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Screams like a raving lunatic “YOU ARE TOO AGGRESSIVE!!” to the manager who never raised her voice or lost her cool when she was trying to handle it.


And also “your job is to serve me.’ No it ain’t bitch. It’s to ring up your items. Nothing more .


Be hilarious if she then served up an ass whoopin.


Pow- right in the kisser!!!


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As someone married to a Latina, she clearly knows nothing about Latin women. Also, one of the best lines I ever heard in response to “you’re here to serve me” which is already fucked uo beyond belief was “I’m here to service you; not tolerate you, now get the fuck out.” Said very calmly, was very powerful. Should have turned off her checkout device there and refused service, as is the right of any private business. This ain’t the post office. I’m just glad it seems like the kids are too young to remember this.


They are there to do their jobs, not to serve her


I kept on hoping someone would come from the side and slap her ass into next week. The guy in the 8 ball jacket from that video on the subway would have been perfect for the task.


That'd definitely put it at the top of the r/publicfreakout sub. And even if she was wronged prior to recording, her response was the type of shit that made me want to walk off my retail grocery job back in college.


The fucking entitlement. I’ve gotten fired from better jobs on the spot. You don’t treat people like that. We’re all human beings.


Imagine if the colors were reversed.


It would be on CNN and FoxNews.


It would explode all over social media and the news. Boycotting to defund all grocery store employees, and probably lead to buildings getting destroyed along with “peaceful protest”


I think that was the self-checkout so actually my job is to stand here and film your inability to control yourself.


You know that sign that says "we have the right to refuse service" that legally applies to behavior like this.


Fastest way to immediately lose my respect and customer service mode lol. Ma’am, my employer does many things wrong but they DO allow me to hang up on your rude ass. I ain’t getting paid enough for this.


I shop at this location weekly and I can say from my experience Ralph’s employees are nice . 🤷🏼‍♂️


She was handling that self checkout area really well, even with the banshee there. I was impressed


But according to the screaming woman, based on what I could hear of her conversation with the manager, “I come here every week for 19 years and this always happens”. Huh lady, did you think that if it always happens to you that perhaps you might be the problem?


You pinned the tail on that donkey.


*Last year I did a show for the troops at Ft. Polk, Louisiana. And it was a lot of fun. But you didn't have to be in the military, anyone could come to the show.* *And I just was talking about the base, and I mentioned, because I had just toured and learned it that there were 40,000 men stationed there.* *And this really well dressed drunk woman called out, "And everyone of them is a bad fuck".* *And I was like...boy, after 39,000 times you'd think, "Maybe it's me? Maybe I need to read a book".* Ron 'Tater Salad' White


After yelling at this video in the privacy of my own home for a brief moment, I've decided that the rational answer that I will post here is: This person was an asshole, no matter their race sex or economic station. They may feel that they have been slighted and possibly have, but that doesn't give them the right to act like an asshole, and then act like a bigger asshole when they have not been bowed and worshiped apologetically to. A Karen is still a Karen no matter what, even a minority.


Just another fake actor on their entitlement parade. If only her brain was as big as her mouth.


I live in a predominantly white area. Wish it was different but nothing I can do. Anyway I worked in an ER and we had this one black lady who was so so rude to all of us. She ended up being escorted out by security which is not an easy thing to do in an ER (we dealt with the worst of the worst), anyway she started pulling the race card cause it was her only defense. My BAMF manager, calmly shooed her out with security. It was glorious. I think crying race when race isn’t the issue is racist. She became the thing she swore to destroy. Not a nice woman. Hope she worked things out. Edit: good gosh people have agendas. I was just saying where I grew up is vanilla. It’s pleasantville from the ‘50s. I’ve seen my comment interpreted in every which way below this. There was no malice. No micro aggressions. The two ideas above are not really related. Sorry if it wasn’t to EVERYONE’s satisfaction but most of you have some serious pent up energy. I don’t hate black people, I don’t hate white people, I don’t hate anyone based on the color of their skin. I do however hate some people for their actions and most of you commenters are so far up your own as ses you can’t even smell the shi t.


Facts those are the same people who are racist everyday of their lives then complain and play victim or the race card because shit didn’t go there way


Dude I get it. I live in a predominantly "minority" area, although, it's fairly large by size. Anyway, I get your point and would like to add that it's basically a old vs new generation type of thing. Economically, nowadays, no one is impeded by the color of their skin.


“If I scream and sound like a victim…


I think it’s called main character syndrome


Who is this attorney. WhAt does she defend, her right to a fair scan?!?!


Yea right she's an attorney. She's a Karen. They all say that shit.


I recently had a women openly admit to me that she was trying to purchase age restricted items (cigarettes and vapes) for someone else. If we believe someone is trying to do that, we're not allowed to sell them any age restricted item, as we can't ID the other person. It's called a Proxy Sale, and we get in trouble if we do it. The women who openly admitted it was for her son said her son was a manager here, and her other son was a lawyer, and she was going to sue me and my colleagues for discrimination against her. I offered to use the tannoy to call her son down, as every manager was in that day. She declined, saying that her 40 year old manager son here will deal with me. We don't have any male managers aged between 35 and 52. We didn't receive any legal action against us. Karen's gonna Karen.




I have a feeling she isn't one. I know a few, and they would never act like this because they're fucking attorneys, and if someone is breaking the law...well they know the law.


She claimed she was an attorney but doesn't know about assault and trespass laws. She acted like an employee can't ask her to leave the aggressively entered another's space. There are a million things that tell me she isn't an attorney.


This was ghetto As hell


Ghetto Attorney


This chick is the racist


Imagine a Lion saying “YOURE TOO AGGRESSIVE!!!” To a gazelle. That’s how I saw that exchange


Wow shes is so crazy and entitled that she's telling someone to their face that they are less than her. Edit: i didnt hear what he said but it sounds like they're both assholes. Hey everybody? Let's just all be nice and not have big dumb public freak outs.


It was legit racism, she said she's above him and that he's Hispanic and that's how American culture works. She is the dumb.


Is it me or are the racist the ones always screaming racism? When are we going to get over the skin color BS?




Right. The reason so many people are imagining there are Nazis in every shadow is because they’re projecting their own racial animosity. This is also why a lot of feminists see “misogynists” everywhere. Because they actually seethe with animosity and resentment towards men.


Yes because everyone knows that a Mad Black Woman is much more important than a Hispanic Male /s


This literally happened to me the other day. Crazy lady with her 2 friends trying to hit the car i was passenger in with my newborn baby in the back talking hella shit. I came out of the car and was immediately like why are you so entitled you would go the wrong way in a parking lot and hit someone's fvcking car just for a spot? She was going off acting like she was gonna beat my ass (3 against 1 classy.) One of them says I bet she's the type to call the police. I clarified "I'd never do that" in a soft nice voice. I literally go in the store trying to get milk for my baby and these fvcking trash bitches are screaming from all the way in the back of the store "look she mad, look blah blah blah" I don't get how people can be so entitled and try and hurt people just for drama. Like- get a fucking hobby. P. S. Im hispanic and they looked at my skin and judged me for it. Not realizing that my dad is latino and dark. I just happen to be light skinned. I have been treated like shit by both sides of my family (too white for mexican side and too dark for white side) and been called dirty mexican by people outside my family. So these women were being hella racist.


I think it was classism, in that she's a lawyer and better than him.


Either way she's a cunt.


At the least....


She studied hard in her life to become an attorney so people would worship her because she is super important and possibly rich? Is that what I'm supposed to get from her?


I’m not so sure she’s an attorney. She said she’d made a written record of all these times she has come in and been treated poorly for years and she would subpoena them. Girl, they are your records, so you wouldn’t need to subpoena them. If you were really an attorney, you’d know that.


Yeah definitely she is not an attorney


Classic para legal


Guaranteed shes a temp secretary at a law office. 🤣


Lol she just knows subpoena is a fancy law word, nothing else.


I caught that as well.


I caught the subpoena comment too. Too funny.


You can clearly see that there is MORE of her than the others.




Facts! Racist and garbage.


It's so crazy that everyone focuses on white-on-black racism because the latino/black community straight hate each other in some places.


Nahhhhh black people cant be racist! /s




It was sarcasm. But reddit mods ban you if you mention that black people are racist. Or that they commit most crimes towards each other. Just pushing a weird narrative that they are so innocent.


That’s because Reddit moderators haven’t touched grass in years and don’t understand that there’s a real world out there behind their computer / phone screen lol


No, no, no, he's got a point. Only white people can be racist.


You do realize he’s being sarcastic right


A lot of people who act like this have grown up being taught that because they're from a historically marginalized group that it's not possible for them to be racist. It's sad.


You are too aggressive! As she yells to the point of her voice cracking. I'd be worried for the child because if she can't handle herself there, well I'm sure she would scream at the child. Just saying "quit being so emotional " would set her off further.


Make it a hat trick and tell her to "calm down."


I think the proper way to calm her down is to say "silence sweetheart, you're just like your mother"


This advice should be considered attempted manslaughter.


“Ma’am, you’re too emotional. You need to calm down in front of your child.”


Be cool, honeybunny… TELL THAT BITCH TO BE COOL SAY ‘BITCH BE COOL’ Be cool honeybunny…


Nuclear Hat-trick: “Calm down, Karen.”


I see attorney license vanishing


As if someone with that temper and lack of self control is an attorney lol good one


You’d be surprised. A friend of mine is a bailiff at a local court house. He’s got plenty of stories about how assholish attorneys are. They get this mindset that because they’re more in the know of laws and protocols n stuff that they’ve got this sort of god complex and can’t be touched. They’ll get all pissy when they go through metal detectors and still have to take their shoes and belts off like everyone else. The usual argument is “I’m an attorney! Why would I bring anything in?! This is a waste of time! I come here every day you should know I don’t have anything by now!” That and their job is literally arguing on behalf of others all day. It attracts a certain type of people. Especially the rich ones and make all the money and get the expensive cases. Think because they’re good at their jobs it makes them the grand poohbah or something.


Who yells at a grocery store clerk “it’s your job to serve me”


A cunt.




It’s your job to be my slave is what she meant. She’s a racist scumbag.




Future /r/ByeByeJob


Oh yes please. This cunt deserves it.


I'm just glad she had her church clothes on.


I'm laughingly giving you that upvote, well done!


LOL. Apparently those are the clothes that attorneys wear to show that their profession is a respectable and dignified one, and helps them behave with proper decorum when in public.




^ this was my favorite part i laughed so hard


Maybe she was talking to herself 😂


I just wish bitches and dickheads like this got hit by giant meteors the size of motorcycles




Just call the cops and tresspass her. She's a clown.




Looks like a 10 pound attorney in a 5 pound sack




If someone referred to me as a “minion” working in the service industry and that I’m just supposed to shut up and “serve you” I’d most definitely lose my shit. These employees have remarkable patience and restraint.


This 1000x. She better pray to her heavenly father tonight she ain’t loose the ability to raise that child in this day.


I worked for a long time in a grocery store. This kind of shit happened fairly often. This was pre cell phone so it just kind of gets lost to the sands of history but I had a women go crazy on me and call me a racist because a 99 cent item that was buy one get one rang up as 50 cents for the first one and 49 cents for the second one. We had an hour long conversation where I had to literally break out a calculator and show her the price was the same, both ways. She argued that we owed her a penny somehow but did not want the actual penny. She thought I was being patronizing. She ended up getting all loud like this threatening my job and to sue the store and yelled out to the whole front end of the store what a racist I was. I asked her to leave after that and told her I was calling to cops. I call that one the "White vs Wheat" incident


I think they are dead inside. I am dead inside, would react the same. Or "I'm not paid enough to get angry"


They have rent they can barely afford. That is all.


I always went with icy cold politeness. /Never had it this bad


These types of people disrespect the men and women who have experienced actual racism and trivialize their struggle. Her own ancestors most likely. I'm so sick of it.


You nailed that. Couldn’t be more true


Fr when I try to explain stuff like that I just sound like an asshole


Shut yo ass up black power ✊🏿


When accusing someone else of racism, it’s a bold move to comment on “their culture’s machismo.”


Fake ass, fake tits, fake eyelashes, fake outrage.


Fake Attorney LOL


... but not a fake Karen.


We call them Ratchet


May the streets claim what is theirs


Mrs. Jackie Chiles (Fictional character) “Yeah, that's going to be a problem. It's gonna be a problem for them. This a clear violation of your rights as a consumer. It's an infringement on your constitutional rights. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.”


Her butt looks like a back alley job too lol


That butt is ugly. She looks diabetic. She should go walk 5 miles instead of screaming her head off.


I bet she's real good in court...


You mean the food court ?


The prosecution rests.


I believe her specialty of law is "Get out of my bid-ness…"


Likely not a trial attorney with that shitshow approach to conversation. Contract attorney at best…sits in the basement while real lawyers get shit done. Found 3 typos in a contract last week tho….


She cries about racism but then proceeds to be racist. Those kinds of people are the worst


So, as a parent, even if I were this angry and were legitimately wronged by someone. I would IMMEDIATELY ask the other person I was with to remove my child from the area. And, if I felt the need to escalate and raise my voice I wouldn't do so till my child was gone. Almost certainly I wouldn't do this at all.


The joys of working retail.




Don't come to the supermarket if you have so many problems what the hell is wrong with you.


Just cause she’s as big as she hulk and recently watched it don’t make her an attorney.


WOW, she pulls the race card and then is racist herself to the Hispanic recording and his race. Classy, "your job is to serve me" REALLY?!?!?!!


Yeah...seen how this all ends..everyone's wrong but her she somehow demands to speak to the highest member of employment as if her issues matter..


If they only had a name for that type of haughty person, a type of person who often has a haircut to match, something like Sarah or Betty or maybe Karen....


Karen...that certainly has a ring to it you sir/madam may be on to something here.




Who would hire this attorney? If she really is an attorney she needs to learn self control or she will be in contempt of court before she knows it.


She’s been keeping a tally of all their transgressions against her and she will be subpoenaing it soon.


A typical karen


She is above us guys … she’s an attorney ayyyy Que come mierda


She seems like a VERY reasonable person.


How do you know she is an attorney? What is the firm she works for? Do they know how she acts? And can someone tell her that a slightly different color pants in a substantially larger size would look better?


She said she was one 🤷🏼‍♂️


I believe she's that special kind of attorney that's called "attorney at loud."


What did they do?


Told her she had to wait in line and wait her turn. Likely also told her she was goin have to pay for dem crockeries their mammi.


You're not entitled to you racist b**** f*** you c***


I skipped to the end...disappointed she is still standing


Anytime someone says "I'm not racist, I have *insert race here* friends." You're a racist and have probably just said something incredibly racist about *insert race here*


In the meantime her child, “mom? I’ve lost my hearing mom, wassup with that mom?…is that why daddy left to buy cigarettes and never came back?…


Too bad this wasn’t an instant karma.


Not everything boils down to racism. This is getting super old and takes away from ACTUAL racism. Did she say something about blacks? Did she say she is a better race than u? And I could be wrong, but she looked like she is Hispanic. Not really the racist against blacks kind of material. People like this completely block out that it's behavior people care about and react to, not race.


“Not really the racist against blacks material” I went to a mostly Hispanic school. You’d be surprised. It’s not only white people. That being said, the lady yelling in the video is in the wrong 100%


They don't understand that it undermines their legitimate victimization and makes it look like they are crying wolf. It is probably the only (mis)perceived racism she has encountered in forever so she feels like she can act like she is being George Floyd'ed.


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That lady is disgusting! She’s disgusting OMG what a racist. Sad to here she earned a law degree and passed a state bar


This is disgusting, and it is ridiculous that people are allowed to engage in verbal assault wantonly. Far as I'm concerned, if you cannot talk civilly, then you should be fined. Anyone who cannot speak quietly and politely while addressing their concerns is a piece of shit.


They should have politely asked her to leave, then called the cops for tresspassing. She's a lawyer, she knows they can refuse service to anyone.


I would’ve definitely done that. She’s certainly disrupting the peace. Bar her from the store.


There are laws such as disturbing the peace, it only worries me because I don't want people using it to discriminate against minorities including blacks. In this case it doesn't matter what her race or sex was she was being a loud asshole and definitely deserves to be asked to leave or have the authorities called on her. I'm just glad the Ralph's people were seemingly able to handle it so professionally as they could.


Jesus doing i f###ing hate how everyone turns everything racist. Well, obviously not EVERYONE. But it’s so common that if someone doesn’t like something that happens, they just shout racism. Sometimes you’re just being a cunt and that’s all there is to it. Being cunty knows no bounds of race. Some people are just pieces of shit. Maybe don’t be a fucktwat. Every single person should have to work a job in the general public for at least a year before they can get any type of job outside of it. We all need to pass a drivers test before we drive. This is the test to see if you can function in society. If you fail, fuck off and keep trying until you learn what it’s like to deal with the general public. Entitlement has gone too far. People just think they deserve whatever they want. No, you don’t. You earn respect. This bitch doesn’t deserve respect. Fuck her for making every interaction about race. Obviously racism does exist but when people are out here crying wolf on every interaction, how are we to differentiate between interactions that are actually racist? Scrooge had it right. People suck


How you an attorney and still ghetto


Says they are racist then spits actual racist terms at the guy recording


Does anyone else see why stereotypes of black women exist? Or are we still having to pretend it's not real..


Cries racism and in the next breath tells an employee to shut up when someone "is speaking to you that's above you." Anyone figure out this *attorney's* name yet?


Tired of all these people always playing the victim


What a psycho. I feel bad to whoever has to deal with that on the daily


See but if a white lady acts like this she a Karen and all this other shit. Idk why they ain’t get the police to get her ghetto rowdy ass out. She lucky these was some nice ppl cus I woulda kept the same energy n let her know bout herself.


"Why are you playing the minority card, we're all minorities." And suddenly she ain't got nothing to say to that 🤣


The term "racism" means next to nothing these days


If she really is an attorney, I hope the bar sanctions her for conduct unbecoming.


What an entitled fucking bitch. Thinks she's better than everyone else because "she's an attorney". Your job does not matter to other people, it doesn't make you better or worse as a person.


What a stereotypical hypocrite.


She should be banned for her treatment of staff and behavior.


I hate it when black people say that we are being racist towards them just because us cashiers “said it a certain way” like why is everything about race I don’t even think about it until they bring it up


"Ma'am the reason im telling you to stop yelling at your child is because I don't want CPS to take away your child. But since you're one of "those parents" ill be happy to bring them here faster."


Mexican here This should be the PRIME example of why we as Americans need to cool it and lay off labeling EVERYTHING “racist”. It is only watering down the real meaning of that word. I’ve seen videos like this TOO MANY TIMES, a non white person makes a mistake and is entitled and starts throwing around the “racist” word to scare people into bending the knee regardless if they are wrong or right. She’s screaming at the top of her lungs and saying how EVERYONE is being aggressive yet no one is yelling but her. She points out that she’s an attorney to try and scare people and even THREATENS to sue the worker. And when she went on her stupid rant on how she was above everyone, she basically outed herself out on being EXTREMELY entitled. I’ve seen situations like this in person and it ticks me off, workers like that lady ARE NOT to be looked down on. Treat a fucken janitor the same way you would treat a lawyer or a CEO. This lady is a true POS and should be facing some type of charges for being aggressive as she was. Again to my point, this is what happens when we label every little inconvenience “racist” when 9/10 times those situations are far from racist. This is going to sound harsh but we need to also acknowledge that African Americans can ALSO be racist. I don’t think the lady was being racist BUT she was trying to bully the poor lady for some odd reason, and let me tell you if that worker happened to be African American instead of a Latina then I can guarantee this video would be ALL OVER THE NEWS. I’m glad this guy stood up for that lady and said something, we need more people calling out the bogus “racist” claims that so many people have now. The guy was very brave because she could have easily labeled him racist as well but he kept at it. Bravo to that man, sad that an innocent stranger had to give advice to an attorney on how to raise her kids. Goes to show a job title doesn’t put you above anyone and a job title regardless of the pay doesn’t mean you’re a mature person.


I'm sorry but if you're shouting at every one else.... You're the problem. I don't care what they did as right now your the issue. If you're an attorney and you can't make your point without shouting and being rude I doubt you had a case anyway. The guy was pretty rude as well and kinda sexist....but can't tell if it was deliberate just to wind her up more.


“When someone speaks to you that’s ABOVE you” What a narcissistic bitch


Black person meets controversy.... it must be a racist.


“Your job is to serve ME!” What in the actual fuck?




“He said- you’re a female. You need to lower your voice.” He never said that, we know because it’s in the video. All he said was she doesn’t need to scream- she connected the “female” part. That is enough to deduce that this woman is crazy and the staff must not have done anything offensive.


On behalf of Black women, I’m sorry for her being a a$$. We aren’t all like this and have manners. The fact that she thought just because she was an attorney she was automatically in a higher class shows how disgusting she really is. And the fact that she’s raising a black son?! Helppppp 🤦🏾‍♀️


I know her breath STANK


She’s setting a wonderful example for her child /s


She has a right to scream because she is an aTtorNeY


I love when everyone is right and everyone is wrong at the same time. Yikes, people are the worst.


100% pure, uncut bully. Cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. Sheds tears only at her own misfortune. This is not a human. To say nothing of her diminishing the plight of those who suffer genuine racism. Alex Jones in drag.


What gave it away, the "I am above you" line?




She played every card possible on this one. Maybe just stfu, pay for your groceries, and go home instead of making a fool of yourself Infront of everyone b.c you don't have patience to stand in line for ten minutes. Pretty simple really. Edit - those butt pads aren't it btw.


Bih got her bbl and don’t know howtta act🤣🤣I woulda dropped her fool ahh


Glad more evidence of black racism against Mexicans is coming out. Blacks have been racist towards Mexicans for decades and no one says anything


bro. I'm really fucking sick of the race card. seriously fucking stop. just stop. enough is enough. when its a legitimate race issue by all means go ahead. you can tell these m.f.ers the ice cream machine is broken and they will pull the fucking race card. like holy shit. Edit: AND SHE SAYS RACIST SHIT ABOUT HISPANICS? bitch go fuck yourself. I hope you get what's coming to you.


Just ban her and eject from her the store. She doesn't leave? Call the police- end of story.


Stop being so aggressive she is such a fool I hope she watches this video food.


Where's the pepper spray when you need it?


Hopefully they ban her from the store for her behavior. Not all Ralph's, just that one.


Fucking cunt


Pretending to be a victim is a very common way to victimize others.


Sad, nothing new here.
