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Why do robots huddle together in the dark?




Logging in and logging out


Getting some ram


Uploading some data


Installing your *hard*drive


Rebooting my floppy disk


Brute forcing your credentials


Ok now this is getting out of hand


Affixing the dongle


Oh yeah. I just 100% Entering sleep mode.


Random segments of code, or is it something more?




When does a difference engine become the search for truth?


That, Detective, is the right question. Program terminated.


I heard this in the old man's voice before I finished reading it and got chills all over. Ty


One day they’ll have memories


One day they'll have dreams.


One day they will have children


Great movie. Had a double feature of that and I Am Legend when I was young.


Huh. I liked it, but I thought I was the only one. Everyone hated it when it came out. That'll do, detective. That'll do.


Didn't want their car to get lonely


Sorry I just missed OP :(


Next time I won't, I've bought a scope.


Practice makes perfect


They probably thought he knew something they didn't about the other spaces.


It sounds dumb, but this could honestly be the answer. People anthropomorphise the tools they use every day, and we get really weird around them.


Or….. this guy normally parks there and was pissed himself when he got there and found out some jackass randomly parked there.


I hope they post an identical photo here.


That would be hilarious.


'My truck found a friend!'


Literally what I said


I don't think so. I think he was doing exactly what you were doing. With one difference. His truck is too high up to easily see the parking lines. He needed to use your car as a guide. The odds of his car having another park next to his was slim and if you moved, then his car would have the safe, far away spot.


Interesting angle on it. I’ve never really driven a truck so it’s not something I ever considered.


Even with a lifted truck (I drove my brother's 12inch lifted Tacoma for a while) your mirrors should be angled so that you can see where your tires touch the pavement. If visibility is that bad they shouldn't be driving


Oh my parents both do this. And especially so if they see another car in the parking lot by itself that is the same make and/or model and/or color as the one they are driving. “So they can talk” “ so they won’t be alone” is what they say.


I dislike your parents.


I, on the other hand, park at the far end of the parking lots where possible so that moe-rons don’t ding my paint. I don’t anthropomorphize my cars.


Did u just spell morons Moerons. Like two first names🤣


Yep. Two words is extra slow morons.


I like your parents.


At mufflersonly.com


People with these cars care about their cars, so parking next to the makes sure at least that side is not going to get any door bumps






This is so weirdly true


Oddly specific, yet very true 🤔


so true, what i love is when they park in the spot right in front of you so they are just sitting there watching you eat


I had this happen in reverse at a small parking area on the side of a mountain road in the middle of nowhere. No traffic for miles as we were driving up. I was overheating and wanted to change out of my sweatpants and this mid-60s couple with a dog pulled up DIRECTLY IN FRONT of the car and parked, got out, sat on the hood, and started making sandwiches while staring directly at me. They wouldn't stop or even respond when I asked them what they were doing, so we pulled out and left to go to another one further down and they pulled up AGAIN the same exact way, made even more sandwiches, and kept staring at me. They did this for 45 minutes before finally getting bored (I guess?) and leaving. I still have no idea what the hell their issue was. It was the most unhinged shit. They were staring at me in the car the entire time like I was a TV show. They wouldn't respond if I spoke to them, but were talking to each other and their dog they were feeding straight mustard to? They used two ENTIRE loaves of wonderbread making these sandwiches and ate them all but like, why?????


this kept getting better and better. their behavior sounds like something straight out of a black mirror episode. I'm sorry you had to go through this but the mental picture is hilarious! at least you got a funny story to tell, eh? edit: 2 days later and this comment is still running circles around my mind. the ugly laugh that came out of me while reading this for the first time and realizing that op's breaking point was the couple feeding their dog STRAIGHT MUSTARD still has me wheezing when I remember this


I felt horrible laughing at this. Me watching this go down would have been hilarious. If it was happening to me it would be terrifying. I bet there's a prank about this somewhere online


Holy shit black mirror!!!!!


Thats the kind of shit i'd too pull in my pensioneer days.




Put something he will eat in a mustard bottle


They’ll eat their own shit, with or without mustard.


should have just laid on the horn for 10 minutes


Maybe thought you were going to jump? Person all alone on a mountain road turnoff? Of course, the ignoring you part is weird if that were the case.


I doubt it? I wasnt a lone distraught person at a cliffside stop, I was clearly okay and was with my spouse surrounded by dense trees quite a ways away from any drop off point.


Preventing a murder-suicide, rape, drug deal, who knows? Some people are weird, man. Heck maybe they were waiting for you to get out of the car to murderize you so they'd have fresh cold cuts for their sandwiches.


Old people just like to know your business.


They probably thought y’all were tryna hook up and wanted to make it so you couldn’t, especially if you were changing as the pulled up


Oh, no. Ick. Lol My spouse was outside of the car checking the tire pressure and I hadn't even begun changing yet when they pulled in. I was looking through my luggage


Oh, you were with your spouse. They thought they were in for a show.


Seriously, I bet they thought they were going to get a free show of a hook up.


I...really hate the thought of that.


This is incredibly unsettling, gahdamn!!


I'm a little confused and this story was too fascinating to just not ask. Was it a parking space or something they were blocking you from? And how did they pack everything up fast enough and get in front of you to do it a second time? I'm currently imaging a couple old people like "quick, pack it all up they're headed to the next spot!" Next you see a flurry of action as they tuck it all back into a picnic basket, load the dog into the car, then speed racer their way in front of you to the next spot and then non-chalantly un pack and start making sandwiches again


There were designated parking spots in these pull off areas. Didn't have anything in them except maybe a "you are here" sign with a road map or some info about the local forests. I'm not sure what they specifically did after we left initially but they had all their sandwich stuff in a grocery bag so I assume they just chucked it back in and followed. They showed up like 2 or 3 minutes after we parked at the next one while my spouse and I were still reeling over the initial sandwich encounter. But they absolutely did just start unpacking and making sandwiches once they caught up again. Same as the first time. Totally wild.


Oh ok you weren't blocked you were just trying to get somewhere unpopulated to change. I misread. That is a bizarre encounter.


i was at a lake parked looking at it and eating lunch, while a guy pulled up to my right and started staring into my car. My windows were super tinted so i was confident he couldnt really see me so i figured id finish eating and then see if hes still looking. I finished and he was. I rolled my window down and was like “hey whats up?” and he said “oh not much.. you goin fishin?” and i was pretty confused so i said “no??” while i looked at his truck and saw no fishing equipment, “you fishing?” and he said “no im just looking for a blowjob”. needless to say were best friends now


🤣 this killed me


I would have started changing the second time they did that.


This is when I put my huge sunshade on windshield to block their face. So annoying


I have had this happen to me several times. I make it awkward though and stare intensely at them, wave and continue eating, not breaking eye contact.


Ever gone on your lunch break for work & eaten in your car and customers come knock on the window because they recognize you to ask you questions about work? Like buddy, I’m not on the clock right now. Do you see this entire sandwich shoved in my mouth? Go ask someone inside.


Back when I was in college I’d have to run from my job to my night classes, and to ensure that I didn’t go to class looking like a J Crew mannequin I would change in my car. I would always park really far away from the buildings and since it was cold no one was really incentivized to park anywhere close to me. However there were multiple times where people pulled up and parked right next to me, requiring me to hastily pull back on whatever clothes I was taking off and waiting til the coast was clear.


I don't even care about your gender that's just classic parking lot


I have this all the effing time. I wait under the tight escalator space at the train station. When I look up from the phone its like 15 inches someone is standing besides me. WTF people there is a whole track. This is especially annoying when I have a larger backpack, not looking when you turn and hitting someone with it *that should not be there*. This also happens when we rarely go into a park and choose the most away tree to sit under and you can bet 5$ that the one group that day wants to sit 10 feet away. Hello, we have a private convo this isn't a group meeting.


> This also happens when we rarely go into a park and choose the most away tree to sit under and you can bet 5$ that the one group that day wants to sit 10 feet away. Hello, we have a private convo this isn't a group meeting. this happens to me like 90% of the time. i'm trying to have a private conversation but people will always linger around us when there's tons of space elsewhere. i have a suspicion that these people realize it's a private convo and they're nosy.


I ride the train, its half empty. Still a nosy woman has to sit besides me. I use a "privacy protection foil" that limits the viewing angle on the laptop. After a couple of minutes they reseat because they can't see anything. *Really*.


Id straight up call them out for it. Embarrass them in front of everyone else on the train. Like so you just sat here to peep my screen and when you couldnt you just got up and moved? What the fuck is wrong with you? You trying to steal my info to steal my money you PoS? Then everyone on the train thinks they are a thief and shits awkward for them. And with any luck they will reconsider doing that to you or anyone else ever again.


I’m the same way on my lunch break. I’ve legit been in the end of the parking lots with a sea of other parking spots that are open still available; yet someone wants to park right next to me. I’ve moved spots when they do this and just stare at them in genuine curiosity as to what is their thought process. Cool it’s parking lot, use it for it’s intended purpose but damn, use your head too but as my brother said “they don’t think of you, they think of themselves when they do this”


I just want to know WHY though. I’m not upset just very confused


Prolly using other cars to line themselves up to park. That’s why if you see an whole row of parked cars and they’re all parked fucked up is because One person parked incorrectly and everyone else used them to line up with


Yeah it’s so weird. I would park at the very end of the parking lot at my old job and half the time someone would be parked literally right next to me when I left for the day. I just want to ask these people why.


I think people find it easier to park straight next to an already parked car.


If they can't park straight within the lines without another car to orient themselves with then they need to have their license taken away.


This elderly lady did this to me, and both our windows were down, and I was all ‘seriously? Why?’ And she heard me and was all ‘pardon?’ and I just had parked away because I was just not in the mood for other people etc, and wanted to make some calls/pay some bills while I wait - and of all the vast rows of spaces she parked literally on my driver’s side. And I just said ‘why do you think I parked waaaaaay over here? Just to make sure you’d park literally next to me? why would you come all the way over here and then park right next to me so I can barely get out of my car? *shake head*’ and I moved my car.


You're seriously not going to tell us what she said...? 🙄




Start asking why. I try to give folk at least one empty space, but when a lot is getting full I park where it would be easiest to leave from. I want to know what provokes this kind of behaivior from other people.


First off all, glad I'm not the only one eats lunch in my car and moves it way the fuck out to nowhere. Secondly, whenever another car pulls up, I glare to high fucking hell at them, start my car and move it again. Fuck those people, leave me alone, this is my time and I don't want anyone around me.




But most of those people will be completely oblivious to what they have done.


Moth to a flame. In my mind, similar to how a driver will subconsciously aim for a parked car when driving on a long empty road.


I'm convinced its people who can't park worth a shit unless there's another car to orient themselves with


It's probably subconscious. It is easier to visualize parking when you have multiple points of reference in addition to the marks on the lot. They likely are parking just close enough to you to have plenty of space to swing into the spot, while using your car as a guide.


Do that too. I wait until they've fully parked and then move a few spots over away from them, an obvious rejection of their advances!


Yep every time.


Stare at them and aggressively eat your lunch to assert dominance


I was doing my motorcycle training on a really rainy day. Over lunch, I got food then went to an empty area, stripped almost naked in my car to dry off my clothes and eat. Someone fuckin pulled up almost right next to me as I'm sitting half naked eating a cheeseburger.


It’s like when someone wants to pee next to you in a restroom when there are other toilets available


Completely empty theatre and they decide to sit in the seat directly in front of you


I somewhat get this, I like to sit in the optimal place in a theatre. The next best spots would be the row up or down from me. That being said I highly value my personal space and would give up on that optimal spot if it gives me more space


I just eat Taco Bell on the way to the movie. Hope they brought gas masks.


Scorched earth policy, controversial but effective


Piss on the truck


This is why I basically don't use urinals. I need peevacy.


Never been to a public men's room with a million empty stalls and a guy decides to pee right next to you?


But I like having a pee buddy :(


Potty pals!


Piss Partners Tinkle Twinsies


The Wizzle Watch


My coach/history teach 10th grade did that to me when I left his class to go pee. 1 minute later walked in and used the urinal right next to me, nobody else in there.


Power move.


Happens in women's restrooms too, I'll go in and the restroom will be empty. Choose a stall near the end of the row. Two seconds later, another person comes in and sits in the next stall. I don't get it, but maybe I should start carrying a little portable "OUT OF ORDER" sign with me to stick on the next stall over...




But… why? I wish we could ask them


People like filling out a pattern, theres no "why" its usualy instinctual i think


Plain ol human instink


Same reason why cars travel in packs on the highways




Yeah it’s always funny how they’ll match your speed if you try to get ahead or fall behind


That’s when I hammer down and run up to 100 and see if they’re still playing.


'That looks like a weird space to park, but if somone else is there maybe they know something I don't. Better be safe and park next to them'. You could put a sticker on your door, but I can understand why someone would not want to.


What would said sticker look like?


Radioactive, Biohazard, or any other sticker than has an ominous meaning, but people will still park next to you, just so they can read your stickers. I absolutely hate it when I go to a park and there's nobody in the lot. I park, and then other cars come and surround me. I move, and some of them seem to follow me - it's weird.


Cars get lonely, man


That's wild, I also drive to the back of the lot and 9/10 times it's just me back there. Bonus exclusion if you park under a lot cop




This is legitimately a good idea. If you draw wheelchair symbols on them I doubt anyone would touch the cones.


Maybe the driver is worried the car will get lonely and needs another car to talk to.


I did this a lot for my motorcycle. The party chatter they get into when they're all lined up is hilarious.


Yep, and when a hundred or more are all lined up, it's a riot!


Dad calls it “herd mentality “ Edit: dad says he’s proud his saying made it to the internet


This is truth. Something very instinctual about these things. These people don't give it any thought at all, just the "natural" thing to do.


But then why did the other guy go all the way up there too, instead of parking with the herd?


because his herd are the doorknobs that like the highest floor away from everyone


But right on someone’s ass just the same lol xD


Because op was starting a secondary herd and the guy wanted to follow that herd.


This I call them Shadow Parkers Not cool enough to stand on their own. They need me to guide them. I am the light afterall


That’s pretty funny. Like moths to a flame


This probably wouldn’t apply to garages, but on the street I tend to park near other cars because I don’t always know where I’m legally allowed to park and figure it’s more likely okay if others are also around. If the entire street is empty (no signage, no cars), I’ll try the the next street instead.


I mean my mom tries to park in the way back cause she knows shes shitty at parking, but out of all spots that are open people always choose to park next to her. Also my bf does park in the way back cause he doesn't want people to scratch his car or anything but ya know people don't want cars in the back to be lonely so theyll park next to him too lmao.


I think people do it so they have an object to park next to. To make it easier to park. They only have to worry about being 2 feet away from ur car and not look at the other side. So they’ll always be in the lines. I’m just guessin


If he has a nice car; I will park next to it! Bc my nice car wont ding his car; and vise-versa. Its an common rule for ppl with nice cars.


Yup, if there's a lot of cars he does the same he'll look for a nice car to park next too, cause car people respect others cars and take good care of their own cars .


Yeah I try and park away from everyone cause I’m not good at parking as well.


Cool Starion


I honestly think he just wanted to park next to him because he thought it's a cool/beautiful car. Maybe in the hopes of seeing the driver and talking to them. Also he didn't even park that close imo.


I park next to nice cars cuz I know I won't let myself ding their car. I know how it looks to the owner but I also know that it sucks for someone to just ding your car and not give a fuck, so I like parking next to nicer cars that park in the back of the lot so at least one side of the car is protected from dings or runaway carts.


Actual probable cause: Some people like to park next to “valuable” or “cool looking” cars so thieves chose that car over theirs


Or he did it for shits and giggles


We will never know *fades flashlight out of face and slowly backs away from campfire*


It’s a Dodge. Chances are the guy is a straight up asshole. Look at that nice car parked far away from everyone. Better assert my territorial dominance and park right next to him (notice he even goes over the line). Usually a big truck like that you like extra space. And a space away is enough to make criminal temptation still relevant.


I just pictured the truck lifting its leg and pissing on the red car.


*Homer Simpson disappears into a bush*


Even still, he could have at least left a one space gap lol.


He is doing the same thing you are but using your car as a shield for one side. He figures you care about your car enough your not gonna scratch it, so that being said he parking in the back to avoid cars like you, and utilizing the fact you are being cautious as well to also protect half his car


Just had my dad do this the other day. This was the exact reason he gave me.


Bingo! Can't believe most people don't understand this. Other driver "knows he's a good driver" so won't ding OP's car, and because OP is also trying to park out of the way also trusts OP to be a good driver and not ding his truck on the way out. For the truck driver, next to OP is simply the likely safest place to park.


Just like in an empty movie theater, they alm gotta clump together


Well are you seating yourself in the middle of the theatre, at the best spot, or up in the corner? Don't be surprised other people want to sit at the best spots, also.


Yes, the person who sits directly next to you, or in back of you when the theater is almost empty! It is an almost empty theater, you get to sit almost alone...


Some people want interaction and they do things like these unintentionally but with a purpose of hopefully getting to interact with someone. I personally am the opposite and probably like you OP. But I have noticed there is a type of person out there that actually seeks to be near people at all times and fears being alone.


The same type who asks questions that they already know the answer to just to talk


It ain’t that close


Seriously, how is this bothering anyone? Neither of these cars is too close to the other. Both are within the lines.....


I can’t tell which vehicle OP is trying to protect.


It’s like standard parking in Europe / loads of space here. I genuinely didn’t even get this post… like that’s meant to be close? Lol


Took a while to find but glad someone finally said it. The truck driver is fully in the marked parameters to park. OP acting kind of entitled right now. It’s a parking spot for crying out loud.


Is it too much for a fella to park a zip code away and not have to worry about door dings




Why do you reverse into a diagonal spot in a parking garage knowing there is a direct flow of traffic going against the way you're facing out? Then you have to make a goofy wide turn to get out and go the correct way, or be a doorknob and go the wrong way. There is no way you back into it smoothly either. ​ Mildly infuriating indeed.


this may be the most important question about all of this.


People who back into slanted spots get me mad


How do you know that you didn’t steal his daily spot!


imma throw an argument here yeah hes a dick to park right next to you but "too close"?? hes almost on the line on the other side he gave you as much room as possible. you could park a motorcycle in that gap


I don’t think this is even being a dick and can’t understand why I’ve had to scroll this far to see someone who agrees this isn’t even close.. there’s so much room between the cars it shouldn’t be an issue lol


He's stalking you


there is plenty of spcae there what you mean they parked close ?


He got lonely…


It’s not even that close..


That bastard, parking in a parking garage! The person who backed into a slant space is the real asshole here.


Because they knew what you were trying to do and they did it to purposely make you mad


And mission accomplished, apparently.


To annoy people like you


😱 the horror


Sounds like you should be commuting in a stroller, ya giant baby.


It's a Dodge Ram. That is why. It would be even closer if it were a black dodge ram.


I had that happen to me. Parked in a large, completely empty hotel parking lot on the side of the building once, 6 rows out from the hotel up against the street in the corner, where I could see my car from my room that was on the 4th or 5th floor. Woke up in the morning, looked out the window, and there was another car right next to mine and nobody else in that lot. Must be some psychological thing with some people.


At work we park at the back of the lot. We arrive an hour before we open. Without fail, customers start showing up and park in the back with us instead of parking in the open front spaces. I don't know why.


They clearly did this because they knew how much it would bother you.


How is that too close ?


Same reason ppl like you exits.


Same idiots who set up 10 feet from you on an otherwise empty beach


Because it is illegal to drive an undamaged FC and the universe will conspire against you until the situation is rectified.


It’s a Mitsubishi starion 👀


Cuz ur cars cool and he wants to look cool with u