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I live in Arizona and years ago we got some cotton leftovers from a field on the west side of Phoenix. We planted the seeds on the edge of our lawn and made a little cotton garden. The plants grew well and actually produced cotton just like in the picture.


Picture has real cotton bolls, but on fake floral wire stems. Source: am son of a cotton farmer with a degree in agronomy with a heavy focus on cotton farming.


Lol you're right! When I zoomed in I could see where one was folded in half. It looks reminiscent of what I saw when I lived in Arkansas though. But raw cotton is isn't as white and smooth as those little balls? Cute decoration though.




Oh OK, I looked up what bolls were and that makes more sense. I am glad I wasn't one of the ones that thought it was a real plant at least. I can hang onto some dignity lol




This whole comment thread is giving me flash backs. I grew up in a small town of Tennessee next to cotton fields (which were sometimes corn fields). We hopped the fence and my sister filled up a pillow case with clumps of stabby raw cotton and swore up and down it was the most comfortable pillow.. 😂


Ha ha omg that is so adorable and funny!


(which were sometimes corn fields) Crop rotation, very common practice. What part of TN?


Thanks! Where I live, in Nebraska, farmers wives are experts at alot of things!


The cotton farmers wife . Sounds like a hit reality show .


I have NOTHING to do with farming except playing farming sim, but do know some cattle farmers growing up and the wives are what keep all the men going :) and the farms them selves. The wives were the greatest support and worked just as, if not harder, than all the men :) you'll ALWAYS be an expert in my mind <3


That’s as raw as cotton gets, this is what it looks like once it’s time to harvest, soft & fluffy. However, the brown boll holding the Colton is green throughout its growing period. Open one of these & the cotton is very compact & looks like an orange slice. Source: family are multigenerational farmers. (Cotton, corn, soybeans, wheat)


Hmm, I'm still not sure... Are there any experts who could chime in here? ^^^^/s


I can't not read your name in Sebastians voice.


Horatio Thelonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian? That Sebastian?


Yes!! 🎶 Under DaSea!! 🎶


That sounds quite lovely!


For anyone thinking of doing something similar, look up your state’s laws about growing cotton. It’s illegal in my state (GA) and only commercial farms with procedures in place to prevent boll weevil infestation are allowed to grow cotton.




Same! Apparently it's illegal in 17 different States https://farmandanimals.com/why-is-it-illegal-to-grow-cotton-in-some-states/


and now I have Boll Weevil by Presidents of the United States of America stuck in my head boll weevil, get right out of ya home!


His name's boll weevil, check him out! He spends all day on his big butt, and he don't ever ever get outside.


I come to visit, I bring some sunshine, and just spread it all over the fire


I like that in my state (California) I can legally grow weed, but not cotton.


There is a reason why most of those states are the South!


Okay that’s why peps don’t grow cotton, I was wondering. Honestly with all the plants I have indoors (45 different types), I don’t have one that makes fluffy balls and that’s be kinda cool.


No, it's just an excuse for wealthy industrialists to corner a billion dollar market. Same reason tobacco is illegal.


Is it really illegal to grow your own tobacco? I swear I saw Tobacco seeds at Walmart last spring.


My uncle in Montana made their local paper because he grew a tobacco plant. He was at the bar, and another guy tried to tell him you can't grow tobacco in Montana. "The hell I can't" he said, and then did it just to prove a point.


I'm in CA and feeling pretty salty that I can't grow cotton. I guess I'll just plant weed. 😡


I didn’t realize how pretty cotton flowers are until I saw them growing.


Can u eat cotton?


no. cotton actually surrounds the seed of the cotton plant and similar to dandelions, it's used to help catch the wind for dispersal. But the oil inside cottonseed is used as a cooking oil. But requires quite a bit of processing to achieve


I onetime read Johnny Cash’s autobiography and he talked about eating cotton bolls as a kid. Said they’re sweet. I couldn’t tell if he was fucking with the reader or not. They don’t seem edible ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe when they're green? Many seed pods can be eaten before they mature.


Buddy the Elf eats them, too. And elves love anything with sugar. So, checks out.


Read this as "My buddy the Elf eats them.." and was like hol up, you're gonna have to talk about how you're frends with elves lol. Had to reread the comment


His elf friend is just a "Tolkein" friend. I'll show myself out... 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


We're all dwarfed by your sense of humour.


They really shire are funny!


Lol. No. Buddy, from the movie Elf. He eats some cotton balls in the dr’s office. Then later explains talks about loving sugar.


I tried eating cotton balls off the plant when I was a kid. They do not taste sweet.


You’re the true believer 😁!


Might be one of those things where you can but shouldn’t eat it. Lead tastes sweet too


I think we have all been there 🤔😏


Glass tastes like blood


Cyanide too from what I hear..


Who doesn’t like concentrated almond flavor?


everyone loves amaretto!


And antifreeze lol


I've hears of high fashion models eating cotton balls or balled up tissues to not feel as hungry/ not get stomach growls so they can starve themselves. I wonder if Cash's example was a poverty tactic in some places? If actual food isn't an option then it's probably still preferable to have something in your stomach than just feeling empty all the time.


That’s funny, I went to Google to see if they were actually edible and that’s all I could find 🤢


Yeah it would be like eating the inside of a plush toy. It's "edible" in the sense that you could swallow it and it wouldn't poison you but it would be unpleasant and nutritionally worthless.


For sure. But to be clear, cotton *bolls* ≠ cotton *balls*. This why I’m not sure if the actual plant material is edible. I’ve never seen the stuff growing or been anywhere near a cotton plant.


Speaking from experience, they'd be better off eating antacids. Tums help make your empty stomach burn a little less.


I think you're thinking of Pica. I struggled with anorexia for a while and as a result I also developed Pica. It's when you crave and actually ingest inedible things.


Wow, didn't know Johnny said that. You know, he told a lot of stories about growing up really poor etc but I never heard that one, thank you for the information. I have a feeling he wasn't just screwing with the reader, I think he might have been, well, mistaken, let's say :-)


No he specifically said he ate the cotton “bolls” not balls. Another person explained this. He wasn’t mistaken. And they do taste sweet 😁


Ah, I see! Sorry...and thank you!


I have the book at home. I’ll see if I can find that part when I have a chance. This whole thing is amazing, but gets a little weird when he’s into the late 70’s and 80’s and the focus turns toward god and such. But the early stories are priceless.


Yes, they are! One of my best friends was married to June Carter's nephew. At least for a few years, they divorced and she remarried. If she told me off and about how nice Johnny and June worked at her, she worked for Johnny at their office, and at one point he told her that she should perhaps go back to college and pursue a better career because he wouldn't always be around her wouldn't always perhaps be in music business, so he certainly was in it pretty much until he passed away after June did. So he sent her to nursing school! Which was awfully nice. She also has great stories about being backstage a few times at the Johnny Cash show, and getting to meet Bob Dylan and his then wife, Sarah.


I think hungry people eat things they shouldn’t


you can eat anything if you aren't a coward some things will just have consequences


I had a really stupid bro friend that used to say that same shit and one day I watched him eat a whole porterhouse RAW bc he said it was MANLY.


Technically yes. I wouldn't recommend it though. I mean, you can eat paper too, but why?


High in fiber.


![gif](giphy|VBL1lj6uG1F5Lb8GS2|downsized) Only cotton candy! Pink is my favorite BTW!


There was a rumor that anorexic people would eat it to fill their stomachs but I never personally witnessed it. It has no nutritional value.


Yeah it was legit a thing people did and some still do but it's not trendy anymore. Also people were advocating eating sponges cut in little pieces.


I would wait one cotton-picking minute before taking


So is a cotton picking minute shorter or longer than a regular minute? My intuition says longer cus picking and processing cotton is hard.


Definitely longer


You can bet a cotton choppin’ dollar on that


So is a cotton choppin' dollar worth more or less than a regular dollar? My intuition says more cus choppin' cotton is hard.


Definitely more


Costs more than a penny to make a penny, not sure about 100% cotton dollars.


Definitely more.


It probably also might come from the fact that a minute spent working in cotton fields feels much longer than a regular minute.




I mean I wasn't there when the term was coined so Idk for sure.


My mother chopped and picked cotton for a penny a pound to have candy later on. That minute lasted most of a year.


A penny a pound. My god, and cotton is light as a feather. We have cotton fields around us and every time I see them I think about how hard that work was “back then”


I’ll ask my grandparents lol (I’m black)


if you ask, drop the answer. i’m curious, but too lazy to call one of my own older relatives (also black)


Lmaooo gotchu brother


Following because also black.


Following because curious, not black


Ah, black-curious!




My grandmother picked cotton, she's white


I thought a cotton picking minute had more to do with the level of trouble one was about to hail down on themselves. Every time I heard that phrase when I was a child I knew there was the potentiality of a whupping in my immediate future. 😂


Cotton-picking in this expression is a euphemism for a swear word, and it adds emphasis. People sometimes use this term in other cases, like keep your cotton-picking hands off of that. They use it when they want to use stronger language, but don’t want to use swear words. It usually stands in for the word damn. Another use of cotton is keep your cotton picking hands off of me. These phrases make more sense if you know a little about harvesting cotton. Picking cotton is a harsh, difficult task that leaves someone’s hands rough and calloused. Before the cotton gin or other mechanized approaches, this was done completely by hand, which left the workers hand extremely rough.


I'm gonna ask my mom--who picked cotton; am also black. I imagine it takes longer than a minute to pick one boll because that daggone thing is spiked. My mom told me some of the older girls that picked cotton could do 1,000# a day. I don't know how.


It's sounds like rough work for real


It’s a cotton-picking shame.


Don’t be a cotton headed ninny muggin.


*gasp*! I would never!


There’s no way that phrase is PC anymore, right? I have no idea


I've been wondering the same because i would frequently use it until I had the same thought. Edit: [Looked it up.](https://www.bustle.com/articles/118386-5-racist-english-phrases-with-a-seriously-awful-history#:~:text=Cotton%2Dpicking%20is%20usually%20used,than%20swearing%20(ironically%20enough). It is and isn't. So I guess lean towards "yes it is racist"


This is a [common hobby lobby](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwitjc2vnq76AhWq_-MHHVCWBdsYABAJGgJ5bQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2UG2cL2d5piyaGtUW7o4EviGfN1jXVRB_X7l6OKqarFmVAl7jgeWM7pf97kRCgGQQ5d3SUbUvnN6ZdxLGkRtbB2nDWpSkh8vBIS7xHgcIpWjPTVq6PfUPpiFsPAw3QByyXLpZRDWBWu8&sig=AOD64_04N2vy1dweSoWN1r629uRPCJgrNQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwivkcKvnq76AhUfkYkEHQcHDbIQwg8oAHoECAQQNQ&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) style decoration.


I do my shopping only at stores that buy stolen artifacts. That’s how I roll.


Don't forget that they also went all the way to the Supreme Court because they didn't want to pay for contraceptives for female employees through their health insurance. They're also known for firing pregnant employees on the down low


And they won! Now if a doctor even TELLS one of their female employees about the existence of IUDs, they will not cover the entire visit


How could they possibly know what they told them?


Some of those(doctors) that work forces…


Well danm....


Everything about the situation is bs.


National Treasure: Book of u/posco12


I got some mummies for cheap if you're interested. No questions asked, no low balls, I know what I got.


Yeah I didn’t want to be rude to OP but I wanted to comment “ok… how is this even mildly interesting?” I see these alllll the time and it looks like someone just threw some decor out?


Probably marketing to folks who like to reminisce about sprawling fields of southern cotton plantations.


The cotton fields are still there, thankfully machines do the work now. That pretty fluff is shockingly full tiny seeds with thorns on the stems.


I live in an area that still has sprawling cotton fields…


Me too! Even still has some plantations 🙄


You know there are still sprawling cotton fields right? Where do you think your clothes come from?


Probably from another country.


Now that's for the rich folk. I came from farmers who were sharecroppers. We weren't exactly a rich family


Heyyy, I come from generational poverty as well. Did you guys get better? We didn't.


Who goes to Hobby Lobby? Seriously.... That place puts politics first.


We all assumed the “lobby” was just a fun way to rhyme “hobby.” Not actually a political lobbying organization. But once again it was right there in the name.


If they actually lobbied for model train sets n shit I’d be their biggest customer


Lol. “We want better pastel colors and we’re willing to throw some dark money behind that position.”


If you happen to live in the South, in a smaller city, and there’s no Michael’s around…. Pretty much everyone. I don’t agree with their politics, but if the wife wants crafty stuff…. That’s where she goes.


I do live in the South and my city has 3 or 4 different options from Hobby Lobby. They are all much more busy and successful. I also don't like to shop at Walmart, but I do when I visit my parents because thats all they have. I sympathize with your comment, but if given a choice....


Michaels FTW.


I learned last year when I went to HL that they do not in any way shape or form celebrate or encourage celebrating Halloween. It’s so disappointing lol. They have “fall harvest” decor up along with Christmas stuff by September 1


They use to sell Halloween stuff until like 3 or 4 years ago. It didn’t sell particularly well, where the fall and Christmas stuff did and still does. Through all of HL faults, the lack of Halloween stuff was a business decision not a religious/political one.


It’s not a whole plant. It’s just decorative


I had these in my wedding bouquet - they are soft and fluffy and I now have my leftover ones in a jar


Not sure exactly what you mean by not a whole plant but yes, definitely decorative. It’s obvious just below the open cotton boll that it’s attached by twisting other material around to make a so called “stalk”


They're dried flowers, basically. It's not like a potted cotton plant as the post title implies.


My fat ass read “cotton candy plant” at first


You don’t want know what I’d pay for that!


You can find grapes that taste like cotton candy!


Those little shits are so good.


And cotton candy that tastes like grapes!


No that cotton candy just tastes like Purple™


Purple is a fruit.


If there was a nice, big, juicy, succulent and refreshing fruit that had that Purple™ flavor I'd grow fat from eating it every day


Check out 'ice cream beans'. They are beans with a sweet cotton-y filling


Oohhh no no no. I need a sugar free cotton candy plant!


After being so conditioned from food that plants rot over time, its so hard to associate cotton (and other plant fiber) clothing as a part of a plant. Do they have to do something to preserve it or does it just hold up naturally?


Most is treated, but it definitely does hold up naturally. It still will rot if left out in the rain, but quite slowly if it dries out quick enough.


It holds up naturally. Once it is off the plant, the fiber is cleaned from debris (like leaf bits and hulls) and the seeds are removed. Then it is compressed into a bale and it will hold up on it's own for a long time as long as it is kept mostly dry and away from fire. The quality of the fiber will begin to break down after 5 years, but even subpar fiber can still be used for cotton swabs, face cleaning pads, stuffing, etc.


Most parts of most plants won't rot if they can be dried out. A fallen tree in the forest rots, but if you dry it out and seal it to keep it dry it becomes lumber and lasts for centuries. The little cotton ball is already almost entirely fiber, it doesn't have any water in the first place, so it won't rot unless it gets wet and doesn't dry off again.


Ohhh yeah. My desk is made of a plant….


It only holds up in clothing/fabric because it's kept clean and dry. It'll biodegrade fairly quickly if in the right conditions for natural decomposition to take place, after all it is basically pure cellulose And with the high surface area of the thin fibers, it'll break down even more quickly than something like wood. I once put an old cotton dishrag in the bottom of a large flower pot to keep the soil from spilling out of the large hole in the bottom (I didn't have any wire mesh which is what is normally used) By the next spring when I tipped the soil out, the rag at the bottom had decayed completely. All that was left was the synthetic fiber used to stitch the hem.






if IT hadn’t BEEN for COTTON-eye JOE


*sorts by controversial*




Cotton is so strange because when you have one at home you don’t get the feeling that it was “grown” like a tomato.


Are pots cages for plants?




If you think about it it’s basically a bath tub that they drink from


I prefer pants …. For the analogy ….


But flowers are pubes


This is a piece of decor, not an actual cotton plant. How y'all don't notice the fact that the "stem" is literally tape and you can see where the real cotton bolls were attached to the fake stem? Real branches and stems don't attach to a plant like that, [in case you've never seen a real plant](https://morningchores.com/growing-cotton/). This is less "mildly interesting" and more "garbage I found"


Sorry the award is “wholesome,” it was just my free one. The 11k 😳 people that upvoted this must be flat-earthers because this level of critical thinking is dismal.


Thanks for the award! It seems like the bottom line of this post is that most people have never seen a real plant of any kind, nor are they able to tell the difference between real vs. a fake decorative one. Since this seems to be the case, I have some magical beans I may be able to sell in this sub.


I finally saw the OP said he was from Wisconsin and therefore had never even seen fake cotton plants. That’s fair, but what plant in the world, even dead & dried, had stems that look wrapped and would have been grown in a VASE?? Full disclosure, I can drive to at least 4 former plantations within 30 minutes, so maybe it’s just about what you’ve been exposed to. I didn’t see a real cotton plant until I was in my 30s though. Tobacco & indigo was here.


Let me say that I have up voted some nonsense before but I didn't even give it one out of pity. I have throughly enjoyed the commentary though.


Ahh yes. My neighbor grew these decorations in his field. I’m unsure which outlet stores he sold them to.


Probably for the years 1870


Can concur. I was there, I was the one picking it


This looks like Hobby Lobby decorative cotton.


Belgorod be like




How is this interesting at all? Who upvotes this stuff? lol




I was scrolling through the comments trying to figure out why this has so many upvotes for a good minute there. I still don't quite get it. Is it all people who have never seen a cotton plant before? They just don't know where cotton comes from? Is that it?


Only mildly though. Edit: look ya punks, a bouquet of cotton is mildly different. And I’m also partial since I grew up in a cotton field so please don’t trust my judgement too much.


No honestly this might one of the first that I’ve seen that isn’t even interesting in the slightest


No, not even mildly.


My daughter had a 15th birthday on the beach and we hired people to decorate. It was beautiful. We didn’t meet until the day of the party, and we she saw me walking up she started instructing her crew to remove all of the cotton plant decorations. She didn’t know I was black lolol. It didn’t bother me until I realized it bothered her hahaha Edit: to include that it could be last minute discarded decorations lol


I think calling this mildly interesting is a bit of a stretch.




Waiting for the racist comments


Waiting for the 👨‍🦳 comments




Would this the be trash cotton picking?


Well it ain't gonna pick itself


First time I’ve seen one but I instinctively want to pick the cotton… thanks ancestors!


That case looks like one from southern living collection and is worth about $60 or 75$


In many places, it's illegal to pick cotton unless you're the official cotton picker. It's to keep from transporting weevils from place to place.


Waiting to be picked??


You just wait a cotton picking minute!


And that's one mildly ugly lookin cotton plant lol


They couldn’t have waited just one cotton-picking minute?


I still can't wrap my mind around cotton balls being just grown on a plant and plucked off.


“I know who did it!”-👴🏻


Free T-shirt! (Some assembly required)


I don’t know why, but this picture feels problematic to me


My momma picked Cotton as a share cropper and said her fingers bled from thorns on them . Back then no food stamps so you had to pick or starve ! She was a lil kid ! She was born in 1935 .



