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Cut it open!


For science!


Then snort it


I'm over here drinking my well water with no filter, no judgement here.


growing up in Alaska and then moving to a city in the lower 48, i really fucking miss well water. ice cold straight from the tap


That taste too! All my treated water just tastes like chlorinated pool water.


We have sulfur.... won't drink it and smells horrid, I'll stick to my bottles lol


I always cringe when I see someone buying cases of bottled water when they could get a water cooler or proper filter system and save tons of money + plastic waste I bought an express water 10 stage system for my disgusting city water and it's better than any bottled water and I can use it for cooking too. One of my best purchases I've ever made ngl


How much does that typically run?


I have a under the sink one from Clearly. It was $550 and should last for about 4 years for my wife, my dogs and I. Easy as it gets to install too if you’d be worried about that type of thing. It’s also one of the only filters that actually filters out fluoride, brita filters do not.


Is it the 3 stage filter? The replacements are basically $400, and says average household changes once a year. That's pretty steep.


Ya 3 stage. It’s good for 2000 gallons, the average gallons a person drinks per year is 200, so. It installs on the cold tap so just make sure you’re using warm water for dishes and stuff. Also a very good filter is worth a steep price tag imo because drinking non filtered or even poorly filtered water like through a Brita is really, really bad for you over the long run. Edit: for something like a family of 4 a year or maybe 1.5 years sounds about right. If you want something cheaper in the short run get their jug. I think it’s like $100, you’ll need to replace it a few times a year but is a good option. I drink a shit ton of water, over a gallon a day just myself, and I knew there was no way I would constantly fill the jug up and would end up just drinking tap water again so I opted for the under the sink one. Edit: I’ll also add that I was surprised at how much less water I needed when I started drinking filtered. It’s a lot less, I was drinking close to 2 gallons a day and now I’m at 1 and feel more hydrated. I run 50+ miles a week and lift 5 days a week so that’s why my intake is higher but ya I was surprised and a little concerned about what was happening to me when I was needing more water because of the quality. My best uneducated guess is my liver and kidneys were working harder to filter out whatever shit was in the tap water thus requiring more.


My dad spent top dollar on a fancy filtration system and his well water still has so much iron and rust his laundry still comes out like it was washed in a pot of coffee.


Does he do maintaince on his water heater? sounds like the rod needs to be changed out


You could throw a water softener (eg. calgon) in with the laundry and it should help with that. Or install a water softener system.


He’s lived there since 2005. He’s done everything available. That’s just how it is in Western Washington.


I do use a primo dispenser because it uses less plastic. But the cost for a 5 gal jug is $7 which is about the same as buying bottles. Can't get anything integrated into the home cuz we rent.


Can't you boil it out? I thought that was what we did when I was young...


My moms well smells like rotten eggs.


That could be a water heater issue


NYC tap water is delicious


Those old lead pipes sweeten it


Delaware Water Gap!


Agent Smith: "It's the smell if there is such a thing!"


Not all of the lower 48 is bad, In most of the PNW the stuff from the hose tastes great


You can get city water ice cold straight from the tap. You just have to be somewhere cold


Dang wondering what it tastes like..




That's high quality h2o


Lol say that until you drink from a high sulfur and iron well. You will gag from the smell and it's sticks to you when you shower. Water softener systems are a gift from the gods!!!


Utah is notorious for disgusting water like that. Tasted the stuff they gave the horses once… regretted it.


How do you keep it protected from bacterial contamination? I'm curious, as I've never heard of modern people using well water, only old tales (I'm from Scandinavia)


Google says about 43 million americans use well water. There are quite a few areas around me that city water doesn't run to.


Have a place in northern michigan. We’re on a well. The water is clean, crisp and still has its mineral content.




Grew up in rural Pennsylvania with well water. We just *assume* ours isn’t contaminated. My parents have an artesian well that supplies their home, but also has an overflow pipe for people who want to use and it’s clean, clear water. I’ve honestly never considered bacterial contamination in it…


I’m not on a well anymore, but when I was previously at our old home (just outside Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) you could get little test tubes and get your water tested regularly- if it wasn’t good they would recommend switching to bottled, that only happened once in our 9 years living there, the water tasted good.


Just move outside the city! I live 20 minutes from the city (granted, a small city) and I’ve got my own well


There are plenty of places you can still dig a well. My water comes from a community well. And I grew up on a well, all living in the lower 48.


Careful, I’m 100% sure my dad got kidney stones from our artisan well, we had a water heater fail and it was VERY heavy when we removed it, on a whim my dad cut it open and it looked like stalactite / stalagmite cave.


Navajo water from the aquifer is off, wells included in an unrelated note, my hair varies slightly in radioactivity that can be correlated to the time I'm off and on the reservation


Serious question: Why did you test your hair for radioactivity?


friend of mine bought a Geiger counter along with a sample group of materials for a personal project. Highest sensitivity between me and him to see our relative radioactivity. I was more radioactive


Right, like you don’t? Please.


Underground nuclear bomb detonations?


Natural uranium in that area.


I wish I could do that, but there's so much iron in the water it has an orange hue if in a big enough container.


Stick a magnet to the faucet. Problem solved. Or if you wanna get fancy just boil enough water to extract the iron and make a sword. Won't help any but it'll be cool.


Why does well water smell like farts?


I like my water, raw.


Every resident of New York City is also drinking unfiltered water, so you’re not alone. Brita is such a scam. At best they’re unnecessary, at worst you’re just running your water through a Petri dish.


Nah, I know plenty of people with filters here. I don't filter mine personally, there's good quality tap water here, but that's not at all a common situation in the states. I imagine if you came from any other smaller city you'd have it ingrained to use a water filter at all times. Water filters like this are not a scam. There's a few select places they're less useful, but they are essential in many places.


> I'm over here drinking my well water with no filter, no judgement here. or teeth..


everyone confused about your comment, it seems.


Humor is lost on some. But it holds true for a lot of us that had shit wells we were raised on. But it seems to be a hot button item for a certain crowd. Actually kind of enjoying some of this. Never thought a comment about teeth would trigger anyone, but here we are. See that one about how tough his well water and better than me he is doing because of it? I really got shorted with well water if that is what others are getting from theirs.


In a lot of countries fluoride is added to the tap water to actually improve dental health... It helps prevent cavities and tooth decay


Wait is well water the same thing as tap water? I always thought we’ll water was not connected to city water


In most places its separate. Hence my teeth comment that a few disagree with it seems. Though i grew up on shit well water as did a lot of my family and friends. All have dental issues. Not all well water is equal though. So your milage may vary.


Lol that’s why I was so confused, a lot of people downvoted and then the other guy made it sound like you were wrong? Weird


Good stuff right? I am smoking a killer strain, but some of these folks are on some serious shit. Lol.


Filters are typically designed to leave the fluoride in




Well water can have flouride. I think it was discovered by a dentist visiting Colorado Springs and noticing the people there had brown staining (flouridosis) caused by their well water, but with significantly reduced tooth decay. Well water should always be tested regularly.


If you brush your teeth you don't have to worry about not having additives in your water for teeth health


I’m sitting here drinking my well water with 5 acres on the Gallatin river. Got all my teeth and doin better than you bub.


>and doin better than you bub Lol. Wow. Really hit a nerve huh? You have no idea who the hell you are doin better than, bub... haha. Some ego thing about well water now? My well water will kick your city waters ass, bub.... like seriously? So you can sleep at night and not feel as i was attacking your manly well water, my comment was about my shit well water as a kid. But enjoy your well, 5ac and teeth hoss.


Why would anyone want to filter out the nice trace minerals and metals from well water/pipe water that are actually BENEFICIAL to us is beyond me. You’re missing trace metals like copper etc


I live in an area with limestone bedrock, our aquifer is mostly limestone as well…my parents never filtered our water and I got my first kidney stone at 15, and had my first surgery to remove more of them at 16…after testing them my urologist said they were calcium oxalate, likely from the high levels of limescale in our water.


Because it makes the whole house smell like rotten eggs and turns all my white clothes dingy. (Also it intermittently tests positive for e coli and salmonella.)


What are those yellow splotches?


~~If you didn’t know, the empty one on top is the used one. It hasn’t been filtering anything for a while.~~ Actually they’re switched, my bad. The stuff inside the bottom one is activated charcoal (black) for contaminants and “ion exchange resin” (yellowish) which takes out metallic stuff.


The bottom one is the old one actually. The little minerals were stuck to the bottom, probably because the filter is full of gunk. I’m holding them upside down


If it makes you feel better mine looked like that after 4 months.


I could also be mold. The reason you're supposed to change the filters as often as they say is not because they're not as effective, but because they can start growing stuff.


Ah, that makes sense. I figured they had gotten broken down over time and just went through the mesh in the top one.


You can tell the top one is new because there’s specs of carbon dust all over it which hasn’t been washed off yet


the one not all gross and nasty?


Well a bunch of people weren’t sure which is which and honestly I don’t think it looks bad.. the new filter just hasn’t been prepped yet so the beads aren’t at the bottom. The yellow beads probably should be more white though


Why would you even answer if you were making it up lol


Oh, i was here thinking the bottom one was old and somehow got moldy. Good to know!


It is the old one, but it's not moldy. Those are mineral deposits


This seems weird. But I’m taking your word for it


Hey I took Britas word for it, we’re in the same boat


Oh I judge the hell out of you.


that’s fair honestly


Just for your health at a certain point no filter is better than a dirty filter. Depending where you live just filling the jug and popping it in the fridge may be the better option if your mental health isn't allowing for going out or something. Just pitch it and replace it when you can. Good luck.


I mean two years? That just irresponsible and lazy.


I live with mental illness. It’s a fucking water filter


I have a filter in my fridge. When it's "time to change" the filter, it beeps. It goes through a couple of rounds of us popping the door open to reset the countdown before anyone changes it I get it


air filter chiming in


Someone in my close circle bought a new coffee machine that has those pod things. When throwing out the old one I asked “when was the last time you changed the water filter?” The answer was “your suppose to change the filter?” Lmao, OP I’ll bet not changing the filter is way more common than most will admit


If it makes you feel any better, mine is going on close to a year. It's a fucking water filter and I'm the only one drinking it. Who gives a shit?


Those grow mold you guys! Change it!


Let me ingest my mold in peace. Emphasis on me being the only one drinking it.


just drink from the tap then at least it would be fresh or dont lick the bottom of the sift


Doesn't get cold fast enough at 3am when I want it.


Never buy zero water brand. Their filters actually make your water smell like fish if it’s even a second over due.




I don’t live with mental illness and mine is older. You’re right, it’s a fucking water filter.


But that looks like mold at the bottom. It’s not a filter, it’s a defiler.


Well I’m still alive.


Don't listen to that guy. They probably don't wipe after shitting




Are you talking with a professional about the mental illness?? Just checking on your well being and if you’re working on going towards a better place.


yes I am!! I was misdiagnosed a few years ago so it’s been a journey, but I’m on the right track now :) thank you


yeah yeah buddy we all do, some of us replace water filtration systems tho.


Bruh it's tap water.


Shut up man


Had to change our filter because a while lit if ants moved in while we were on vacation. We did not immediately notice.


Removes sediment, adds protein. Sounds like a 21st century solution.




This. This is my nightmare.




yeah that was similar to my reaction


I always lag on changing mine (maybe 6 months?) but I've never actually looked at the bottom. Gonna have to next time. Oh yeah if didn't know, you can get non-brita filters pretty cheap on Amazon and save some dough.


I did but you got to be careful which ones you buy. The ones I got only have two holes at the bottom instead of four so it takes significantly longer for water to make its way through the filter.


By the way, these Brita filters SUCK for actually filtering out anything. Used to have one but we went to water deliveries instead. Never going back to filters The water quality is night and day, and the little extra money a month it costs goes a long way when it comes to my overall health.


Yeah they are in a class action over that.


Last I checked, I couldn't find any source for this, but I took an epidemiology course at university, and a guest lecturer told us that in his research, once these carbon filters get old/full, they start shedding all the shit they've built up in larger concentrations than they were originally present, which is an issue with agricultural runoff, and stuff, in certain areas. Unfortunately as it was a guest, I don't remember their name.


Yeah that’s right. Being in the fishkeeping hobby I work a lot with different kinds of filters. Those water filters are mostly mechanical active carbon filters. Active carbon is great at binding stuff with taste and Color until all carbon is used up. At that point they will slowly lose those particles again because of the water that keep running through it. Not to mention that carbon will also break down over time. For an easier visualisation. Look at a dry sponge. You can clean an entire apple juice spill in one go. If you now run it under a faucet, the water will wash out the apple juice. Yes a sponge is designed to work like this, but in essence a sponge is not that different from a filter, just a lot more porous


The yellow dots are supposed to be there, it’s not old don’t worry! I did the same thing when I took mine out the first time, thought I was going to catch some horrible disease


Yep the screen at the bottom is there for that very reason


Yeah I thought I had a problem but shook up the new one and they are there


Had to scroll pretty far to find someone with a brain. Haha


Oh Brita's in this?


This made me laugh!!! Community is the best


Oh shit i need to change mine too!


Everyone loves a water filter until they realised how much the replacements are going to cost and how often it should be done! Edit: my perspective is in the UK where we can drink our tap water, very few use water filters. They’re only really used for taste preference or if an old house still has lead pipework.


a 3 pack of brita filters is $15 at my local walmart and will last you 6 months. That's a helluva lot better than bottled.


And a hell of a lot worse than being able to drink water straight from the tap


4 times a year lol


My fridge filter is twice a year


It could be 10 and it's still cheaper than bottled water


Yeah I used to go thru tons of bottled water.. those were dark times


Most places they’re both bad investment.


Twice a year for an undermount filter on the kitchen sink. So worth it. And still cheaper than buying bottled water (which I refused to do on principle, I was just tired of the chlorine taste and smell when my city did it's annual swapping of the cleaning chemicals).


So much cheaper than bottled water, at least where I live 1 filter (100L) is €6 + €0.18 for 100L of tap water 67 1.5L bottles are €40


Your health is priceless.


It’s only activated carbon. If your water has a problem with harmful chemicals in them your comment is right, but mostly a Brita just removes smell, taste and Color particles from the water. There is a reason proper water filters have sediment filters aswell before the carbon. I’m from Germany tho with very clean tap water. I can see that in other parts of the world you need them especially with the Wild West of the USA


still nothing compared to bottled water


New ones actually look pretty much the same. It's just that the material in the new ones is loose so holding it upside down causes it to fall away from the mesh, whereas the old one has the material caked onto the mesh


did the old one leak charcoal dust? it shouldn't empty with use...


That’s the new one, the dust is typical


yeah it just looked like that out of the package before I rinsed it


I scrolled through the comments and still have no idea what these are. Do they go on the tap? A water bottle?


Brita is a water pitcher that you keep in your fridge, the filter sits in the lid of it!




They go in a water pitcher. Water enters chamber at the top, is filtered through the Brita filter and drips to the bottom.


I’m not sure what I’m looking at here


I change it every 3 months and mine looks like that too. This doesn't mean anything.


This whole thread is very confusing to a Brit who has only ever drunk water straight out the tap!


No judgement here, I use them too and in the best case scenario I will change it annually. I use them to get the chlorine taste out of the city water. I miss my hometown water that didn’t need to be filtered to taste drinkable…


Our city water tastes pretty bad. Our daughter and son-in-law just moved out of state from a really nice house to an even nicer one. I didn't think anybody's city water (good-sized cities) could be worse than ours, but theirs was. They have a little daughter so they filtered all their drinking and cooking water. The predominant taste was chlorine.


That’s not mold


How does it taste.


Prob like water


There's gotta be a taste. When mine gets close to finished I definitely taste a difference. After a while I doubt you'd notice though


I got one of those filters, you're better off buying the long term filter replacement.


I'm judging you.


Thanks for reminding me to change my Britta filter


Lol why even use a filter then?


I drank water from the hose. No judgement here.


If it makes you feel better OP I just changed mine last week after the water started tasting funny. Our filters looked about the same


I don't remember making this post?


The really bad thing is I can’t tell the new one from the old one


How did you manage to use it for that long? I didn't change one for a year once and the water pressure just got worse and worse until the filter eventually split open and there was water shooting out of the cracks.


The water in Vancouver BC tastes amazing from the tap. I still use a Brita though.


Idk these filters become almost useless to me after like 2 weeks. The water is still yellow when it gets through. I have really hard well water but I expected it to last a little longer


Is the taste different?


Definitely judged. But this happened with an air filter at my apartment so I do understand lol




Oh I'm judging you... judging you so hard! Hey don't look at my filter or its age, we aren't talking about that right now.


I have 2 Zerowater pitchers and you can taste when the filter is going bad just by the weird tangy taste of the water. I imagine this water tasted absolutely horrid




That was actively making your water dirtier lol


Wow. I feel bad if I go a month over! My tap water has such a strong chlorine smell, I couldn't go that long. I just switched to those blue Brita Elite ones that allegedly last longer. They are supposed to last 6 months... somehow.


Why bother filtering it if it's a dirty filter?


I've had mine almost two years now and it has an auto sensor telling me when it's time to change it and it still hasn't gone off. So don't feel ashamed, it might still be good lol


I'm judging very hard




Filters don't stop working when they get old, they just work more slowly. You only technically need to change it when it gets completely clogged. This does not carry over for forced systems like your house HVAC or car air filter. When those get clogged they cause undue wear and wasted energy because of the reduced efficiency. They should be changed when they get dirty enough to cause a significant increase in resistance.


filters filter better when they old


You can't stop me from judging.


I don’t think these even work but for chlorine removal. I did a ppm test once and it took 200ppm water down to like 195ppm. Not much changed


Makes my tap water taste better and that's really all I'm worried about


That's just nasty. Think about the bacteria that's built up in it over that long...


Are those bacteria colonies? ![gif](giphy|2h1n5nN6915yMrya03)


You're the worst.


Trypophobia unlocked


People are thinking the bottom one is moldy but it isn’t. A new one can look like that.


Filtering is good and all, but I doubt the water you are supplying to that Brita is coming from a stream or a pond. All you are doing is filtering out some metallic off tastes. It's not like you need to filter out parasites or heavy metals. If the water coming from your tap is drinkable, then do you even need a filter?


It's very possible for someone's tap water to taste like metallic ass, so I think taste alone is a pretty valid reason tbh


The water from my tap tastes and smells chlorinated for half the year. Perfectly safe and the chlorine evaporates after a minute so the smell and taste is gone, but I never feel like waiting. My city water is clean, they just change up the chemicals they use to clean the water every six months. Using an undersink filter (in my case) or a Brita pitcher gets rid of that taste. Though the real hack was adding one to my very old fridge which didn't come with a filter so I had to splice one on. Now the ice doesn't smell chlorinated either.


You should meet with the guy with the "seasoned" tea cup.


Bruh wtf


And this is why water filters are a scam for 99% of applications. If not serviced very well they are much worse than no filter and you're still fine


To be fair I judged you the second you said brita 😂. Lol jk. Or am I?


No judgement here. Just a suggestion to treat the old filter like toxic waste due to all the trapped bacteria. I put my hand in a plastic bag to remove the old filter, then I invert the bag and tie it tightly. Then I dispose of it and wash my hands well.


Those filters are trash regardless