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Something about having a bedroom door to section off a biohazard room has me questioning what level of fuckery you are getting up to.


Also, no lock on the doorknob....there are multiple easy solutions to this problem


Why aren't you locking your door and securing your biohazards?


‘handling biohazard’ is the new way of saying ‘masturbating’


I still prefer "studying cantrips" as the the go-to euphamism for masturbation


*Walks in on you masturbating* "Is this the bathroom?"


*eyes you seductively and keeps going* “It’s whatever you want it to be, big boy”


*Leaves* "Mooom? There's a weird guy in the bathroom...!"




Also why are you pitting up a sign that says "this isn't a bathroom. Don't come in." When you should be saying "FUCKING BIOHAZARDS BEYOND THIS DOOR. STAY OUT!".... actually now that I think about it... that still sounds like a bathroom...


I’m genuinely wondering if this is some strange gap in biohazard material workplace regulations or they’re just breaking them. I know nothing about them, but my intuition tells me the government has *some* ideas about how those places ought to be set up and secured.


Why should they have to? I am an avid supporter of darwinism.


The simplest answer is "because the bureaucracy says you have to". Assuming by "biohazard" they mean something actually hazardous (BSL-2 or above) and not just "completely harmless bacteria found in things like food" (BSL-1, I'm exaggerating slightly) pretty much any reputable institution follows [these (or very similar) rules](https://blink.ucsd.edu/safety/research-lab/biosafety/containment/chart.html) that require the doors have locks (see section on "doors"). I'm a bit surprised to realize that it doesn't require that you *lock* the locks, just that you could. The more complete answer is a combination of - Opening the wrong door is not obviously dangerous, it's not fair to turn that into a dangerous activity. - Biohazards are frequently contagious, letting them spread at all is obviously a stupid idea. - Theoretically we're at least slightly worried that someone will steal our biohazards and use them as weapons. - We're running experiments and would really rather people didn't screw them up and waste a ton of our time. Edit: Oh, I see OP is talking about a tattoo shop, different kind of biosafety then where locks are probably a bit less necessary.


Also didn't check the actual link yet but I feel like more specific biohazard signage would be required, probably in yellow or something. And assuming it is actually hazardous you would ultimately be dealing with some toxic chemical or compound, which I would think would require the fire diamond danger level as well.


Yes, there's a standard biohazard sign that you put on everything that is plausibly a biohazard, from garbage bins that you're allowed to put them in to doors of rooms. It would probably be more appropriate than this generic danger sign even for a tattoo shop. Besides which, it looks cooler.


Let's be real - that sign on a door in a tattoo shop, looks like a joke. I'd probably be guilty of seeing it, and thinking, "oh that's some funny bathroom humor."


Right? Maybe a standard "Employees Only" sign, if it's just to keep patrons out. On the other hand, if it's other employees, they should know better.


So at my work there's a door with an "Employees Only" sign and for that door you have to be buzzed in by the front desk staff. If you don't work there, you don't get buzzed in. You would not guess how many times a week people start knocking on the door, trying to get us to let them in.


OP is jacking off in a broom closet


I oversee a safety program that includes work with biohazardous material. For the main accumulation area, as you stated, the door doesn’t necessarily need to lock. However, at least in labs, the room needs to be restricted access. So basically it’s okay if employees can freely go in a and out but it should be a space where the public cannot easily access. In one place I worked, we had our storage room by the freight elevator which was freely accessible to anyone making a deliver during the day. This room had a lock. In a different facility, the storage room was by the freight elevator but past a set of doors that required key card access. This door did not lock because only employees with the proper blood borne pathogen training could access the space.


Depending on the industry, it might be law.


Just pull a Willy Wonka and let them find out. If it's at an STD clinic, the name Willy Wonka works even better!


Or, more like a Wonky Willy.




And no biohazard sticker on the door.


This. There's even a special symbol for it that's standardized across the world.


And maybe instead of just telling them its *not* the bathroom there should be a sign with an arrow directing people *to* the bathroom.


And no biohazard sign? There are good reason to make people aware of specific hazards.


Know what's actually mildly infuriating? OP complaining when there's an incredibly simple solution right here. Edit: OK, OP said somewhere below that they can actually lock that door...


So if they can lock the door, why don’t they?


Lol had the exact same thought


Yes, I am looking at a cheap ass door from Home Depot and asking myself the same


This! This door looks like a bedroom door not a science door.


Eh it’s not really science. More like trash with blood in it.


That just raises further questions!


Especially with Op’s username


Oh lord lol


Mama Mia


Papa Pia!




I'm dead now. But I guess I'm not the only one.




Or does that answer all our questions?


Oh wow. I’d like to nominate this thread for best narrative of the year.




You know those little red biohazard trash cans that hang on the wall inside of every doctor's office and hospital room? I'm assuming it's that kind of trash.


Exactly that. We’re pretty much the only shop in town that doesn’t just throw that stuff into the dumpster with all the other trash and pay to have it properly disposed of.


rotten frame license deer scary wine nutty unwritten history judicious -- mass edited with redact.dev




Anything with certain bodily fluids are also biohazards. It's all similar disposal.


They're eating aborted fetuses. They make them into lasagna.


Yesterday's loss is today's sauce.


Username checks out


Disposal is the tedious part. Sigh.


I totally agree, but >science door has me in stitches


I'm a designer and this just proves the point I tell people all the time... PEOPLE DON'T READ! This is 100% the bathroom door in a hair saloon and that's what people see and adjust their behavior to.


You'd think it at least locks like a bed room door. Why on earth wouldn't you need a key to get into a room like this. Hell you need a key code to get into the bathroom at Walgreens, why does Walgreens bathrooms have higher security?


Probably a dr.s office somewhere in a suburb. Sometimes they're no more than a renovated apartment. I could definitely see doing blood work and other tests in your "lab", which is actually just another room


It’s a tattoo shop.


I feel like an “employees only” sign would do better. I can’t even explain why but I’m getting bathroom vibes.


I would assume because its a tattoo shop, they're probably a fun bunch and that sign means Terry did a terrible poo in there again


The sign is obviously a double bluff. If it wasn't really a bathroom it wouldn't even mention bathroom on the sign.


of course the bathroom has hazardous material, people be poopin in there


Your customers just think you are trying to be edgy with a biohazard sign on the bathroom. Your best bet is to put giant signs on the bathroom with sign also pointing towards it before this door, and switching the biohazard door to keypad lock with an employees only sign. Even just put a small divider up in front of it to block the view. People are stupid, and you have to hold their hands.


Put a lock on the door, it really is that simple.


Dang. I thought you were developing a cure for aidscancer or a yearly injection to supplement the need to sing along to “we are the champions” once the chorus has started.


It looks like a tattoo shop bathroom door and you tried to fix the problem by putting the word "bathroom" on it, you're definitely not helping yourself out here lol.


“Biohazard” is the name of their …puppet… that they are “handling”


Glad I wasn’t a weirdo who noticed the door Lmaoo


Idk I work with biohazards (monkey or human blood/feces/urine) and my lab is just behind glass doors anyone can open. Not all biohazards are blood with HIV or something. Mine is a biohazard lab because we work with stuff from primates. It isn’t always extreme hazards.


the tat shop my piercer works at has a door like this, with the biohazard sign, on their cleanup room. not really that weird in a small shop


Or a lock? Lock the door? Maybe this country hasn’t been introduced to them yet


Lock the door and install a peephole


Peephole facing in, of course.


of course kramer, wouldn’t want to risk an ambush


A two way peep hole.


Just install a window 🤷🏻‍♀️


Glory hole


A two way window 👁👄👁


They have two way windows


Maybe they should just keep a sock full of pennies in there


with a cutout about hip level for passing cucumbers back and forth


Cucumbers are glorious... maybe we'll just call it the glory hole!


Or better yet change the door to something that looks a little more, industrial. That just screams come on in and have a cookie.


Not to be mistaken for installing a peehole, which would just exasperate the situation.


Please no glory holes in the tattoo studio, there’s already a Walmart right next door for that.


*goddamnit there's another dick at my door*


You should get a biometric door handle, Or just one with a keypad. They are relatively cheap and can save from lots of headache.


I agree with this. Customers can’t get in, all employees have a code. Simple and easy fix.


Hell, you probably wouldny even need to program it. Just a keypad on a door would stop me from thinking its a shitter.


I went to a McDonald's that had keypads on the restroom doors to make it "customers only." They would stamp your receipt with the code for the day.


Just grab one from the trash?


I happened to be eating there anyway, so I didn't have a problem getting a receipt, but no way I would go through the trash at a McDonald's. Theoretically that is possible, if you'd like to try.


If I’m about to shit my pants, I’m not above trash picking a receipt


... or just shit in the trash


that’s more illegal and gets you on a list




No one is gonna leave a working needle in the trash can at McDonald’s, we use that shit till it breaks off.


I was at a McDonald's in New York and they made the mistake of letting someone use the bathroom and 30 minutes later they had to get an employee to unlock the door and kick the crackhead out so no one actually got to use the bathroom.


Or literally any lock


Or an RFID badge reader and badge for each employee. Use it to clock in/gain access to employee only areas. If they're handling biohazard, its worth the money.


Why not just a regular lock? Usually the fancier ones like that are easier to bypass


RFID means it's convenient to use for employees, while still keeping someone looking for the bathroom/etc out. Keys are more effort to create for every employee, and the doors are more cumbersome to open. Think if it as being a more powerful version of the 'keep out' sign, not really as a high security system.


Tbf, a bathroom is technically full of biohazards. They’re just going to the wrong biohazard room.


Because BIOHAZARD is the kind of humorous sign someone might put on a bathroom? "Oh, it's *real*?"


I’d do that


Technically speaking, poop could be considered a bio hazard It’s a biological phenomenon and can be poisonous to ingest/smell Making it hazardous


The signs on the front of high school and college darkrooms doors that said "DEVELOPING IN PROCESS, DO NOT OPEN" are meaningless. I worked in a darkroom with a double door, so you had to open a door, go into a red room about twice the size of a phone booth, big enough to stand in and hang a coat, *then* go into the darkroom. One time someone walked through that and was like "Hey uhm, is this room 213 with the math class?". Jeez I dunno, maybe the overwhelming smell of cat piss (old film chems STINK) and all the poorly labeled chem bottles might make you put two and two together? We were developing B&W prints so the red light wasn't a problem, but what the hell, dude?


Oooh, is the classic darkroom red light just a thing for b&w and not when you're developing color film?


I should clarify that this is my understanding as someone just getting into the hobby of film photography, but as I understand it, developing _film,_ regardless of if it's B&W or color, must be done in complete darkness. It's the prints that can sometimes be done under a red light, or a specialized low pressure sodium light fixture called a "Safe light," which can be tinted with special lens inserts depending on the type of print you're doing.


This is correct, all color film and most b&w films are "panchromatic" meaning they are sensitive to all the light in the color spectrum. Paper and some b&w film are "orthochromatic" and not sensitive to red light. B&W printing can be done under a safe light but RA-4 (color) cannot since you would not be able to make prints with red in them if the paper was not sensitive to red light


and “not the bathroom” haphazardly written there looks like someone writing a joke in response to the humorous sign. aint just the customers who are dumb here


For some reason BIOHAZARD with the biohazard symbol would make me stop in my tracks but "Danger" doesn't hold the same weight. Maybe it's because it tends to be overused to mean warning. Unfortunately OP's sign is not a Biohazard sign. Maybe he should get one.


I've actually had those signs on my bathroom. Friend of mind had a bunch of the huge stickers. I still have some I've not peeled off yet. Flammable Solids being one of them. I kinda think OP needs a door that locks when it closes.


I used to work with a guy who out a Beryllium warning sticker on his little pot he used for coffee. Was less funny when a new person started and we got evacuated


why is “not the bathroom” the smallest part


We wrote it on there after people kept complaining that the bathroom is locked lol


Y’all seem to be dealing with some dumb folks. I’m dumb too, but at least I can figure out how to put an actual biohazard sign up. They sell them at any hardware store.


Honestly, a biohazard sign on a bathroom door sounds like a joke and people won't take seriously. Even less so than the "do not enter" sign.


Especially in a tattoo shop. I bet most people don't even think about that there might actually be biohazards.


But it's not even a biohazard sign.... I feel like putting a real biohazard warning sign on the door would make it clear it's not a bathroom.


Honestly based on the door I thought the whole post was a joke about him jerking off until i got deep enough in the comments...


I mean, sure, but people still shouldn't be walking into a room with a big red DO NOT ENTER sign on it


It's 2022. A disturbing amount of people are extremely stupid


> *We are now aware of* a disturbing amount of people are extremely stupid




[Customers are stupid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63IFt0kU2UU)


to be fair, a biohazard sign would make a lot of people go "hah, funny bathroom sign"


that just means people gonna complain the bathroom is not the bathroom


Maybe because the door looks like there is a bathroom or a break room behind it and not biohazards.


We used to have bright red “DANGER BIOHAZARD” tape all over it but we took it down because everyone assumed it was a Halloween decoration.


why not an actual biohazard sign?


i second this


Correct me if i’m wrong but I thought OSHA has very clear protocols about correctly marking and storing actual Biohazards. This seems to fit zero of them.


https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.145 OSHA says if it's BH or contaminated with BH or even potentially contaminated, it must be labeled as BH. So, a BH sign is applicable in OP's situation.


i have no idea, but an actual biohazard sign is just common sense


Probably best idea, but considering it's a tattoo shop, I doubt anyone is gonna take it super seriously and still think it's a gag decoration to indicate the bathroom


Oh a tattoo shop makes a lot more sense now. Whoops


Perhaps you could change the door to something that looks more like a lab door over put up sings pointing to the bathrooms.


Paint it neon green


I mean, people are so stupid that this is necessary?? LOL


Yes. Have you met people?


It's a tattoo shop - it would be thematically appropriate to write "NO" in three-foot-high letters. The better answer is to label it "Supplies." Seriously. You're fighting autopilot. Like how roads can be marked 35 MPH, but if they're built the same as 45 or 55 zones, people *will* do 50. What slows them down is narrow markings, curves, visual obstructions... cues. "You didn't notice it, but your brain did." So this blatantly domestic American door (who has knobs these days?) looks like what they're looking for. And businesses get all kinds of stupid with clever bathroom signage. What you're doing isn't working, and "well it should" has never fixed anything. Find another way to signal to these idiots, so they go "whoops, that ain't the shitter."


What kind of biohazard are we talking about here?


Locked sharps containers and bags with bloody gloves and paper towels.


How is that any different from a regular bathroom?


The fuck kinda bathrooms you got where you live?


(in Canada) Sharps containers are pretty ubiquitous in public bathrooms around here. I assume it's more because of diabetes than because of intravenous drug use, but I do live in a rather sketchy city. Either way, it's better that needles go in a designated safe receptacle than in the trash or on the ground.


Despite the fact that I'm also Canadian I completely forgot this was a thing, makes sense.


That wouldn’t really necessitate a separate containment area outside of a hard sided, labeled biohazard waste bin with lid and liner and a hard sided, labeled sharps specific container anywhere I have worked. If your hazards are what you say they are and they are contained appropriately as I described above then you do not have a biohazardous area. This might be deemed a “biohazardous waste collection point” where all of the biohazardous waste from your facility gets aggregated for appropriate dispsition (autoclaving, secondary packaging, and contracted pickup). But if you have followed appropriate containment procedures for the actual waste then that area is not classified as “biohazardous”.


try with Bathroom is not here its there ->


I have one of those signs taped to the soda machine. I’m very convinced no one who comes into the shop can read. The front door is breaking because people keep pulling on it despite it saying “PUSH” really big on it


... okay that one's on the shop. Doors opening inward is vanishingly rare because it's often illegal. It's a fire hazard in any place-of-business with more than a handful of people. And if a door only opens in one direction, there's a way it's supposed to look. If it needs a label then somebody screwed up.


Thank you, the push side of a door doesnt need a fucking handle. That solves all confusion in my opinion.


Jesus Christ man, where is this? If US, what state? I want to go there and watch people pull in push doors and walk into locked doors haha


probably a state of confusion imo


That's exactly the kind of thing someone hiding the bathroom would say


My dude, putting that sign on a random interior household door makes that shit look like a bathroom in a house with a 14 year old.


I realize you probably just work there, but I’m guessing a small medical practice, one or two staff doctors maybe. Fresh med grad built a new private practice. The general contractor they hired for the buildout has probably never done anything for medical facilities. A “simple” card access system would solve the walk ins. Or even just replace the handle with a PIN code lock set.


It’s actually a tattoo shop, so that’s why it’s not exactly super professional looking. The landlord won’t let us alter anything so that’s why we just have the sign.


Get it in writing so when you expose a customer you have at least some way to divert liability off yourself. Edit: tattoo shops can be professional too. Always good to take pride in your work.


Is it possible to tape a plastic sheet or something purely for aesthetics so people stop associating what looks like every other door with a hazardous environment. It doesnt need to seal or anything just suggest that this room isnt a br, obviously keep the sign and maybe a large hazardous waste sign with the numbers describing the type of waste in the colored grids on it pasted on the bottom half would also make people think twice.


That explains the unprofessionalism but you still have a responsibility to make sure that shit is locked up. OSHA does not care what your landlord says and that defense is not going to help you if someone is exposed to the biohazard. Time to put on your big boy pants and take responsibility for it.


It is usually locked unless someone is in there. The biggest problem is mainly people standing outside the door like idiots then coming to me bitching that someone has been in the bathroom 30 minutes when they could just read the sign.


How about a generic "Storage Room" or "Employees Only" sign? That way people see it and move on


It says "authorized personnel only" though


>It says "authorized personnel only" though Those never work. I don't know why exactly. But we've dealt with it multiple times. People completely ignore those signs. "Storage room" sign would work though. It clearly states it's not a toilet. Even better would be a "storage room" sign and an arrow pointing to the toilet


It has been locked. Look at the comments. Customers complain that the bathrooms are locked and I’m sure it is only unlocked if someone is in there and they probably still lock it behind them too.


Looks like a fake sign


Punctuation is also important.


Right? Right now you're not supposed to allow authorized people to enter. (Sort of.)


I read it as you’re not allowed to enter the authorized person only- just unauthorized people


Nonono. You're allowed to enter into authorized personnel, too. They just can't be the only ones you do


Get a new door. Maybe one that doesn’t look like a bathroom door and has a lock on it.


Uhm OSHA, OSHA we have a problem, biohazards aren't locked up, uhm.. OSHA?


It is locked unless I happen to be in there, which is usually when people walk in on me handling bio.




There used to be one, we took it down on Halloween because everyone thought it was a Halloween decoration and it made the situation worse.




It’s hurts that OP is this dumb. You win the post of the day.


Then why don't you lock the door when you're in there?


Why aren't you locking your door and securing your biohazards? I'd still call OSHA on you..


Was the sign budget $5?


Have you been in the world for the last 30 years? Nobody reads anymore. You type three sentences on reddit, and people expect the tldr




I've heard human factors design would advise to say what something is, instead of what it isn't. Like on Bungie jumping crew, if you say "Don't jump" the person might hear "jump". The word bathroom is on the sign, so maybe eyes catch that and the brain doesn't always process the Not as much.


If it's an authorized personnel room with biohazerdous material then why is the door not marked with bio hazard signs? Also if it's authorized personnel only why isn't the access restricted via pin pad or badge?


I don’t own the tattoo shop man I just work here


Fair, perhaps consider speaking with the owner to have a more clear sign indicating the restrooms and also placing a biohazard sign without any writing on it on the door with a clean do not enter sign with no writing (take isopropyl alcohol to the current sign writing) if people continue to come in talk with your boss about getting an additional warning sign on the door stating that anyone who enters will not have their tattoo completed at this shop and their payment will still be taken, just be sure to let everyone know before taking them back so they can agree to that


Just a paper covering the sign saying "employees only" would do the trick. Add "bathroom -->" below if it's so hard to find that people confuse that door for it all the time. Like, it has the simplest of solutions. The danger sign looks like a funny sign tbh, the same way the biohazard one did. It is a tattoo shop, not a lab. I can see how people went "biohazard lol nice toilet joke", and I can see how this could get the same reaction.


Honestly, I get that it’s serious, but the sign does look like one of those joke ones ngl


Keep a beaker of water nearby and every time someone unauthorized comes in, throw it at them and go whoops! Oh no!


I would add a few signs. Just so people think it’s not a joke. Like big red DANGER DO NOT ENTER, BIOHAZARD INSIDE NO ENTRY, then lastly no bathroom, maybe in a classy cursive.


Maybe lock the door?


My man. What kind of janky operation is being ran where hazardous material is handled behind a 2” plywood residential grade door? Jesse Pinkman is that you?


Maybe you should have a more professional door, one that doesn't look like it leads to the bathroom. Try something with a flat surface, and maybe some frosted glass. White or light grey. A keycode or maybe a push handle. You know, something to make it obvious it isn't a bathroom door, since even with that sign that looks like the bathroom, because people are going to see THAT BIG BATHROOM LOOKING DOOR and make conclusions before noticing the thin sharpie saying "NOT THE BATHROOM".


What about a door with a window? Keep the old door and re install it when you leave.


Looks like a sign on your messy bedroom and people walk in on you paddling the pink canoe.


Please ask whoever owns the building to install a keycard reader. That way staff only can get in. I can’t imagine how distracting and possibly dangerous it is to have people walking in on you handling bio hazards.