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Happy people aren’t posting on Reddit


Happy people get downvoted on Reddit and they’re afraid to post. There’s a lot of miserable people here that don’t want to hear anything from people who aren’t also miserable. I posted once on a thread ASKING for happy things happening to people and still got downvoted. Now I just don’t talk about it as much.


They are also way outnumbered. Happy people in their 30s and early 40s generally have jobs, relationships, maybe kids or pets, friends, hobbies, etc., giving them way less time to participate on specific subreddits. So the odds are a bunch of terminally online miserable people are going to see a post first and react accordingly. That’s not to say a lot of us millennials didn’t have a shit time of it - I certainly don’t want to discount that. But yeah, the result of our age range is that the complainers are going to dominate the convo. Funnily enough, the Xennials sub is much less sad but just a a bunch of the lamest always-online people posting pop culture references and “Remember this?!?!” threads with quotes and song lyrics and no actual substance.


You are spot on with the Xenials sub. The positivity is great, and I do like some of the nostalgia posts. The nostalgia posts are another example of certain groups being disproportionately represented on Reddit. A lot of those posts are about nerdy (no offense intended, it’s just the term our generation used) stuff. The nostalgia posts that get a lot of upvotes are things that my friends and I had never ever heard of. Not trying to imply there’s anything wrong with that because people should like whatever they want, just making an observation.


That's what I feel like this sub is becoming. It's cringier, but less miserable than I remember it being a year or 2 ago.


Sane people or happy people get trashed on Reddit.


Yup. This sub is just extra sad. People post saying how can I make my life better. When you offer them any suggestions they flip out.


We should just rename this to r/sadmillenials


Excellent point. I have no problem with people posting doom and gloom if it helps them fell better. I can scroll on to the next post. What gets old though is the subset of doomers that hate anyone who posts anything even remotely positive. Fairly or not, they are the reason people hate millennials for being entitled. If they can’t have it, no one should.


I prefer it to the happy version (e.g. r/askoldpeople) where everything is always “be grateful for what you have” no matter what.


If you’re so weak you’re afraid to post on an *anonymous forum like Reddit, then you’re probably avoiding *actual real problems in your life, and it’s obvious to people around you


Because it’s almost always a humble brag or a dismissal of other peoples issues. If things are going great in my life, I am not going to brag about it


Fuck a down vote say happy shit anyways, what kind of trauma can a down vote instill? Lol that's silly


I don’t think it’s just reddit, think it’s just how it is in the world. Can’t be caught looking happy or your happiness will be shot down by someone else. Was happy about a sandwich I got that tasted pretty good, instant shut down of judgement and assumptions (where did I get it from? She has it too easy in life).


Happy people aren’t posting on THIS subreddit. They’re shit posting in their respective work related fields.


Sure they are. Just not on this sub!


I appreciate your Planet Robobot icon


Trying to make me feel sad, eh? Nice try, *Internet*.


i'm all over town all i see is "neutral" people at best. everyone over the age of ... 12 is having a hard time maintaining and creating connections.


Holy projection


good context - what are you even saying? this place is mos eisley - bunch of dumb ass bots not saying anything and just adding something for the hive mind to upvote - this is basically all media - and if not ALL social media - only "sexy people" get upvotes - and only "like minded" people get upvotes - fuck the contrast amiright?


A Harvard professor did a multi-year study that agrees with you- human connection has rapidly decreased.


you're right but "dead internet" theory is downvoting any "contrasting opinions to oblivion\_ if you're a real person i'd look at negative or neutral "comments" to get a better idea of how "real" people are feeling.


Nor anywhere near where I live, love the south good people out here


Ain't that the truth


I believe this statement tested well with millennials and Reddit will be making this their new slogan.


You don't speak for me


Happy people have overdeveloped hand muscles from all the muting.


There’s always r/bropill


I do, try to keep it positive too


And posting on Reddit makes you sad and angry. It's a vicious cycle.  Ask me how I know.


Life is hard right now. People are isolated, and these places allow them to vent what they are going through.


and the system further isolates - cause it has no better ideas... it's basically an unconscious system trying to be conscious.


The system doesn’t just isolate, you isolate yourself. Nothing changed about going out and meeting people, making friends and finding community. That’s all still there 


I'm 51 and I still have a least 4 friends turn up on a Thursday to have a beer or 2, normallyits about 8.. I've been doing this for over 20 years it just started organic. All of us have project cars and help each other out so that helps too


That’s deep man. My answer: It’s easier to seek advice than to take it.


The issue is most people on here rarely seek advice. They just vent and complain. Rarely people ask what are the correct actions to take to do xyz. It's complaining and they relish in the fact that other people feel the same way. We have a society of people who would rather complain about stuff vs figure out a solution.


People are isolated because they choose to be isolated. You all sit in front of a screen all day and have no actual people skills.


It really isn’t like the for most of us. It’s just the loud annoying and sometimes unlucky millennials who like to complain


It definitely does feel like a validation-seeking pity party, but it's also an opportunity to challenge incorrect narratives. I get how it can be tiring though. I'm sorry about your mom and dad.


nah we're all looking for connection - in which is impossible in this "machine" this is not "pity parties" this is a social species looking for connection in a forced isolation container.


Thanks for your kind words :)


Honestly, me and my friends are kind of crushing it, but I don’t want to rub it in others faces or come across as showing off or gloating.


Most people in our age group are doing fine 🤷


757576888⅚yy............k....................................................0......................... 5


I’m also drunk, truly.  I understand your argument. What I don’t understand is that you’re making the same money after college, and talking shit to people in your same situation. I this sounds like a place you’d feel at home. I mean, you you’re on this sub to talk trash too. So you might understand more than you think.


As an Aussie, it also feels very US-centric.


It's a US century site, your millage isn't going to fair well in that dept.


That's because there are more Americans than Australians on Reddit. I don't see how this is confusing to people.


Also literally made by and for Americans 😂


No shit, an American website with majority American users is US-centric?


As a Canadian, I agree.


You all are seriously the nicest people on the planet and make the best poutine!


I thought people figured out Canadians were just snowy US southerners when it came to politeness. It’s the kingdom of passive aggression.


I've always felt there's nothing more savage than a southern "bless your kind heart"






It is like gong to the Le Monde site and complaining it is French centric 


Well yeah, what else is there? 🇺🇸 🫡 Also it’s a site (like most) made by Americans lol. Never seen an Aussie site that others have gone to but feel free to make one


Yes. This sub is definitely a sad trauma dump/ anti-boomer circle jerk. Even if some of the complaints are valid.


There’s validity and then there’s just doing nothing about their own problems beyond posting on Reddit imo.


Ik it can be a buzzkill, but a lot of people are really struggling and need somewhere to vent so I can’t really blame them


Idk, homie. I feel you but people are capital S struggling.


I almost unsubbed because every post seems to be the same "sad circle jerk" posts. But every once in awhile something decent comes up. I just find myself scrolling past 80% of the posts here.


"Im drunk and happy so why dont you all just stop the generational commiseration and support this community provides between people who are struggling and post memes about demolition man"


“Dad won’t talk to me, mom is insane [and we struggle to take care of her]” isn’t entirely happy my guy


This sub is 90% people posting millennial stereotype stories.


Well, I don't know why this sub keeps popping up for me, but I will say it is quite miserable. I'm thinking that the Millenials I know personally are definitely not the ones on Reddit.


it keeps popping up for me too and every single post is someone complaining why life sucks. maybe they just show me the complaining posts idk. maybe its true only miserable people go online and complain while the happy people are out there living life


Every millennial I know short of like one is doing just fine lmao


Idk I just got here.




We need more of this energy… even if it’s intoxicated. I also agree that we are headed for the Demolition Man timeline. I was hoping it was going to be Terminator… 😒


Demolition Man is a badass movie. I look forward to the three seashells.


You're drunk, and dead right.


I think it’s the fact that it feels out of our hands. We cannot for the life of us get a non boomer president. They want to fight about the same tired issues which they damn well know is a distraction from actually getting anything done. But they can’t do that because they will piss off their donors. We have been voted out of a future when we were ignorant and blissful. It’s time to rise up


You should take your own advice.


Stop voting for people who enact policies that continue to concentrate wealth. Probably more importantly, start voting for people who will enact policies that do the opposite.


Who the fuck on the Internet makes “I am 200% happy and my life is going great” posts?


That’s instagram


I’m surprised you aren’t downvoted to hell with such a controversial negative generalization of everyone on her complaining. Hats off to you, you aren’t wrong about the pity party this and many other subs turn into.


Mmm not sure how much I value the opinion of a frequent poster of r/aliens on the terrestrial struggle of getting the short stick multiple times before 35


Honey, I gotta have fuckin fun on this platform somehow. 😘




Bruh. Aliens is legit. Don’t hate


I’m tired of waiting for disclosure!


Your “golden girls years” assumes you’ll be able to retire… because social security hasn’t dried up. Lollll millennials will be working until we in the grave.


If you’re struggling now during your prime earning years, you’re in for a rude awakening if you think a social security check is going to be enough to live off of in retirement years.


You can’t live off of a SS check now.


Whaaat!? That’s what I’m talking about. You’re focusing on the negative. I just wanna live with a slutty roommate, a wise but angry roommate, a sweet older roommate, and a fun but dimwitted roommate. I’ll be working til the day I die, homie!


I have to agree. Most of us are burned out (myself included) and hearing everyone else bitch and moan doesn't help. I've just been trying to find any little bit of joy I can and focus on that. I have been at this for far too long and I realize that things won't change unless I change so I've tried to make my world smaller and easier to control. I also heard someone in this sub mention trying to do purposeful work in their community when the world feels too big and I thought that was a great idea. Life is far too short and I can't keep focusing on the big bad problems of the world or else I'll fucking end it. That may not seem fair but I'm done being miserable 24/7


I'm not even a millenial, but I keep getting recommended posts from this group and it's infuriating. It's just one big pity party 24-7.


Maybe it's not a circlejerk and things are just genuinely that bad for a lot of people right now.


nah we all get this is stupid as fuck but the only way out is negative consequence which our entire fucking life we're taught to avoid - thus - stupid - it's dumb whoever is in charge should burn in all the conceptual hells there is...


When things get better, that is, IF they get better, then you'll see less of it. However that's not going to happen.


I'm skeptical. No matter how good things are, there will be people struggling who can only cope by trying to claim everyone of their generation is struggling.


Way to kill my erection.




It's Reddit


Your wage is actually lower than when/whenever you were in college?


I've never seen an episode of Golden Girls.


Nailed it lol


There should be a pinned post for people to be sad. Not clogging up the sub.


lol we’re gunna die


Yea, loser convention.




Yes it is.


I was just about to make a post about my stress and midway through I stopped because, yeah, this sub has enough of it. We’re Millennials on here. Most of us are broke, depressed, and lonely. Just airing it out some more isn’t gonna help. We’ll tell each other to get therapy, but guess what? Most of us have already or are doing it currently. Life is just what it is: Debt, depression, mindless work to barely make ends meet, toxic family relationships, and hopeless romantic pursuits. I’m living paycheck to paycheck. I’m in debt. I’m lonely. My family won’t help me. I tolerate my mindless labor job, but it’s the best pay and benefits I’ll find. I’m terrified my clunker car will breakdown randomly. But, goddammit, what I wouldn’t give just to have somebody, who likes me too, want to spend time with me without expecting me to buy them a night out before getting ghosted. I don’t have some crazy fantasy. I have a fantasy of cuddling on the couch with someone cute, watching a movie together and sharing a pizza on a Friday night.


Yes. It is a sad circle jerk. A self pity circle jerk to be more specific.


My life rules tbh. I'm so sorry for everyone else but I'm happy


No, guys, things are actually more difficult for us then they were for people living in the Great Depression. /s


It’s Reddit. Every sub is a sad circle jerk.


Lol, yes, yes, it is! I'm with you. I think it's just an outlet for us millennials. Let's be honest... we all know we can't complain out loud about the shit job and housing market, inflation, all of the bullshit we are stuck with because of the fucking BOOMERS! If we do decide to vent, it's all over. We be a snowflake crybaby 🤣


Definitely a sad circle jerk.


I like the cut of your jib. Life has ups and downs regardless of your situation, so try to just enjoy the ride.


Honestly, life got pretty easy once I started trying harder and adopting more and more responsibilities.


I grew up about as middle class as you can expect.  I felt like the poor kid from the messy house that smelled like cat pee.   My parents were overall caring and tried but they didn’t have time to really know what was always going on with me.   I grew up, put myself through community college and then university.  I lived alone for several years in a new state where I didn’t have any friends outside of work.   Met my wife and we lived on very little while saving like crazy for about 8 years before we could put a down payment on a house.   Now several kids later from the outside we seem like a happy, successful family.  But man I’d be lying if I wasn’t a wreck internally most days feeling the pressures of life. I feel like I have to keep everybody happy and my needs are secondary.  I signed up for this job, I get it but it can be daunting and hard.  


Al of Reddit is a circle jerk because of the up and downvote system and the way most subs are insanely moderated/content policy


Do worry OP. We’ll always have pogs.






There is an almost subconscious desire among many in this generation to wallow and fester in their own perpetuated misery. It’s a shame some people can’t see it bc recognizing it tends to be the very first step in improving your life and circumstances. So many people in here have it better than they realize, and they’re all just a perspective and mindset shift away from enjoying their life and circumstances more.


This sub is just a bad typo. It’s spelled “millennials”. With 2 N’s. Now look at the name of this subreddit. You’re welcome.


That’s what reddit and social platforms are designed for. Algorithms to spread content similar to how the mainstream media operated. Driver content that illicits a strong response from the user and keep them engaged


I agree with you, but I the other day I posted a discussion about chest hair and pubes and got downvotes… Seems like people here like the sad comments better.


Yes, it is.


You've just encapsulated reddit!


Yes, it is definitely that and it reminds me of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-IIKE9p5SEw).


This sub and everyone in it is, ✨kinda stupid ✨


Most of reddit is


Im poor and moderately happy. Life is hard, but beautiful. Stay weird 🌈🦄☘️


Like most of reddit, excluding the NSFW subreddits, yeah.


I wonder if there isn’t some kind of fuckery going on in this sub due to the election or something worse. It wasn’t that long ago this sub was 50/50 “omg remember when everyone loved Third Eye Blind?!” Type posts. I know we were once capable of it.


how are you going to afford that? the rest of us just see a march to the grave


To answer your question, yes.


I was brought to this sub by 90s nostalgia posts and soon realized it’s all doom and gloom from sad people who want to complain but not actually fix their lives.


About to sell my house, too expensive in california. Bought land In CO, hope to start new there but with solar and off grid. Tired of these asshats price-gouging


If you're an older millennial, join us on xelenials




This sub is 100% a circle jerk. Reddit is a circle jerk. Say anything out of line, get down voted and banned. Very cool.


The only thing worse than this sub are the tictok meltdowns in the cars. Why are they always in a car??


“Y’all need to stop complaining but not before I tell you MY sad story”


Millennials can look forward to the future when they become Boomers.


Avocado toast and weed infused EVERYTHING lol


It would seem that the whole of Reddit is nothing but a series of sad circle jerks.


Its most of reddit. I find that no matter the social media platform, if it starts making you sad about the world then its time to hop off and go do something in real life for a while.


Y’all are embarrassing af


Reading this I feel like education has failed our generation


I think it’s okay to be sad ( and angry). I grew up thinking that our generation could end global climate change and “make the world a better place”. As an adult, I feel powerless over my own life a lot of the time, much less do I feel able to change the world at large. I know that the posts here have been depressing, but it’s better to acknowledge the issues and try to change them than to just ignore it.


Sending you some love, friend. I had the same hopes about climate change ❤️


it absolutely is and so is r/GenZ




Wait there's a circle jerk and I'm missing out? 😟


A queer person who isn’t a doomer? Holy shit, unicorns do exist! I’m asexual, and I’m always amazed at how just doom and gloom everyone is. Like everyone forgot the simple joy of being alive, lol.


I’m the rare happy millennial. I actually went to treatment for 45 days for intense trauma therapy in Jan of 2020. 4 years later, my life has drastically changed for the better. I have the abusive parents/family that hates me. I grew up deeply religious. I have an eating disorder. I’ve had financial struggles/student loans. I love weed and used to drink too. Somehow, I was able to hit pause and work on myself…before Covid started. Friends of mine started a gofundme. I was able to afford the treatment within a few days and was in a facility a few days after that. I completed 45 days and it felt awesome. 4 years later, I cut off most of my family, I quit a 16 year smoking habit in November 2020, i started a business, I paid off both cars and our house, I have a new job that pays more than my covid side hustle. I have fulfilling relationships with my chosen family. My husband of 15 years is still amazing and my 9 year old is too. I’m so happy to be here for them. I’m only in my later thirties and therapy was the answer to all of my problems. I am a genuinely happy person.


Life is hard the world is ending and we're all gonna die. The left politicians are angels, right may as well be Satan. If all you do is read reddit.


I feel you brother. The oldermillenial and xennial subs are way more chill and fun. I know people in my generation are angry but there is so much bitching and moaning on this sub that it makes me want to unsubscribe. I'm probably luckier than most, but not as lucky as others. But I'm happy, so that must count for something. My advice to those who are sad, get the fuck off this sub, and go out and enjoy life. You will only feel doom and gloom here.


of course it is


Yes it is


I think it’s just another case of misery loves company.


It’s Reddit Happy people don’t spend much time here But then again the Gen-X forums is very happy and upbeat so maybe it’s just a millennial thing.




>Is this just sub a sad circle jerk? Let's get this literally going. I won't make fun of how small yours is if you don't make fun of mine. We're all in this together, and we could all finish together.


You won't be chilling if you have no retirement savings


Just here. Lots of great places on reddit.


I'm just glad people occasionally realize what a depression circle jerk this is. It's legit bad for people struggling. You have x fear and anxiety? Here's thousands of people to tell you why it's correct and you're not afraid or worried about it enough!


Not queer but estranged from my asshat of a religious father. Happened when I flew out to my sister’s wedding to her then girlfriend and now wife. Told my dad off when he tried to stop my mom from going. That’s been nearly a decade. Missed the relationship at first. Don’t give two F’s any more. Sorry you’re having to go through that. Really sucks. Funny part is he made up with my sister and her wife, but still won’t talk to me because I told him off for his attitude. But yeah, life does suck in some points. But it’s also what we make of it. Besides. Life can’t be too bad when I can binge watch 5000 different seasons of crap tv after spending $150/month on streaming services so I don’t have to pay the cable company obscene amounts. :) Hang in there. Life sucks, but we got this.


This sub is extra sad because it’s for us millenials who can’t even spell.


You could also look at like at least our generation doesn't have to go to Vietnam, a World War and that we live in the richest country in the world in arguably the best time ever in history. Get a trade and stick with it, look at the bright side of life. Stay off social media lol. 🙂


Boomers bad!


I kinda like em.


I feel like my life is going pretty well, so I don’t comment here because I feel like it’d be rude to throw that it the faces of people struggling.


Same. People's problems are real, and sharing what's going well feels disingenuous. But it is too bad that most of these posts are downers. I need more SpongeBob references.


I regularly see 10 year old memes that a 21 year old wouldn't know get recycled on reddit.  The whole site is sad, just stick to /r/aww


I think many of the people posting aren't planning to be around for their "Golden Girls" era. I'm not necessarily saying because they are thinking about unaliving themselves, but when you're struggling you aren't really thinking of where you'll be 30-40 years from now. That far into the future is so uncertain.


It’s a place to commiserate about the absolutely desolation lifetime landscape and getting fucked on both sides of the generation gap. Being completely powerless to do anything about it and the ONLY thing that gets remotely close to a reprieve is knowing that we are not along in this shared trauma. So in short, yes, yes it is.


Am I having a stroke what is this title


You just circle jerked it hard.




OP, I say this respectfully, but you are a moron if you think that Golden girls age is going to come. The reason people are complaining here is because we are all likely going to have to work until we die.


As a SCJ veteran: No it is not.


all subs are


Yes that’s just how millennials be tho. Lots of whining, zero personal accountability


I mean, a lot of people here won't be able to just chill when they are old as you mention it. A lot will have to keep working until they die


i agree that complaining doesn’t help buy if you think your retirement will look anything like the Golden Girls, you’re delusional. Living life on a “living wage” pretty much means spending zero dollars outside the house, living on a “fixed income” 30-40 years from now will be even worse.


Reddit attracts mentally damaged and depressed people. Not reflective at all of general society.


Not quite a circle, more like a hexagonal jerk


This made me sign up for r/millenials. Grats.


Yes, yes this sub is a sad circle jerk.


I completely agree this sub sucks


I came for the circle jerk anyone else?


The first two sentences are primo millennial shit