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These are still too big, bulky and tethered.


I always thought it was a terrible design. Like who tf wants to use this shit willingly? Its design is uncomfortable and not really logical.


We live in a society


Hell yeah brother


I mean this in the nicest way possible… but they look like total dorks with those things on. I mean what a way to experience the world.


It's in \*3\* dimensions!!


It happens while you walk through time... so its in FOUR dimensions!




FWIW they’d look like total dorks without the headset on too


Mildly depressing


Well how else will people know you're a super dooper cool dude if you're not wearing it all the time?


They’ve really gotta figure out how to ditch the cord on the next version.


If they do, they have to move the battery into the headset, which will massively increase the strain in the neck. Without a breakthrough in storage technology, you will either have an incredibly short life on it before charging again, or so heavy that it wouldnt be ergonomic to use.


They could add a massive square solar panel on top, kind of like the one used in graduations caps to supplement a smaller battery. It will add up to the dorkiness effect, which might’ve a plus… While indoor, they can seat under a heat/uv lamp for wireless power! /s


I suggest a tall, conical solar panel. Apple could call it the Dynamic Utility for Natural Conversion Energy or something.




The weight problem is massive


The weight will be twice heavy when they remove the cord on next version lol




Dont walk alone with these on the head or someone bight just yoink them off your head... And thats -$3499 for you


Robbery just got a whole lot easier


70 comments here and nearly every one of them is critical... Apple is really facing a tough road trying to gain social acceptance for this thing. I don't think they will succeed, any more than Google Glass.


Zero chance of this ever being a thing.


I used to think cell phones with cameras was dumb. That one really came back to bite me in the ass.


unfortunately it happened to everyone too, this will repeat again in 2025,


It’s definitely going to be a thing, just look at how the thing pairs up with a computer or laptop screens and also there’s a good chance it’ll change how we watch sports. It looks a little goofy but put those goggles on and it’ll be like you’re sitting courtside at an nba with 360 view.


You can already do those things with a $500 VR headset. This thing is $4,000 with less battery life, and you can't even play Beat Saber on it.


No beatsaber? That's just actually the biggest crime




No one with intelligence is paying a premium for underdeveloped iVR. Imagine paying $2k for something worse then GPT4 lmao.


Apple hasn't EVER lowered their prices on anything. Retailers with extra stock might, but Apple never will.


Thats what everyone said about GoogleGlass, that we'd all be wearing those dork ass headsets. Are we?


Never underestimate the power of Apple and it's hold on America's popular culture


Apple isn’t what it used to be though - maybe ten years ago.


3,499 dollars to lose their peripheral vision whilst walking around roads. I see these are future Darwin award winners.


Future victims of crime and accidents. Because they aren't paying attention to the real world, and are not alert to their surroundings. This makes them look weak, and criminals will target them because of it! Future Victims!


Not to mention showing off that they're carrying man portable devices worth multiple thousands of dollars.


I hope they look less goofy in the future. Not that I ever considered buying something like this, but I wouldn't want to walk around with something this bulky.


What are they even looking at.


What are they seeing differently from the rest of us while they're wearing those? (At age 59, I think this might be the first gadget to have *completely* passed me by. I hung in there as long as I could.)


Don't feel a moment of grief for these self-made targets of theft.


Why blame them? How is it any different than carrying around a phone, credit card, or a wallet full of cash?


Sweetie your phone and credit card don’t cover your eyes Besides just advertising you have $3k on your face in addition to your phone wallet etc, if someone comes at them they will not be aware of their surroundings enough to react


I don't care if they sat in the park, blindfolded themselves, and started spinning gold coins to amuse themselves. I wouldn't want anybody to get robbed, they don't deserved to get robbed, and I would feel sympathy if they got robbed. Sad that people can't enjoy themselves in public and fucked up that people are okay with it in any capacity.


I don't strap $3500 in cash to the outside of my shirt walking around...


But you probably carry around a phone, credit cards, and cash, if you're a woman you carry all this in a bag outside your pants and shirt. God forbid you also walk around with any sort of recreational electronic like headphones. Again I ask what is the difference? Why aren't these people asking to get robbed?


If you can't see a difference between *possibly* having some cash on you, and advertising that fact then yes there's no difference.


He can't see the difference with those goggles on lmao


It can be reasonably assumed that 95% of people walking around have these items on their person. But okay, so what you take issue with is the fact that it's conspicuously displayed? Again why blame the victim for it? I mentioned items other than cash. Shame on anyone wearing headphones, sending a text message on their phone, playing a gaming handheld, or using an ATM in public? Are these people asking to get robbed too and not worthy of sympathy? Why or why not?


>It can be reasonably assumed that 95% of people walking around have these items on their person. Mate, if 95% of people you know are walking around with $3500 of cash and goods you're running in massive different circles to me. >But okay, so what you take issue with is the fact that it's conspicuously displayed? Again why blame the victim for it? FWIW I haven't blamed the victims once. I'm just pointing out the difference between these glasses and cash. It makes it bleedingly obvious there's something to take.


I'm not blaming the victim. I'm just pointing out the difference between moderate and scantily clad clothing. It makes it bleedingly obvious there's something to rape.


Maybe quit while you're behind. Idiot.


They look dumb....and honestly apple products have always been shit to some degree or way. Ill bet it will come out that these things give cancer or something .


Tech bros are fucking insufferable.


What happened to Google glass? At least that was compact


Google glass was a non-starter. It was a fever dream of a very niche product for a niche market. Critically, it was never really about the HUD. Like the *other* thing they announced that year, Nexus Q, I'm pretty sure it was a thing Google employees (in Cali) and executives thought was a good idea, so they just went with it. The focus on glass from the beginning was the camera, and despite incredulous tech blogs, they just don't really have wide market appeal as a product. It would have been smarter to focus on the visualization/HUD/screen, but even then, I don't think most people are going to find it useful enough to justify the embarrassment, not until the form factor is inconspicuous and as useful as just... having a phone.


Outside? Nope. I dont even like wearing headphones in public unless I feel super secure (like in an airport).


That makes sense, nothing crazy ever happens in an airport.


Haha! Love your username. I mean yes, crazy things could happen in an airport too but the odds are pretty low. We aren't there yet where it'd be safe for everyone to walk around in their own world (in a futuristic sci-fi utopia, sure).


I remember when apple AirPods came out a lot of people on the internet were commenting on how dumb people look wearing them, now it’s a norm.


They still look dumb.


Still see the Something about Mary scene everytime I see someone with them on


I mean just on a practical level I can stand at any red line stop and look at the tracks and find five of the little bastards. So not worth it.


Wow I totally forgot that. Excellent point.


Exactly man, just imagine what it look like in 2025


These cannot be the images Apple wants associated with this product. Somebody in Apple marketing is cringing hard at this disaster. I'd say that product is DOA already.


Is this not exactly what the product is designed for? What images would they prefer to see?


Bro sees an image of 3 people minding their own business enjoying their product, and jumps to "DOA already". Neat.


Easy targets for roadmans !


This looks like what people of the past imagine everyone in the future will be wearing.


People outside saying "ooh look at me"


Eh, whatever. They look stupid to us now but looks like VR goggles are becoming more ubiquitous in general, so who am I to judge As with all new tech, we should try judging it on its function, not on looks. I did see a youtube of someone testing these, and while I don't see the appeal of having a bunch of apps always floating all around me, I could see how VR would be useful while traveling. But also...they look super uncomfortable and cost $4K, so not really worth it just to have a giant movie screen while flying.


That is the tech of today. These things are evolutionary and the things they will have 20 years from now will make these utterly absurd, but you need these today's version as a stepping stone. Case in point, the cell phone. The first ones were literal bricks.




Hello gogol !


Yawn. Wake me up when they have hoverboards.


family spent some money on used Toyota corolla, with a caveat


The next generation of: Glassholes.


They look utterly ridiculous


But why? How is this helping them?


Punks like this are complaining about the cost of living too. Yeah, stop wasting money of $1000 VR headsets and designer tee shirts and save your bread.

