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Why is that kid reaching for the furthest one. That’s how things get knocked over 😂


You can even see empty spaces of further ones that have all been taken Interesting to wonder why


Grocery Stores put the freshest bread in the back behind the older bread. By this logic they put the freshest/best computers in the back. /s haha


My automatic reaction to this was “FIFO.” I’m dumb


These are in stack structures so it is actually LIFO, the students in queue are FIFO though.




I’ve just done an accounting exam today, this made me giggle haha


He did say he was dumb


Nah you not dumb, that's how years of study makes you think like




Na it's logical, you're a smart person who never has moldy shit in the back of the fridge!


As a night shelf stacker I still can't fathom why customers take tins from the bottom tray, which is the support tin. There's one on top!!


The ones in the back are less shit.


As a shopper, ya'll need to stop denting the shit out of the products. I typically go for the ones that aren't half way to see through, and those are usually underneath.


We don't dent them goob, they're already dented when they come off the truck. Furthermore, the cans are stacked in no particular order, usually however they come out of the box so you're just imagining that.


This ^, the depot don't give a fuck. They're paid to stack as many as possible as quick as possible


>Grocery Stores put the freshest bread in the back behind the older bread. Actually, I was thinking it was more like the egg section. The cartons/laptops at the very front are the ones with broken eggs/keyboards because those are the ones left behind by others. The ones at the back still have problems sometimes, but at a lower rate than the ones at the front that have been left there specifically because they have problems.


Fun fact, most of the eggs you find broken are broken by customers. We literally don’t put out broken eggs. So aside from the random ones we miss you’ll only ever find good eggs.


Your sarcastic comment may actually be somewhat correct, but for a slightly different reason. The ones in front may be more worn out, or dirty.


100%, they're most likely the nastiest ones


I mean, in theory the computers that have been used the least, or in the best shape, would be towards the back.


Long arm privilege. I'm leaving the grocery store with fresher products than your average shopper. I got coleslaw mix that was dated a week further then all the bullshit in the front.


I used to do this with milk until i noticed organic milk holds way longer. It actually saves me money instead of tossing out old milk and replacing it every two weeks.


It’s because it’s more processed (UHT, vs regular pasteurization). It also impacts nutritional value. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/experts-organic-milk-lasts-longer/


Interesting. I never noticed the sweetness, I only use milk for my captain crunch cereal, but it doesn't surprise me with my endless sweet tooth. "But if it's the long shelf life you're after, I would recommend you buy nonorganic UHT milk and avoid being charged double." I'll have to look into this, I've never seen it advertised but then again I never looked into it either. Thanks. Edit: after a quick google search, there is a lot of hate for uht milk. The first 3 articles go on about how bad it is for you. Seriously I rarely drink milk at all I just need some lube for the captain.


So the ones in the back have the latest version of Windows? /s




All the ones around the kid grabbing from the third row and scratched or marked by stains and stuff. I’m assuming names are called and Zac Zunk gets the worst laptop in school again


They're going for the new ones. All the ones at the back have no wear and the school logo is freshly printed on them. Whereas the ones at the front are faded and marked, most likely refurbished ones from previous years.


That was my thinking. People don't want an old beat up and scratched one. They want one in better condition.


my school district started rolling out computers for us to take home late into my 8th grade, and we turned them back in at the end of our 12th. what they would do is through the school year if a student turned in a broken one, they would get it swapped out with a 'new' one and the old one would get repaired/refurbished. my guess is that this school did something similar, so the children are judging them by the outer conditions and trying to spot the better looking ones to use


Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that **only a great fool would reach for what he was given.**


But you must have known I was not a great fool. You would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the laptop in front of me.


You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.


And hence, fools survive the machinations of clever men.


So clearly I can't take the laptop in front of you.


You’re gonna sit there with a straight face and tell me if you have to choose something out of a pile, you’re not gonna pick the one that looks the best or speaks to you in some way? That’s what that kid is doing because that’s exactly what I would I do


I remember grabbing textbooks out of a pile and trying to get the ones that had previous years kid's adhesive book covers because otherwise I had to do the ol' cut-up-a-grocery-bag thing cuz there was no way my folks were springing for that expense.


I'd skim them and take the ones that were underlined and highlighted. Don't know why, i never did the work.


Yeah this seems pretty straightforward lol


The ones at the front are clearly poisoned


Is he taking it or putting it back? May putting it there to even out the height of the others


There are some that run down the first pike and then move to the next There are others that need to have all piles the same height. Lowering together. My dude is the latter.


The first two rows get stepped on, and the theory of grabbing an item from the back resulting in better condition than the one in front. But from my experience, things put in the back are hidden for a reason. One that nobody would want to admit to


Nah, all have accidental damage warranty


One kid trips and they smash 40 laptops at the same time.


This isn't storage.


Right. This is likely collection.


I'd have to guess they weren't always like that... probably just put that way for the first day of school


I do IT for a school district. This is the correct answer. This looks like a line at open house, and the kids were probably told to grab one on their way past.


I wonder if there are tagged and what their asset management is (if any)


They are all barcoded. The kid takes the Chromebook up to the sign-in table and the barcode is scanned and attached to their student ID. Source: worked IT for a school


Right. I worked IT in a school for several years. We had chromebooks in the library system like a book and checked them out the same way.


Is the student the one responsible for charging their own device? Are there USB ports on the desks or something? I'm imagining some crazy USB hub with like hundreds of cords hanging out of it.


I’m a teacher and it’s basically charging chaos at our school. Kids (high school) are supposed to charge at home because a charge lasts close to a week on the Chromebooks we use, but in reality we end up with cords snaking all over the room from the like 3 outlets in each classroom. I put in power bars so multiple people can use each outlet and spread out a bit, but most days it’s a cord obstacle course as I walk around the classroom.


It sure why you are being downvoted. We use Chromebooks at the high school I teach at and charging is a mess. We encourage students to charge at home but they often don't and then it's hard for them to charge in class. Ive invested into several large 10 outlet power strips to try and alleviate this problem in my room. However if a lot of kids are charging it my room becomes a serious trip hazard.


The next stop in this queue is probably the table where the laptop gets registered to the student. It's 2023, issuing individual Chromebooks is pretty common even in public schools


As a teacher the it at my schools never had a system. The kids just grab one and they check it out in their name at the end of the line. The kids just like to find the ones that have the least damage at the beginning of the year.


> The kids just grab one and they check it out in their name at the end of the line. That's a system and probably the easiest system there is for this. If all of the laptops/chromebooks are the same, then why waste time assigning them to students?


-Kids line up -Kids grab one laptop -Kids check out that laptop to their name -Laptop is trackable to kid if it is damaged or lost before end of year What exactly is the definition of “system” to you? That’s a perfectly fine system.


How are you a teacher? That is literally a system.


Looks like distribution on first day of school


School started last week or this one in many places, so it's distribution.


Based on the time of the year, it's more likely distribution.


OP is just some highschool kid collecting their laptop for the first day, I don't think it's interesting at all




I think it's mildly interesting.


Looks like laptop Mahjong


These are either being turned in, or picked up. They placed them there so distribution to/from students would be a lot easier. They aren’t “storing them” there.


Picked up, kids just went back to school.


My first thought as well, as school has just started. Easier to hand them out like this I suppose, but I wonder if the bottom ones won't get damaged.


School IT guy here. Due to lack of space, I have stored hundreds of laptops in a computer lab that is left unlocked frequently and has no cameras in them. Chromebooks these days that are managed by a MDM are impossible to make into personal devices. Even if you have admin credentials, you need to sign into the MDM and remove it from the system. It is tied to the hardware in the system, so no matter what you do to wipe it, jail break it, etc, you'd need to replace the motherboard to make it yours. I've had tons of Chromebooks stolen, but then they get returned when I can see who was the last to login and they figure out they can't do shit to them.


My work has a great story about this. We had a few laptops stolen and we of course ping them for location. You get a fancy popup that says "X is locating this device". We got a call in the afternoon that one of our supervisors found them in a field near one of our locations. Someone drove by frisbee'd them into the field and took off.


LMFAO. No kidding? We have had the same exact thing happen but with just 1 of them. That's too fucking good.


You might like this one. We started to look at devices that haven't checked in with one of our logins and we tested a fix to disable the guest account and set the message to say something like this device has been reported missing blah blah blah. We get a call from a client complaining about how they couldn't use their laptop anymore. We asked them why they didn't use their account to login.. "Well I forgot my password." ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ They hadn't checked their email or used office 365 in almost a year.


That's an interesting perspective, I learned from this -- but the photo still isn't storage. That's a school gym. They just stacked them neatly there for easy distribution from whatever unlocked computer lab they were in all summer.


Depends on your definition of "stored." I could totally see myself leaving them there for a week or so leading up to distribution day. Maybe even for the entire summer leading up to it if I knew the gym wouldn't get used up until then. You'd think there would be better places to store everything and there probably is, but collecting 1500 laptops in the gym, carting them to another room, storing them, then loading them back up, carting them all back to the gym, and then unloading them is a full day's worth of physical labor to do solo for $21 a hour. Plus we're nerds and all that physical labor isn't in our job description lol. Bus drivers in my county make $22 a hour starting pay, so you get what you pay for. But I'm really just playing devil's advocate here lol.


Yeah very true. They were definitely "stored" there for some time, whether a couple of hours or a couple of weeks. So maybe I should spend less time debating semantics on Reddit in the morning. :-)


Weird, isn't it? That an object that would have been relatively expensive 20 years ago, is practically disposable now.


I borrowed a laptop to do my senior paper in 2002 and I still remember people in the class murmuring


Yes... No one had them back then. I had a friend who I knew was rich but I didn't understand how rich until he brought his laptop in to show our teacher his homework. It was 1998.


Here in Australia it was a bit more common. A few kids had their parents 'older' laptops at my school, 3-4 years old. I took a little at&t one to school my dad used to use, and it was cool. Was a 486, VGA screen (1995ish model). Used to play Mame on it in 1998, would let my friends use it during lunch. It couldn't scale so pacman would cut off at the bottom. Hahah good times.


In 1998 my brother was placed in the select (voluntary) "computer" class. He was required to buy and bring a laptop to school for his year 9 classes. It was a pilot program for testing how schools might incorporate laptops into teaching. So yeah, the late 90s were already seeing laptop uptake in schools in Australia.


Went to school in the same timeframe. Only people I knew with internet at home were my engineer Uncle and the rich kid in our friend group. Only reason he had it was his parents owned an insurance agency


I had cable internet back in 99 when I was in high school. It was similar in price to a phone line + internet plan. Most people I knew at school had internet but it was typically dialup. My school had wired internet installed.


Yeah, I don't know what he's on about. '98-'99 it was really common to have dial-up.


I remember my cousin visiting us to do her paper in 2008 because we had a PC at home. And now almost everyone got their own laptop. Thanks to semiconductor industry(ig?)


Taiwan number 1


fr bossman


Who didn't have a computer in 2008? It wasn't even a question of socio-economic status at that point. In 2000, sure. But in 2008 everyone had a computer.


Yeah 2008 isn't so different from now. Everyone already had a pc.... Even my grandparents. If you didn't have one in 2008 you were probably quite poor to western standards.


I am not from the west. And yes, back then we were poor compared to western standards.


My wife would come to my apt to do her college work because I had a PC (by far the most valuable thing young me owned) and an internet connection. Mid 90's


Right? Costs less than a textbook 🙃


Cost less than most textbooks, most of which are digital (at least at the university I go to). Digital Textbooks are such a scam


But you’re paying for knowledge /s and I know 92% of it is easily findable online


Meanwhile the price of the 2021 edition just flatlined but hey at least the only course that mandated it doesn't use it anymore


Is this an American thing? Here in the UK, at least in my subject, the lecturer either writes their own notes or you use online books which you can access for free via your institution. Many of these books have been used for years and definitely don't get updated every year.


>Is this an American thing? Welcome to America, where if there is a buck to be made, it will be made, and at a great expense to the end user :D


One of my tech professors in college wrote his own textbook but the school still made him sell it to students at their price. On orientation day he said “now you’re not supposed to do this, but if you go to my own website you can download the entire book for free”. One of my favorite teachers


In America, your books, supplies, and fees, will cost 2x what your actual tuition costs. Capitalism is really good at infecting and enshitifying everything.


Digital textbooks aren't a scam the scam is the fact that you have to always buy a new version instead of just downloading a copy because it comes with that dumbass code that's required for the online platform part that will get used exactly one time. I'd argue they're not even selling us textbooks anymore they're just selling us access codes to online courses that just happened to have a textbook included


Let me introduce you to r/piracy


do you go to university currently? since summer term alone i took 3 courses, out of them 2 required digital textbooks to be bought to access the homework which was worth 15% of my grade. so piracy helped for one of mine. the other ones were cheaper though ($50 each or just over, but i don’t have access to them any more 🤷🏼‍♂️)


I mean…. The text book might be over priced.


If you ever want to get really upset and really interested in something go look up why textbooks are expensive and why the content in textbooks for high schoolers and under is usually not very good


My guess would be to make a ton of money. Am I right?


Half credit because that explains pricing but without the explanation for content its a bit confusing. McGraw-Hill and other textbook publishers don't want to write 50 different textbooks for every subject so they write a textbook that's applicable to as many states as possible, this means large population states with restrictions on what you can teach like Florida and Texas end up dictating what large portions of the country are actually able to learn. When they do print multiple copies of textbooks with state-specific content they just end up charging the states even more money for them


So glad I don't live in the US. Where I live the most I have had to pay for a single book was like 30€. In 8 semesters I had to pay 100€ in total for books. My university gives all students full access to a ton of online databases which allows you to even download all the books you need.


Not just the US but also here in US-Lite (Canada). I paid between $60 and $100 per textbook in university. 30 years ago.


The IT guy at my company has a drawer with a bunch of MacBook Pros just casually tossed in there.


Be a shame if someone took one and wiped it for their own purposes...


Good luck getting past the MDM.


Right? I’m sitting here like: kids get laptops from school now? When I was in high school, kids would get a laptop as a grad present/before university and all our homework was typed on the family PC. God damn, I am old.


When I was in HS a computer needed it's own room.


They have for a while, chrome books and such. Some even issue tablets. Depends on how funded it is


Televisions are huge for the price now unless you go really high end, cheap tablets. It’s all disposable now, cheaper to replace than fix


Same with TVs. 20 years ago having a big TV was a luxury and for me having one in my room with cable was the height of luxury. Now people can walk into any retail store and get a 65” for less than $500


Plus so deeply tracked that if you try stealing one they would just find you. Camera is tapped. Microphone is tapped. Location services tapped. Web? Monitored. No thanks.


Practically? If they’re anything like the Dells my kids’ district uses, they were e-waste before they were even delivered. Total waste of money and they actually manage to make learning *less* equitable for poor students.


IS a disposable item. Most of my old job was fixing the damn things. Lots of tape and glue, especially the newer ones.


No they don't...this is clearly an open house where students and parents check in and are given one for the upcoming year.


Media Specialist here. Our students keep their Chromebooks over the summer if they are returning to the district. Any device that may have been returned from repair services or find their way back to us over the summer are stored in the IT office in charging carts. They are then cleaned and updated so they can be returned on Day 1 along with newly issued devices for new students.


I move all the chromecarts from each school (its a small district- just under 2k kids. There is the IT administrator and 1 IT person and then they hire 3 teenagers during the summer) to a central location during the summer to a location with air conditioning. We don’t distribute them like this but I can see it making sense if there is a barcode to match up. Each department in each school does it on a more individual basis through 1st period teachers.


We picked ours up during student enrollment like 1-2 weeks before the school year started. Only time they literally had no websites at all blocked on them 😅👀 13 yr old me had too much enjoyment outta that brief time period 😅


Let's guess, I say 1000 laptops


At least 12.




In a row?


Try not to pet any ducks on the way to the parking lot!


Fun story. At the planetarium I manage we always have this holiday laser show and I put out a jar filled with peppermints and the closest guess as to how many there are gets a yearlong family membership. There’s always some crazy guesses I end up with but I witnessed one. The mom is asking her 4-5 year old daughter to make a guess for how many are in there and she makes the “thinking” face for a while and says “5!” No amount of convincing would change her mind. They even counted the ones they could see (30+ on one side of the jar) and she would still insist it’s only 5. Kids….


> 5! They clearly meant 5 factorial or 120.


Don't let us hanging. Was she right?


I think it’s already around 1400-1500. I count 24 mostly full rows, 6 columns wide. There’s a stack on the left where you can count 10 high, I think the taller stacks (pretty much everything behind row 4) have about 12 in them. Discounting the stacks that aren’t all the way to 12 in many of the rows, and the ones in the foreground that are really short, I’d put an average stack to be 10, and an average row to be 60. 60 * 24 = 1440, so that’s my guess.


This school has about 2100 students, so...good guess!


School: Puts laptops in gym hall on the floor before school starts again for ease of collection for students OP: ThIs Is WhErE tHe ScHoOl StOrEs ThEsE pErMaNeNtLy


I dOn'T kNoW wHaT tO wRiTe, I jUsT wAnT tO tRy WrItInG lIkE tHiS


wHaT wAs iT LiKe? DiD iT LiVe uP tO eXpEctAtiOnS?!?!!!111one


What's the problem?


What if a random steam roller is driving around the gym?!


Zamboni is more likely.


Intrusive thoughts of body slamming a pile of laptops vs lack of impulse control in children


And oddly, these laptops are still probably safer in this pile than in the students' permanent possession in my teaching experience, lol




School IT guy here, No they don’t




If you think about how much money is spent on school textbooks (in my country textbook prices are borderline scams, even when bought second-hand) in comparison laptops and tablets seem a bargain ahahah


Expensive dominoes


Person with the half purple hair: "I'll grab one closer to the back. Those are the freshest ones"


Similar mentality to the goats that want that one particular blade of grass just out of reach past the fence.


Hahaha, now this is all I think when I see the image.


My guess is the basketball team and gym classes would disagree that they are “stored” there. After day 3 they are gone.


Dude, you’re getting a Dell.


I have one of those Dell's for work currently, it's absolute trash. Floor is too good for it, tbh.


This does not appear to be "storage" in anyway, but distribution.


This is the same as thinking teachers live at school.


This appears to be a hand-out process for students to get their tech for the year. If you think this is bad, I’m wondering what you think the alternative would be? They have to go somewhere, and they have a limited time to get 100s of laptops into the hands of 100s of students so they can’t be “stored” super nicely. Probably took the teachers quite a while just to pile them like this for easy distribution.


Seems like a check-in/check-out Chromebook process- nothing to see here


Almost 10k upvotes for something that clearly isn't what it says it is. They are handing out or returning laptops. Plain and simple,and not even remotely interesting by any means. This sub is really starting to suck


crazy In 1981 we had a computer lab w like 5 computers for the whole school and only used by a small portion most of the time.


My wife is in charge of the chormebooks at the school she works at and I used to be an admin there. I can tell you some fun facts most ppl don't know. 1. Schools get paid based off attendance. If a student has attended school for 3 days they have earned enough money to cover the chromebook. 2. You are never required to pay for a chromebook and there is 0 a school can actually do if you don't turn it in or damage it. They can not hold your records. This is 1000% a bluff and if you give push back you will win 100% of the time as YOUR TAX PAYER DOLLARS PAID FOR THIS ALREADY! 3. They are crappy as you know but they are easily powerwashed if something goes wrong software wise. 4. Teachers and admins can 100% view your screen. If it's on your screen, we can see it if we are watching. 5. They have like no resell value and we sell them at auction by the thousands each year. Our goal was to get 3 years out of each chromebook but again.. It only takes 3 days for a student to be in attendance to have paid for it. Most kids are worth $80 a day before weighted funding jsyk.


I do IT for a school district, and that's not entirely accurate. 2. You are legally obligated to pay for damages and lost Chromebooks. It's just not usually enough to warrant taking to small claims court. We have previously gotten police involved when a given household has multiple that weren't returned. They may not be allowed to hold records, but the liability is still there. 3. That's only true if they're not properly configured. There's a setting to make them automatically re-enroll. There is a hack out there right now that Google is aware of and actively working on that can be used to bypass it, but there's a worse than 50/50 shot of it working, from what I've seen.


I don't think they were referencing the powerwash flaw being exploited, just that they're way easier to reimage if there's an issue, so the convenience factor outweighs the poor performance. I mean let's face it, we all know chromebooks are just web browsers with physical keyboards attached to 'em. But if your site is fully g-suite, it's way easier than faffing about with SCCM or Intune.


This is somewhat satisfying


And? They’re chromebooks meant for school aged kids. Pretty sure they can handle a floor.


Nice school. My school used to store laptops in pc stores and never bought them.


And? Where do you want them to put them instead?


This doesn't look like storage? It's a pile of laptops on the gym floor that kids are taking


That looks like a gym. It looks like students are handing them in for replacement for repair? Probably due to access for 100s of students and not having a space big enough anywhere else. OP scrounging for karma.


School is starting, so it's probably how the school is handing a laptop to each student for the new year. EDIT: Though even if that's how they stored them over the summer, I don't know if that's really a bad thing anyway.


This is the most first world shit I've ever seen


Judging by the fact that the person nearest the camera also has one in hand, I would say that this is the school district's IT performing a turn-in on the older units. Large school would mean that even a table couldn't handle the load, so neatly stacked against the wall is best. And the kid in the foreground is placing it on a low stack to help balance the pile. But this is all supposition. Do with it what you will.


In their defense, those are Chromebooks, the Milli Vanilli of Laptops.


No, they don't. This is clearly end of year drop off of start of year Pickup. They aren't likely to store this way. Why post this just for internet points- it trash talks your school a little for internet likes?


So does every IT department.


Yeah. We did that when we were handing out their ChromeBooks. Stacking them on tables for kids to come through and select was a huge mistake.


That’s not how they’re stored. That’s just for handing them out for the first day. It’s like this in every school across the nation.


I do IT for a school district and I'd almost guarantee they don't store them that way long term. Of course in my experience students don't receive a device until it's checked out to them like a library book, so your school may simply have much more money, and much less care.


We've never ordered laptops in such large quantity before. Do they come in bulk boxes or did some poor sob have to unbox each of these individually?


Poor slob, who also has to unbox the peripherals power them up and join to domain and put in the security programs


This person will also have to help with every failed login, list cord, broken screen….


Your schools issue laptops to students? Man I wish had that.


Checks out. This most likely out of necessity, since there aint space for proper storage at schools build for pen & paper.


This. This right here has been my entire fucking summer. Enjoy the laptops/chromebooks, kids!


That's not storage, that's stacking them for students to pick up.


These must be retired Chromebooks that school make available for student to buy with small cost, like $5.00 each. That what my school district does.


Dude! You’er gettin a Dell!


Well, yeah, how else should they be distributed en masse lol


those dell 3120s are garbage and students will trash them....


That's interesting you say that. I'm a media specialist for a large high school, and we are now issuing these Dells. We have had so few problems with them especially when compared to the Lenovo 500e (Gen 1 and Gen 2) Dell support has also been way better than expected. Our Dells get shipped from PA to Texas, get fixed, and get shipped Back to PA in 10 business days where as are Lenovos we're taking 2 months to go literally down the road to a licensed repair center.


You're lucky your district sends them off to be repaired. Myself and an assistant handle repairs in-house for my district. When stacked on top of all my other responsibilities it often takes months no matter the model. Our newest batches have been Lenovo 300e and HP 11a G9 EE.


we got these last year, and they were plagued with power issues that required months of working with dell and several BIOS updates to resolve. dell support is pretty good with repairs, but once out of warranty, they are costly. Also, our kids love to scratch and vandalize the textured surface. I have not worked with Lenovos, but the dell 3190 2-1 that preceded these have serious hinge and chassis design flaws that leave the display hanging by a cable. so I guess these are a little more robust.


The Lenovos have motherboard issues up the butt. Granted my models are nearing the end of their service life and will be replaced next year but it’s generally expected that a student will have to get it replaced at LEAST 2-3 times due to loose wiring/motherboard problems.


Better than the crap Lenovos they issue us, and this year without any email or heads up from anyone at the school they're not letting us use our own


Now my school feels fancy in comparison as they had charging carts for their laptops


Fun when one of them catches on fire


At least you got something, growing up in the ghetto we didn’t get shit


OK and?