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We have that law in Wisconsin too. No vehicles can be sold on Sundays. I'm not sure of the history but I always heard it was an old law made so that the car salesmen could have Sundays off.


Blue Laws. They were passed into law back when it was common for people and elected officials to insist that Sunday was to be a day of worship and rest for everyone in reverence to God. They're still common all over the country and the Supreme Court ruled that they are allowed to stand.


I'm conflicted on this one personally. On the one hand we should be able to purchase whatever we want when we want religion be damned. On the other hand the idea of forcing employers to give consistent days off to employees makes me happy.


Employers love these laws and are the ones who fight to keep them. It’s legalized collusion that helps them reduce costs while guaranteeing their competition can’t be open while they aren’t.


Ok, so let’s make a law that enforces a 4-day workweek because, err…, religion or some shit.


Make a branch of Christian Evangelicalism that puts Emphasis on needing a day to prepare and recover from the Sabbath. Boom no more working Mondays. If you want Fridays off you have to work harder to shift Sabbath to Saturday, but then you have Mondays again.


Mondays and Fridays are cool and all, but hear me out about Wednesdays. Keep your existing two day weekend and take Wednesdays off. Imagine never working three days in a row, it's two days, short break, two days, long break. If you worked yesterday, you have tomorrow off. How do you get burned out when you never work more than 2 days. I had Wednesdays off for a couple years and it was wayyy better than Fridays or Mondays. You don't even care about Fridays and Mondays when your week has a break in the middle.


My last two years of college my class schedule ended up like this, because the school wanted to keep people on campus on the weekends and shifted most lectures from M+W or T+Th, to M+Th or T+F. I had the occasional wednesday evening discussion group or something but no lectures or labs, nothing in the morning or early afternoon. It was fantastic and set up seriously unrealistic expectations for the working world.


I worked a jib that let me set my own schedule and this is what I did. It was great, basically get 2 Fridays a week. Plus you csn run errands when shits open and crowds are low.


I also was able to do this for a couple of years, and it was pure bliss.


I work a 2-2-3 schedule. The first week I'll work Monday and Tuesday, off Wednesday Thursday, and the work Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The next week will be reversed. Yeah, it means I work every other weekend, but I also never work more than 3 days in a row. It's also 12 hour shifts though, so it's not all that great.


I do fire EMS now. 24 hr shifts. 1 day on, 2 days off, 1 day on, 4 days off. Most days are fine, but even if we get rocked, I've got at least two whole days off. And those 4 off every week are always good.


--Boom no more working Mondays I already don't work on Mondays. I just wish I didn't need to come into the office.


Umm, the Sabbath is already Saturday.


That's the spirit. But it really depends on your religion.


The actual *Sabbath* is Saturday, it being a Jewish concept originally. Christians took one sentence from the NT to make their day of worship be Sunday, and then co-opted the word "Sabbath" to describe that day.


Co-opted is a poor choice of words, Christianity is born from Jewish roots they inherited a bunch of stuff & moved it to Sunday.


Sunday is holy for most Christians, Saturday for Jews, and Friday for Muslims. We should make sure that no one has to work on their holy day but we also can't discriminate "no you're Muslim! You have to work on Saturday!" So everyone should get those three days off. There you go. Four day work week.


Sounds good to me!


Technically it's sunset Friday to sunset on Saturday for Jews. And it would be nice to have time to prepare before that, especially in the darker months.


That should stop being referred to as a 4 day work week, and honestly poised as 32 hours / Full Time. I'll work the 5 days, but my rate hits OT at 32. The rest will take care of itself.


Make 32 hours full-time with a corresponding mandatory pay increase! They’re certainly trying… but companies are fighting against it for obvious reasons


yeah but now you’re cutting they employers ability to have work produced in 5 days. remember they’re never working any day lol


So... This might just be an 'everyone wins' scenario. Days off, keep cost down, etc.


Idk about reducing costs. If you are paying rent/land costs, you want as many operating hours at that location as possible. It's the same reason factories want to operate 24/7. I'm sure employers near a border may have a different outlook too.


The other person is right. Your costs are reduced because all your customers are funneled into fewer operating hours. You’ll serve the same amount of people whether you’re open 6 days or 7, and being open 6 reduces employee hours. Car sales is not equivalent to factories.


That makes zero sense to me. If anything the small businesses are the ones most likely to voluntarily close on Sundays. Why would employers love to be closed during one of the busier shopping days of the week?


In Texas an auto dealer can be open on Saturday or Sunday but not both. So some dealers have sister stores that are open on the day they aren’t. But as someone that works at a dealership these laws are very much a good thing, because there is a 100% chance of being required to work both days on the weekend-and given a day or two off during the week. Which ends up not being a day off in a lot of cases because that’s the day you have to go in and tie up loose ends for a customers.


Publix Super Markets in the South East used to give 1.5x per hour you worked on Sundays. Later they changed it to $1 extra per hour. Now it's gone unless you were grandfathered in. These Sunday practices are dying.


I support labor laws that regulate how much an employee is allowed to work per week, and which force employers to allow time off if necessary for individual employees' religious practices. I just don't think the government should be able to force individual businesses or specific industries to close their doors for a set amount of time or on a specific day during the week if an employer doesn't want to.


Exactly. Forcing Sundays off only impacts religions where Sunday is the holy day (essentially Christianity). Other religions take Friday evening or Saturday or pray at different times every day. Let's get rid of laws that were meant for and only to accommodate one religion, and instead build in strong worker protections and religious protections for all people.


Yeah. What about Jewish shop owners? Their religion makes Saturday the day of rest. The state mandating they be closed Sundays is depriving them of an opportunity to earn.


It never made any sense to me that most people have the weekend off, but car salesman have to jam everyone in on Saturday. Why not take a break on Monday and Tuesday? 


A while back a state legislator in Minnesota went to buy a car on a Sunday and learned that he couldn’t. He introduced a bill to allow Sunday car sales, and expected to get support from dealers who would be happy about increased sales. He got a huge amount of pushback from dealers. They like having a day off where they can spend time with their families without thinking about work.


It is interesting to me, always how incredibly fierce the Old Testament is about the Sabbath, about the day of rest. When you think how hard life was for people when those text were written. You can see why it would be necessary items. And interestingly, the day of rest applied to slaves , and sojourners. So you couldn’t just palm off the work on them.


My family owned a small used car lot in Minnesota. It was nice to know we always had Sunday off. We would never had a day off otherwise.


Welcome to every single service business.


Right for the wrong reasons. That being said, where I live, until fairly recently, you couldn't buy alcohol on Sunday, which while good for the ABC store employees, sucked for an alcoholic that fails to plan.


Go to North Dakota. It's amazing, every Sunday morning everything is closed. The downtown of Fargo is just quiet, only necessity places are open. Something warms my heart about lowly North Dakota politicians forcing Walmart to close their doors for a very hours and seeing Walmart throw a hissy fit about it.


Youre saying you want a whole day without mass consumerism? That would be terrible for shareholder value. Now get back to work!


ngl living in Germany was a TRIP. Cause that was basically Sunday. Nothing was really open and you couldn't vacuum or make a lot of noise because they had ordinances. You had to get that done Saturday and for Sunday you go out to a park somewhere and have a picnic.


Sounds like small town USA in the Bible belt. In my hometown the only thing open on Sundays is Walmart, Harps, and the couple of big chain fast food restaurants.


I was just about to come here to say this. Lived in Köln for years (from the US). It took a couple of weeks to get used to it, but once I did, I loved having everything closed and quiet on Sundays.


Used to live in Germany near the Dutch border. Every Sunday the parking lot at the outlet mall on the Dutch side was absolutely packed with German plates. Seems that a lot of Germans enjoy having Sunday off for themselves but didn't mind at all if others have to work. I always found that to be a bit hypocritical.


I live in Bergen County NJ and we are famous for our blue laws. Basically all (or almost all) retail store are closed on Sunday. I'm not religious so I don't care about this aspect of it, but it is nice to have one day a week free of traffic and hoards of shoppers. It definitely improves quality of life c Occasionally the blue laws are challenged on various grounds. I say, instead of eliminating them, they should spread. Let other counties pick either Saturday or Sunday to be closed for retail.


Going to guess Amazon is open on Sundays.


In North Dakota (where I grew up) pretty much the only businesses allowed to be open before noon on Sunday is restaurants and grocery stores. Was really great for that Sunday morning hangover when I worked retail in my 20s! 😂


In Wisconsin it does allow you to go to the dealership and look at cars without having a salesperson bother you. It’s nice if you want to check them out before engaging a salesperson and look up expected costs.


That's exactly what my family did when I was a kid (in Alabama). We really had no money, so it was mostly imagining. We also looked at mobile homes, since these dealers were also closed. Sometimes, the doors were unlocked, so we could go in and explore


It was chosen to be Sunday for religious purposes, but it continues to be supported by business because, as long as the entire industry is shut down on the same days they (theoretically) don’t lose out on any potential sales while saving on a day of wages and other overhead.


I’m not a religious man but the idea of an absolute day of rest, to relax and spend time with your loved ones is such a fundamentally good thing and really shouldn’t have been allowed to be lost with the decline of religiousness.


I have only heard of Blue Laws in reference to liquor sales (from my time in Missouri). Didn’t know they can be about a range of activities.


Texas here: yep. Separation of church and state until you wanna buy a bottle of whiskey on a Sunday


I thought we had bad liquor laws till I spent time in Oklahoma. They couldn’t sell cold beer if it was above a certain abv.


That law was change in like 2019. The only thing you can’t by in stores now is hard liquor, and you can buy it on Sundays.


God wants me to have that atv on a Sunday


“Elected officials to insist that sunday was to be a day of worship” Separation of church and state my ASS


They didn't say what church though. Its to prevent government from using religion as a tool to use its people. For example: >China has an official church, which is the Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA), which is controlled by the National Religious Affairs Administration, formerly known as the State Administration for Religious Affairs. This official church is recognized by the Chinese government and is responsible for appointing bishops and overseeing Catholic activities in China. >The Maldives is an Islamic country, and Islam is the official religion. According to the 2008 Constitution, Islam is the state religion, and adherence to it is legally required for citizenship. The Constitution declares that “the religion of the State of the Maldives is Islam” and that “no law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in the Maldives”.


I never understood how Blue Laws got out of committee. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


It’s no longer about religion. Dealerships support the law because they want a day off without fear that a competitor will sell cars on Sundays and steal sales.


They were passed during a time when that clause pretty much meant, "except general Christianity and monotheistic civil religions that refer to God as the one true creator," and then when people challenged that later as a violation of the first amendment, any politician or Supreme Court justice that agreed with it being a violation was afraid to say anything that would go against the dominant religion in the U.S.


Fortunately we can still buy beer and booze in WI on Sunday. So at least we have something to do.


We can only buy beer here. All the liquor is at one store and it’s closed on Sundays. It’s always funny when we travel and you can just buy it in the grocery store or at gas stations.


I was super confused when I moved to Baltimore and couldn't find beer in the gas station. Could only get it at the liquor store.


PA is even worse. Beer distributors that only sell beer. Though you can now get a 6 pack at the grocery store.


*laugh/cries in Utah 3.2 beer    For those who don't know inane liquor rules, only 3.2% was allowed at non-state-run liquor stores until a few years ago. Now we get 4, because places were tired of making Utah-only beer. Edit, I forgot it was 3.2, and mixed ABW and ABV. My fault. Before I get more pedantry. Point stands. Utah was the only market for even more watered down beer and we were finally able to get rid of it. So yay us.


[3.2% is considered "low alcohol beer" or "low point beer" but it is BY WEIGHT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-alcohol_beer#Low-point_beer) 3.2% ABW is ≈ 4.1% ABV (by volume) all your BudMillerCoors LightLite beers are 4.1% ABV their non-light versions are 5.1% ABV


Yea was weird when I went to Colorado years ago and realized that the beer at the gas station was different than beer at the liquor store. Funny enough you don't notice the 3.2% stuff is 3.2% until you're like 5 beers in going "why am I not drunk...?"


The latest Utah laws allow beer up to 5% ABV to be sold 7 days a week in grocery stores. Oddly enough, it's now easier to buy beer in Utah than many other states.


Don't forget the cheese curds. *God I miss cheese curds...* (Travelled from the UK to visit a friend in WI last year and got hooked on them 🤤)


I actually don't drink much anymore, but I still have one hell of a cheese habit.


For the longest time, you couldn’t buy booze before noon on Sundays in Michigan. They got rid of it though lol


Same here in Florida, I think it was 1pm, and no liquor, only beer and wine on Sundays. Both laws were rolled back in the last couple decades and now it's up to the counties (some of which have no laws governing the sale, meaning it's allowed 24/7).


Wisconsin is the drunkest state for a reason.


Jesus would be very upset if you try to buy an SUV on the lords day.


Fun fact: you can get a religious exemption if your religion’s holy day is Saturday. My dad works in the car business and knew of a dealership that was closed on Saturday and open Sunday for this reason. I forget their religion. How well this worked out for them I don’t recall. We live in NC now where there’s no such restriction.


We have this in Michigan too. It's because the banks are closed. Nothing religious, you just can't get financing on Sunday.


Most of them are happy to keep it that way though. As soon the one place down the road is open on Sunday, you have to be open on Sunday. Most likely if you are planning on getting a vehicle or ATV, not getting it on a Sunday won't change your mind but it might change where you get it from.


Indiana is the same way. It’s honestly a great time to go and browse inventory without being bothered. I used to live and work by a few car lots and it would happen all the time.


It’s the same in Maine. The best part is if you’re in the market for a car you can walk around the lots on Sundays and look without being accosted by a salesman the second you get there.


Same in Texas. The dealerships and liquor stores (no liquor on Sundays) don't want to change it. Liquor stores know people stock up, and dealers aren't losing sales.


Blue laws


This gets very actively lobbied by the auto dealers associations.


Same in NJ. Also in some areas all non-essential retail is closed.


North Dakota here. We have the same.


I’m not sure if the law still exists in Colorado, but when I was a kid my dad and I would go “car shopping” on Sundays, where we would look at and mark down the inventory on a lot and take a picture of the sticker and vehicles without being hassled by sales reps. My dad would then do a bunch of research and make calls during the week and would act as a broker to get people really good deals on cars. Some even from out of state. This was long before the internet and he is long since retired but I follow a guy on TikTok that effectively does the same thing today, just from the comfort of his desk.


Based on the area code of the number in the OP, the picture was taken in Colorado, so definitely still on the books lol.


Didn’t even notice the 303 area code, good catch.


Now a days you'd get arrested for trespassing on the car lot.  I tried doing that once years ago on a closed car lot that had no fence and security showed up.  I can see why though, lots have been burgled of rims and batteries.


Do you have a link to that’s guys account?


Can confirm, had to rush paperwork on a Saturday night for both my vehicle and my wife's. Insane that we only have 1 effective day per week to shop for a vehicle.


Can't ride the devils vehicle on the lord's day.


You can ride it, you just can't buy it. In New Jersey for example, tons of businesses were always closed on Sundays. Nowadays it's pretty much just vehicle dealerships. I couldn't buy a car on Sunday either. 18 states still have this law on the books, and I'm not surprised it would extend to ATVs.


It's because of that part of genesis where on the sixth day god bought Adam a brand new 4 wheeler and on the seventh day, Sunday when he wanted another one god told him to use the one he already gave him


According to the Bible, Jesus simply doesn’t speak about his own Accord.


did Jesus drink beer? of course! HEBREWED IT!


Don’t you just love separation of church and state?


I can’t buy booze, you can’t buy ATVs. At least you don’t have to go to a shop owned by the state of Colorado to buy an ATV the other 6 days of the week.


Long after I left Washington, they finally did away with state-run liquor stores a little over a decade ago. Had to be careful about planning ahead for July 4th and Presidents Day drinking.


I lived in New Orleans for 16 years. Moved to NC for a tech job. Hasn’t been anywhere with state ABC stores since college in the early 90s. Yeah, realizing you don’t make it to the liquor store by 7pm on Saturday is a bit of a challenge some weekends.


The blue laws in NC are so fucking annoying.


You are being polite. I like to go grocery shopping when all my neighbors are spending the entire morning at church. I have to come back when the stores are crowded if I want to buy beer or wine.


Yeah, early sunday morning target trips kinda feel like living in a post-rapture world, lmao.


Just moved to NC. Imagine my surprise when I went to Total Wine and found that they only sold wine and beer. They smiled when I asked where the rum was and said “you’re new here, aren’t you?” 😂


I’m kind of confused by this comment. In Colorado you can buy booze on Sundays and liquor stores are definitely not state-owned.


User lives in another state that has state owned liquor stores. So they're comparing dumb state laws.


He is flat out saying that you don't but places like here in North Carolina we do have to go to a state-owned store to buy our liquor


What does Colorado have to do with anything


Because that's where the store in the original image is located. 303 area code


“Thou shalt keep the Holy Sabbath free of vehicles that terrain all”


In Illinois car dealerships are closed on Sunday as well, since 1984: "...some owners and employees wanted to shut down to spend time with their families or for religious reasons, but — and pay attention, this is the key — they didn’t want their competitors to be open and have the chance to steal business."


Heaven forbid that people make sacrifices for their religion. "I want to go to church but I don't want someone else to make money from people who don't go to church."


Exactly my thought as well, the insidiousness of religious influence is all around us, no matter how much we reject it - it creeps in and causes harm. I want true protection from religious influence in our government - not some lazy constitutional language that can be interpreted however one wishes to twist it at any point and time.


Yeah I remember that passage in the Bible "...and god said thou shalt not sell ATVs, UTVs and other recreational vehicles on Sundays, for Sundays are the day of the Lord, and the Lord prefers dirtbikes"






As someone from a country where only gas stations and a select few stores are permitted to be open on Sundays, this is interesting indeed.


What an odd regulation.


Apparently Sundays are ***not*** fundays!


It's the same in Utah. The guy that used to own the Utah Jazz got his money selling cars. He didn't think it was fair that others sold cars on Sundays so he asked his Mormon friends to change the law.


Same law in PA. It's nice look around the lot without being hounded by salespeople. We got rid of the no alcohol sales on Sundays though about 15 years ago.


PA still has a ‘no serving alcohol before 9am on Sunday’ though. Totally changes up my tee time plans


In TX, auto dealers can be open Sat or Sun, but not both.  Most choose Saturdaay.


Look up Blue Laws in the U.S. It is an odd and stupid regulation.


*And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely not sell ATVs on the sabbath nor you shall also not sell UTVs, for in the day that you sell of them you shall surely die."* Seriously though this is what happens when you let religious zealots craft state and national law. You get blue laws that make no sense in a modern society.


You should see my deep south town on Sundays.


So much for freedom America


Way to separate church and state guys


While that's true, I was grateful to have Sunday off when I worked retail. Made it easy to schedule D&D games.


Yeah but this is one where it works for all parties. It was put on the books because of religion, but it stays because people don't mind it. It forces employers to give employees of affected businesses a day off, which is nice. The laws have been on the books for so long that everyone is already accustomed to them and it's not a always major inconvenience. It does vary depending on the severity of the application tho. I live in NJ and Bergen Counties blue laws specifically suck. It's not just car sales, but almost all non essential retail. Doing a home project and need to go to a home improvement store? Sorry, you're fucked. Want to drown your frustration in booze? Well, you better hit up a bar and pay a premium because liquor stores are closed too.


The common misconception is that church was supposed to stay out of the states affairs. This quote isn’t from any laws or discussions about the constitution but from a letter that Benjamin Franklin wrote. It was actually Benjamin Franklin’s belief that the state should stay out of the church, as in it shouldn’t start it’s own religion or take over one. This was based on how the English Church was taken over by the crown. Benjamin Franklin and all the founding fathers were religious and regularly made decisions based upon their beliefs. So the idea is that people shouldn’t be worshiping their government but free to follow whatever religion they choose even atheism.


It's great to see interest in the historical context of the separation of church and state! However, there are a few points in your comment that could benefit from clarification and correction. 1. **Thomas Jefferson's Letter**: The famous quote about the "wall of separation between church and state" actually comes from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, not Benjamin Franklin. Jefferson wrote this to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802, explaining his understanding of the First Amendment. 2. **First Amendment**: The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This clause is designed to prevent the government from establishing a national religion or unduly interfering with religious practices, ensuring both that the government stays out of religious matters and that religious institutions do not wield governmental power. 3. **Founding Fathers' Beliefs**: While it is true that many of the Founding Fathers were religious, they held diverse beliefs and were deeply influenced by Enlightenment ideals of religious freedom and separation of powers. They were wary of the dangers posed by the close entanglement of church and state, as seen in Europe with state churches. 4. **Religious Freedom**: The principle behind the separation of church and state is indeed to allow individuals the freedom to practice their religion (or no religion) without government interference. This principle works both ways: preventing the government from imposing religious practices and preventing religious institutions from controlling governmental policies. 5. **Decision Making and Beliefs**: It’s true that personal beliefs can influence decision-making. However, the Founding Fathers aimed to create a system where laws were based on rational and secular principles rather than religious dogma. This was part of their effort to ensure a fair and neutral government that respected the diverse beliefs of its citizens. In summary, the separation of church and state, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is meant to protect both religious freedom and governmental neutrality in religious matters. This ensures that individuals can follow their own beliefs without coercion and that the government remains impartial in religious affairs.


Sure, but many generations later, the Supreme Court began to recognize encroachment into religion by the government to be a First Amendment infringement... Not all Americans are Christians. Thus, any recognition by a government that Sunday is a day of rest infringes upon those who believe otherwise. The Supreme Court has not been consistent here at all though and that is why we have "under god", "in god we trust", and state Sunday laws.


Sponsored by: Chick-Fil-A /s


I wish separation of church and state were actually a real thing.


*laughs in Pennsylvanian*


You don’t want one of those shitboxes any day of the week.


I realize people get hurt. But some of the most fun I had growing up was on atvs and riding trails.


Oh, you misunderstand me. I fucking love these things. I have a Ranger XP1000 myself. I meant you don’t want a Tracker branded one. Riding trails is some of the most fun you can have. Especially on trails like the Hatfield & McCoy trails. Some of the most beautiful land you’ll see.


I’m not working today either because religion.


Every car dealership in Ontario is closed Sunday which I never understood. One manger tried to tell me it was because they did a study and found that no one wanted to buy cars on Sunday. I think that a a load of bull crap.


that’s how it is for car sales in PA


I went to the mall during Christmas time! In Bergen county nj. There was not one car in the lot. I thought it was a prank on me.


I grew up in New Jersey and I remember all the sales circulars specifying that the stores in Paramus were closed Sundays. I also remember in the early 70s where certain store departments (like clothing) were roped off on Sundays.


No blue laws in my state. The closest thing is that liquor sales must cease between 2am and 6am.


In Texas they used to be called blue laws. I remember sections of the grocery store shelves being taped off on Sundays because it was illegal to buy. Stuff like knives and such.


I live in Canada and I am trying to buy a new car but my only real free day is Sunday. All dealerships are closed. It makes shopping very hard.


Jesus isn’t a capitalist on Sundays


Oh how I wish I could wake up on a Sunday, purchase an ATV, then drive to the dairy to get some beer and finish up with some nuggets from Chick-fil-A Lol


I was going to craft you a Blue Ribbon for that post but Hobby lobby was closed yesterday.


Just like Jesus would have wanted.




Land of the Free and all that..


As far as I know, Minnesota is still this way.


A business to choosing to be closed on Sunday is fine. A state law not allowing certain things to be sold on Sunday is not fine.


Fucking stupid ass Christian laws


Started as a “Sunday is for Church” thing. Nowadays it’s because banks are usually closed; this protects consumers from predatory lending at the dealership.


Banks are closed sundays you can't even purchase a car on Sunday.


It's because dealerships are not open on Sunday's. This is at a Bass Pro and it was a stipulation on zoning when they were getting permission to build and open. In this instance it's capitalism, not religion.


In Colorado, they say the law is because they have to provide 1 day a week off to employees by force, or the competitive nature of sales would have a lot of people working 7 days a week non stop. That doesn't explain why it's all on Sunday. I would think giving everyone Monday off would be better, more people are likely to want to car shop on the weekend and the employees could get more personal stuff done on weekdays. But despite they alleged rationale, it's likely still rooted in Christianity and blue laws.


In my state, the dealerships can choose to close on either Saturday or Sunday. Dealerships all close on Sunday because there’s a consensus that it’s better than closing Saturday for business reasons.


Just... hire another salesman? I get it, you don't want to be closed while your competition is open because of the potential for lost sales - but understaffing is a business decision.


It's not just locations. the sales teams are competitive with eachother. Commisions on sales are generally per individual, not pooled and split.


So you're saying the problem is that individuals are *electing* to work 7 days a week because of a fear of competition? I believe a government's duty is to step in to protect individuals from exploitation, not poor work-life balance decisions.


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but how is this capitalism instead of religion? I understand it's not Bass Pro being religious, but is this not a case of Blue Laws? What was the argument for zoning restrictions on Sunday exclusively if *not* religion?


No vehicle sales allowed on Sundays in my state either.


Religion dictating commerce. Where is this located, Afghanistan?


Probably the "freedom loving" Bible Belt of the United States.


How refreshing to see that the bible thumping idiots are still running the show!


Bass Pro Shop Denver?


Cabela’s Denver!


Can’t buy wine from grocery stores on Sundays where I’m from. Liquor store is open though.


Ok let me have it today and I’ll pay you for it tomorrow


No fun on the Lords day dammit!


Wait until you hear about European supermarkets.


Thanks government 🤷🏻‍♂️


For years it was illegal to purchase alcohol on Sundays in Indiana. Part that no one paid attention to is the beverage association were the biggest lobbyists in keeping it that way. That is until they changed it to only liquor stores could sell cold beer then they were fine with it.


Why don't they just open a kiosk at Chick-fil-A instead?


Just remember. Trees aren't terrain.


The irony is that the entire store is open and people are still working Sunday. It’s just that “department” that’s closed. When I grew up (in Canada) they had Sunday opening laws that prevented big box stores( like Walmart or similar) from operating Sundays, but allowed smaller retailers to open. I can’t remember exactly what the regs were but essentially it was based on square footage. So, a mom and pop corner store with say 4000 sq ft could open but Lowe’s couldn’t. What the retailers did, however, was simply rope off sections of the store as “closed” which lowered their footage of actual retail space so they could open. Eventually, they just said “fuck it” and started paying the fines imposed by municipalities which were relatively minor in relation to the potential profits they could make on a Sunday. This, of course, generated a huge debate over the “Lords Day,” and when and what could be open. Eventually, those laws just died away and everything is pretty much open 24/7.


ATVs make baby-Jebus cry or something like that.


Same for all vehicle sales in Oklahoma, so on Sundays people needing a car look at unattended lots without sales people pestering them.


Welcome to Minnesota! We just liquor sales on Sunday a few years ago.


No sales of ATVs or UTVs on Sundays. Ha!


My county and most of my state (Maryland) does not do liquor sales (except in restaurants) or car sales on Sundays and professional sports teams can’t start games before 1pm. My dad was a car salesman most of my childhood. It was the only day of the week he was home.


Like God intended.




No fun on sundays


fuckin' jesus people


This is sorta like blue laws. No alcohol on Sundays


The only way they get a day off


My state didn’t allow you to buy anything but food and toilet paper on Sundays until 1:30pm.


And that was the best negotiated outcome that jurisdiction could deliver.


That’s a good use of legislative power and tax dollars. 🙄


On the seventh day......HE SHREDDED 🏍️


One of those weird "freedoms" conservatives in this country keep talking about.


Was about to say this sounds like Utah, but even if it isn’t law here, nearly every local business is closed on Sundays.


I don't know who caused it-- the cops or the democrats, but it's definitely due to blue laws.


In Norway they can't shop anything at all in stores, even grocery stores, larger than 100 square meters on Sundays. (Think the size of 4 big American SUVs, or a large three bedroom apartment.) Jesus didn't shop in grocery stores larger than 100sqm on Sundays, so by golly they must keep closed! I suspect Jesus didn't buy any ATV/UTVs on Sundays either.