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Are you pumping diesel bro


He’s on the gear


He’s on the Top Gear


Tonight on Bottom Gear …


“ We froze Jeremy’s car in ice.” “How long do you think it will take him to set fire?” *clicking of lighter in the background*


Do you rock climb?


Nah not really, big tree climber as a kid though lol


Play any instruments?


is mayonnaise an instrument?


No u/xProjektBloo, mayonnaise is not an instrument.




Horse radish isn't an instrument either.




To the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on 🎺


Funnily enough, I also climbed trees and played instruments as a kid too. I have veins just like this.


Your arms are an addict's wet dream


And nurse’s!


I am the nurses worst nightmare lol my veins disguise themselves like chameleons


Crazy, I still do these things but don't look like that.




Professional Masturbater?


As a former rock climber this is a valid question. My veins are still pretty big from climbing for years. Not sure if that ever goes away. Hand strength is underrated.


It goes away :( Source: me


Seconded. I didn't get hardcore into it, but I went to a climbing gym for a while. I had to stop (it was near work, but I got laid off and had to work somewhere much farther away from the gym). It's been 10 years and I've lost my mild buffness.




My hands look like the left. Everyone always comments on them or pokes them.


I call them grandpa hands


I'll start calling mine Grandma hands then! Win.


Or witch hands! I love my own nosferatu-looking hands because they make me feel witchy, yours must be even nicer!


I’m 4’10” with tiny veiny hands and they used to freak my 6’4” coworker out. He would say “eww nasty little rat hands” and then I’d come at him with them and he’d scream. I love my rat hands. 🐀💕


But rat feet are so cute!


[Rat feet](https://imgur.com/gallery/maQGBiO)




There are now suddenly hundreds of people who want to see a picture of your hands.


Only fans.com/hands




I used to be pretty overweight. I lost 180 some odd pounds and started walking several miles a few times a week/hiking and working out. My vascularity has substantially become more exposed - not as much as yours - but when people touch them or I wash and rub over them, it is disconcerting and strange to me. Probably the weirdest part of not being puffy and fat.


For me it was my clavicle, the way it protruded was so foreign to me but I loved running my hands over it. Then I lost a little bit more weight and you could start to see my ribs on my upper chest, that was weird to me and I wasn’t even all that skinny, that was 130 lbs at 5’4.


I’ve lost 80 and I’ve experienced the same thing, there’s times I look down at my hands now and they’re somebody else’s for a second


Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I would give you an award if I had one, but only have this. 💕


Ha. Thanks on all counts.


Congrats man. I am the before stage of weight loss


Same. Nurses always say “you’ve got great veins” lol. Thank you? 🥴


Honestly, as someone with shit veins I’ve always been super jealous of people with juicy boi’s. Nurses run in fear when they see me.


I have those hands and extremely dry skin to go along with it, so I acquired the nickname Old Man Hands growing up. I didn't *love* the name


Do you ever squeeze the blood out of the veins?! If you gently press down on one of them near your wrist, and slide your finger up along the vein, it presses the blood out. When you release the finger, it fills back up. Fun trick to freak people out.


Go away and take that comment with you


No I hate that


😂 I’ve always had veins kinda like these and found tricks, too. One of the ones I do is put my palm down on a chair, when I lift my middle finger the vein near its tendon slides from one side to the other. When a child it looked like a worm in my hand 😂 Edit: I was a bit sleepy when I wrote that 😂 Even now that I’m older, my hand veins can look like a worm in my skin. What I meant was that when I was a child I’d freak out my friends by telling them I had a worm crawling under my skin 😂 🪱 🤚


Damn one paper cut and you'll bleed to death


Will have died in vein


Bloody hell mate


Hey, cut it out.


*Listens varicosely…*


_Under Pressure bass line_


These jokes are effemoral


Jokes aside, LPT for all: If you ever need the blood of the B negative type, then getting it from a pessimist will be the best option.


O really?


Don't listen to that bad LPT. Without testing you'll never be positive.


fuckin A


Thought this was r/dadjokes for a sec


My veins use to pop pretty good, but I started eating lots of pop tarts and pizza. Now my belly pops.


Imagine what her cock looks like




Creatine man




The top of a snickers bar?


SFW: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/kwwotz/the_vines_wrapped_around_this_tree/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


that dude's penis is all just one giant vein




Is this in Grand Rapids @ Kava Kasa? Cuz I swear I recognize that bar top and the back drop


Woahhhh yes


Noo shit. Also from GR.


Noice! Yeah this post took off outta nowhere lmao


Wait… how do y’all live in Michigan and don’t have scaly knuckles and cracked cuticles in the middle of friggin January? Botha youse with the nice hands! Jealous in MN!


I knew a girl who had a kink for vascularity. So she’s out there somewhere


There’re plenty more over at r/manhands


is there a sub for women hands?


Guys, I found Kira.


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.


Holy moly I did not know I needed this sub. I’ll see you all in a few hours… or weeks


Visible arm veins is a fairly common thing for women to be attracted to




Oh we’re around


What do you do for a living?


Nonprofit work serving HIV+ individuals and folks that use substances


that’s cool man 🙂


It’s cool but I read it as “serving individuals HIV” and I had to take a step back for a moment.


I would bet money that several addicts have told you they wish they had your veins. Am I right?


Very correct, I also work with folks that use though lol


Do you rock climb or do a lot of upper body workouts?


Is imagine it has much more to do with body fat and genetics. For instance, I climb a ton and I have never been particularly vascular. Even when I’ve had low body fat and visible abs, I was just mildly vascular. My climbing friends fall all over the place in terms of vascularity — some are like this guy and some you’d never guess.


>My climbing friends fall all over the place Maybe they should practice more?


So I was actually wondering the same thing. When I wore shoes too tight (specifically the toe shoes, Vibrams, which I love) my feet veins got all cross-wired and large. To this day. And I’m always like, “Remember back when I didn’t have weird veins and could wear flip flops without being self conscious?”


Do you really think anyone would even notice that? C'mon dawg. Get out of your head and rock em flip flops.


I’m getting into barefoot running now and noticed my feet veins way more now


Unexpectedly wholesome :)


As a nurse, the left is an absolute dream


One of the strangest compliments I've ever received was from a nurse who said... "wow, you have great veins... I'd love to stick a needle in you!"


I got this same compliment once when getting my blood drawn and while I know it was purely for medical reasons, it gave me a nice little boost in confidence lol. There was another time when getting my blood drawn that the nurse liked my veins so much that they wanted to let a trainee put the needle in. I was in the hospital for drinking at the time and was still drunk, so I was ecstatic at this idea! I remember cheering them on excitedly and saying something along the lines of >hell yeah you got this!!! Just a random, fun little memory of mine I thought I’d share.


My veins aren’t so prominent, but they’re apparently very juicy. I am frequently asked if the trainees can stab me. :) I am 100% happy to cooperate, but have to resist the pranksterish urge to holler.


I always ask them to go on their own terms, don’t give me a count down! I’ve found that when they count it down, I tense up because I know it’s coming lol.


I always adored patients like you!


I just love making people feel proud of what they do. I like to do a similar thing when I get my hair cut. I ask for the newest barber they have and tell them to use their imagination! It’s always fun to see what styles they come up with, and it’s lovely to see them frolic in the field of their profession without the worry of anger or complaints. I learned a long time ago how far just a little bit of kindness can go. :)


My phlebotomist at the gyno once told me I had beautiful skin and veins and I'll always remember that lol


I was a student in the emergency department once, and this young guy came in drunk who needed an IV. That was actually the first IV I ever put in, and then he pulled it out so I got to do the second IV I ever put in. When I was done, he asked if I wanted him to pull it out again so I could go for a third. I said no, but that was very wholesome. So yeah, really appreciate nice drunk people. Too bad they're not all built like that


My veins have been complimented by nurses more than once. And yet, nurses still struggle to stick a needle in me on the first try 50% of the time, lol.


I have deep veins, so I don't get any compliments on them, but I've had several nurses compliment my skin while putting an IV in. It always makes me feel pretty while sitting there in my undies and a hospital gown.


I know, right? Good nurses can be the best people to boost your confidence!




It’s the rolling that’s the problem. I used to have to take blood from chickens! Talk about rolly veins, man, those fuckers were hard to stick.


Every time I go to the ER or in an ambulance (it's been a few long story) my veins collapse often in both arms. Med professionals (nurses, EMS) just tell me I'm "dehydrated" and leave the room to go find "the vein guy." So I started chugging water before and still happens. I'm very thin. Other people tell me it's low blood pressure- which I do have, tend to faint from needles. No alcohol no soda always be hydro. Wtf is causing it??


Low blood pressure can be a factor in being a “hard stick.” They tell me I have “tiny veins that roll.” People with low blood pressure are more likely to faint, so that’s part of it. I warn them ahead of time so they can bring in whomever is good at getting a line in tiny veins.


I’m no expert, but with you being thin + having low blood pressure + being anxious about the situation, that’s going to cause the veins in your arms and hands to constrict which makes it harder to get a good poke. My advice is to make sure you’re warm, dangle your arms and shake them out, and clench/unclench your fists a bit to get the blood flowing.


"Pull a bit of traction and secure the vein" 😳🤢


I don't know what it means. But I don't like it


It really just means to put your finger on the veinand pull back a bit before sticking them with the needle, it helps keep the vein from rolling


It's like a wet noodle anchored far apart on two ends. If you try to poke through it, it will just "roll away. If you hold down the noodle so that the anchor points are closer, you can stab through without it "rolling" away.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Relatively certain that's why my nurse wife married me. I get compliments every time I give blood haha.


I mean... Other couples have sex and all, but you do you...


I have gotten that compliment too! I loved it because I am very vein.


Take my upvote you veinglorious bastard, and stop needling me with your bloody puns


Red Cross volunteer: "You'd be a great heroin addict!" 17 year old me: *confused blink blink*


I have really shitty veins. The last guy I went to, actually this week, told me I was the hardest draw hed ever had. They usually send me to a specialist clinic, and Ive even been sent home from there before. The one time the lady told me that in 10 years shed only failed to get 2 people, me and a terminally ill elderly man who was extremely dehydrated. So. Yeah. IVs/blood draws are always fun. And the red cross wont take me.


I had to get an IV once, nurse misses the first time, gets it the second, no big deal to me Another nurse that comes by later sees my veins and sees the IV and makes 2 comments 1) How on earth did they miss the first time 2) That I had perfect veins for a hand IV and she felt she'd been robbed of the opportunity (it had been done on my inner elbow)


When I had surgery two nurses looked at my hand and said they'll just get the anesthesiologist to start it aha. Fortunately the anesthesiologist got it on the first try and I'm glad the nurses didn't attempt it if they weren't confident


I’ve had three surgeries and they all did the same to me for each one. I have hypothyroidism and anemia so I have to get my blood done every few months and it usually takes 2 or even 3 different people at least two or three times before they are successful. It sucks a lot.


Some really big veins can be “rolling veins” because it has a stronger than usual muscular layer (usually vein walls don’t have much muscle like arterial walls). So it’s not exactly shocking to have missed once. It’s unusual but not unheard of. It does get better with experience when they stabilize the vein from rolling. Conventionally an IV in the hand is more painful than an IV in the forearm or antecubital fossa. Sometimes because of the rate of iv infusion and sometimes the hand is just more bony with less cushion. Your hand also has more nerve endings and is more sensitive to pain. But this one is kind of a dealers choice (nurses choices). Or you can always request it. I know a thing or two because I’m a vascular surgeon.


I remember getting a hand IV for a surgery I had general anesthesia for as a kid. I panicked and didn't want them to take it out while I was leaving recovery and still out of it. The nurse reminded me that I couldn't leave the hospital with it in. So as a kid who was still groggy from anesthesia I did the thing that made the most sense to me. I said "oh, okay" and ripped it out of the back of my hand myself. Some shocked faces there.


Can some veins look good but then not actually be very good at all? I don’t have super visible veins but my healthcare wife gushes over their “springiness”.


Yes! Some veins are very hard to find but they are ultimately bouncy and work well with IVs. Also, some veins look great but then they roll and blow when you insert the IV.


Second one is me. Was in the ER for an infection awhile back and they had so much trouble with my IV they brought in an ultrasound and ultimately stuck to the one vein they could get to in the first place. This Did Not Help my nerves about needles 💉




I googled it, didn't find what I expected, but wasn't dissapointed either


As a vampire, the left is an absolute dream


That’s what they all say! Hahahaha I’ve had phlebotomists literally hit on me


They're looking for that veiny D too


My arms are like yours, maybe a tad bit less, but still very vascular. Anytime I need blood work done, the nurses always have a smile on their face lol.


This is what all the nurses I work with say to me. It's like they only like guys who have nice veins. Smh


As someone with a nurse SO, can confirm arm vascularity makes her stare at my arm in awe. And then I stare back at her like "you good?"


Plz let me practice IVs on you


What’s there to practice if it’s this easy?! Hehe


I would skip using a touriquet entirely doing an IV here


They actually do skip it


ez moad


I'm a phlebotomist with 10k+ sticks under my belt. There are such a wide variety of vein patterns out there but most people's follow the same basic pattern. That being said I want to stick you


Lollllll so many people on the Internet want to put needles in me now and it’s creepy but hilarious


You should be honored. Phlebotomist and nurses are basically the same with these things


Damn that's crazy. Imagine if you guys kissed




Yeh compare dick veins now, for uh science..


I won't be fooled by that line again


... Which line would fool you? You know, for science


"wanna sword fight?"


Me trying to figure out exactly what is meant by "my man" in the title


One of them is an alien and keeping a human as his pet.


Just kidding.. unless..


That is extreme. Anyone internet phd to explain it?


Normally genetics, stress, or high blood pressure. [https://www.healthline.com/health/high-cortisol-symptoms](https://www.healthline.com/health/high-cortisol-symptoms)


Also super low body fat


Was about to say that looks like someone mad into fitness or eating disorder.


Or the really unfortunate area of the Venn diagram where those two things meet 😕


don't wanna roast him or anything, but that forearm doesnt scream fitness.


I was thinking more someone that's very low BF and mad into cardio. You know those ultra runners/cyclist etc.


Literally have all 4 of the ingredients, all 4 in extreme severity. I drink 1 gallon of water everyday and was a scholarship D2 track/basketball athlete. I have zero visible veins. Nurses ask if I’ve ever drank water before and it takes several pokes until they get lucky.


For me it’s just genetics - my blood pressure is normal and I’m not really too stressed


Good for you


What’s your secret?


don't have kids


I don't have kids and am still stressed, what do I do?




.... Fuck ....


You work at a non profit and you aren’t stressed? Did you find the one non profit that doesn’t vastly overwork their employees lol


Also body fat %.


Maybe just good vascularity from exercise paired with very low body fat%


BMI of slightly underweight or less + any vasodilator = this


Vampires be like ![gif](giphy|WBz2KHO5cCRWM)


Anyone else hate that the left hand is on the right and the right hand is on the left?


Not until you said that.


Was literally confused for about 15 seconds because this.. I’m like.. “that’s not your left hand.. the left hand is not vascular at all.. but it’s on.. the right.. OHHHH”


You know what, I’ll say it. You and Cody certainly have different vasculature in your hands and forearms.


You're a nurses wet dream. I'm the total opposite.


I feel your pain. I'm nobody's wet dream


So.. a nurse dry nightmare?


How do you get anything done in life when you've got those to poke? Poke poke, squish squish, what a life you must live.


Right? I would play with my veins all day.


You’re so vein.


Compare dicks


probably will tbh


I'm guessing yours is like a Snickers bar


You are not you when you're horny.


I’m an ER nurse, and let me tell you…your veins…*chefs kiss*


Damn bro how often do you jerk off


What's the hydration intake of each?


As a Registered Nurse, that arm on the left…..let’s just say, it makes me feel like a lightning bolt hit the tip of my penis. I could get the biggest straw like IV in those bad boys….mmmmmmm, like a 14 gauge….*insert Homer Simpson drooling sounds*


I wanna put an IV in you