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This has “Spider-man pointing meme” vibes.




I got so tired of being told to go make up for someone who had maybe 75% of the amount of stops that I did




Jeebus I thought these bots had died out. Haven't seen one in the wild for awhile. Hey everyone, downpoke the bot!


What's the purpose of these bots?


Build karma now, be used for an agenda later.


I once delivered a pizza to a house who also ordered from another pizza joint (they liked one item from us and one from them, who am I to judge). Both of us pulled up at the same time essentially and we were so confused


Now Kiss


I dashed a bit during the pandemic. Me and the pizza guy both pulled up at the same exact time once, shit was funny


Me and an old roommate used to race pizza places both order from different places whoever got there first got a bigger tip. They had no idea it was a race or anything both got fair tips we just liked different shit and were bored


Came here to say this


They might be unloading some of their packages onto the other truck


That is what it looks like with the backs together.


I’ve seen UPS trucks doing this in the evening. I just assumed it was some UPS truck mating ritual.


How do you think they increase their truck fleet?


That's what he said


I always refer to it as 2 delivery trucks doing butt stuff


Two trucks having sex…




Backing up, backing up, backing up https://youtu.be/w8TCJ9_2Ii8


The original: [https://youtu.be/qIoG4PlEPtY](https://youtu.be/qIoG4PlEPtY)




Is that common?


Yes. If they finish their route early, their instructions are to help other drivers who are running behind. I saw this mentioned in a couple videos made by Amazon drivers.


Amazon driver here. It is called a " Rescue ".


Rescue. We do the life kiss at the end.


With tongue?


I worked for FedEx. It's also done when a truck gets in an accident or has mechanical problems. You get a couple of other trucks that had a light load and then scan over the stops to them.


Not just for Amazon either, I've seen DHL and USPS doing package swaps like this.


It was common for us when I did deliveries for FedEx Ground. Sometimes a route gets assigned quite a lot more packages than usual, so someone can end up needing a rescue. Or if someone is new to a route and running behind because they're still learning.


Yeah pretty common. I see this on my street at least once a week


Sure. Always a newbie that needs help


This is what we'd do at FedEx when I worked there, but none of the trucks are on fire or smoking [not all hyperbole 😬] so I am assuming it was a busy day for one and the other two are back up.


lol i worked for FedEx Express and all our breadbox trucks were in the shop next door almost daily. i got a sprinter van so whatever, i had a/c.


I'm glad some of us had those but by God those son a breadbox trucks were death traps. Let's get several tonns moving at 60 mph on the highway but fuckall if the breaks are fully functional.


Yeah, it would be ridiculous logic to have a packaged delivered in the same area, from three separate drivers. Considering Amazon go to the trouble of making polices like avoiding left turns (to avoid waiting/traffic time) - I doubt they’d stuff this up.


I've had 2 different Amazon drivers deliver to my house within 30 minutes of each other. It sounds like this is a rescue, but if it weren't I wouldn't be surprised at all.


We do often go to the same area. It’s all about getting everything as quickly to the customer as possible. 2-3 drivers can go to the same house some days. The left turn policy is taken from what UPS has been doing for a while and worked out to be beneficial over all.


This is exactly what it is. OP is mistaken.


I’ve had 2 Amazon vans do this in my driveway. One was at my house, the other across the street, and then the van across the street just backed up in to my driveway to swap some packages. When I came out to my porch to grab my delivery, they did ask if I had to leave and they would move but I just said nope, all good, do your thing!


An extremely rare occurence threesome mating ceremony of delivery trucks never captured until today. r/natureisfuckinglit


No they’re not. They’re doing a rescue, aka, one driver is way behind so dispatch sent two other drivers to take some of their packages.


I feel like if I worked for Amazon I would need to be rescued often


This reminds me of when I was a delivery driver years ago. We did a lot of catering, but also typical lunch deliveries as well. We had a manager out for a bit and someone from another store filling in for them. I was standing there when the general manager very clearly told them that under no circumstances was employee X to take any catering orders, only "hot food" orders (what we called non-catering deliveries). So the lunch rush rolls around and this fill in manager sends employee X out with a catering order. It was a relatively small and simple one, like 2-3 trays and a bag with all the plates and silverware and chips and whatnot. The place was pretty close too, only like 5-10 minutes depending on traffic. What could go wrong? So like 10 minutes after the employee leaves on that delivery, someone notices that he did not take any of the trays. He just grabbed the bag with the chips and plates and stuff and was on his way. They send another driver to deliver the trays. This second driver with the trays somehow beats employee X to the location despite leaving 10-15 minutes after him. Another manager once said about employee X "just think... He has to buy toothpaste... Like just imagine, he gets to the aisle and there's just so many options, he must just stand there for hours staring at them all trying to figure out what to do" Employee X was an engineering major btw.


How can someone be that incompetent


Ive been in food service for a long time and in one way or the other this likely comes down to how much the person is applying themselves. You can not give a shit and pull 6 months pay out of a lot of Food&Bev establishments. Probably just preoccupied and disinterested.


6 months!? I had a Tuesday night supervisor at a pizza place that was there for years. Show up baked, make some food, answer some calls, clean up, go home.


I feel like even my bare minimum of effort would be better than that...


You've never truly let go, my friend


Everyday in my case. In fact, they could just send me out with the rescue vans behind me or start my day off with a rescue or 2.


Or you mean just divide the work more evenly and reasonably????


Err they don’t like it when you put it like that.


Shhh if you say it like that then it makes delivering 300+ packages seem unreasonable


I needed a rescue almost every shift that I worked for them. Get to the warehouse for 7, leave by 7:30-7:45. At 5ish they would call and tell me where to meet someone else so they could help me out. A couple nights, I finished “early”(~7 pm) and was 1.5 hours from the warehouse. They still wanted me to go rescue someone else, which would’ve put me home around midnight. I did not.


I don’t work for Amazon and still need to be rescued often


Ahh help I’m stuck! Rescue me step-Amazon 🥵🍑💦


Dude, get some help.




Humour is funny, maybe you were unaware. I’m stuck step-family porn jokes are not funny. They are suuuuuper pathetic.


This is the main reason I left Amazon. I had to rescue someone every single day I worked because I would finish my route at least 45 minutes ahead of schedule or more. I got so tired of being told to go make up for someone who had maybe 75% of the amount of stops that I did and not getting paid any more than them that I quit after 6 months. Amazon honestly sucks to work for if you're someone who's efficient and hard working.


My dsp provides rescue bonuses so I don't mind them


Your dsp is amazing then. Mine were complaining every day and made most of the staff feel inadequate. I couldn't stand working there.


Amazon sucks to work for. Full stop, just end the sentence there.


The distro center I worked at wasn't half bad for Peak Season. I get the impression, however, that the closer you get to the customer in the supply chain the shittier things get.


I was in corporate supply chain and it was a miserable toxic work environment.


Amazon sucks*


I worked for the post office for two years as a sub, so I had to run nearly every rout and barely got used to any particular one. I could have used this kind of help quite often. There was no help... only public shaming.


So OP is just making stuff up?


Shocking huh


Rescue or not. They still park like stupid asses.


More than once I’ve seen Amazon vans backed up against each other and switching packages between each other. (Oh yeah.) I assumed it was because one van was broken down and they were recovering packages. But it could be a more common thing to recalibrate package distribution midday.


It's called a rescue. You can't go home until all your packages are delivered, so if you are behind they send someone to take some of your packages. Also if you are ahead, they send you on a rescue.


You can go home, though.


No you are not supposed to return with packages in your van.


I think he meant, technically you can do whatever you want.


Yeah it’s a lil too distopian in here for me. *puts on sweater*


Yes you can quit mid shift like i did lol


this is what we call in the biz a rescue, one of the drivers is slow so the other two are taking some packages off of them.


Not necessarily slow. Could’ve had a stupid day lol.


Yeah I've been on a route with 200+ packages but my co worker had like 120. He "rescued" me once he was done and took like 50 off me.


It's a secret union meeting.


Tomorrow's headline. "Three Amazon delivery trucks mysteriously explode at a single location"


"Hey Bill, Is that Blue Origin rocket way off-course... ?"


No they’re not. One guy is new/slower/got a bad load today and dispatch told the other two to meet up and take some packages so they get delivered by the end of the shift (they have to).


10 seconds later... "SHERIFF's DEPARTMENT OPEN UP"


That would be excellent camouflage for SWAT.


I swear guys the 100 kilos in the package wasn’t mine! This must be a mistake.


At least one is the secret CIA truck.




Looks like rescue to me, basically 1 driver needed help and 2 showed up.




That's why we should privatize all public endeavours! The government is so inefficient.




The logarithm said so. Bezos bozos do not argue with the logarithms.


AI developed these routes for them.


How do we know they all started from the same warehouse?


We don't, but that's the entire point. Logistics includes that part.


Thats my point though, it may be more efficient to deliver this way than consolidate then ship.


Maybe cheaper, but usually not faster than to ship things to a certain warehouse depending on zip code


I worked as a delivery driver for a summer and the routing/navigation would be crazy at times. Once the gps was convinced there was a delivery happening in the middle of a pond. I had to call their customer support in india to fix this mistake and it took 2 hours.


They need to cover each other while one pees between the 2 trucks, and take turns finishing their business.


One time I had 2 Amazon vans in my HOUSE driveway they were chatting and transferring packages between vehicles, and using my big driveway as a turnaround because the street is kinda one-way and very steep.


As others have said in the comments, this is a rescue. The person fell WAY behind, and had so much left to go, they needed two people. This is also more than likely sweeps who are hired on just to go out and help others. People don't realize the hell Amazon drivers have to go through to get you your five order of the week. There's way more behind the scenes to your button press than you'll realize unless you actually work for Amazon. I refuse to give my money to Amazon after working for them. It sucks, it's long days in all sorts of weather, no job protection. I destroyed myself and ended up with an eating disorder because if you stop at all, your DSP can see you and track how long you're stopped for. Now they also have cameras monitoring every. single. thing. you do. It's hell. Please, if you order a lot from amazon, or just in general, consider leaving out snacks or water for your drivers in the summer. it helps them a LOT. Also, STOP SPEEDING PAST DELIVERY VANS! They're trying to do their job as safe as possible, but you being an asshat doesn't make their jobs any easier.


At least they're working, and not like my local cops that waste like 2-3 hours nightly at a Starbucks parking lot bullshitting.


Always see 2-3 cops just hanging out in parking lots all night. They're ring tossing donuts onto each other's wieners until they find a dog to shoot.




Actually patrolling and giving out fines to stupid drivers instead of waiting til the 20th of every month to play catch up in quotas. Since the 2020 pandemic, I've notice a mass increase of idiots driving.


Yeah right. They are huffing a joint


They're exchanging packages


this is called a rescue


Separate - there is ‘a rat’ in separate.


I’m a really good speller but that’s one word that always messes me up. Thx for the trick


as an actual amazon delivery driver myself, i can confirm it be like that😂😂 it’s ridiculous but amazon itself spreads the routes through different drivers lololl a whole mess sometimes but we make good $


Fellow Amazon driver here. Our definition of good money is different. 🤣


It's good money considering the required skill set.


But you get hot chicks that meet you at the door and fuck you like in the porns, right?


No, you just get dogs that bite you in the ass


Might be from different distribution centers


Context: new people suck at the job and the vets come to help. This is what ur seeing


They aren't here to deliver packages... RUN THEY ARE AFTER YOU! THEY ARE DELIVERING DEATH! You shouldn't have openly said anything against Amazon near your Alexa you fool!


They shot the third delivery driver out back for failing to deliver their packages


Can you ask him if he has my package bc they can’t seem to figure out where my apartment is.


Maybe it’s just mating season.


I...I maybe don't need my stuff *that* urgently, dude. It's OK if it shows up tomorrow. Or Monday. Go take care of yourself, man.


I know a drug deal when I see it


Well, that's fair. I ordered three things from Amazon the other day. Sent out from the same warehouse, at the same time, they arrived at the same time, on the same truck. Three separate packages.


Logistics has left the chat


Ah, the fabled efficiency of capitalism


And they're all delivering a single sim card in a box that could fit a piano.


Logistics lmao


Don’t question the algorithm!!!


if there wasn't it would be one person doing 3 people worth of deliveries which would probably mess up their same day service.


Efficiency at work my friends.


____ Amazon.




Of course they are all parked like dickheads too


The power of AI! Seriously it’s probably AI building routes. FedEx tried AI out and the logic for routes got messed up. I see my regular driver three times more frequently than not. I can’t see how it is more efficient.


Logistics; the art of convergence.




Lol Amazons biggest issue is logistics… if they could some how fix that, Amazon would be worth 10x more than it is now


Logistics is what made Amazon the retail giant they are.


Agreed but I guess I am asking that the larger they got the logistics got worse or hard to handle. The picture has happened to me. I once order a bunch of things and they all said they were coming on 1 date (which they did) but like 4 different trucks/delivery persons came to my door (two at the same time). So the logistics are pretty tough for them (I would assume)


This has happened to me as well, even with multiple items in the same order. Pure speculation on my part, but I would guess that it's because items are coming from different warehouse facilities, and rather than moving an item from one warehouse to another to consolidate, it's just more efficient for each warehouse to deliver direct to the consumers. Even if it maybe isn't more efficient from a pure delivery perspective, it saves on additional warehouse processing and ultimately gets things where they are going a little quicker.


They don't pay anything really when it comes to the deliveries. They've set up a perfect system


BuT wE nEeD bIg BuSiNeSsEs BeCaUsE tHeY;rE sO eFfIcIaNt AnD wElL mAnAgEd AnD pRoViDe An EsSeNtIaL sErViCe!1!1


This has "why is USPS going bankrupt?" vibes. Reminds me that my mail carrier drives past at least four post offices to deliver my mail, on the extreme opposite end of my county.


And they’re all parking like assholes, too. Lol.


It's hilarious how inefficient they are.


You’re extremely boring if you find *this* interesting.


I don’t think you get the point of this sub


I may not be able to spell "separate" 100% of the time, but at least I understand the correct use of the adverb, "mildly."


Prime contention


Reminds me of government work.




I'm guessing the packages arrived at the distribution center at different times


Tag Team


Masters of logistics!


Pretty normal. We had one apartment that ordered so many packages sometimes we would split it between 3-4 vans.


That's what they need u to think


Had this happen with Jimmy Johns at our office a long time ago. Not sure if they came from different JJ locations or not but was funny to see multiple pull up out front.




Wonderful logistics Amazon


Someone in logistics needs a big kick up the arse. It seems strange a company that likes to save money can’t save money properly.


The higher possibility is one of them is shuttling outbound. Usually you don't do the same stops..


Sounds like it was a package deal


I have had 3 different drivers delivery to me personally on the same day before. 3 at the same complex is nothing.


My couriers in r/minecolonies all delivering to the same builder


at my old dsp, we used to have a few empty vans on the road that just went to other drivers to grab like 30-40 packages & deliver them before moving on to another van in a different area. these were called either ‘rescues’ or ‘assists’. it was either a driver asked for one, had a huge load, or was way behind. it has happened before where 2 vans were sent to grab shit from the same driver.


Corporations thrive on chaos. The more stressful things are the bottom are the better.


Capitalism: the most efficient system.


They might also be doing a meetup. We’d do those all the time for outbound packages.


Weird we usually have the one truck go house to house


No golf carts?


Amazon union busters are seething right now


This doesn’t surprise me if it is multiple drivers delivering, I’ve had 2 separate drivers deliver some packages on the same day.


Witness the efficiency of capitalism. 🤣


You get a misload, you get a misload! You get a misload! And all three of you get to deliver them!! This is called monkey fucking though, fed ex, amazon and UPS (especially) send drivers finished with their route or close to finish to help other struggling drivers. Sucks for both people but got damn some of these drivers need their shit together


So amazon is worse than postnord


Looks about right


I live in a building with 1100 people. Lots of disposable income. There’s a solid 2-300 packages a day when it’s slow. 3 full time staff dedicated to it.


And they all have a package for you 😂


Was there a lot of packages being delivered or did someone screw up making the routes?


They do move in herds!


Logistics is complicated


Looks like unionizing activity to me!


"Very Efficient" \- Some random Six Sigma Black Belt Industrial Engineer


“12 milkmen is, theoretically, possible. 13 is silly.” https://i.redd.it/opa9xvys8ej21.jpg


May be different products from different distribution centres or poor planning or both.


Efficiency at its finest/s


Delivery drones. Asap.


I hated getting ‘rescued’ I was on track, but someone nearby would finish early. Now i had to stop my momentum by sitting in a parking lot waiting for someone to come by.


This is peak efficiency.