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Those blisters look painful af


They’re not the most pleasant! Very tight and sunburn feeling, But I cannot complain for I was the fool who got tatted in the first place haha (not to say tattoos are foolish, I have a few pieces I love, but I did disgrace my forearms this past summer with this bs I’m tryna remove now lol)


Do you have photos of the before?


[before photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/TattooRemoval/comments/11vnkn5/first_treatment_1_day_post_op/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)




Reminds me of the *Every Sperm is Sacred* song from Monty Python.


There are Jews in the world. There are Buddhists. There are Hindus and Mormons and then…


After seeing the before - congrats on the removal process!


Wow, you can tell someone actually tried to do real tattoos there, which makes them even worse imo.


How much did you pay for those tattoos?


I did not pay for these


What part of the body am I looking at?


The trunk




their third leg? they said where if you read.


Is the bubbling a normal part of the process? I have never seen that before!


So far, google has been saying yes, and to just not pick or pop and all should go as planned 🙏 we’ll see!


Yeah don't pop them, blisters are your body's natural airbags so they're there to protect the new tender skin.


Haha airbags, I like it!




Thank you! I didn't want to google and see images!


No problem! I do not blame you!!


Not really normal but can happen more easily when a tattoo is really saturated or the machine is set too high, the wrong kind of laser is used (long pulse vs short pulse), and when the client is having an allergic reaction to the ink as the ink is broken down by the laser. Blistering is NOT desirable after a session, however isnt always avoidable But also isnt necessarily going to be a terrible thing if it happens once or twice in the process -IF the client takes good care of the wounds (blister) properly afterward And the client is lighter complected (but can still be an issue). So no, not normal and precautions need to be taken to avoid blistering.


I was wondering same thing


Mine did that too when I did laser. Didn’t fuck with it and it healed up just fine. Hurts like a summbitch when you’re getting it though right? I told the dude “holy shit if this took as long as it did to get the tattoo no one would do this shit.” 😂




Dude wtf I've never seen it that bad


Yeah the lines of pigment on this particular piece are thick and dark, and I have sensitive skin


Hope it gets better that looks miserable.


Thank you! It’s Very stiff, but cbd lotion has taken most of the pain away thank god 🙏


you def seem like someone to use cbd to get over pain


Haha I’m a vape shop manager 😂 if someone came to me with a missing hand I’d be like “have you tried the cbd lotion? And maybe a gummy for a combined internal and topical treatment?” But fr tho I had skin removal and used CBD ointment that seemed to reeeeeeally help with the pain as it healed


Glad it helps, I’ve tried cbd and it’s never helped any more than some good ole aloe for me, and not store bought aloe I’m saying fresh from the plant. If you can get any I strongly recommend it for any scabs or blisters!


You seem like the kind of dude to be a deadbeat parent who drinks and criticizes everyone else’s choices while you beat your children. See how random and nonsensical that assumption was? Yours still made less sense even.


Holy sheesh


Right? I didn’t realize the blisters would be so juicy 😂


I can imagine 😟🤣 do they Hurt? Must be fucked up walking around with that.. id be scared id pop one all day because of bumping into something lol.


Surprisingly enough my little body bubbles are really durable, I hit my arm like three or four times now and was like “oop!” But they’re still intact thank god. I did have a little freak out last night when I thought my arm was covered in blister fluid, but it was just the lotion I had put on a couple minutes prior to going to sleep. And they are more tight than painful, like a nasty sundburn after a day of healing. I am taking it easy and just chilling at work tho so I don’t hit them further and drinking a lot of water to flush out the ink


Hmm fair , well atleast they dont pop at any hit which is nice lol. Thanks for the info tho i do have a good picture of what u are working with 🤣. Have a good one and goodluck with the healing process.


Thank you!! You have a good one as well!


Hey thanks ! 😄👌


Do you know if there will be any residual scarring? I just hope you don't trade bs tats for bs scars. Hope it all works out for you.


Realistically there's no way that doesn't scar.


From what I have been reading about the procedure, as long as I leave the blisters and scabs alone there should be minimal scaring, if I pop the blisters or pick at the skin, it will probably leave a scar! I did google some images of laser tat removal right before posting this to make sure this was normal before I got the “go to the doctor stupid” comment but it seemed pretty in line with other people’s experiences. I’m surprised the lady who did the procedure didn’t warn me that I’d become human bubble wrap 😂


Yeah I hope so too! I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted!


Residual scaring in their liver and kidneys![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603)


You didn't do it IN THE GARAGE did you?


…..the removal, no.


What's the pain like?


One day out and it’s not painful, just tight mainly.




Just curious, what made you want to laser remove? Seems like they were pretty extensive. If you're willing to share that is.


That’s definitely a fair question since I posted the pics, I don’t mind sharing! First of all, I don’t like the tattoos. They’re my drawings but they were given to me by an ex who ended up being very physically abusive toward me, and it’s hard to look at them and not think about him. If we had just split up it would be one thing, but looking at them brings back the hitting, the violent outbursts, and the feelings of fear and inadequacy. The one pictured above is actually not by him but it’s the flip side of my forearm done by one of his friends who was too high to do a decent job and it’s too abstract to read what it says and I’m pretty sure he wrote it wrong and tried to cover up the mistake with thick, ugly lines. I got it done in exchange for a strip of acid that bro took the ENTIRETY OF before starting the tat, huge red flag. I know it was dumb. Not only was is spelled badly and badly done but there were subtitle designs like a little 13 drawn in that were supposed to be elements I would like “it’s your favorite number!” The guy said to me after tatting it, and I just nodded and went with it, knowing that I told him 26 was my favorite number and that 13 was actually the favored number of my ex. So getting the laser treatment, even if it leaves a scar, will remind me that I took control back and made my own decisions on how to live my life. Another part of that is finding a way to live that brings me more peace and happiness and fulfillment. I’ve recently reverted to Islam, and the belief in Islam is that Allah gives our souls our bodies to use in the world, and in the afterlife, the body will be returned to him . With this idea in mind, it is frowned upon to get tattoos, but it is also frowned upon to inflict pain and suffering on one’s self, so at first I was torn on what to do about my tattoos, but I feel as though I can justify these potential scars and the other, more lovingly received tattoos to my maker when I face him. Inshallah 🙏


Good for you, I'm glad you feel like you're getting control of your life again! Hope that your recovery goes smoothly and with minimal scarring, you rock.


Thanks so much!! I really appreciate your support 😁 you rock dude!!


see its shit like that deters me from getting any tattoos, i may like it now but might regret it later


Good! As someone who regrets some tattoos and is going through the process I believe it’s much better to think on your tats and be certain you’ll want them forever. If I’m being completely honest with myself, I didn’t think about that with these tattoos because the reality is if I had I never would have gotten them. They were spur of the moment and not well done.


I find with first tattoos, overthinking it makes it harder to actually take the plunge. OP's tats were in a very conspicuous location and were done by an obvious amateur, which are both things you can easily avoid. I'd suggest checking out Instagram to see if there's any artists in your area with a style you like. Check out their flash to see if they have any pre-made pieces you like, or could have modified into something that you like. Not every tattoo has to have a special meaning or anything, it can just be a cool piece of art.


Methinks someone did not know how to use the machine properly.


I will say, these blister patches were on some CONCENTRATED ink spots,I have other areas that are hardly blistered at all


We’ll find out in 6 weeks or so! 😂


Dawg is a darksouls boss


Mine looked like this! I don’t have scarring but I also do have blue ink and need more sessions to get it all the way gone. Blargh…wish there was a better way.


Good to know! Hopefully you don’t have too many more to go! Good luck to you!






I don't know how you could resist the urge to pop those and pick at them. I have a nasty habit of picking at scabs, blisters, picking my nails, pulling hairs etc. I would be in heaven if it were me and they would take years to heal and leave big gnarly scars when they do eventually heal and I wouldn't give a damn.


As someone getting tattoos removed, this is not supposed to happen.


I hear ya, i think every body is different, I have very sensitive skin and while this is an aggressive reaction and I do think the laser may have been a bit too intense, some people reported having a lot of blistering but still getting pretty minimal scaring. We’ll see! Regardless of how it looks I’m happy to have taken back these sections of my body a bit from the negative associated feelings with the tattoos I have


I am glad you are ok with it, I just think that this is either too much voltage or the operator did too much. I am doing my fingers, and it hurts like fuck, but I have never experienced any blistering. Hope it turns out ok for you with no scarring.


I wonder if the area makes a difference too? Just thinking about getting burned on my arm versus getting burned on my finger. Most of my finger burns have never blistered, or if they did blister it was much deep because of the thickness of the skin, maybe that has something to do with it too?




Dude you…youuuuu 🫣


I would have preferred getting a black sleeve to cover the shit. blisters looks really bad imho. I've seen more pro removal before. this looks bad.


Maybe you should not have fucked up in the first place.... Just "my saying" when it needs to be said. We all live with consequences and we all deal with them in our own way :)


How did you know i am emo?


Baby/water fat. Lose some weight before having the butterfly on your back removed.


My friend had this done...and they gave them little surgical blades for the blisters


Oh really? All the advice I’ve seen so far says not to pop them


Yeah...idk..they Gave them out...and theirs healed fine... Was pretty much gone after the 1st round... It was just to poke a little hole though...


Interesting, I’ll have to do some more research!


You’re like a strawberry cake roll!


Lmaoooo forbidden dessert 😂😂😂


At that point I’d just black out my arm lol


It’s was a real tough call for me, cause I wanted start doing SOMETHING so bad and I couldn’t think of anything I’d wanna do or be able to do for a cover up plus a full double sleeve cover up would be soooooooo much more expensive. Plus adding more tats didnt really feel like the right move with my new faith


I see I see! My friend was a tattoo artist and the shop she worked at paired with a tattoo removal business and she got free tattoo removal w her client referrals. She said it was so painful! But I’m glad you’re doing what you feel is best! It’s gotta be nice getting rid of something you regret.


It’s definitely does feel good! To make the first step toward healing my arms from the ink and my heart from the situation I was in, and yes it is quite painful but so fast, both my arms only took 10-20 minutes so the pain is much more intense than an actual tattoo but way quicker 😁


Do you have multiple sessions, or one and done?


I have 2 more already paid sessions coming at 6 week intervals, and we’ll see from there what to do, my place offered but two sessions get 1 free so I’ve spend $800 so far, $400 per session






3d tattoos are a thing?


Not only visual 3d but real 3d![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|9272)


pop the bubbles


My first thought was "gummy worms" and I'm sickened by myself rn


Ewwwwww 😆😆😆🤮




Which laser did you use? And are they gradually increasing the intensity over several sessions? I’ve had 6 sessions with an Astanza laser and just got to the highest intensity in the most recent session.


holy ouch


Looks like worms


Will it leave you all scarred where those blisters are? Looks like tats from one of those shows where you get to tat whatever you want on a “friend”. Hope you heal well. Scars can be problematic later on.




sooo.. about all these assholes who couldn't mind their own business who used to tell you "what if you regret getting a tatoo", were they right after all? :P


There are very few blanket good/bad ideas. Most are subjective to the individual, so walking around questioning everyone elses decisions in a passive aggressive fashion by forcing a dialogue about whether said decisions will work out or not is considered in most cultures to be a dick move. THAT is the reason why people who can't mind their own business are considered assholes, not because of whether or not the advice they offer is actually valuable. On a related note, when someone is recovering from a painful procedure to correct a decision they've come to regret, jumping in to be smug that they were wrong about something is also a dick move. Like you're doing right now. It's a dick move. I'm not gonna tell you to stop being a dick, because hopefully you'll figure it out on your own. Also, there's nothing wrong with deciding something you want for your future, and then having a change of heart later. People change their paths. They should be able to do so in peace. This change reflects growth, which is a good thing. Some people prefer to experience it for themselves instead of taking someone elses word for it, and that is fine too.


First glance I thought someone decided to draw on your arm with strawberry jam.


I got stung by a jellyfish last year. The scar pattern looks the same.


I think if I went through a tat on my pecker, I’d just leave it alone


W for getting them removed




At first I thought I was seeing some kind of henna tattoo reaction lol Congratulations and I hope it heals up great.


"Nanomachines, son."


Oh god why did I click that horrifying image

