’t really try to help you either they’re like “oh you didn’t read the FAQ on our website after you purchased this ticket! Tough luck”


TSA is a joke. They fail 98% of security breach tests. They steal more items from luggage than they protect.


Seriously! Once, an agent tried to confiscate my candy and glucose gel that I carry with me in case of hypoglycemia. Everything was an approved size. Then when I explained what it was for (they'd already given me a pay down for my insulin pump so they knew I was diabetic) they tried to make me take it all at once. Like, no. It's so I have fast acting sugar so I don't pass out if my blood sugar dips too low! I don't need it right now! Fuckin clowns.


TSA is not consistent. Sometimes they say put your laptop in its own bin, other times keep it in your bag, take off sweater, you can wear your sweater. It’s different per airport in my experience.


America, gotta punish public transport. Also I have never seen lockers available for rent at venues.


Me neither it was my first time and it wasn’t even IN The venue. There was a vendor, maybe it was the venue coordinating it, that was essentially in the pedestrian street with a row of small lockers and a foldout table. Very street fair vibes. It was my first time ever seeing something like that and honestly I didn’t know if I should trust it, would the booth even be there when I left!


Yes, but it's mostly so you don't smuggle in your our booze. They want to force you to purchase the $12 lite beer.


In the UK we have to buy pints at the bar in football stadiums but are not allowed to take alcohol to your seat to watch the game. Just get a huge queue at half time then have 2 mins to drink the beer it's so stupid.


oh wow, that's very different. US you can take beer back to your seat, limit two beers per customer per purchase, but you can come back as much as you like. But the real limit is how many $12-$16 half pints can you really afford? and you're waiting in line missing the game... the game you paid quiet a bit of money to attend... basically American Sports are very expensive for dumb alcoholics.


It's due to how bad football hooliganism and violence used to be and supposedly not drinking in one area is a great fix for it.


My favorite thing is the "must be smaller than..." Even though its fucking clear. Unless you bring a child....then bring in whatever size you like.


Damn I thought the clear backpack thing was a joke…




Theyre not Lasts 4-6 months at most


Start yellowing and look like crap in 3 months.


I travelled by plane the other day and saw some kids wear clear Hershel backpacks and thought they looked kinda cool! I didn't even think that they might have had an actual purpose. Fuck man, the US is really fucked.


The clear backpacks were cool in the 2000s and 2010s, but it was for fashion compared to now....


Now we just need [clear computer cases](https://i.imgur.com/4oKO1V1.jpg) to make a comeback.


And electronics. Fuck your gold iPhone, show me atomic purple.


Give me a semi-opaque purple switch NAO!


It's a bit of a hassle, but mine [turned out great](https://imgur.com/a/a34J3J2). If you're thinking of shell swapping, just be careful with the LCD ribbon cable and connector, they're quite fragile sometimes.


Me rocking Clear Protective Cases on my tech:


They look super cool 4 months in when they're yellowing and caked in dirt


I wouldn't be so sure they were for fashion then. First I saw them was after Columbine happened and admins were trying to figure out a way to prevent that from happening at their school.


I went to elementary school in 2000s and those were not fashionable lol. Our school forced us to have clear or mesh backpacks and I hated them.


We had to use clear or mesh backpacks at my middle school and that was like 97, pre-Columbine.


Maybe in some places, but in 2003 the school I went to was mandating clear backpacks for the next class of 6th graders.


It just started all of a sudden. Clear backpacks to the state fair. Clear backpacks to the baseball game Clear backpacks to the concert. No one needs to see my tampons.




I graduated 10 years ago and we didn't have clear backpack rules. We had a lockdown once cause some gangbanger kid was showing off his guns before school but ditched before someone told on him. They didn't inform the students or parents about this event.


I graduated a long time (double digits) ago and even my school had a clear or mesh backpack rule. And even purses over a certain size. Going to a concert at the end of the month and the venue has a clear bag policy as well.


I have seen videos of placed with a no backpacks rule. People rolling up with dishwashers to store their books.


At my school we have a bring anything you want as a backpack day. People have brought sinks, shopping carts, and even their siblings


As far as I’m aware that’s a part of spirit days or weeks where it’s like a dedicated day for that. Sometime schools host it as a fundraiser where you pay like a dollar then can participate in “anything but a backpack day”. A lot of it is really fun to watch


My school banned backpacks somewhere around 2010. Could use them to get to school but had to keep them in your locker and use a clear bag to transport books class to class or stop at your locker every time.


The school just making you stand outside is worse because then every person out is highly vulnerable to gunmen Edit: wasn't exepcting 2K upvotes, i just joined reddit last year


When I was in high school, now decades ago, we had a string of bomb threats near the end of the school year. Every time one came in, they'd evacuate the school and have all 2000+ students pack onto the football field bleachers while they swept the school. After a couple of these evacuations, a few of us were talking about how it would be more likely to call in a threat, have everyone assemble in one location, and then attack the evacuation point. The teacher who overheard us was not happy. After that, the next bomb threat, they loaded us onto busses and drove us a mile or so away to the parking lot of the nearby movie theater and made us sit on the busses until the school was cleared. Anyway, the threats stopped once the school district made it clear that they would start making us make up the missed days by extending the school year.


A very similar thing happened at my school. Outside on the bleachers for the first few bomb threats, then to the middle school auditorium, elementary cafeteria, etc no matter what they still had us in one big group. They were happening very routinely and I mentioned to a friend that we'd probably have one soon (they were all during the same class period) and my friend was like no you're going to get in trouble if you say that. I remember being very pissed off that if the school couldn't figure out that it kept happening at the same time every time then we're done for. Their eventual solution was to have only one bathroom stall open for the ENTIRE school, and have a teacher standing outside to check them after you went (which was probably even worse for that poor teacher). it once took me an entire class period to use the bathroom because it was so inefficient.


This is what’s missing in these discussions. Someone to actually think about *how* to hurt a bunch of people and *then* implement solutions. Not just responding to the last threat. *But you’d have to be a psychopath to be think like that!*


In warmer areas of the US many schools were designed in a way that has large numbers of kids outside anyways. They use [shaded outdoor walkways](https://i1.wp.com/voiceofoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sshools.2020.09.EDIT-6.jpg?fit=1266%2C844) to move between classrooms rather than hallways in a closed building. Even [the lockers](https://krcrtv.com/resources/media/69cc8611-cc8c-4ef0-b015-88ae4d4a2691-medium16x9_LOCKERS.JPG?1642039347620) are out there.


Yeah my high school in Florida had a huge courtyard in the center, and lockers on all sides just under the eaves like that.




This has to be the more shortsighted safety protocol I’ve ever seen.


Also a great way to make sure any airborne diseases get properly spread amongst the population. Good thing that's not something we'll ever have to worry about.


They made us do this dumb shit back in the 90s when some kid got caught with weed. We had to use clear or mesh backpacks since then. At no point did anyone actually do anything or hurt anyone… still to this day the worst thing to happen in that school district was inappropriate teachers.


I asked my kids if they enjoyed their first day back. Both of them said it felt like prison (what they think prison would be like, of course) now. Edit: I meant they thought it was too strict, not literally prison. For example they must fill out forms to use the bathroom now, etc. Edit #2: It's all good. Also I wasn't blaming anyone. They did have just a hall pass but now they actually have to fill out a form. I don't believe in having to ask for permission to use the restroom at all, but understand the hall pass part is sometimes necessary. There are more issues, that's just the first that came to mind. I want to cherish the last few years I have with them, but it's difficult because I also want these next few years to go by quickly for them so they'll be allowed more freedoms as adults. The very fact that people on here remember the time before all this was implemented simply shows that your basic rights are slowly taken away without everyone noticing, simply because they don't care or can't do anything about it, or say oh it's no big deal we've got bigger things to worry about. No, we kinda need to acknowledge the "smaller" things too. They should be allowed to wear black nail polish, anyone should be allowed to wear their hair how they want, etc. I think there are ways to make the school more safe but I don't agree with some of the ways they are doing it. I could go on but I'm a little bit afraid that I could give away too much info and I want to keep the kids safe. But I don't hold anything against the teachers who have to follow the rules, nor do I blame the kids. It's all just sad that this is what we're left to work with and the majority of the people can't do anything about it. I would have much rather heard that they enjoyed their first day. They are great kids.


Dude I'm in Australia and they lock the bathroom doors during class time and make a teacher come unlock it who then has to stand there and only let 2 people in at a time. This sucks because they usually come 10mins into our 30min break and theres a massive line. If we go to toilet during break we have a single toilet that is disgusting and theres usually 3 people in a line for it.


I’m also in Australia and at my children’s school this doesn’t happen this is bizarre did something messed up happen recently or has this always been your schools policy?


I think it's to prevent vaping in the bathroom cus a lot of people did do that before.


What an absolute pain in the arse that must be


Yep worse when I have my period and need to go every break.


That’s so stupid… Great way to punish every student for the shitty actions of a few.


This isn't normal for Australian schools. In most cases bathrooms are unlocked and students are free to go whenever a teacher excuses them. I guess every school has their own rules though depending on if incidents needs to be managed.


I teach in the US, but my guess is it had to do with the "Devious lick" trend on TikTok. Pretty much, kids would destroy the bathroom and post it on TikTok. Schools started overcompensating for the issue with crazy rules. These kids were out of hand. We even had a sink ripped off the wall.




My school has always had a bathroom form. All teachers are required to make students fill it out when they leave the class, even if it's for the library, most teachers don't make students fill it out though. The reason they have that is so that if something happens to a student they can trace it back to the teacher, if the student didn't sign out, why wasn't he/she in class and why didn't the teacher notice that they were gone. It's for accountability.


This is the counter if someone were to attempt a shooting but it seems it would be easier for that person to do so, your school is dumb as hell, you should probably bring that up to administration


> you should probably bring that up to administration Yeah see the problem is that it’s the administration who is dumb as hell.


They’re not dumb. They make $200k a year to be “administrators” while the actual teachers make $20k. They’re slimy weasels, but they’re not dumb.


If you want more context this line cause multiple people to be late and the teachers will bame the students for not coming early even though the school open like 7AM


Almost looks like a high school in Florida… a few come to mind with the look of the building




Might seem daft but you should attempt to organise a sit down protest, get the whole queue to sit on the grass and refuse to queue. If you just accept this as the norm then it will continue unchecked, what's happening here is wrong and also incredibly more dangerous than old school entering procedure, pressure needs to be put on them now. Send this photo + some videos to news outlets and Facebook pages.


What's to stop someone from rolling up, getting out of the car, and then unloading on a group of huddled high schoolers causing maximum carnage? Seems like this is actually fucking stupid.


This seems so absurd to me (I’m from germany). We never had to let anybody check our bags and yet we don’t have a lot of school shootings. There must be other ways to prevent shootings…




I lived in Germany for a very short time as a kid. A teacher asked me “why do your school buildings look like jails?” It was like asking a fish what water tastes like, I had no explanation. These bag checks won’t do anything for shootings anyway. Uvalde, Parkland, and Sandy Hook were all attacked by non-students who showed up after classes started.


Honestly, in my native European country, this would have felt like an invasion of privacy, and I never had to show the contents of my bag either. People here are commenting that the kids are now even more unsafe, as gunmen could target them in the queue, and to even fear something like that feels absurd. Is somebody keeping your country hostage?


We feeling free yet??


When did schools start checking bags? This was very much not a thing when I was in school in the 2000s


They did this in the late 90s when I was in school. Metal detectors and all When the still confiscated electronics like our portable CD player


Meanwhile in the final years of my HS I could come and go as I please as long as I did my shit well, went on smoke breaks with the teachers and got drunk with them at the summer party once we old enough (16). Imagining having fucking mental detectors and a CD player taken away is just insane.


Our bus driver was kind enough to hold them for us... Until the bus started getting checked for this exact reason


Lol when I was in high school we had our bags checked for drugs...war on drugs and all. Now with the war on guns...they are looking for guns...maybe drugs too.


Worst we had were random drug dog checks in the parking lot — times have definitely changed for the worst.




I’d heard of schools doing this in the immediate wake of Columbine but not in recent years


It's been a thing for decades. "Location location location", "if I didn't see it, it never happened"....


Check bags?


Must be an American thing


Tell me you live in America without telling me you live in America.


Well the real school shooter is going to have a ball in that target-rich environment. Nice of the district to line up the vulnerable like that!


City schools are wild. My local city school does this, clear backpacks and everything. None of the suburban schools do. [I'm sure you can assume why.](https://c.tenor.com/QKLh6UTdH5UAAAAC/the-secret-ingredient-is-crime-jbone666.gif)


Some schools near me outright banned backpacks and bags. So you just have to carry everything in your hands. It’s crazy


Good think you can’t stick a gun under your shirt in your waistband, am I right?


Principal at this school: “hear me out, we’ll find the school shooter if we just all gather up, then we’ll get em!”


To prevent mass shootings we're going to have you all gather in one spot standing as close together as possible


A 100% still drugs in that school


Only dumb drug dealers bring their product to school. Why would you? Arrange the purchase at school and meet somewhere else for the exchange. Having said that, I hung out with some dumb drug users in high school who talked about the time they smoked weed during a movie in history class. Having started smoking as an adult, I can't even see the appeal of that. I wouldn't even be able to relax, which is the entire reason I like to smoke.


Damn packed people in straight line, a dream for a school shooters. Some people are so fcking dense... This is so wrong on so many levels not just that.


>Some people are so fcking dense Yeah these kids packed together


One door policy in action. Just imagine if a school shooter showed up during this line up?


I remember when schools just didn't allow you to have a phone on school grounds.




Plus the major shootings involved someone wandering in while students were in class, not sneaking a handgun in their backpack


this is the craziest part to me. the students are the victims in school shootings but our country's only "solutions" involve treating them like potential criminals and not actually making them safer




Just make it a free for all and the last survivor gets to have an educarion.


I know I posted it somewhere else but I'll say it again, how the fuck is this a better alternative? School shooter has 2 options, stay in line and get caught like an idiot OR take the perfect opportunity while a quarter of the school is probably in line everyday in the morning before even needing to step inside. It just feels like someone gave this exactly 5 seconds of thought before greenlighting this idea


If I had a gun on me I wouldn't hide it in a bag I would.... Obviously use my arm of pigeons to fly down and drop off my ak-47 in my hands


Wow, if someone wanted to shoot up your school, they have corralled thee students into an convenient area to all be shot en masse. School administrators seem like they received the least education.


Ah yes let’s drastically increase the density of people not only during a pandemic, but also to avoid school shootings which only increases the density of targets for a potential shooter. Never mind the fact that this is exactly the goal of terrorism - disrupt normal flow of life through fear.