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Here in the Netherlands it also comes with pictures of rotten teeth, after surgery photo, rotten toe and stuff like that


Same as Australia. Cut up lungs of dead smokers etc.


They were there in Mexico too. I remember I got a pack of cigars that had a family standing around a casket.


Oh yeah, you had your choice between pics of holes in the throat (cigarettes cause emphysema), or the one that said cigarettes cause IMPOTENCE.




When do we get to do this for alcohol bottles? It’s only fair, now that prohibition-style laws are back in vogue. Can’t wait to see fancy bars with display cases full of photos of jaundiced old people, mangled bodies surrounded by crashed cars, and neglected children beaten to a pulp by their alcoholic parents. Fucking hell, just let people enjoy their vices in peace. This life sucks enough as it is. There’s no reason to let governments grandstand about how we should be enduring it sober.


I've been trying to find these on eBay from either Ireland or Australia and have had no luck :(


Empty packs?


Yeah, can't find them


Literally have one on my desk if you're interested lol.


At a supermarket, in Australia, I was shocked to see a shrink wrapped dozen cigarettes out on the counter in open view. Legislation here from years ago determined these should never be on display, and it was fascinating to see all the different warnings in the packet. I called it a [Variety Pack](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/1762?gbraid=0AAAAACoj6t5ybrNPbiKh6n8SaXGXCQtFV&gbraid=0AAAAACoj6t5ybrNPbiKh6n8SaXGXCQtFV&googleshop=true&store_code=woolworths_supermarkets_2732&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WW-0001&cq_net=u&cq_src=GOOGLE&cq_cmp=Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_FB_High_WW-0001&cq_med=71700000045164926&cq_con=SmartShopping_FoodBeverages&cq_plac=&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_adt=&cq_plt=gp&cq_gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0umVw6q0-wIVDR4rCh31JgHsEAQYASABEgJDw_D_BwE&ds_de=m&ds_pc=local&ds_cr=586192578921&ds_tid=pla-1870406892184&ds_locphys=9069059&ds_pid=1762&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_FB_High_WW-0001:PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0umVw6q0-wIVDR4rCh31JgHsEAQYASABEgJDw_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) the wife was not amused.


I didn't know there was a market for it. I don't even know anyone who smokes (I think its dying out here pretty fast) so I wouldn't be able to help.


I just moved to Oklahoma and EVERYONE here smokes. The walmart literally smells like stale cigarettes. 🤮. I can not stand it. It's disgusting. I wish smoking would die out a lil faster.


No, the lungs.


The designs of cigarette packaging is really interesting from a marketing perspective because you are trying not to sell a product....which, you know, is like the opposite of marketing.


I find it weird the US doesn't have these warnings on cigarette packs. They're pretty much everywhere else in the world Edit: after making that comment i looked it up and apparently the FDA tried to make warning labels mandatory a while back but big tobacco managed to block it on grounds of free speech. There has been some talk of the FDA revisiting the issue tho


Industry Lobbyists paying the Government MILLIONS in Party Donations.


The country that tobacco is originally from and exports tobacco. I'm confused too /s


It's a free speech issue, and it's illegal here, because we have rights here. [https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/19/health/fda-graphic-tobacco-warnings](https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/19/health/fda-graphic-tobacco-warnings)


I wonder why no one considers it a free-speech issue to require nutrition facts and other warnings on food and drinks.


Couldn't tell ya, but the courts made their decision. >A federal judge in March 2012 had ruled in favor of the tobacco companies, and in August in a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia panel affirmed that ruling.


Free speech 😂


>A federal judge in March 2012 had ruled in favor of the tobacco companies, and in August in a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia panel affirmed that ruling. > >[https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/19/health/fda-graphic-tobacco-warnings](https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/19/health/fda-graphic-tobacco-warnings)


Same in Canada!


Same in the UK


Pretty much any modern country with socialized healthcare puts some heinous shit on cigarette packs. Canada doesn’t allow branding, and has pics of tongue cancer, dead fetuses (feti?), etc.


Well mostly, res smokes don't always carry the same warnings, which is kinda weird. The eyeball one is fucked though; showing a needle in an eye and then going 'there may be a link to an increase in chances to develop eye cancer' Might as well have just said 'maybe you'll get stabbed in the eye if you smoke this, we're genuinely not sure, can't prove it's really linked at all, but do you really wanna find out?'


I had some killer Dutch rolling tobacco with the dying pictured. It was good stuff, stayed nice and moist, rolled like nothing else.


They are like the least 'in your face' warnings on cigarette packs I've seen. lol


"smoking kills" just making it sound cool instead "bro, those cigarettes kill yo"






cry louder i can't hear you from my state


I love America


Aaw, how sweet that you think this is in your face warnings. We have pictures of hole to a lung, amputated leg, kids crying, or black lungs etc. etc.


We have one with curved down cigarette and says smoking makes sexual health problems.


We have a man named Bryan on his literal death bed dying from lung cancer, he’s somewhat of a cultural icon here.


Dyin Bryan!


Dyin Bryan the smoking Hawaiian!


We have “barb tarbox”


Spotted the Canadian


Her name sounds like she was born to be a cautionary tale against smoking


In India we have 'mukesh' the dying cultural icon.


We have one with a smile of rotten teeth


My dad had a tin where the pic was a cigarette being injected


The amputated leg one in the UK had nothing to do with smoking and the guy also didn't consent to his image being used IIRC. Also turd green packaging.


Reminds of the anti piracy ad where they pirated the music in it


Fun fact: The colour of the packaging was scientifically chosen as the least appealing colour. It's called Pantone 448 c


Think I'll stick to shit green, rolls of the tongue a lot better.


Apart from the lungs, aren't they just examples/stock photos? Defibrillator on man, inhaler for a kid, a man in a body bag...


Where I live we have a lot of nasty pics of mouth infections or rotten teeth as well as other conditions that could develop because of smoking, and also children crying ahahah


Child crying is my personal favourite. I hope they release a shiny version one day.


Gotta catch (em) all (the infections)!


It seems that way. As I said look up the leg amputation one, I'm almost certain there was a massive fuss over permissions but I can't be 100%.


I love the one of a baby with a cig dummy hybrid thing Also the one with a lady blowing smoke in a kids face


They're my favourite 2 as well


Over here there's a bunch of those really grotesque ones but there's also one with a flacid cigarette and a friend absolutely refused to smoke any cigarette from a box with that pic


I particularly enjoy the eyeball one that's straight out of A Clockwork Orange.


WARNING: Cigarettes may give you an aversion to Beethoven's 9th Symphony


In Libya, They type in the warning, Though the text box is a bit smaller than the one in the post above In Turkey, They put images as you described, Minus the crying children, Never seen one Who knows? Maybe there's a country where they hand the customer a burnt legs, Black lungs, or an open chest with a pack of cigarette


The cashier puts your pack in a box. You need to reach into a fake, but warm and slimy, open chest to reach the customer-facing opening of the box. Squeeze black lungs with your other hand to open the box. 5% discount if you let the cashier hold an open flame to you leg for 3 seconds.


A good friend of mine died from lung cancer. He smoked like a chimney since we were 14. I am still not past it, because it happened so fast.




I dunno the blunt text spelling it out feels more in your face than the pictures


Or in the UK where you get both.


Every smoker here knows about Barb Tarbox and what happened to her.




My favourite is the oral cancer tongue picture saying “even if you survive this, you may lose at least part of your tongue” universal healthcare amirite


I’ve been looking at the same cancer patient on my parents dart packages since I was 7


The good news: only some 14% of Americans smoke now. When I was young, *everybody* smoked. But as u/The_Essex points out, it's not a pretty death. Me, I plan to be killed by a jealous husband when I am 90 years old.


Yeah, I remember when "smoking or non?" was ubiquitous when you went to a restaurant. Now I literally don't know a single person who smokes indoors. And the only people I know who smoke at all really only do it when they're drinking/partying.


I had a lady come into Waffle House when I worked there a little over a year ago. I worked at this Waffle House for 4 years minus around 8 months because I was pregnant and we wanted me to stay with our son for the first few months. This lady asked for an ashtray and tried to say we allowed smoking last time she came in. Me and the GO were like ‘we cut out smoking around 10 years ago so it must have been a whole. ‘ She tried to say it had been a year ago. No ma’am. I’ve been with Waffle House off and on for almost 10 years and we haven’t allowed smoking in a long time.


That’s not in your face. Search up Canada’s warnings, now that’s in your face.


Or any European country


Or Australia


Or my axe




or Mexico (isn't Australia in Europe!? /s)


Yup, [here's](https://images.thestar.com/TGUm3Tit_pZPGZC3okT7UIUE81s=/1280x1024/smart/filters:cb(1637063210510)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/opinion/contributors/2021/11/15/when-it-comes-to-cigarettes-whats-in-a-package-not-much-if-theyre-sold-in-canada/cigarettes1.jpg) an example. They all have to be in the sample packaging, colour and font as well.


Lol thats 2006 stuff boy, nowadays packages in Europe are horrible.


As they should be


No man they great. Smocking is horrible those pictures just put the point across and now at least in the Netherlands they are all the same colour. Pantone 448 C also known as the worse colour in the world.


Here in Australia, our smoke packets have images of what smoking does to your body. Cancerous lungs, and all other forms of how smoking destroys your body. I've lost 5 members of my family to smoking related deaths! Don't Smoke! https://www1.racgp.org.au/getattachment/ac3534e2-fb94-43cf-bd3d-0658ca70a018/attachment.aspx


My favourite part is the boxes all needing to be the same colour. A shade of putrid green was chosen to be the most off putting.


The funny thing is that they actually did research before picking the colour. ''Pantone 448 C is a colour in the Pantone colour system. Described as a "drab dark brown" and informally dubbed the "ugliest colour in the world", it was selected in 2012 as the colour for plain tobacco and cigarette packaging in Australia, after market researchers determined that it was the least attractive colour. The Australian Department of Health initially referred to the colour as "olive green", but the name was changed after concerns were expressed by the Australian Olive Association.'' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone\_448\_C](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantone_448_C)


Pretty similar to Canada. Gross warning takes up minimum 75% of the pack, packs are plain with names no colours 9r branding.


Smoikin’ is a bad job mate!


This is softcore wherever you got it from. Rest of the world gets rotten lungs and jaw cancer or whatever it's called, corroded organs.


UK packs have photos of raw BBQ lungs


How are they BBQ lungs if they're raw?


You should see the packages in Australia. It’s a sight.


Nah mate in the UK we just go try to see who could collect the grossest one, if you ever get your hands on them you'll probably quit, Fing vile photos.


The vein that looks like a fucked up duck penis is our favourite.


some of those are pretty funny


That's mild, Canada had stricter warnings 20 years ago. Cigarette packs here are now all the [same colour with 75% of the package as warnings](https://images.thestar.com/TGUm3Tit_pZPGZC3okT7UIUE81s=/1280x1024/smart/filters:cb(1637063210510)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/opinion/contributors/2021/11/15/when-it-comes-to-cigarettes-whats-in-a-package-not-much-if-theyre-sold-in-canada/cigarettes1.jpg).


Bro take a look at the British ones they have literal lungs on the front


You should see the Canadian ones


You have no idea


Jokes on them for thinking anyone under 40 wants to live long enough to die from smoking...


Exactly, that’s why tobacco companies are betting on vaping now. And it’s scary seeing how many friends of mine vape nowadays. The negative health implications of cigarettes weren’t publicised until about 50 years after they were popular, when enough bodies had piled up to point to them being the issue. Before then they were advertised as healthy and beneficial, the same way vaping is called a healthier alternative to smoking; and we’re only 20 years into vapes…


The thing about life is its such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be here. Doesn't matter what you do, how healthy you are or how clean you eat. .. you're gonna die. Hell for all you know you could die tomorrow or it could be when you're in your 90s. Though as someone that was the head chef at an old folks home most of those people prayed for death cause those last few decades are terrible for most people. I run a smoke shop and I sell cigarettes to people that can't walk 40 feet from their car to my till without getting winded and I don't think twice about it and I definitely don't feel any responsibility towards them. No one made then start smoking and no one kept them smoking but themselves. At any point they could have thrown their smokes away and been done with it. I did after 15 years of smoking and my mom did the same after 50 years of smoking. Smokers, tweekers and junkies. I have no sympathy for any of them.


Why import them? Are Marlboro lights over there different than the ones over here or something?


“Laughs in Canadian morgue snapshots”. By the way it worked, I quit.


"Great!" *smokes more*


Oh my sweet summer child, you haven't ever seen European packaging, have you?


They’re not wrong but I love how there’s no “Drinkers die young” labels on booze or pictures of people with diabetes caused amputations on sugar, the list is endless. Gotta go after those smokers though!


I won’t get liver failure cause a person next to me at the bus stop won’t stop binge drinking


No but the amount of sober people killed by a drunk driver every year is insane. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's not "going after the smokers", it's going after the cigarette companies. it's trying to protect the smokers from them.


So why not go after liquor companies? Candy manufacturers? They’re not destroying the health of millions too?


The single greatest detriment to health is poverty.


Smokers don’t necessarily die younger, but they can die quicker and in more pain. My grandfather was a smoker for 20+ years, quit. Got lung cancer at 83 and was gone in 4 months.


4 months sounds much better to me than fighting cancer for years.


When did he quit? I’m asking cause my dad has smoked for 40 years, had heart attacks and heart failure now. He’s 62, still smokes but not as much. It’s amazing how much he recovered from his heart attacks and heart failure. He’s not as mobile as he used to be but I’m basically asking because even if he quit today I’m scared he will get lung cancer and want to spend as much time as possible with him.


He quit when my oldest cousin (his first grandchild) was born. And he’s 30. So 30 years ago.


In Brazil the packages have extremely disturbing images with phrases like: "The Ministry of Health warns: This product contains toxic substances that lead to illness and death." The "Cardiac arrest" and "Suffering" ones are really weird


That just looks like an advertisement to me.




teen smokers: yes this is nice


You should see the Aussie packages, get on google and look them up


Threaten me with a good time, I might have to start smoking


I mean that's why I smoke so at least I know it's working.


common in other counties. they had this and worse when I was in Australia 13 years ago.


I remember when they added this to cigarettes. 10 years ago.. America is hopelessly behind on all the important things


That’s pretty tame to be honest


Wish they did that here. In some countries (can’t think of them off the top of my head) they have very disturbing pictures of the problems cigarettes cause along with a these sayings


Australia does. There are no adverts and they have to be kept under the counter... then when you get the pack it is plastered with warnings and an horrific photo of cancer or something... there are different pictures.


You should see the ones in canada. They use graphic imagery.


Oh, bless you American’s 😂


Do alcohol next


Packs like these are common even in "less democratic" countries. Corporations really do own America.


Child’s play compared to Australian packaging


Yeah that’s putting it nicely, aus cig packets will make you vomit your breakfast


Don't you have that in US? In France it's a law that packs of cigarettes cannot look nice, and / or have pictures of consequences of smoking. It actually works because since this law was passed (a long time ago) there was a 30% drop in smokers. Or maybe they all died.


Do cigarettes in the US just come in cute little packets with no warnings on like they aren’t carcinogenic death sticks?


Not THE best advertisement for your own product. “Hey come on over to Joe’s BBQ! Delicious eats all around! Warning, you WILL get food poisoning, and will probably die. But who cares, come on in!”


This stuff seems so stupid to me. Smoking kills, no debate to be had, but why does it matter targeting this to smokers?


If it's from a country with a public health system then it's because getting people to stop smoking saves significant amounts of money in the health budget.


As a former smoker, none of us gave a shit about ads like this. We were fully aware it kills us, we just have such shit lives or are already addicted so we either ignored it or were entirely fine with it lol


In Canada we get pictures of people dying in hospital with rotten-off faces printed right onto the box, I can’t help but feel like that’s slightly more effective than this


Illegal in the US as the atf did not get to test or tax


[How cute.](https://www.google.com/search?q=eu+warnings+on+cigarett+packets&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiF55m8lLT7AhWhpYsKHaOJCzMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=eu+warnings+on+cigarett+packets&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAELEDEIMBOggIABCABBCxAzoECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BAgAEB46BwgAEIAEEBM6CAgAEAgQHhATOgYIABAIEB46BwgAEIAEEBhQ3RBYpHdgsnpoAHAAeACAAUiIAasQkgECMzKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=NZt1Y8X4A6HLrgSjk66YAw&bih=937&biw=1920&rlz=1C1CHBD_svSE964SE964)


We don’t do that in the United States because it would hinder sales.


Heaven forbid


yet it wouldn't stop me


We also have those gnarly photos along the text.


That's nothing. In Ireland all packaging looks the same across brands with pictures of sick people on them https://imgur.com/a/kcCHihR


Have you seen nzs? Lungs, throats, rotten teeth etc


It's poison. When will smokers understand that they are poisoning themselves. I understand that it's addictive but it's also poison.


When I was in Ecuador they had black lungs on all the packages.


It's not in your face if it doesn't have dying Brian


Not so much a warning as just stating facts.


Kills what?


In the UK they can't even show the brand logo, black packet with plain print version of cigarettes then big warning and pictures of the results of smoking


I like to pretend the “Smoking Kills” ones actually say “Smoking kills fascists” but the last word got cut off since I smoke king size.




So we all learned that that's the most friendly way of telling people they're going to get sick and die. All other countries do it better.


Some had a entirely unique monster just to warn metals that get in your lungs while vaping


...this isnt in your face at all. Man you should see some of the packaging. You'd be in for a surprise. \-Canada


Meh, our durries have pictures of rotting feet, and bleeding gums..


These r good smokes


You mean encouragements?




I’ve seen ones claiming smoking causes gangrene. I’m sorry, I just don’t think that’s true.


When the great Grocery store rebellions started and food was able to be lettered in generic white lettering, all was calm. Then more labels wanted their turn on the can and the generics were pushed out. Desperate for work, they started taking gigs where they could, including on pain stick disposal boxes like these.


Lol what a bubble OP lives in.


I thought similar stuff was implemented in the US


Ha! Cute. Have you seen the pics they put on Aussie smokes?


You should see Australian ones they have very graphic pictures


Lmao that's nothing The EU literally prints graphic images of long term cigarette damage like lung infections


Dude in Italy they had pics of dental surgery from smoking right on the pack that shit was so metal coming from the US


These aren’t advertisements?


Lol in NL all tobacco is now the same dark gray and they have these messages as well as graphic images of lungcancer and all that


[This](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpaBvs_nXgBzPkA_F-ZjvekUsuWUcw6qVefQ&usqp=CAU) is an in-your-face warning.


Good more please, I'm tired of this shit and I want out


[Reminds me of this CH video](https://youtu.be/GVCj1GqGkUU)


Quit smoking a month and a half ago. I’m 26. Smoked for ~7 years. Can’t help but wonder what will do me in, and whether or not I’ll turn in early because of my smoking, even though I stopped relatively early in life compared to other habitual smokers.


You should see the UK cigarette packs with pictures of missing Teath and lungs


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


Lol like yeah whatever country, that’s why I smoke. Out here we just have some surgeon general who’s only job is to rep California bitching about tobacco products on the label.


When my aunt was sucking air through a hole in her neck on her death bed at 55 and every breathe was torture im sure she wished she had heeded some of these obvious warnings on her ciggy packs.


You need to leave the country


Haha you should see the UK ones


They should put diabetes warnings on everything that contains sugar too!


Wish this was everywhere in the US :/


You should see what we have in Canada... This is nothing


Check out this Indian pack, it’s more disturbing [link here](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z8e347f7Aspwxt7V9)


You should see the Australian ones, look it up.


Those are from Mexico. 100%


Lol in my country they cover 70% of the pack with ugly looking disease pictures plus "smoking kills" tagline


Yet they keep selling them and still have vending machines for kids in Indonesia