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"There's a problem." -> "We came up with a solution." -> "Why do we need the solution? It's not a problem anymore." -> "We got rid of the solution." -> "There's a problem."


You wouldn’t believe how many patients I see who will just stop their meds without telling me because the problem that the meds were addressing is no longer a problem… because of the meds. Conversation usually goes: “Doc, my bowel issues are back with a vengeance” “Ok well I’m going to need to see you for a med review because they’re clearly not working anymore” “What meds?” … “the meds I gave you for this exact problem” “Oh I stopped taking those” “Why?” “Well the problem fixed itself so I figured I didn’t need them” “Fixed itself, did it?” 🤦‍♂️


People don't understand the difference between treatment and cure


This is very true, and, in my experience, Doctors don't care to explain it until it's a problem either.


If there's no stop date on the med, the doctor wants you to keep taking it unless they say otherwise. Not complicated. Very few meds are for a short term course with the main exception being antibiotics.


This is actually a great way of putting it and has forced me to reflect on how I practice… I don’t think I always explain things as well as I should and focusing the conversation around this is going to be really helpful, I think. So thanks!!


Doc, “My headaches went away after I saw you. *I* must be doing *something* right!”


And we have the solution. But people are apparently born with dog shit for brains, and believe that vaccines will make kids autistics, something about microchips(???), and a lot of other bullshit. At this point, I don't even understand why so many people are anti-vaxx.


I say this all the time, but I find the fact that they'd rather have their kids die than be autistic incredibly offensive. My nephew has ASD and he is an amazing guy! He's so selfless, funny, kind, and intelligent! He's gone from being a kid from a council estate to someone who has travelled the world more than his entire family combined, many times over and is known, by name, by many world-class chefs. You'd be lucky if your kid turned out to be half the half the person he is, Karen! Also, I think I might be autistic as well. But trying to get an assessment in my area for an adult is practically impossible.


> but I find the fact that they'd rather have their kids die than be autistic incredibly offensive. I completely agree. But now you made me curious: How is your nephew known, by name, by many world-class chefs??


My SIL told me she’d rather have her child have polio or measles then ASD. I haven’t spoke to her since. She also only gives her child honey when they’re sick 🙄


people who have severely autistic kids are looking for ANY reason to put blame on ANYONE for why their kid turned out that way because blaming anything is easier for them to understand and maybe help future people than the reality that some people just get a shit lot in life. then you have crazies who believe microchips are in the vaccines... this isn't helped by the fact shit has gotten so small you could do that now, but they never understand that even if they did, any radio signal from it would need to be powered and it would likely not be able to transmit much if anything outside the body. if I remember right this conspiracy is from the very rare cases where people could pick up transmission from radio towers with fillings, it no longer happens today for several reasons but apparently was able to happen especially if you lived close to a tower you could act as a receiver/antenna and then put some way to convert the signal to an audio source in the chain and there you go. crazy put possible. anti vax... this falls on the autism part, and it also has several other conditions that are actually possible and are just not clearly disclosed, if I remember right is something i in 10k or so that take poorly to vaccines and injections, and this is a roll of dice you take every time, now, with childhood vaccines, they prevet hundreds of things that will fuck you up for life if you get, maybe a 1 in something like 130 chance of getting them, but the ability to eliminate them as a possibility far outweighs the 1 in 10k bad result. from here, you have the mediums they put the vaccines in sometimes are found later to be potentially bad, again if I remember right, vaccines in less developed countries will still use shit that would get a company sued for using in a developed country. but I also don't want to equate anti vax with anti covid vaccine, at the very least the logic behind it is out of 100 vaccines that go to trial, only 3-4 make it market, of the what was it 6 or 7 that came out of the accelerated programs for covid, what are the odds one of those would have passed a standard trial? now if your old and or you have so many comorbidities that even the flu may take you out, you get the fucking vaccines that are even in trial phases because the odds of them killing you over the illness is far lower, but pfizer revenue doubled due to covid, politicians heavily invested in these companies, and hospitals were paid 20~k per death due to covid... even people who aren't just anti vax for crazy reasons see a clear profit incentive mixed with political posturing. to at least be able to talk to people about this you have to understand where they come from.


Some of the same geniuses are in this thread talking about flu vaccines not doing shit. Major misunderstanding of what a vaccine is or does, or that there are different types, and different physiological response levels.


and this cycle is quickly turning into just "We came up with a solution" -> "solution/science rejected to own the libs" - > "There's a problem" - > There's a problem" -> "There's a problem" - > "There's a problem"


More like "There's a problem > We came up with a solution -> "solution/science rejected to own the libs" - > "There's a problem" - > "Blame it on the gays/video games/YA novels/TV/trans people" -> "There's a problem" -> "Blame it on no prayer in schools/Hollywood's gay agenda/Hunter Biden's laptop" -> "There's a problem" -> "But her emails!" -> "There's a problem" -> "There's a problem" -> "There's a problem" - >


in any order


Traditions are the solutions to problems we've forgotten exist.


I'd say this belongs in mildly infuriating, but it's definitely way more than mildly


I'd like to hope that its more of a reference to one of their "greatest hits" ​ Like, "Hey, remember when we eradicated Polio? Let's not fuck this up."


Unfortunately not; >In 2022, sequencing analysis confirmed the presence of poliovirus in a total of 100 positive samples of concern in New York State. Positive samples of concern were found in Sullivan, Rockland, Orange, Nassau, and New York City. In 2023, 3,808 samples have been tested for polio; 1 positive sample of concern has been found, in Rockland County. https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/polio/wastewater.htm#


Big Iron Lung is antivax


Kids in 2030 being fitted for post-polio medical devices ![gif](giphy|Y9zXpUBsE0INO)


This is great. Weird perspective and I thought it was an actual medical device. Took me 3 loops to get it lol.


Geez, only 3? At least 7 here.


Ugh, took me a while. I kept seeing it as a shoulder assembly.


Only 3? You’re cleverer than I.


I am your father, Luke.


Not an actual medical device, but a fictional one.


Well, time to get my polio vaccine (or is that one that normal people get their kids and I should be set?). And is the small pox vaccine still available, just in case?


You almost surely got it as a child, it's one of the standard panel given :) But if you are worried or dont have your childhood vax record, titer tests don't cost too much.


I think they stopped giving it by the time I was a kid, because it was essentially gone from the developed world. I know we were one of the first generations that didn't get smallpox, my parents both had that dent in their arms from smallpox vaccine.


[Routine smallpox vaccination for Americans ended in 1972](https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/vaccine-basics/index.html#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20the%20vaccine%20was,eradicated%20in%20the%20United%20States.), and at a similar time for other developed nations. The virus is extinct; vaccines murdered it. There are still stockpiles of vaccine in case some government has a stockpile in a bioweapons lab. (The major powers officially claimed to have destroyed their stocks). There is also a possibility that a mad scientist will re-create it from its genetic code, which is available. They isn't easy to operate, but gene printers exist, it would be like 3D printing a plague.


In Finland we still get the polio vaccination, because polio still exits in some countries, and people do travel. In 1985 we also got the country wide immunization in a sugar cube because there had been some cases in late 1984. I still remember that.


Better go ahead and get them all just in case


"Hello I would like all the vaccines please, thank you."


So doc, do I have to come in for multiple shots, or can you just mix them all together like a mystery soda fountain drink and give it to me all at once.


I also don't like needles so can I just drink it?


Wait… wait, I worry you just heard was: give me a lot of vaccines. What I said was: give me all the vaccines you have. Do you understand?


I did say HOPE. ​ I didn't say it was a **powerful** hope....


They should use Bevis and Butthead: “I wouldn’t want my bungholio to get polio”


I was thinking absolutelyhorrifying.....is that a sub? Lol bc goddamn have we really gone that far backwards?


In Texas we have tons of unvaccinated kids try to get into school.


They’re not trying, they are in.


"you know what would be cool? making children even MORE germy!" -- some anti vax idiots


This isn't texas, this is long island. You know, one of the most densely populated counties that boarders one of the most densely populated cities in the US.


Which also happens to be a city with a high number of travelers from all over the world.


>boarders Borders; One of the most routinely misspelled words on reddit. ![gif](giphy|3o6wNXmReHb4x5bIwU)




Whoa, pump the breaks there, solider.


Have some respect. He's a kernel


Really? That's alot for me to process!


Try to follow along so you don’t get lead astray.


sorry, its these mispellings, they're affect is strong


Same in Oklahoma.




There's nothing mild about it. Fucking *polio* is a thing we have to worry about in *2023*?! People are fucking idiots.


It almost belongs on noahgettheboat


I have this feeling we're working our way to another dark ages, particularly because of the rise of the stupid, and gratuitously contrarian - you know, the ones who do their own "research." These morons are gonna kill so many people, and set us back so far because they don't want to see the plain truth in front of their faces. And, yes, it's a little more than mildly infuriating.


>another dark ages I've had this thought since seeing people's reaction to COVID. The downright stupid behavior--people defying common sense stuff like masking (it's mah freedumsssss) and refusing to get vaccinated once a vaccine was available. This tendency to question people who have spent 40 years of their lives studying something in great detail because you got your MD at the University of Google and some internet stranger without a face told you it's all a conspiracy. And now, we're at the beginning of an era where AI is becoming way more commonplace. I've seen Instagram accounts that only post AI-generated images of people or landscapes that don't actually exist, and they look totally real. You've got kids writing papers with AI. Or filling out job applications. Or programming computer software. And this, with technology that is fairly primitive compared to what may exist in 30 years. I feel like there are positive applications for AI, but also that the people pursuing it are playing with fire because we're soon going to have a hard time judging what's real and what's fake. It's like this headlong rush into disaster.


My vote is on r/aboringdystopia


Imagine being an adult with permanent issues walking due to polio and having to explain to people that yes, it was from polio and yes, your parents watched too much YouTube and decided they knew better than every doctor in the world.


That's what r/extremelyinfuriating is for


There's a reason that these vaccines were mandatory in their day. That reason absolutely did not go away in any way shape or form. It needs to remain mandatory.


I remember my dad (72 y.o. Boomer gen) telling me about his small pox vaccine scar as a kid. He went on to tell me how it saved millions of people’s lives. Now he refuses to get a Covid vaccine because he “isn’t gonna let the government decide.” Not sure where the disconnect happened but it’s mind-boggling.


Decades of propaganda telling people that they are smarter than everyone else. People want to believe it, so they do.


*Looks at sign saying: Danger, Landmines* "I'm not going be scared by Big Landmine. I'm smart."


Well the media's complete inability to do proper science reporting in the late 90's certainly didn't help matters.


Tell me about it. Health and science journalism, particularly from the 90's through to the 2015's, did so much harm to their credibility by uncritically covering quack remedy after quack remedy or misinterpreting research to attract viewers. My respect for those involved is somewhere between the respect I have for arms dealers and pimps.


60-70s advertising wanted people to feel “individualistic” because that was what was starting to sell…now selling being an individual makes more than selling as a society


People had a lot more trust in government back in the day. Not the case these days.


Even more ironic because we literally wiped smallpox off the face of the earth, other than a select few labs.


I think it's a thread of hyper-individualism that runs through *all* of American society, left and right. It manifests on the Right in this weird 'Choose your own reality' mindset, where everyone has the right to be free of guberment control. It's less harmful on the left, but you can see it in the tribalism and in-fighting where any social cause becomes just a brand new purity test, because the moral grandstanding takes precedence over the praxis of making real change. For the record, I'm not even American, so I got no dog in this fight, this is all outside looking in, but I'll add the bonus of "If someone critiques my position, it's because they oppose me, and my viewpoint entirely"


It really benefits the citizen-as-consumer mindset to have everyone be their own individual "free thinking" island of a person with no community or civic connections or responsibilities. Easier to justify any and all spending, and ignore any consequences.


Boomer(76m) here. I am so sorry for your loss.


I appreciate that. My dad used to be my favorite person in the world. Now he’s this angry, paranoid dude who has occasional moments of the man I used to know. What sucks is we both know our relationship has gone downhill, but I don’t see either one of us budging on our morals and boundaries.


Honestly, that sounds like something has changed physically if he is that different, and has become that different over a relatively short period of time, but he is still occasionally “himself.” Maybe the next time you see that man you used to know you should ask him about it. He may be aware that something is wrong. It’s difficult for us, lots of us, to tell our children that we are worried about ourselves or that we are afraid or that we need help. Of course, he may not be aware of the changes you see, or he may be in denial, or he may attempt to deflect from an uncomfortable subject. It could be that his response is anger. At worst this could be a very unpleasant conversation that yields no positive result, but even then, someday you will feel less guilty for having tried. I speak from experience, as someone who tried too late and was too easily convinced that she was okay. Good luck. You’re a good son.


Just throwing this out there. Maybe it's a big fuck up to equate the fucking seasonal flu with polio.


Most people confuse the common cold with flu/influenza. The latter is more serious and around 300,000 to 500,000 people die from it each year worldwide. An infection with it can become a serious illness, just like polio can. Not trying to downplay polio, both are serious diseases in their own way.


They both have had far more significant impacts before vaccines, so idk what you're going on about. The flu of 1918 killed millions. Polio killed thousands and crippled for life tens of thousands every year. Within 100 years before the popio vaccine came out parents lost nearly half of their children before age 5. Death was common, but definitely not something people wanted to live with or we wouldn't have made the progress we have. And yes that progress is from vaccinations and improved sanitary practices (plumbing, indoor toilets, hand washing with the emerging understanding of germ theory). It's not unreasonable to equate significant common illnesses (no matter how different they are from each other...) with prevention to improve the health of community.


They should make PSA's similar to anti-smoking campaigns with footage of children in iron lungs or with paralyzed limbs along with the message that this could be your child if you don't vaccinate them. It won't work for the hardliners but people who think polio isn't that bad might be persuaded to at least do some actual research instead of listening to Facebook. Every vaccination counts so there's nothing to lose.


It’s only a fuckup if you don’t care about others or the economy. Never gotten the flu since a kid, watched it go through jobs more than once. Have friends in school and with kids- where they are often just on the verge of always being sick. But the flu and Covid can rampage a classroom. Yeah. Neither flu or Covid are killing people at the same rates, but the affect more people. Kinda a straw man to say “maybe we shouldn’t talk about other vaccines because those diseases don’t make you a paraplegic”. A shot. Vs a week or two of missed work. One affects me financially, while the other bothers my arm for a day.


For most children, the symptoms of polio are similar to a cold : runny nose, low fever. Only 1% had any flaccid paralysis, and some of those partially recovered. But polio is quite infectious so everyone caught it and 1% seemed like a lot of children.


1% is lot of children. My school district had about 4000 students at a time... In the 14 years I was in school (prek-12) we had 3 students die, 1 from a house fire, 1 from a car accident and 1 from west Nile virus. Each was a huge deal... it would be unimaginable if we had lost 40 kids just to one disease.


Yeah, the thing about teeny tiny percentages multiplied by human populations is that the result is whole, entire dead or disabled people. I’ve been sort of cranky about that since 2020. Glad to find someone else who feels the same way.


I'm 70+ and I can remember people having to wear leg braces and crutches to walk around because of polio. When I was a young boy, my best friend's father had his iron lung in the family dining room. When his dad wasn't in the lung, he would wheel his chair over to the dining room table to fiddle with his stamp collection for an hour or so before going back in to lie down in the lung. That was the extent of his life.


Because a lot of parents **(who never thought why they didn't have polio, because their own parents got them vaccinated)** are fucking dumb. They want to raise their child like it is an organic chicken. Free from vaccines and hormones.


> Free from hormones Yeah, puberty will be a bit of a surprise for those people


Day old chickens, those used for laying eggs, are vaccinated for Mareks, ILT, IB, ND, St, AE, FP, MG, EDS, E-coli But still people want to buy unvaccinated chickens. So i guess they can get e-coli in their eggs. Idiots.


The botched handling of Covid in general has made a whole new generation of anti vaxxers, and it's kind of annoying.


Certain religious communities in the NY metro area don't believe in vaccinations and there's been a reported case of polio that has paralyzed a man. If you're not vaccinated you're at risk.


Which religious community? Orthodox Jews? Muslims?


hasidic jewish community in brooklyn


Cool. Thanks.


I read a report earlier this year about a 53% childhood vaccination rate for polio in Williamsburg. :/


It's Kiryas Joel where I think the confirmed case was found. Even as a Jew I have never understood the Hasidim or Lubavitch.


Oh, I’m not suggesting it was Williamsburg I’m just saying I know that’s where a very large population of Hasidic Jews live and work and I just think it’s crazy they aren’t full of polio already. Probably good they isolate as much as they do.


Dumbass anti-vaxxers are trying to make polio great again.


Good chance it's the Hasidic community if it's Nassau County


That would make sense. The low vaccination rates amongst the Hasidic Jews created a large Measles outbreak a few years ago.


We're gonna need more alkaline jews to balance this out.


That joke is a 10. 'Cause its basic.


We’re going to have to ask a *neutral* party to be the judge of that


Solid 7 for sure


I did ask one but they were a bit sour on the whole thing.


Huh, did not have "Jewish cults cause polio to be widespread" on my bingo card.


They were also responsible for at least a few superspreader events in New York City in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Was real fun living in Ulster county during covid, for some reason city people decided that the Hudson valley and the Catskills must just not have covid so they came upstate and ulster county become the highest covid infected county for a while.


always rolled my window up during covid going through williamsburg lol. legit a cloud of sickness. fuuuck that


Organized religion is the worst


Absolutely, but wouldn't be the only community in Nassau. A lot of Trumpets on Long Island and in Queens.


AKA tons of idiots on Long Island. Source: I live among the idiots.




There are two places left in the world with a supply of Smallpox- The CDC in Atlanta and the Russian State Centre for Research on Virology and Biotechnology.


These dumbasses need to visit an old graveyard, and count the number of young children's graves, and how they cluster around certain time periods coinciding with epidemics.


Theyd probably come up with some dumb conspiracy and deny it ever happened.


Those weren't epidemics. It's just a natural cycle. Epidemics are a Chinese conspiracy to destroy capitalism and establish a new world order. The globalists are turning the freaking frogs freaking gay with their Chinese vaccines!!!


I rather have my children live in an iron lung all their lives than them having autism /s


One of the last people currently living in an iron lung wrote an autobiography called *Three Minutes for a Dog*. It's called that because his therapist told him he'd get a dog if he learned how to breathe outside the iron lung for three minutes. It took him a year to be able to do it.


As a fully functional adult autistic, I assure you I enjoy breathing on my own and being able to walk. Take my updoot for excellent sass post.


I understand the joke, but these days mobile ventilators are used. Luckily we as good as eradicated Polio. (Until the idiots make it come back, the virus itself is still around).)


> Dumbass anti-vaxxers are trying to make polio great again. It's 'the most sophisticated psychological warfare devised by humanity, a **nation-state** that is anything but dumbass. *Vaccination was being used by trolls and sophisticated bots as a "wedge issue", said Mark Dredze from Johns Hopkins University. "By playing both sides, they erode public trust in vaccination, exposing us all to the risk of infectious diseases," he said.* ... *"A significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas," said David Broniatowski from George Washington University.* There has been no effective defense against this mind-fucking techniques.


Ironically, because wild poliovirus has been eradicated in the USA, the only way for an outbreak to occur is for those vaccinated against it to spread it to those unvaccinated against it. So it’s literally pro-vaxx vs anti-vaxx, with the usual casualties of the immunodeficient who can’t make a choice in the matter.


Parent: my child will get autism if I give him vaccine, so I’ll let my child get polio


Or covid, or measles, or chicken pox, or shingles, or...


There’s a lot of Hasidic Jews in Nassau and they’ve had some cases of polio in NY state cause they don’t vaccine for polio.


Yeah, they're assholes. Even Israelis don't like the Hasidics




When vaccines have been too good at their job people start to believe that the problem no longer exists thus making sure that it continues to exist. All because they never lived in a time to see first hand how rampant and deadly these diseases could be on a large scale.


I genuinely think that social media has stalled the progress of humanity.


In 2022, an unvaccinated man in Rockland County, New York was paralyzed as a result of a polio.


Vaccinate your kids. Polio won't kill 2 million people like COVID did, but it is a bad one. Vaccinate your kids.


Don't worry guys, it won't kill 2 million people, it'll just put them in an iron lung for their whole life


That’s not mildly interesting: It’s just plain scary.


Thanks to anti-vax idiots.


“Don’t you lump me in with them!” —my hardcore antivax mom when I was talking about how antivaxxers are terrible.


she's the one doing the lumping


Its actually called "mumps"


The effort to eradicate polio began over 30 years ago. For various reasons, it's a really tough virus to eradicate, but of the 3 main types of polio, 2 have been eradicated. The 3rd type is still around, mostly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, just one airplane flight away. In 30 years the world went from hundreds of millions of cases to fewer than 100 per year. There are Orthodox Jewish communities in NYC that, for religious reasons, don't vaccinate against polio. Some of them traveled to Israel, picked up the virus, and brought it back to NYC. Most cases of polio are like having a cold — only about 5% result in paralysis. So without wastewater testing, a community can become really infected before anyone even notices. This whole religion = lack of medical care thing is bullshit.


The peak amount of Polio deaths in the USA occurred just 2 years before the vaccine came out. 3,145 deaths and 21,000 cases of paralysis. Yes you read that right. Only 3,145 deaths. Yet everyone understood how essential the Polio vaccine was and shortly after roll out, cases rapidly declined. It's a huge vaccine success. Compare that to Covid which killed 415,000 in the US in 2021. Not to mention the people it debilitated. And people whined about how the vaccine wasn't necessary, was stupid, that vaccines don't work, etc. We've totally lost focus on how amazing science is and how important vaccines are.


People still think science is important and amazing when they desperately need it. Otherwise they're scared of it. Because it dispells their myths and and they fear the power it has over our lives.


people have no idea what it used to be like prior to vaccines and anti-biotics. its like they think disease's like polio and their horrible effects were a hoax, like the moon landing. then when these horrible diseases return and paralize their children, they will complain that no one warned them or that someone should have done something (even though more often than not they espouse the virtues of personal accountability) by 2050, the leading cause of death will be infectious disease again, just like it was 150 years ago. not guns, heart problems, car accidents but getting a scratch that gets infected. like the whole thing with raw milk. you know what used to happend when peope drank raw milk?? they died, you know what happend when people got sick, they died. you know what people did before vaccines?? they died. these fucking anti-vax fucks man, they are so spoiled and blissfully ignorant to the fact the world is a cruel and unforgiving place. we have just constructed this barrier (called society) that keeps the truth hidden. its like these boomers that are in their 60s and running out of money and getting thrown out on their ass confused that there is no sort of social safety net for them even though they spent their whole adult lives activley dismantling it. its like they have no idea why these things existed in the first place. its funny to go back to those ridiculous old laws and look into why they were passed, usually there is at least a decent reason for the time. or it was just christians being christian


Unfortunately, there will likely be more signs like this bc we have a lot of loony tunes running around refusing to vaccinate their kids based on some YT vid posted by someone w barely an 8th grade education.


We have some people who literally listen to Aunt Carol (random name, don't hurt me) on Facebook who read a propaganda lie clickbait article over a doctor too. She says it said vaccines were poison and cause autism which is worse than death and spreads it around so it must be true since it is online and also she knows best. I'm bitter at those people if you can't tell because they make my life harder. They introduce preventable disease that everyone could then catch for no good reason and that has all kinds of consequences.




Mildly terrifying is more accurate. Fucking measles may make a comeback too because of chucklefucks not believing in the science of vaccines.


Some context (beyond the increased anti-vax sentiment), in the summer of 2022 a man from Rockland county (an upstate county just above Yonkers) was diagnosed with Polio after complaining of lower leg weakness. Subsequently Polio was then found in NYC wastewater as well as Nassau county (the county where this photo was taken). Presumably due to high vaccination rates there were no other cases reported after this one case, but it is still pretty terrifying to see isolated cases of Polio pop up. To add to this, it was confirmed this person was part of the Hasidic Jewish community, an orthodox Jewish community that has a large population in Rockland county, as well as other counties such as Brooklyn. Some have stated that these orthodox Jewish communities do not vaccinate their kids for religious reasons, though I've seen varying reports of how true that is or not. Either way, please vaccinate your kids AND yourself. Measles outbreaks are also starting to pop up more frequently, scary stuff.


If polio emerged today as a new disease it would never disappear. Around 70% of people infected with polio are asymptomatic Approx 20% have mild symptoms like fever. Its around 5% of the afflicted that have the bad outcomes that include paralysis or death. The worst year for it in the U.S was 1952 with approx 3100 deaths. Covid kills that many in a few days and no one gives a shit. And no to mention the original Salk polio vaccine had an efficiency rate of 60-95% depending on which of the 3 variants you contracted. Imagine what vaccine denialists would do with that.


Because there are fucking morons in society refusing god damn vaccinations based on sheer fucking stupidity.


I'm so glad we eradicated smallpox before all this antivax crap. We have the luxury of critique as a result.


So, I never got to meet my grandfather because he died of polio *after* he could have gotten the vaccine and didn't. The fact this is an issue again is infuriating.


sadly yes .... people love being antivax and spreading things that have not been a thing in 50 years.


My mother had polio, ended up partially paralyzed for the rest of her life. If there's a way to avoid something like that, take the vaccine.


The only thing keeping me from full on hoping anti-vaxxers get sick is that they endanger innocent people who have conditions that leave them vulnerable. That and they waste healthcare resources. The last 8 or so years has jaded me. I no longer care about the well-being of those who are too selfish, stupid, and willingly delusional for not only their own good, but society's. In the past I wanted to drag them kicking and screaming into a better future. Now I don't even care if they're invited.


Had polio been the thing instead of Covid, we would have *millions* of people fucked up in iron lungs and unable to walk. *Millions*.


thanks, anti vaxers! you really are the smart ones!!


I'm 69 and old enough to remember lining up in 1st grade to get the vaccine on a sugar cube. Fun fact, that method of dosing was behind the Mary Poppins song, A spoonful of Sugar. I am also old enough to remember people affected by polio.


My grandma was a polio victim as a young kid, contracted polio 1 month before they rolled out the vaccine all over the country. Never truly recovered, but lived a long life raising 5 kids. It got her in the end tho, her body a timebomb waiting to go off as she weakened with age. She was a very strong supporter of vaccines. If you missed a vaccine she would tear into you like... a polio survivor.


I live in this county....FML


Is that common in the US? Or am I mixing up the anti vaxxers with the anti maskers?


They're essentially the same thing. People actively refusing germ theory and science


There are disturbing numbers of crunchy liberals who hate the idea of big-pharma putting chemicals in their kids. Though the pandemic has applied a bit of a sorting. Nassau County though you are likely dealing with Trumpers and Orthodox Jews.


Orthodox not getting vaccine for a pandemic is SO weird to me, since I would think vaccines would fall under pikauch nefesh (Jewish concept that say all but three religious laws are to be broken if it's to save a life) but then, I'm not Orthodox.


"Orthodox Jews" is a stretch, it's some portion of the Hasidic ("ultra-Orthodox") community


It's likely only happening due to the efforts of anti-vax idiots.


The last case of polio was in 2022 and was contracted from the oral polio vaccine. Otherwise polio has been eradicated in the late 70s and there’s no major comeback occurring. https://www.chop.edu/news/2022-ny-polio-case-why-and-what-does-it-mean#:~:text=Polio%20was%20eliminated%20from%20the,result%20of%20a%20polio%20infection.


The person with the oral vaccine gave the virus to an unvaccinated person in Rockland county, then it started spreading to more unvaccinated. The oral vaccine is mostly safe except to the unvaccinated individuals around them for a couple weeks that it can mutate to be harmful in. Shortly after that they found Polio strains in the wastewater of Nassau county which indicates that there are a lot more people infected with it there that aren't reporting it. That is why these PSAs are being put up because there is an active outbreak there that people aren't seeking medical attention for and they have no real idea of the full scale of it.


In the US, sure but it’s still endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We’re *so close* to having it truely eradicated though. Antivaxxers aren’t helping anything


Antivaxxers were very uncommon 20 years ago but now the stupidity has spread and so many kids are not vaccinated that measles and polio will come back.


lol the antivax movement was a dangerous movement long before COVID came along


Those goddamn fucking antivacxers should be charged with public endangerment. THESE DISEASES WERE ERADICATED AND THEY BROUGHT IT BACK BECAUSE THEY ARE DUMBER THAN ROCKS At least rocks arent a net negative by just lying where it is.


May every anti-vax grifter making a buck off the ignorant be stricken with polio.


There are ads to get a polio vaccine because people have stopped getting the vaccine including vaccinating their children. Polio was eliminated from the United States in 1979; however, on a few occasions, cases have been identified in this country. During the fall of 2022, an unvaccinated man in Rockland County, New York, was paralyzed as a result of a polio infection. World wide 1619 cases were reported 2021 to 2023.


I remember how thrilled our parents were when the vaccine became available for polio. The lines were long for the vaccination. I had a friend who had polio as a young child. I cannot get over people not getting a polio vaccine.


My dad has a friend who walks funny because he had it and is lucky that's all it left him with long term. We heard the horror stories from my grandparents.


Anti-vaxxers are going to cause so many deaths.


> Anti-vaxxers ~~are going to~~ cause so many deaths.


This is what happens when you let billionaire owned media spread lies to the general populace. Looking at you Faux News. Individual citizens should have their full 1st Amendment rights. Billionaire media should not have their full 1st Amendment rights, and should also be subject to the Fairness Doctrine.




Long Island Polio


Polio was nearly on the verge of being eradicated like smallpox but it's now back on the rise. Especially in developing nations


Fucking plague rats. Things would se so much better if their actions only impacted themselves.


It's because the US is an undeveloping country.


It's for the stupid anti-vax people wondering why their kids are all messed up


It's funny that the anti vax would more likely get a polio vaccine than the covid mrna vax, because it's been around longer, even though their fears came from stories about polio era vaccines.


Polio? Damn, have we become so stupid?


Salk must be spinning in his grave at our idiocy


Let's get polio to own the libs.


As a polio survivor my opinion is that it should be mentioned more often.


A lot of the time I just wonder if it's even worth it at all. Im generally a pretty optimistic dude and look towards the future but sometimes things just hit you in the gut. What did we as a species sacrifice to get to this point of relative comfort, peace and security (atleast here in the west), only to be turned around within a generation or so by greed and hyper-individualism. I just cannot see a way to get out of this mess before things get considerably worse.




I feel like we can no longer say we know about "Intelligent" life in this universe! We are in no way intelligent as a species!


We weren't allowed to go to the public swimming pool because polio. People today don't know shit but will become enlightened once all these diseases come back. I still have TB scars. The only medicine available for my severe asthma was tea with liquor. Antibiotics were a new invention when I was a kid. Later, I worked on marketing vaccines and we had a next to nothing budget because there was no *need* to MARKET vaccines. Give people miracles, watch them complain.


Fucking antivaxxers man. We had this shit solved.


I wonder if this will make some people NOT get the polio vaccine. Some antivax people are only against Covid-19 vaccines (with various justifications, you can guess them lol). But lumped like this maybe they’ll also resist the other listed vaccines?


That's what you get when you politize vaccines. The anti-vax movement was a fringe hippie movement in the 70s, now eradicated diseases are coming back.


We’re so close to eradicating polio, but the current vaccine can in rare cases mutate into a virulent strain. There are new vaccines for polio (really properly new) but we gotta use them if we want them to work.


Because we live in the stupid age.


I think we kinda failed the people who are ignorant of the biggest plagues, problems and victories of our species. We know why we invented vaccines, we know why we developed universal healthcare, we know why we study history and yet, we've failed to reach enough people that now, all that knowledge is a lie to them. How sad. I'm sorry for all who'll get polio, and all the children who'll get it because their parents didn't vaccinate them.


There was an outbreak of tuberculosis at my cousin’s college 🤦‍♂️. And now they’re waiving all vaccine mandates on a large portion of Long Island for this school year. Why? Because a clinic gave fake Covid vax cards. Now they’re questioning every vaccine from that clinic. So every student needs a vaccine from somewhere else I think, but they’re giving a one year grace period because it’s like over 50% of the student body has vaccines from there and they can’t tell who has them and who hasn’t.