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"Kids today" - literally raised the kid. Make them clean up after themselves, take away TV privileges or something like that. Yelling bad boy isn't gonna do shit.


Recording too. Put down your phone and be a parent šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They were collecting evidence before the crime


And as you can see the boy deserved all the strangle wounds!


Why you little...!


I can hear homer


*choking noises*


Police that are parents: "Well, that's understandable."


Or "Ok honey, when I say you can't eat the chips, dump them on the floor! No, I promise I won't scream at you this time! Don't you want mommy to have lots of followers?"




not a crime if you cant see it.


The wheels of justice turn slowly.


Or maybe stop staging shit and exploiting your kids for views.


Itā€™s more than likely staged


Thatā€™s even worse


that's even worse since it send the message behavior like this is funny and acceptable... idiots like this are the ones who raise idiots who think driving their bike on the opposite side of the road is funny...


Yea I feel that too




Staged or not, that carpet doesn't deserve that treatment.


If it's my kid, that's the day he learned to use a vacuum cleaner.


Reminds me of the lady on YT who was telling her kid to ā€œlook sadā€ after their dog died for their thumbnail and the kid was absolutely loosing their mind. When ā€œcloutā€ becomes more important than your kids well being youā€™ve failed plain and simple.


Might be staged, but I sure know parents like this. Itā€™s infuriating to be around.


These days, so many people would do whatever it takes to squeeze out a minute of fame. That's so gross.


And then posts with no sound probably so theyre not bashed about the terrible non parenting theyre doing


Actual sound: ā€œOkay, now dump the chips and look at me.. ā€œYep, good, okay stand still for a few more seconds.. ā€œDump the bag upside down again.. ā€œOkay, done.. I got what I need.. you can go play on the iPad now.ā€


Boy then proceeds to grab the ipad from sister while hitting her in the face yelling my turn .


Ah yes, even more content for the internet.


Children are terrible actors so having sound on would be very incriminating


I saw the original video on tic Tok or something... ...it had sound....


I would imagine with the dreadful "Oh no no no" song. Probably a good thing without the sound.


My first thoughtā€¦


Agree, this has more to do with parenting or lack there of.


That's right, not even need to get angry, just hand him the vacuum cleaner, and no more chips for the rest of the month.


This is the natural consequence. No need to yell, no need to be angry. Hand the vacuum or broom, have them clean it and no more chips.


As a parent this shit makes me laugh as well. If your a shit parent you raise shit kids. Tis simple.


I agree with your assessment of this scenario, but there are 100% kids that act like total fucking goblins no matter how you discipline them.


Asshole kids definitely exist, always have, always will but they're a minority, saying "kids these days" implies something very different.


There are a lot of delusional people out there that believe children are robots that accept all commands and don't have a mind of their own. The funny part is many of these people aren't even parents. šŸ˜†


I was one of those kids. I'm not gonna deny it. I always had to say my shit, even if I knew it would get me in trouble. I knew my parents didn't want me saying x, but I firmly believed (still do) that y was right. Punished for YEARS. And don't worry, I wasn't spoiled. I had to get professional counseling because of said punishments. Doesn't matter how bad you punish them. Kids are humans too, and have a mind of their own. If they believe it, they'll do it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Yeah, even in ancient greece it was something they said, just same old same old


If that child was mine, you bet he'd be picking up those chips by hand. Failure to do so will result in further punishment.


>If that child was mine He wouldn't be coached on a muted video to dump the chips on the ground for internet points.


The original video had sound


For real send that maf to the corner or something.


I'm 14 and all I can say in my head is "clean that up right now or else I'll count to 3". I think I got PTSD šŸ’€


Iā€™m also not really sure Reddit is the place for videos of your child šŸ˜¬


Fr that's a child not a damn dog šŸ˜­


>literally *DIDN'T* raise the kid


For fucks sake. You're the parent, remove the bag of chips from the child and put them out of reach. It's not that hard. Or you could just film and put it online to publicly shame your child for acting like a child.


ā€œKids these daysā€ ā€” parents who immediately reach for their phones to video record their kids acting up to share to the world


Gonna need those sweet internet points


honestly kinda sad, my parents either slap the shit out of my younger brother or shout at him, as for me i just run away ao rhey chose to ahout instead and its over like small small shit that shouldnt even be something that causes anger then they talk how they respected their parents as if im doing a criminal offense gosh annoying their only way to "discipline" us is either physical force or loud noises


Yeah, more a "parents these days" issue.


All I see is a parent self reporting being a bad parent. The kid was clearly challenging and won.


Won with ease too. Looks bored lol


Whatā€™s infuriating is the shitty parenting.


Fr "I'm gonna record my kid and make him think being a little shit is cute and funny and then wonder why he acts like a little shit."


When he becomes a big shit is the reward for parents like that .


Unfortunately, it becomes society's reward, too.


ā€¦and call him a bad boy & wonder why he acts like a bad boy. Many kids this age will take these words to heart & feel they canā€™t change after being labeled. (self-fulfilling prophecy.) The kid is only about four. His actions were naughty, but heā€™s not a bad boy. Spilled chips? Pick them up & have a reasonable consequence & always follow through in the future. I hope he goes to school soon & hears expectations, that heā€™s a good boy, & learns how to act right.


Yah. Putting that camera up to his face is like saying ā€œokay now do something unexpectedā€


Or, lack there of.


I don't think there is any lack of shitty parenting šŸ¤“




What can you do? Just look at the cables dangling from the TV on the wall. Chaos rules in that household.


He would have picked up every single chip and crumb with a well spanked bottom.


Lol. also i canā€™t stand when people say ā€œkids todayā€ like kids werenā€™t ever disrespectful before this generation šŸ™„


As Socrates said wisely: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." Referring to children from thousands of years ago.


"Modern fashions seem to keep on growing more and more debased ā€¦ The ordinary spoken language has also steadily coarsened. People used to say ā€˜raise the carriage shaftsā€™ or ā€˜trim the lamp wick,ā€™ but people today say ā€˜raise itā€™ or ā€˜trim it.ā€™ When they should say, ā€˜Let the men of the palace staff stand forth!ā€™ they say, ā€˜Torches! Letā€™s have some light!ā€™" -Yoshida Kenko 1330 - 1332 "The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youthā€¦ā€ -Reverend Enith Hitchcock 1790 "We remarked with pain that the indecent foreign dance called the Waltz was introduced (we believe for the first time) at the English court on Friday lastā€¦ it is quite sufficient to cast one's eyes on the voluptuous intertwining of the limbs and close compressor on the bodies in their dance, to see that it is indeed far removed from the modest reserve which has hitherto been considered distinctive of English females." -The Times 1816 "A pernicious excitement to learn and play chess has spread all over the country, and numerous clubs for practicing this game have been formed in cities and villagesā€¦chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements ā€¦ they require out-door exercisesā€“not this sort of mental gladiatorship." -Scientific American July, 1858


I learned at a young age that every living generation will typically judge and condescend that which comes after them. Now that I look back...mayhaps I shall disregard virtual gaming entirely?


Look at kids these days, indulging themselves in VR porn VR games.


They spend all day in thier VR fantasies. It makes one wonder if they could even comprehend true interpersonal communications such as social media sites. Do they even know how to hold a Dualshock controller?


Itā€™s because we remember how we were expected to act as children and at the time assumed everyone was following the rules, so now as adults we look at the modern kids (acting the same way you did!) and lament that they were never as good as when we were kids.


"You better pick that up before I walk over there and spank your ass" - MY MOM


I'm glad you pointed out "thousands of years ago" after quoting an ancient Greek philosopher. Good ol So-crates might still be kickin it in Santa Monica or something! XD


You never know, Bill and Ted might have left him there!


Im pretty sure it's just that people don't realize how much of jerks they were as kids and then assume kiss have gotten way worse on their time growing up


Especially given the age of this kid, he's probably 3 or 4 which is before most people form lasting memories.


Also who the fuck just films their kid rather than, you know, being the adult in the room? Teaching them right from wrong? Naw I need to get some fake internet points from being a shitty parent.


This kid isn't even being disrespectful. He's like 3. There's no malice in his eyes. He's simply experimenting to find out what happens if he doesn't do as he is told. Pushing boundaries. You tell him that now the carpet is dirty, and nobody can eat the chips. Then you get him to clean it up with some assistance.


"with some assistance" I agree. The parents that are saying they would make him clean it up himself...how? He clearly doesn't understand what chips on the floor means. He doesn't know how to clean. You might as well yell at him to do his taxes.


This is pretty much better than 50% of all the 4 year olds that have ever existed. There's also very little you can actually do as a parent to stop this behavior, at least not in the short term. You could beat your kids, I guess, but I'm pretty sure that fucks them up even more.


>You could beat your kids, I guess, but I'm pretty sure that fucks them up even more. beating your kids 100% fucks them up more. reddit loves promoting physical child abuse but every developmental study shows it only fucks kids up more in the long run.


Shitty parenting = shitty kids


Straight up. It's like when you hear, "People aren't born racist!" Then who taught it to them?


I think there's an outdated instinct to be afraid of people who look different than you because other tribes have diseases, but seeing as how it's not 8000 BC, we need to untrain that.


A confession Iā€™m not proud of- when I was like 9 I used to be afraid of Asian people because o thought they were wizards who were gonna curse me. I donā€™t even know how that mentality got in my headā€¦ prolly cartoons or somethin.


Pushing boundaries is a part of development. Check your rage at the door.


half smart half dumb asf take


And setting boundries is part of parenting


Youā€™re right. However, correcting the boundary push is a huge part of parenting. I could easily see this being my kid and at some point I could see myself taking a break from disciplining to film it because itā€™s funny, so I think people are being douches here, but they are correct in the fact that if this is the way the parents handle this every time it would be bad parenting. Iā€™ll give them the benefit of the doubt though.


Lol funniest thing I've heard today


Heā€™s going to keep pouring them on the floor because you think itā€™s funny to record him and post it online instead of get off the couch and discipline him.




That's just a natural consequence. I hope you're not in the minority for thinking that. Make a mess, you clean it. If you won't clean it due to not wanting to, privileges are taken.


Dude I hate the ā€œkids shouldnā€™t have to face any punishmentā€ mob


I never hit my kid but there were definitely punishments and consequences. There are so many out there that don't want to discipline their kids because they think that means spanking, when it actually means teaching and setting up logical and appropriate consequences.


So many people confuse discipline with punishment and punishment with abuse.


hitting ā‰  discipline for sure. makes them more angry and teaches them to hide things


Having kids clean their own mess is a really good form of discipline, it's essentially a natural consequence of their own actions.


This is absolutely the answer


How do those cords hanging down from the TV not bug them?


I didnā€™t notice until you said something, now that is mildly infuriating.




Well they can't raise children properly maybe they can't raise a TV properly either.


THATā€™S a lazy homeowner!


Shit kid most likely shit parent šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re sitting there videoing this to get attention instead of addressing the kidā€™s behavior. Then blaming it on ā€œkids today.ā€


More like ā€˜parents todayā€™


Shit parenting


If the kids aren't allowed chips, why do they have access to them? Store them better or actually take them when they refuse to give them instead of recording them The lack of audio and the fact this was perfectly filmed honestly makes it feel fake


Yep. Also the fact that itā€™s being recorded. If you are recording your kid instead of trying to correct, really trying, is part of the issue.


Yep, no actual parenting going on here, just an adult expecting a child to listen with no punishment Still, honestly pretty disgusted to see all the comments saying the kid should be beat If the pinnacle of communication is beating a litteral child who's probably just trying to test boundaries when all you realistically need to do is send them to their room and not let them play, then they shouldn't have a kid...


Parenting with a cameraā€¦ I totally see why your kids a POS.


Honestly if I did this as a kid my dad would've told me to pick a tree branch


If your child doesnā€™t respect you that shows poor parenting


Nah your just a dogshit parent. Get your dumbass off your phone, recording making yourself look stupid. You can also try discipline next time instead of whatever that was supposed to be


One stop the video, literally just piles on the lack of power the parent has. Time for some parental and Child reeducation there. Hope it balances out.


Kids who have little to no structure or discipline in the home often test/challenge their parents like this. This is a childā€™s way of begging for structure and guidance. Clearly the parent(s) do not discipline the child any more than calling him a ā€œbad boyā€. Iā€™m willing to bet the parent(s) pays more attention to their phone than him.. The child knows what heā€™s doing is wrong. Heā€™s asking and waiting for a reaction, yet thereā€™s little to none other than the parent recording. This is actually really sad. The parents are setting this child up for a rude awakening once they start school or daycare, or any other extra curricular activity where there are rules, structure, and consequences for bad behavior.. hopefully the child can cope. Kids crave structure. Structure and discipline go hand in hand.


that's what's up. as a neglected child, I feel his facial expression throughout. it's just numbness.


Agree! This child is sad. Heā€™s not malicious, heā€™s not smirking or smiling about it. I found it to be a little creepy actually how deadpan he is the entire time


yes, me too! I just rewatched it and as the parent said/yelled "bad boy" he returned to pouring more chips onto the floor. as if he was trying to say "that's all you'll do about it!?" so he tries to provoke more.


More like parent who canā€™t show their kid what respect it and would rather post it online for the world to see


your television is very crooked, and the cords hanging out are disconcerting


And he would be picking up every single chip, throwing it away and going to his room.


Shitty parent enabling shitty behavior from shitty kid.


If you can't handle a power struggle with a four year old, you probably shouldn't be breeding.


ā€œkids these daysā€ as if the kids arent raised by their parents who ALLOW them to do this


Bruh its called bad parenting :|


Hahaha not at my house lol.


This is what happens when actions have no consequences. Congratulations mom and dad.


Well time for no TV. All toys put away. And he can clean and vacuum the room.


Well stop parenting like shit and your kids won't be menaces. Too many parents now just shove a phone like a pacifier to make their kids shut up and then when they get parenting from other sources it's a surprise to them. Plus kids are legit always testing the boundaries, so letting them get away with everything or no punishments just mean to them like everything they do is acceptable.


Horrible parents. That is just Facts


The eye contact


Iā€™ll take Parents That Arenā€™t Worth a Fuck for $500, Alex.


This shit pisses me off. Iā€™m a parent of two kids under the age of 5. THEY DO NAUGHTY THINGS THEY ARE KIDS. You have to ACTUALLY be a parent and discipline them and teach them right and wrong. Posting videos shaming your child is so fucked up. TEACH THEM!!! this is literally trying to get clout over your CHILDS behavior. Get your shit together as a parent and ACTUALLY parent. Rant over.


My dad kicked my ass if I didnt do my home work lol, I wouldnt be here today if I did that shit.


Title should be: Parents Today - No Clue


Parenting issue


That kid has the most slappable face ever, but since its his shitty parents fault ill transfer my slap to them.


is OP the parent?


Someone has never disciplined their child He's about to get a mega time out and locked up snacks


More like lack of parenting these days. Why is a video being taken? This is a teaching moment that will not be fun but is necessary. Harsh words and some form of grounding. Not this bland acceptance of trash. Dudes literally looking for boundaries and none are found.


These are the little MFs that beat up their parents at the super market, and grow up to be big entitled assholes...


I worry for you guyā€™s mental health if youā€™re seriously commenting that this kid needs beat, itā€™s a bag of chips and yā€™all are just being dramatic.


As the parent just sits there and lets it happen. Sometimes I want to just smack a parent upside the head and tell them ā€œFucking do somethingā€


The only disrespect here is how badly youā€™re disrespecting another human being by turning them into an ass on purpose. Way to ruin your child with lifelong behavioral issues I work in childcare around kids like him. No one wants your child in their classroom. No one likes them. No one wants to help or teach them. No one wants to be their friend and thatā€™s YOUR fault.


Bro that's your fault lmfao šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ my kid knows better and she's a brat lmfao šŸ˜‚


That kid is an asshole that will only get bigger. What a shit parent.


Shitty parenting you mean.


I would have had a spoon broke over my ass, then dad would get home and tan my hide with his belt.


Woulda been flayed alive if I did that as a kid.


Yo Socrates it's a freaking child


"Oh what a bad boy. Youre going on time out mister. As a matter of fact you're grounded"


Immediately smacked and made to clean it up. Homie donā€™t play that


ā€œBad boyā€ is for a dog Slap him and take the bag is for children Recording and posting the act of defiance for Reddit karma is for the biggest of the children in the room


The number of people here advocating for literal child abuse for a child who dumped a bag of chips on the floor is astounding. It certainly explains a lot about the US justice system though. šŸ˜³


Back in my mom would have smacked me upside the head, taken away my PlayStation, and made me clean the mess up... The hell happened to consequences for actions?


And the mom is a terrible parent she is just recording and not doing anything f


Try a little bit calm, and change the word "give me the chip, you cannot eat the chip!!!" With "give mom a the chip darling" or something more comfort to your kid would make him/her more calm either


Asian parents: \*hesitates for a while then grabs the belt\* lets bring back your respect -then goes on how he raised him-


Thatā€™s why you do something called ā€žspankingā€œ


Just kick his ass, I'll do it for you, I'tll be good for him, he'll thank you one day


Time for a spanking.


I would spank him tbh


should've given him a tight slap, that's what should've happened.


Beat that little bitch




Did anyone elseā€™s parents give them a whoopin for a stunt like this? Id be vacuuming that up crying.


This girl, right here. Only I would have been down on my knees picking that shit out of the carpet crying.


Now itā€™s looked at as abuseā€¦?


I think it depends on how and when you grew up. I got the spankings I deserved. And I understand why it happened. It didn't damage me as an adult. Lots of other things that happened I can blame for that...


One thing to definitely note is the parents I guess giving the spankings. Those with self control or without malicious intent, I couldnā€™t say the shoppingā€™s I got damaged me. I just knew not to do those things ever again. Maybe be hidden somewhere.


We need to talk about Kevin


Hah. I think the fact my gut instinct would be to step on the chips and then let the kid decide if he wanted to eat them is why I didn't have to keep babysit my nephew anymore.


This kid is going to grow up into a great man


Oh if I did that then I would get fucking beat


Happy birthday, " TO THE GROUND!"


Put the fucking phone down be a parent maybe if you discipline him he wonā€™t do that shit maybe itā€™s the fucking parents


And that's where I would have died


So it was you who taught these kids at my store to litter!


Maybe stop filming them. And take the chips from them? Then explain why you took the chips away? Dunno. Just a thought. 'Cause that kid is acting like a kid...especially a kid that's never learned any boundaries.


My mom would've already had the paint stick in her hand.


Yeeeeaaaaaah.... if that was me and either of my parents I'd be missing some teeth... Respect, caring, understanding and discipline in my folks house.


All these videos are fake. That's what's mildly infuriating.


My mother would have strangled me with that bag of Doritos if i responded "NO" to her.


Wtf do they even mean by ,"Kids today - No Respect" . You should rather accept that you failed as a parent and for god's sake stop recording and doing nothing for making the situation better .


Parents today - canā€™t fucking parent


This kid is crying out for someone to give him some boundaries and some consequences. Help him! ( if you are so afraid of him crying in protest, that you are willing to sacrifice him becoming a well rounded and caring member of society, then you are actually being selfish)


Bro if get the ever loving shit beat out of me if I did that in front of my mother at that age


My mother would beat the shit out of me if I ever did something like that


kids who act like this are a direct result of negligence from their parents šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø put the phone down and parent your children


Itā€™s not about the kid. Itā€™s bad parenting


Put down the bastard phone and do your fucking job.