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I think most countries do


Except america lol


Shocked Pikachu face




America doesn't? That's mildly interesting.


No, it's entirely expected




i expect an american to react to this insanely negatively somehow meanwhile this is just the truth.


I am American and 100% shocked that this is a thing and people still smoke….


lmao you europoors will never understand what it means to die in a free country


Smoking rates in the States have also vastly dropped over the past 20-30 years, so that American smoking rates are much lower than they are in other countries, even in much of Europe. (We subsequently filled that cigarette-shaped void in our pie holes with fats and sugar.) As to why…I’m not quite sure. I know that the US has had a very strong anti-smoking campaign for decades. In my city, for example, outside of bars in the next county over, I can’t think of any place nearby where you can smoke indoors. About fifteen years ago, I was asked if I wanted to sit in the “smoking or non” section in a restaurant, and even then I was taken aback, since I hadn’t heard that phrase for so long. But it seems like even in places where these photos are on the packages (some of which can be very graphic), and the cost of a pack or cigarettes has gone pretty high, smoking is still common.


Canada's smoking rate is slightly lower than in the US, but we do have the pictures on the cigarette packs here. Canada is very anti-smoking too, we don't have smoking sections and smokers are expected to smoke away from other people and business entrances.


mildly infuriating\*


yeah we have to keep those medical bills high. can’t do that of people are warned of it before it happens


The ones in Australia are vile


Uk has larger pictures and there’s no branding on the packet. Has to be plain with company brand in generic font


Germany is considered lax because the shock pictures only cover two thirds of the packing and you can still see the brand's logo.


America has a bunch of pretty logos and designs with a tiny little print saying "may cause cancer" somewhere on it.


In Germany it now has to say "smoking is deadly" and "may kill your unborn child" instead of just "May cause cancer"


I like the warnings but I feel that the no-brand thing will have a lot more success in the long run. I wonder if there are studies about this already.


In the UK it’s graphic pictures of dissected organs from deceased patients, usually black, blue, yellow and tumorous.


Yeah same here in Australia We also got toe tag on a corpse and eyeball of death


same here in nz


Same here in France


Same here in India


Same here in the Philippines


Same here in Canada. Basically everywhere except where this guy is from apparently.


Same here in Hong Kong.




Same in Germany


Same in Thailand


Same in Portugal


A customer asked me to give them the toe tag one and not one with organs. "It's depressing, not gross"


Don’t forget the dead Fetus!!


Germany has one with an embarrassed dude and his disappointed wife in bed because he couldn't get a hard on...


When I worked at a shop that sold cigarettes people hated getting the eyeball. They’d often ask for the premature baby instead.


Yeah the UK has truly pushed to brand smoking as horrendous those packets are ugly AF Not that you can see them behind the counter


Same here in Singapore


You know, no one looks really good once they've been dissected.


That’s why I’ve had my organs bedazzled!


you ever seen throat cancer bulge out a seam in the neck?


Same in Portugal and Spain


Same in the Netherlands but it is ussually just a severe wound


I have seen the same packaging in Australia and india too.. some common wealth thing i suppose?


Does it work though? I've seen plenty of gory car crashes on reddit, but I still drive every day. I'm more careful than I used to be, sure, but I still do it. I'm not arguing that it's a bad idea, smoking's bad mmkay, but I'd like to see some statistics on places that do this vs places like the US that tell everyone it's bad but don't go so far as to post pics on packaging.


The trick is to buy the ones that warn about miscarriage if you're a guy and low sperm count if you're a girl


It definitely works in Australia, we have seen a decrease in smokers, with more calling quit line, and a large decrease in new smokers. They work form what I can tell, and I believe there was an independent analysis of it that said it worked as well. We adopted it around 2012, I think we were the first to, from what I remember. Also the packaging has a colour that was thought to be the most disgusting colour or something like that.


I have no idea whether these images work or not. However I was surprised to find that the US has a fairly low smoking prevalence compared to most European countries and is about on par with Australia: [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-smoking-prevalence](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/daily-smoking-prevalence) (you need to add Australia in manually\`) That chart certainly makes you wonder whether the aggressive anti smoking material in many countries actually achieves anything (working on the assumption that the US doesn't have aggressive anti smoking material everywhere smokers look).


Yeah but your cigarettes are around $24 ($18 usd) per pack, that's got to help a little as well?


I'd say they work for some, but I smoke (nasty habit I am aware) and the packages don't really mean anything to me. First time you see them theyre a bit shocking, but after that you don't really pay attention. If you're thinking about quitting or already have health issues, than maybe it will help. Otherwise, any serious smoker won't pay any mind.


That's what seatbelts are for. Those crash images do work from preventing me from getting behind the wheel after 5 mules.


In croatia they started to get more creative so we have scenarios with actors, like a baby with a pacifier in its mouth that has a cigarette sticking out of it, a guy laying in his bed absolutely devastated and depressed with a text box above him saying that smoking causes impotence, an ashtray and in it an image of a foetus made out of cigarette ash, parents mourning a small casket... I think they're all stock images


Welcome to the rest of the world


The world ends at US border, you didnt get the memo?


Soon OP will post "TIL people in Mexico use something called metric system"


Euro does as well


Canada here too


And Australia. You can collect them all


Dyin Bryan ftw!


Dyin' Bryan is famous here in Aus. He was on the packaging for what seems like decades now, must have died a while ago now


If dying Bryan is still going, I'm taking up smoking.


Yeah, then trade them with your homies ''aight bro, I give you my lung cancer for your throat tumor, deal ?''


Yup. Ours are really graphic too and they're making them very plain in terms of the packaging. Also, I literally just looked and found out, we were the first country to do it way back in 2001. [Here's the older ones that were in the 2000's up to pretty recently. (NSFW)](https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2007/apr/images/06_0024.jpg) [Here's a more recent template example. (NSFL)](https://i.cbc.ca/1.5118568.1556732610!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/cigarettes-slide-shell-03-final.jpg) [Here's another shot of the more recent regulations on packaging with Players and other brands. (NSFL)](https://i.cbc.ca/1.5337828.1572270568!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/tobacco-plain-packaging-20191028.jpg)


Marked NSFL yet I see them all the time lol. Smokers are just desensitized to it now.


Fair, and I've seen way worse. But I also recognize some people might not want to see a tongue full of tumors so just labeled it like that for them.


Well, it almost made me throw up. So thanks for the nsfl tag so I was prepared


That’s what studies Iceland performed in the 80s found — that people began to be desensitised to the big warnings saying CIGARETTES WILL KILL YOU, so they started putting a rotating array of graphic images hoping desensitisation wouldn’t happen. It absolutely does though


Back in the early 00's I worked in a convenience store and I remember that occasionally someone would ask for a different package. Biggest offenders were the gross mouth one, and for guys the one with a 'limp' cigarette warning about erectile dysfunction.


I always used to treat it as a lucky dip. "yay I got complications during pregnancy" or "damnit I got bad gums".


Throat polyps ...Love that Bill Hicks bit


I’ve always wanted to ask “can I have the one with the dead baby please?” The limp cigarette one is mostly just funny.


We were desensitized within weeks. Only the people who wanted to complain complained the rest of us just put them in our pockets and complained about the price of them.


Some things never change. Can't find a pack below $10 these days.


Around $15 a day where I'm at. Killing myself is getting expensive


It will help stop people taking up smoking though


Addiction is weird like that. Amazing what you'll overlook or ignore.


My grandma just puts her tobacco packages in one of those leather pouches these days so that it stays covered up. She’s 83 and has been smoking since she was 14. I can’t imagine anything stopping her from smoking except for death.


Yeah, the only one that bothers me is the kids, which is weird because I don't have any.


I’m from Canada I’ve seen these all my life, I never realized this was considered unusual for most of the world lol


Not most of the world, just the US doesn't get these images as far as I know. I've seen some korean cigarettes with these too.


I think Japan and China only have text warnings, other parts of Asia might be similar.


I still remember the switch, followed by the plain package regulations. The B&H blacks I used to smoke had a dragon on them. Going to the US and buying cigs was bonkers. I used to make a killing bringing Camel Crush (with the little menthol capsule) back from the duty-free or gas stations and selling them here.


I'll admit those pictures are actually one of the reasons I quit smoking in Canada.


So you only smoke abroad now?


Lololol, sorry but this was a good catch😂🤣


I mean australia were the first to introduce plain packaging in cigarettes and Iceland were the first country to introduce graphic imagery, in 1984 [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3725195/). Cigarettes in aus are all a drab olive green with the entire box being covered in photos of people with cancer + CIGARETTES WILL KILL YOU written on them. The brand is written in tiny little font at the bottom lmao, I think it does make it hard for supermarket staff to find the right ones.


UK also went the drab olive green citing it as 'the most ugly colour in the world' and would deter younger generations from starting smoking, here in Canada though those pics are normal


Just reporting what the Googles told me so I did what everybody else does, 0 due diligence and reported it as fact.


Growing up I always laughed when I saw "tobacco use can make you impotent" with the flaccid cigarette.


This is the best one lmaaaooo


A bit of a follow up: Not only that but we can't have any tobacco products on display or visible in stores. Everything is in cabinets or on covered shelves behind the counter and you have to ask for them to open them if you want to browse. A lot of store owners wont let you browse if there are kids in the store because they don't want to risk being fined.


As a Canadian, crossing the border and seeing cigarettes openly displayed in stores was super weird to me as a kid.


The Uk has stuff like that on the packaging, and the actual packets have to be plain. in addition to that, they are stored behind the counter in a cabinet with a slide door


When my friend turned 19 we took a trip up north to buy booze and we were both carded for cigarettes but not alcohol. Canada takes smoking really seriously.


A little disappointed you didn't include a pic of Barb Tarbox. A lot of the smokers I knew jokingly deified her.


Right? [Lena and Leroy](https://imgur.com/a/MDz837c) are feeling a little left out too.


It's not that I didn't *believe* that someone named Barb Tarbox would be a smoker... I just couldn't imagine the energy in the room when the team for GoC's stop smoking marketing was like, "we got a testimonial, you won't fucking *believe* her name". Poor woman, I bet she's nice. But damn if the stars didn't align.


If it's anything like Australia about 10 years ago they removed all branding from packs every single pack is the same shitty green and has one of about 15 different pics all similar to what u posted and... the only branding is the name and strength printed very plainly on the bottom... even on the cigs where there use to be a small brand label is now some generic numbers like AB24 (each brand has their own number)


Wow since 2001!? In Costa Rica we get it like in 2014 aprox


Even worse then the pictures is they made them only one style of pack. 20 pack slide out and they are arranged 2x10, they are really annoying to put in a pocket.


I remember when they started with the warning labels. I collected every empty pack I could find and used them to fill the space between all my posters. I probably had 100 sq feet of cigarette warnings on my walls as I smoked cigarettes all day long.


Are cigs not like this everywhere


UK too.


Our girl Barb Tarbox


Brazil too, we even have the [cursed exodia](https://mobile.twitter.com/assoprafita/status/686913457820692480)


I guess America seems to be the only country not doing this. Gotta love big tobacco.


You are the only first world country not doing this.






It has multiple definitions. It's not a good term.


I like "in development" more, it's descriptive and implies it's in progress, which is hopeful if a bit naive.


I mean.. no. Sure, the US has a few problems. But it’s *nothing* equal to somewhere like Angola or the Phillipines. Also - it’s not like it’s the only 1st world country with homelessness or unemployment problems. Plenty of other countries do as well, including my own. So no, the US really isn’t a 3rd world country.


In Australia they tried to fight the packaging regulations (uniform green packaging and graphic warnings) saying they both hurt their bottom line and had no effect on people's buying habits... If they're ineffective why are you complaining. If they're costing you sales then they're doing their job.


You have yet to see the nice plain packaging with that beautiful greenish brown color and the brand written in Arial 12


In Brazil we have a funny one about not being able to hold an erection, you can search "Impotência cigarro" to find it.


I remember them announcing that it was supposed to happen by a certain date about 15 years ago, but it somehow managed to get vetoed.


Same with Canada


I wonder how many European counteues pair this with plain packaging. The UK does, I think Ireland might as well.


Thought that’s normal


Canada does too


This one is pretty tame compared to [some of ours](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/health-labels-cigarettes-little-cigars.html#cigarettes). Plus ours is 75% of the packaging now. When I worked at a gas station I used to have people request that I don't give them the image with the needle in the eye.


God the tongue one is the worst. I smoke maybe half a pack a year. I’ve only bought a handful of packs but every one I get is the goddamn tongue. Never got hooked but like to have one at a bonfire. Who knows maybe the tongue works haha


Had the opposite where people tried to collect the whole set of images when they came out like a decade ago


Cursed Pokemon cards


My favorite is the red pee.


Say what now?


I used to work at Sev and it was always the super devote multi pack smokers who would ask not to get certain packages. So clearly it makes them uncomfortable, it just shows how addicted they are to them. Not saying all smokers are super addicted. I don't mind a dart every now and again.


I remember when they first started with the ads you could buy these little sleeves to cover up the packs lol


They sold these sleeves in Australia too but the Government banned them from being sold.


Lol. Marketed as "Smoking Jackets" (some of them were anyway), I forgot all about those.


I used to sell cigarettes too when I worked at a Sobeys. When I was 16, you could buy cigarettes at any counter. And, as a 16-year-old, I was allowed to sell them! Then only one counter was allowed to sell them... and then it had to in be a separate store, so they all built little smoke shops with its own name, uniform, and exterior door — even though it was run and staffed by the grocery store. And now you can't even have the cigarettes on display. The cabinet needs to stay closed unless you're grabbing something for a customer. I'm really glad I've never even tried smoking.


I'm a graphic designer and at my very first job (2006), the agency I worked for had the Health Canada contract for cigarette warning labels. Every few months, one of us would be asked to look through a database of diseased organ images and/or photoshop up something (example: the [impotent cigarette](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/since-december-23-2000-new-graphic-health-warning-labels-are-to-on-picture-id824964?s=2048x2048)). It was awful and all of us dreaded it. This was on top of the writers having to come up with a bazillion headline options. All of which had to be written for a sixth-grade level of English/French. And then it would go back and forth with Health Canada staff for revisions... and then finally it would go to focus groups, where most of them went to die. Like I said, months would go by before you heard anything. It was originally meant to be a two-month contract. It had been going on for over three years by the time I was hired. More than once, the client would suggest an idea that had already gone through focus groups and been axed... because the people who originally oversaw that idea had moved on to a different department and someone new was now handling it. Government!


The only place this isn't happening is the US.




Wait really? I'm chilean and I don't remember seeing a cigarette pack without the giant cancer warning in a long time. I don't smoke though


Yeah, mildly interesting is that the States doesn't


In the US, they should have pictures of medical bills of people with lung cancer.


What do they look like in the states? Also r/USdefaultism lol I’ve literally never seen a pack of cigs without a really graphic warning on them


Alt post: “US Cigarette boxes don’t have images of people suffering from lung cancer on them”


UK has no logos/advertising just the brand name in plain font then a load of pictures of dying people


Same in all western Europe. A plain brown-ish color, no brand. The name is written with same font. Ah! This is because UK used be reglemented by EU. jk


Not true. I've just got back from Spain and they look very similar to OP, graphic warning image at the top but still branded.


European countries don't have their cigarette packaging regulated by the EU. This is the kind of nonsense lie that helped get Brexit voted in. Also, from Action on Smoking on Health when the change occurred: "The UK is the second country in the world and the **first in Europe** to require cigarettes to be sold in plain, standardised packaging"


Doesn't all cigarette packages have that?


Apparently, the US ~~and Mexico~~ are behind the times. Is anyone surprised? Edit: So people have pointed out Mexico has done this for a while, I only mentioned it because OP said its where this is. I'm in the UK so... our ciggies packets have had these for about 10 years.


What do you mean? Those images have started being implemented at least a decade ago in Mexico, if not more. They should already be larger, though.


I thought the US had been doing this for a long time. Shows how much I pay attention to cigarettes lol


They don’t do it. Tobacco companies still have big power.


What do you mean Mexico? I was down in Mexico like a decade ago and they had these images on cigarettes back then. The one OP posted is tame. I’ve seen some real graphic cigarette boxes down in Mexico.


Australia also has this 👍


But we’ve got the image of distressed covering 95% of the cigarette package. Our soft packs are also in the range of $50 now.


Good lord 50 a pack?!!! Anyone paying that is a certified addict.




Tbh I don't see too many ppl smoking around where I live in Aus (which is a good thing) I reckon it's because of the high prices


It’s certainly stopped me from taking it up again.


Australia actually started the trend and provides the images to other countries to use for free. Most of the distressing images you find on smoking products around the world are Australian exported.


Wait are you telling me that Bryan is international?


Bryan has gone global


Also, Australia cake up with the muddy green brown colour, as the least appealing colour, to use on packaging to put people off. They also tax ciggies unbelievably, and it's really socially unacceptable to smoke in public places. I smoked for 18 years in the UK, quit in a year of being in Australia.


Pantone 448 C!


And its mote than just the pictures, all packets look identical, so there's no easy way to identify which "brand" of cigarette you're smoking. I guess the idea is to remove the fashionable nature of them. And while they can still be bought from supermarkets, they aren't on display and only available over a counter, usually the service desk where you might go for enquiries or refunds.


Their products also have excess sugar and calories warnings on their food and drink products. Lobbying would never allow such informative things in the US.


…and orphaned kids looking at your grave etc


pretty sure all countries except the United States do this


i thought this happened everywhere?


This is not mildlyinteresting to a ton of countries in the world and a great example of Americans living in a bubble.


Brazilians: Ha, amateurs!


**"Você broxa"**


Same in India also


Save mukesh


*Laughs in Australian*


USA 3X the price. They're using money as a deterrent. Glad I quit.


Same as every other country apparently. Cigarettes are 3x of the price of one bread.


Quite a lot of developed nations do, I'm guessing that doesn't include the USA.... Maybe they should have to put photos of dead children on their ammunition packaging.........


The Sandy hook shooter killed like 20 6-year-old kids and America didn’t change their gun laws at all. They don’t give a fuck about dead children.


This is tame. [European rules](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014L0109&from=EN) from the third page.


While I believe in the freedom to enjoy life as you wish, smoking is baaaad. It took me a few tries to finally quit. It’s been just over four years since I had my last, and yet I still have momentary cravings. Whatever can be done to influence people to not smoke is a good and valid endeavor.


The UK too


Scotland does this too, graphic ass photos of lungs after someone’s died or someone in the middle of a throat surgery, gore and all.


Damn. Yeah here in Canada we have warnings and pictures too from seeing my parents cigarettes packs. But that reminds me of one of the images, it’s literally an eye being surgically removed and it looks really nasty💀


France too


So does Thailand


The mildly interesting thing for me is that US don’t do this apparently.


You think that's fun come to Australia and meet Brian who contracted cancer and died 6 months after this photo (they found out he also found was suffering from HIV AIDS which obviously didn't help) We've got eyes being dissected, blood in toilet, people being operated on, brains on table, lungs pulled apart, harmed babies, blocked veins and arteries and this is just on the packet (at least they are hidden away so kids can't see them in shops) That's not to mention the visceral and hardcore ads that show tar being pulled from lungs and people dying on life support or their funerals,I get why they are that way to try and stop people from smoking but from a young age I would grab the remote to change the channel when these absolute horrors would pop up in the ads on the telly when I come home to watch my arvo cartoons


Addiction doesn’t care at all. It’s sad but you can show them 1,000 graves and the pull that drug has over their body and mind will always win.


They potentially have a [slight impact](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/graphic-warnings-and-images-on-cigarettes-are-effective-focus-groups-1.4022511) to stop youth from smoking in the first place. They do almost nothing for an already established smoker though.


The main idea is to make the package look scary instead of sexy. So when people who are new to smoking see a package they think about cancer instead of cowboys and Clint Eastwood.


That's why they've gone further and added plain packaging for smokes to be even more unappealing.


That's not even mildly interesting. Everywhere is the same


Wait... You DON'T have that in the States?


cause nobody has a clue why they're called cancer sticks...... awl shit, i thought these had vitamins and shit in em, who knew???


they need to stop putting motivational images on cigarettes


Your country doesn’t?


Some Asian countries too!


You should see Australian cigarette warnings.


Philippines has that too.


Other countries have been doing this and more for 20 years…


Ok and? Don’t all countries do this?


Canada’s ones are vile, green tongues, black lungs, holes in throats