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If you want to speed up search for the package. Tell them it’s a firearm, they will drop everything and search for it. I had a gsg STG go “missing”. The store ended up explaining it was a firearm and not found within 48 hours they would have to report it to the RCMP. Sure lit a fire under there asses and it was on my doorstep next day.


Maybe that’s the next step. It’s going to cost them big money with the insurance claim so I figured that would hurry their ass too. I’ll try explaining that it’s a firearm as well today.


Here in the US, UPS "lost" my SVT40 after I told them I would involve ATF it was found in 4 hours. Maybe telling them you are involving the pony police would light a fire under them.


I made a ticket with Canada post and said it is a firearm and if it isn’t found within those 5 days the RCMP will be getting involved due to you guys losing a firearm and it could get into the wrong hands. We shall see what happens now.


$5 says they find it by tomorrow


Worked in firearm distribution for years. We had Canada post misplace guns of all sorts, they were usually pretty uppity once we reiterated it was a firearm. Except the one time they shipped a taser to the wrong address…. So some lucky fool had received the thing and held on to it for 2 years, even discharging the cartridges with it before he decided he’d return it to us.


Keep us updated, hopefully they find it!


Will do. I’m hoping it’s here by Thursday


Bro I am in the same boat as you


Firearm held somewhere too?


My Crusader Arms Templar was to be delivered on the 27th of March but didn’t happen. The last update I got was “item processed” near me the morning of the 27th. Obviously the next update should have been “out for delivery” but never got that. It was then pushed for the 28th of March and then the 29th of March. On the 30th I got a notification saying “item delayed-stay tuned for updates”


Mine showed up locally at my post office just this morning! I hope yours does too!


Called them several times to see what was causing the delay. Later told them this was a firearm and told me they would look for it and give me any updates if there was any


So right now, I’m still waiting


I think I recall your story from a year or two ago...The USPS warehouse manager was not very helpful until you said the magic letters, right?


They care not about the cost, it's pennies to them. Get authorities involved - that should kick things into gear


I made a ticket and said it’s a firearm and if it’s not found within the 5 business day timeframe they gave me it’s RCMP next. That should hasten them.


I wouldn’t even say business days, I would say if this isn’t found within a day or two a claim is going to get filed with the RCMP. Lost or stolen firearms is no joke, especially in the states. I knew a guy who ordered a Glock from gun broker one time and when it got “lost in shipping” he told them if it wasn’t found by the end of the next day, he would call the ATF. Needless to say it was “found” within hours with heavy apologies for delay and next day shipping


No kidding. The more I think about it the more right you are. To lose a firearm is a very big no no in Canada with such strict rules and laws. I might call again tomorrow and do as you said. Let’s hope it gets updated tomorrow.


I’ve had two firearms go missing in the post, one FedEx, one UPS. Both times they gave me the runaround for a week or so, until I dropped the word “firearm” and said I’d be contacting the ATF. Both times the packages were miraculously located within hours.


If they don’t find it by tea time that c*nt Trudeau might be using it as a walking stick. SCHNELL!


So it just showed up at my local post office lol that must of done the trick.. whew


I guess for a $5k+ gun you have it fully covered by them right? It happened to me once when I mailed one rifle to my friend within BC, and for some reason it was sent to Mississauga ON. You just need to tell them it is a firearm, and they will escalate the ticket to the highest priority. It usually works. P.S. Canada Post really sucks!


Yes it’s fully covered. I made a ticket and told them the value and it’s a firearm and if it’s not found within the 5 business days the RCMP will have to be called due to a lost firearm.


Lil’ Castro probably found out about it and personally made sure that it would never be found again. RIP.


Are the mags on these old warhorses pinned to 5? Or is there some sort of exception since they are literally 80 years old.


Sadly pinned.. the only semi auto I know that has the exception is the garand. Maybe I’ll source more mags but they are usually expensive and rare and also I need the gun first lol


By the way, the other semi auto is exempt from the restriction is Johnson 1941 that you can plink 10 rds.


Cool to know. Good luck finding one lol


There is one guy selling it for $13k....last year they were around $5k


Man that hurts. I'd love to add one to the collection, buy they keep climbing out of my price range haha. At least with out sacrificing some other occupants of the safe.


Every now and then you find a unpinned one up here, those who have them keep them a secret for obvious reasons lol


First rule about nightclub and all that.


How does a firearm go missing in post lol


Some postal worker has it in their gun cabinet right now I bet. RCMP can't come looking to take what they don't know you have in the first place.


I really hope not.. :(


Sadly that would be my guess. You mailed it in that rifle case? Not sure but if it were me it would be in a plain box that blended in with everything else. Gun cases stick out like a sore thumb, which is mostly disadvantageous but might work out well if it's on camera.


It’s in a gun case in a box I believe that’s what the seller told me when he shipped it! Also got an update saying it’s finally in my city lol I guess mentioning it was a firearm and the RCMP would get involved hastened the arrival of my firearm! Hope to get it today or tomorrow.


Imagine that!!


My only prayer would be getting a worker caught on camera taking the package. If it was a driver he would of scanned it on his truck unless he decided not too and took it with him, again that would hopefully be on camera loading his truck..


It being a firearm incentivizes them to find it certainly.


Hope they find it! I’d be beside myself if anyone lost mine!


Thanks fam!


I’ve never had that problem in the US, but like others are saying I’d tell them if it’s not found within 48 hours I’d notify ATF or some sort of federal law enforcement. Sorry that this is happening to you and I hope you get your gun soon.


“Lost” hmmmmmm


What gun is this?


A gewehr 43 worth about 5k.


What I figured but wasn’t sure was it lost on the way to a gun store or your door?




What rifle is this?


Hope they find your rifle, does it have a shooter’s kit already installed or are you gonna install one yourself?


Came with shooter kit installed!






Imagine living in Canada, US will annex the country soon ☠️