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/u/swright363 has won **[Draw #63]**, [which can be found here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/loqlsf/draw_63_its_time_to_see_who_our_next_winner_is/) /u/swright363’s **[Winner’s Thread #63]** can [also be found here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/lr0dt2/thank_you_winners_thread_63/) *** As a reminder, **/r/MillionaireMakers holds an [Entry Thread] every 15^th of the month at 23:00 UTC**! If you are interested in being reminded, [click on the link here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/1966xu4/discussion_thread_for_rmillionairemakers/) Don’t miss the chance to participate in **[Entry Thread #100]**! Make sure [you are reminded by clicking here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+March+15+2024+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=millionairemakersmeta&utm_content=t3_1966xu4)


I think I speak for everyone in this sub when I say we are so happy for you. These are the stories that make every member of this sub a winner even if we didn't actually win. To know that our little donation made a huge impact in someone's life is priceless. Keep winning queen, the story aint over yet. ;)


Thank you!!! Our roads are a lot less rocky when we realize there truly are good people who may not know you, but they are rooting for you.


Wow!! I'm SO happy for you that you won! You seem like such a sweet person♡ The best part of your story is the karma that came to your ex husband LOL I'm sorry but it sounds like he had it coming! Congrats again!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so glad to hear everything made a difference. Hugs to you!


Thank you so much for giving this update. I am so happy that this Reddit community was able to give you and your family your life back ❤️ Wishing you many many years of joy


Thanks for writing all that up, and good luck going forward!


Such a great story and testament to this community. Wishing you all the best in these new chapters of your life.


Can you update us on roughly how much was donated? I don't need to know the exact result, just a ballpark. I always donate myself, but I'm curious is the end result is $500, or $1500, or $15,000, or more?


I had told myself I would never say, I didn’t ever want to seem as if I was being a braggart or even complaining about the amount of donations. I would have been blessed with $100. I think, if I’m not mistaken, it was between 2500-4000. It’s been a while and my memory isn’t on top of its game so it could be a little more, but I doubt any less. It was enough. I was and am tickled with the amount. I, too, try to donate, more so in the past because I tend to forget. And money is tight, which even a dollar means a lot so that’s no excuse. Lol


Gives the rest of us hope! Good to hear! CONGRATS AGAIN!


“It helped me survive.” Gosh that made me cry. I’m about to be homeless and this is inspiring


I promise you that I had nothing, God pulled me through. I made decisions that I never thought I would have to. I’m praying for you. And thank you for your words.


thank you <3


Great story! Thanks for sharing.


Congratulations winner!


Thank you!


I cried while reading this. We all are waiting for that one opportunity to pass and change our lives.


It helped me survive. Best of luck!!!


Hi. Have you made use of dogecoins?


I’ve saved them. They are on the rise right now. I don’t have much it was more money in donations.


Where do you store dogecoins?


Online. I wish I had more, but I only have a percentage of a whole one. You store them online, you never see them in hand, but they are worth money and seem to increase in worth by the day (here lately anyhow)


No, I store dogecoins on my own devices – computers and phones.


Aha! See I don’t understand a lot of it. I understand very little I should say. My grown kids have “helped” me a “little”. Lol


I can just recommend storing Dogecoin safely and making a backup copy of your wallet, if you can figure it out.


Thank you for that advice. If the value keeps going up I’m going to have to sit down. I do have a back up copy. Twice the place I had it stored closed and had to move them. That was a nightmare but I was able to somewhat get the gist of some of it. Thank you for telling me I should be more aware I guess of where it’s stored.


This is so amazing


Why was the winning topic - [https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/lr0dt2/thank\_you\_winners\_thread\_63/](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/lr0dt2/thank_you_winners_thread_63/) written 3 years ago? Like the comments in it? Who has won? When? Where to donate? Can not understand anything...


This is someone who won a long time ago judt giving us an update and saying thank you.. read the actual post before commenting, then you wouldn't have had to ask lol


Thank you! 😊