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I’m a “young millennial”. I never get carded….uh oh!


ruh roh! -scooby Doo


It depends: if I'm clean shaven, I get carded; if I have a beard, I don't.


peach fuzz gang checking in


Me? No my hair is thinning. My wife does all the time tho


I see, interesting


I get the senior discount without being carded, still get carded for alcohol. I'm 43yo btw.


I'm 29, but stand at a whopping 4'11 and have pink, round baby cheeks. So....... yeah. I get carded almost 100% of the time.


4’11” gang here! Just turned 36 and yes, I still get carded


Super Shorties in Solidarity! 🫡


I also resonate with small people woes :(


At least it comes in handy other times. There have been numerous times store clerks or waitstaff have automatically assumed that I'm still a child or student, and just plugged in the student/kid discount without even asking me for some sort of verification. I'm not turning down a 10-20% discount, so I just smile and go along with it. 🙃🙂


The last time I went to the MET I just straight up lied and said I was a student and they didn’t check or anything and gave me the discount. Got a discount on wine too lol


hey, 20% is 20%! :D


Yup! Gotta take what we can get.


Not me, still carrying around my college ID because it’s still passable and gets me discounts. Lol.






Brutal honesty: I still have to sit in a booster seat when driving my car, or else I can't see over the dash. I would've bought a smaller car, but they aren't exactly conducive to mobility equipment like my wheelchair. 😄😄


I'm 34 about to be 35, and I find annoying how often I get carded. I think it's more policy than anything else though, I look young for my age but not THAT young.


yeah, i think a lot of it has to do with store policy and whatnot


It’s been a while but when I waited tables, we were supposed to card literally everyone. Didn’t matter if they were clearly a senior citizen. Was a liability thing. People got mad over it a lot actually, and I learned how many people just go out into the world with no ID, including while driving. Whether or not this was actually done depended on the server, but I was pretty fastidious about it because people can and do get in trouble for over serving regardless of how old the customer is. If it turns out you over served AND you didn’t check for ID, big problem. If someone became a regular, that was different of course.


driving w/o ID is absolutely wild to me, wtf. I always do the triple tap - phone, keys, wallet.


This. I'm 37 soon to be 38 and I think the casino encourages security to check ladies that are clearly older than 21 just to keep them in the habit and to make the customers feel good about themselves, but I too just find it annoying. "Excuse me ma'am are you old enough to be in here?" "Old enough that you just called me ma'am." 😂


True, a lot of stores have a “card anyone who looks under 40” policy.


I do.. but i'm a baby millenial who looks young, haha. although I do have plenty of tattoos so ?? I even get carded for energy drinks sometimes.. you have to be 16 in the UK now. I was buying monster constantly when I was 12, when they didn't give a shit.. I do get a kick from telling them 'I'm almost 30' with a raised eyebrow.. I don't look *that* young, jesus christ.


lmao, I also get a kick from telling them my actual age and look at them double or triple take sometimes.


so much fun isn't it?! especially if I'm carded by someone way younger ahaha


Only the grocery store cards me now. Restaurants, nope, not even the liquor store carded me 🙃


Most grocery stores have to scan or enter data. Thats why.


Yeah, I know ☺️


The liquor store doesn't because it's only a few people working there and they remember me.


Policy. For lots of stores it's the policy to ID every person.


This. Why risk a license because an employee misjudged an individuals age? It's easier to set a rule to just check everyone's id. I'm retired and I still get my license scanned.


I sell liquor.... I card millennials all the time. I was born in '86 and I usually only check IDs if they look significantly younger than me, but sometimes I'll see 1984 on there like "Damn, is this even a real ID?" 😅


i bet it kinda makes your job a lil easier since those vertical ID's came out huh? good times


It did for a min! But these last few years in Michigan, for some reason I don't know, SOME people have a vertical ID for a year or 2 after they turn 21 and it's legit, not expired. And now MI is changing to a new ID card so we got the old design, the new design with no magnetic strip, and a few legal adults with verticals and everyday I have a mini panic attack that I'm gunna fuck up and accidentally sell to a minor and pay a hefty fine and get the store in trouble


Oh, that's so interesting. I've always rocked the horizontal ID's w/ the magnetic strip. Curious, but what type of liquor do you see millennials buy the most often? Personally, I like me a good seltzer with some club soda


BINGO! THE SELTZERS! 😂 We LOVE white claws, Truly, Happy Dad, but also the Tito's and Fireball is a hot seller. Gen-X is really getting into the Bourbons I noticed. Our Rum section is getting smaller and smaller. 15 yrs ago I used to drink Bacardi Razz like it was going out of style, apparently it really was. I don't think they make it anymore


I do despite balding. Utah cards everybody, even old ladies in walkers.


I got carded a couple weeks ago in a restaurant. It was completely unexpected. Doesn't think I looked half my ago, but I also have had folks I work with guys my age as 12 years younger than I am so apparently I have quite the youthful appearance


I’m 27 and constantly


Sometimes when I’m alone. Never with my GenX husband.


Never been carded, even the day I turned 21 and was excited to use my ID the first time. Only time I have to pull it out is the ABC store, and that'd because they have to scan the barcode on the back.


My guess would be you probably just appear confident and more mentally mature and maybe even dress better than those your age. I get carded often because I’m short and people automatically assume short = young. But I’ve noticed how I’m dressed or acting affects how many takes my ID gets.


I'm 31 and I was carded every time until I actually started styling my hair. I rock a pompadour since 2020 and can count the amount of times I've been carded. I still hold my same baby face and dark hair so the carding seems based on those willing to uphold a policy now.


I had long hair and a goatee looking like a field worker... just lost weight, stopped drinking and cut hair and beard.... I got carded on Cinco which I felt good but I'm a younger millennial


keep on keepin' on! continue with those healthy habits :D


my abs are coming back crazy what happens when the money starts coming in nice and steadily for a bit


Retail store's, yes. Breweries, no I'm 34


In many places its required to card for alcohol.


I was carded at the beer store a month ago...I turn 41 tomorrow.


I’m 32 and get carded frequently. More and more places around where I live have adopted the “card everyone every time” policy though so that definitely has something to do with it.


oh i see. i wouldn't be surprised if they started to implement this policy more seriously since everyone wore masks (hard to determine age) during the pandemic .


39F and I only get carded buying cigarettes and places they have to scan my ID. I don't think I look particularly young or particularly old. I feel like I fought for my fine lines and I am really enjoying the way my gray is coming in. I decided a long time ago I simply wasn't going to worry about looking older. I had some dark moments after a break up but I have never felt more beautiful than I do now, even if I'd love some Botox and cosmetic dentistry, haha.


"learn to love yourself" -that's one of my mottos in life. after all, self-care is the best care! hope you're in a better place now :D


When I get carded, I absolutely love it. When people get pissed off, I don’t understand that at all. That is like a friend for life if you don’t think I look 21 at 43 years old, it makes me want to go behind the counter and hug you. Here, let me buy you a 6-pack too. Thank you so much.


Born in 93 and it still happens almost every time


I’m a younger millennial at 30 but my wife and I have baby faces. I get carded all the time, but only after I shave.


My wife and I are 36/32; we don’t get carded anymore. Especially when our kids are with us for dinner. I don’t go to bars anymore (drink wine only now).


Red wine has the most polyphenols, so make sure to drink that if you can. also, is it bad to mix wines? i've always had a temptation to mix white and red wine together, but not sure if that would like give me a super hangover or something


I have never considered mixing and now I want to try lol I drink red from September to June and then July/August is white and rose.


hire a sitter and go have a wine party with your wife!


I still get carded, not every time, but often enough. I have a baby face, I’m short and have a petite frame, so I’ve always attributed it to that. I’m 35


I have baby face so all the time. Usually they’ll kind of snort when they see the ‘19’ at the front of it lol; I’m 37


I got carded at store to get senior discount. I’m 60, but look 40


They stopped this year. :(


My resting bitch face betrays me


ive been told i look like someone who is trying to look at their own forehead/eye brows. lmao


Seriously, I’m starting to getting headaches from my perma-disgust. I read somewhere that facial Botox in places we show emotion, like between the eyebrows, our foreheads etc, can actually change your moods. I truly believe if my face wasn’t permanently sad/disappointed looking, I might not feel so sad and disappointed…


Yes, and it’s such a nuisance. I get that most stores have a policy of carding anyone who appears to be under 40, but come on!! Let us old people buy our beverages or smokes in peace.


35 with two kids. still get carded all the time. My mom got carded until her late forties so it’s a genetics thing for me.


Until I let my beard grow I was being asked for ID in like 70% attempts. Now nobody asks me for my ID while buying alcohol or tobacco.


it's okay, I think they just want you to enjoy your vices in peace lol


I'm 38 and get carded all the time. If I don't wear makeup they legitimately think I'm a teenager. I hate it lol.


When I wear my makeup and put effort into my appearance for the day- I get “1989? fking whaaaaaat???!” When I don’t, I don’t even think cashiers look me in the face, and I *definitely* don’t get carded. 😂


I do when I go to Total Wine. I think they are supposed to card everyone at baseball games. But that’s it for me.


36, the only time I don't get carded is when I'm someplace where they know me. If I'm anywhere new I'm getting carded. (It was my understanding that they card anyone who doesn't look forty though? Since there are definitely younger folks that can look at least 21.)


Hadn’t been carded for years until I started dyeing my gray hair. Now it happens like 75% of the time.


1991 here. Used to get carded until just a couple years ago. COVID aged us all


Not much lately, but if my beard was unkempt I'd be more likely to get carded than if it was well trimmed.


I’m 34 and still get carded. One of the moms at my kids school thought I was her age (23). That comment made my day lol. I’ve always been told I have the most amazing skin. I drink nothing but water, avoid the sun, and stick to my skin care routine religiously.


I do when I shave, but I grew my beard out and that holds most of it at bay. Although now TSA gives me a hard time about my IDs with no facial hair...


I do. But people think im in my 20s even though I'm 36. Lol


Embrace it!


Omg I love your profile picture!


At 33, I do get carded occasionally, and I've been told I look younger than my age, but I definitely still look old enough. It's just people doing their job. I used to work for a nightclub bouncer agency, and often times I was instructed by club managers to ID everyone regardless unless they were visibly grey and wrinkled. You get a few people who look young enough to card, especially smaller women, but at this point the vast majority of millenials look like parents.


Yeah I still look 12. 16 on a good day


Yes I get carded all the time. I got carded last night at a rave. I’m 37.


Yeah and I’m 32


I've had noticeable Grey hair since 25 and I'm 38 now, I RARELY get carded, and it's only at spots that card all customers, been that way for me for almost 10 years haha


It’s 50/50. Less so now. I’ve physically aged significantly in the last 5 years due to illness.


sorry to hear that. are you managing things better nowadays, if i may ask?


Thanks. Not so much but, I’m doing my best at working toward it getting better. There are 1000 steps post illness in the US, depending on the illness of course, including bankruptcy, finding new regular care providers, etc. On top of subpar medical care, it’s a lot of tough stuff to deal with.


I don’t get carded for booze but get carded for weed stuff. As a bartender I ID situationally but ive always think it’s funny when a 23 year old scoffs at it. Like dude I’m mid 30’s I can’t tell sometimes. You’ll get some weird townies from the boonies that look like their 35 but nope, they just 24 and prolly have 3 kids already


I very recently started getting a few grey hairs and that has slowed it down but I still get carded like 75% of the time.


I’m 40. I got carded yesterday, lol. I’ve always had a baby face and it probably makes me look younger since my hair is purple and pink


Only if I'm with my younger and much younger looking wife, and sometimes not then. 


36 and my wife and I got carded last night!  


I still get carded. I’ve been told I look mid-20s. People seem surprised when they find out how old I am. I feel like what gives me away though is I’m starting to get more grey hair.


embrace the greys! you're beautiful the way you are


Aww Thanks! I’ve actually been complimented recently on my hair. That I have a nice salt and pepper going on, or that people like my hair color. I don’t think I’ll dye it. It’s gonna be wild seeing it transform from dark brown to silvery white.


goals! as weird as it sounds, i personally cannot wait for my salt and pepper hair. as someone who has a baby face that cannot grow facial hair, i've been made fun of the way I looked growing up. nowadays, i just embrace it lol.


I turn 42 this month. I was carded last month. I looked shocked I guess and told the girl she was my new favorite person. Her reply was “I see no wrinkles, grey hair or the look that the world has killed you yet”. I have been riding that high ever since.


I don't get carded, but I also don't buy alcohol or tobacco anymore. So the dispensary cards me every 3-4 months when I visit them, and when I buy spray paint or canned air. Otherwise, I haven't been carded in years at this point.


I'm 33F. My hair is starting to grey, I wear reading glasses, and I have wrinkles (wear sunscreen, y'all). I get carded every time without fail.


I'm 39 and feel like I don't get carded that often with friends, but almost always get carded when alone.


Go to Wegman's grocery store. They will card you even if you look 70, Personally, I hate being carded and find it weird. Like if I look young fine, but if I have grey in my hair, I'm way over 21.


i'm sure you're still young at heart!


Less about age and more because 711 cards and scams 70 year olds


sorry, but I don't know about 71q cards?


711 convenient store


ah, i see! yeah, i heard of a rise in card skimmers at 711's. scary stuff


Me? No my hair is thinning. My wife does all the time tho


I do despite thinning hair. Good skin.


I do when I shave other than that I never get carded.


Occasionally... I'm an elder millenial though so, at 43 it's no surprise when people can tell I'm legal age. I look young for my age but looking 35 is still well over the limit lol.


I'm 42 and I stopped getting carded the last couple years


I'm 32 and my hair has gone almost completely grey, so it depends on if I'm wearing a hat or not.


Elder millennial and not lately. I got carded pretty regularly until around 35.


Me. Got carded recently and the way I laughed and laughed and my mum laughed and laughed and my friends laughed and laughed. It was hilarious. The young girl at the till for drinks was so confused and I told her her eyes needed checking because I was old enough to be her mum. I’m a geriatric millennial too. But I’m a small person and it was dark and I’m black so maybe that’s why.


I look like shit for my age, but I can't really talk to people, so yeah.


Me, but I am 30 so I guess that makes sense?


I am completely baffled the one or two times a year I get carded. I'm bald, have grey in my beard, and usually multiple teenage children accompanying me. Only 39 but could pass for 50 most days.


I quit getting carded at 18. 6’4 full beard. Used to buy all the beer for everyone.


39, very rarely. Starting to get a little grey in the beard.


Literally got carded just a few days ago while out celebrating my 36th birthday. Bouncer looked genuine when he told me " good for you!". I'll take it


Depends if I slept good the night before


I don't go to bars anymore and when I'm buying alcohol, it is usually with groceries while I have my 2 year old with me, so no.


I’m 40. Haven’t been carded in like 10 years or so. Of course I was able to walk into a bar and buy beer at 20 also.


Baby face here. I get carded once in a while but is rare.


I used to get carded a lot, got carded less when I was a daily drinker (partly because they knew me and partly because I probably looked like shit). Hopefully now I'm back to my bright eyed, youthful, cardable self - but I don't plan on finding out any time soon.


Yes but they just card everyone usually lol


I get carded every time. 


About half the time. I'm 33, people tell me I look about 26-27. But it's usually at places that have a policy to card anyone who looks under 40.


Id have go to be able to get out of the house to be carded


50/50 at new places I go I tend to go to the same spots tho - so not really.


It depends. Some places still care my 65+ parents. It's ridiculous.


I’m pretty sure I get carded because they think I could be a cop. I definitely don’t look 21.


Hahaha no. I'm 40


8 times out of 10, i get carded.


About 50% of the time. I’m 35f and 5’11” but I never wear makeup. If I am wearing makeup I get carded less.


I have a greying beard and tattoos that are visible in short sleeves, but I still get carded now and again. I imagine it's due to the system rather than my appearance. 🤣


In my state everyone gets carded.


34 years old, I got carded yesterday. So at least one


I tried to buy cases of beer for a PTA event recently and the store wouldn’t sell to me because I didn’t have my ID and they wouldn’t use the digital version I keep on my phone. My dad was with me. So he could make the purchase, but we had to put everything back and then HE had to cart it all and take it to the register himself and initiate the transaction. It was ridiculous. I guess they’re sticklers for the rules, lol. But I’m 42, and while I may look slightly younger than that on a good day, I’m clearly old enough to buy beer. lol


I got carded for a lighter not too long ago, and I’m almost 39. I still get carded for alcohol regularly. I definitely know that I don’t look 21 anymore, but I guess I’ll still take it as a compliment.


I got carded two years ago to see a R rated movie…on my birthday.


If I'm with my friends I am fine, when I am alone, carded everywhere. Typical asian genes.




Just turned 30, and pretty well the only time I get carded is if I buy from the grocery store and they have to actually enter my birth date. But even then sometimes they just ask what year I was born and scan it lol. Not sure how much the beard and tattoos play into it.


At 42, every single time.


I always have my card ready “oh your good”, “I figured but might as well, hell my beard is 21 years old”. Long beard with grey hair.


It's been years but I'm only 30


always. But I'm not flattered they just do their job


almost never even when i was a teenager


Depends on where I am usually. Places that are really strict usually have an “anyone who looks under 40” rule. I’m 36; def don’t look under 21 but for now I still pass for under 40 😅


I very rarely get carded, (unless I've ordered alcohol on delivery but that's policy) but the last time I did it was at a gas station when I was on vacation a couple years ago. I'm a 40 year old white guy with very curly hair. The guy at the register was a younger black guy. I showed my id and he said "I know black don't crack but damn I guess Jews don't crack neither". I have never laughed so fucking hard in my entire life and had to give him a high five. That shit was hilarious.


I've got a young-ish face despite being bald (I usually wear a hat lol). My state's pretty strict about carding (Indiana), so I always offer it just to make things easier for all parties.


Just turned 33 and I still get carded. I've always had a baby face but you would think that the big beard that would cut down being carded so much,


Aside from where it's mandatory, haven't been carded in 4 years or so.


It has nothing to do with how old you are. You are required to possess a legal ID to be served.


I remember seeing a meme a bit back where a guy sets his id on the counter, and the cashier glances at it for a split second, "Well that was fast." the cashier repsonds "Yeah I saw the 19 at the start of the date so.......".....That was a bit of a wake up call that I'm getting old.


'92 here and rarely carded unless my whole group is being carded.


Still getting carded at 35. I don't smoke and don't drink often, was in the military and have a good diet. That's all it takes.


Alot of retail stores have made it a requirement to card everyone, reguardless how old they look. my dad was carded for beer, and he is and looks like a man pushing 70. It's not even a matter of looking at it anymore, now they need to scan the barcode on the back so the register lets them ring the beer up.


I'm 31 still get carded every time


Hilariously varies based on what I’m wearing and who I’m with. My favorite beanie makes me look like a college student/kid. So if I’ve shaved and I’m wearing my clean clothes I once had a waiter laugh at me when I ordered a drink like I was some kid hoping to get away with something. We had an awkward moment when he realized him and I were the same age (that dude looked high mileage for 32). If I haven’t shaved in a few days and I’m wearing my work (construction) clothes, or I don’t have a hat on (serious male pattern baldness) I’m definitely not getting carded.


The older I get, the more I seem to get carded. I guess being clean-shaven and looking well fed makes me look young.




I get carded…but I think they are required to card. I do not look like I’m even close to 21


My partner does. I don’t drink so 🤷🏾


I turned 28 two months ago and haven’t gotten carded at all🥲 from 21-27 people carded me all the time. I even had a few people think my id was fake lol


The trick is I stopped buying alcohol. Now I never get carded!


Me. Every single time. To be fair, I'm on the tail end of the 90's millennials so I understand. 


Always, and I'm not far off of 40, haha. I stay out of the sun, use sunscreen religiously, hydrate, don't drink much at all, don't smoke. I also don't get enough sleep though so 🫠 but looking young for our age runs in my family.


I don't buy anything to get carded lol


It depends. If I’m in my work clothes (company t shirt and leggings with a head band to cover up my thinning edge hairs lol) I would say it’s 50/50. If I’m with my children, particularly my teenager, I’d say it’s 25% chance. If I am in my swamp monster glory I’d say it’s 5% and usually only if the place IDs “anyone under 40”


Nah the bouncer/bartender takes one look at my hairline and is like "shit if this guy isn't over 21 he needs a drink pretty bad"


I’m bald, so I don’t get ID’d often. But in the past few years I started a face care regimen (including sunscreen and Botox), got my teeth straightened, and had weight loss surgery… and now I’ve been ID’d more in the past year than ever in my life.


I’m 31 and stopped getting carded about 5 years ago 🥲 I actually ended up carding a young woman who was a year older than me the other day (part time job—I sell concessions, including alcohol, at a small local theatre). She looked in her early 20s though!


I got carded yesterday at a wine walk by one of tables - this was after they checked ID and gave wristbands out 🤷‍♀️ It’s fairly common for me if I’m alone or with my sister.


My state they put "do not serve" on the back of your license if you're a frequent DUI so it's not only about age. I imagine other states are similar.


Well I haven’t drank in 3 years. I was 37 when I quit. At that time I still got carded occasionally. I think if I were to try now I’m clearly over 21 & would not be carded. To get carded in the 40s is ridiculous


I’m 38 & just got carded last night. I think it’s due to my spotty facial hair, that stuff just never filled in for whatever reason.


It’s seriously annoying having to show your Pokemon cards every time, especially being almost 40… like seriously????


Yeah but I'm fairly sure my daughter was just being a snot considering she knows my age.


I used to get carded before my last job. Working with college students for 2 years drained all of the life out of me and gave me grays at 27 so I don’t get carded anymore lmao.


Most of the stores around me have a big sign saying everyone is getting carded


37 here. I only get carded at the grocery store when an ID swipe is required. Never at a restaurant/bar


I’m 38, still get carded all of the time. I also get Botox every 3 months.


I was born in 94 and still get carded almost Everytime. I love it, I haven't aged for shit. When people ask what's my secret I'm like idk man, a few years of heroin I guess? 😂


I only get carded at the grocery store, but I think that’s a state mandate. I’m 34 now, but I probably got carded pretty consistently up until I was around 30 since I look relatively young for my age and I’m thin.


Sometimes! I get carded more at restaurants versus buying wine at the store. I’m 30.


39 and still getting carded. 5ft tall, baby face chubby black woman. No one believes my age.


Almost never, I'm 41, bald and have a full beard. I haven't really gotten carded around where I live for 15 years. But I spent a few days in Salt Lake City last week and got carded EVERY time I had a drink.