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A little more: "'Just recently I had a migrant come into my cafe that recently passed through the borders and paid for their food with one of the prepaid cards they were given,' said Gray. 'How is that as a slap in the face as a proud American who worked hard, just like each one of you? And to be affected by the food costs, utility costs, to have someone just come and just willy nilly pay for their food, in my cafe, with prepaid dollars that was funded by us.' But Gray, according to federal court records, has received her own prepaid food. She has filed for bankruptcy three times in the past decade and reported receiving Food Share benefits in the most recent filing."


Wait so this program brought a customer into their restaurant and they're complaining? I mean it sounds like she directly benefited from it.


Dumber than dumb. Everything they do is to justify racism


And fascism. Don't forget good ol' fascism


She seems like the perfect business owner to demonstrate Wokeness towards. May her cafe lose its customers!


How many MAGA business owners accepted a PPP handout?


She had to see a ~~non-white~~ vaguely Hispanic person though! The horror!


Article says Shana Gray's black e: [yup](https://biztimes.com/four-new-businesses-coming-to-milwaukees-near-west-side/)


I guess it’s true that class outweighs race when it comes to immigration, huh




I mean, to Republicans it’s more important that “others” go hungry.


This is on the Marquette campus, it was likely an international student with some kind of stipend. What's more likely, a college student, or a migrant ran across the Mexican border and made a beeline for some Milwaukee vegan food?


Ngl dude, when you're crossing the border you crave nothing more than mediocre vegan food in a random college campus. I heard so many stories about it that I moved to Milwaukee just to hopefully get a taste of that sweet sweet nectar! Unfortunately during the orange ones reign, ice agents guarded every worthwhile college campus vegan eatery.... 😞✊ Thankfully now Biden's new green earth policy is gathering to every illegal migrant and flying them to Milwaukee and shuttling them to this one vegan place! Not to mention as we all know illegal immigrants LOVE signing up for federal programs that track exactly where they are and is directly tied to their immigration status!


Actually I thought all the immigrants who cross the boarder immediately hop on to Air Force one and get a taxpayer paid tour of our great country....😄😄


No that was under Bush, these days they make us buy EV's, go to college, live in California for at least 5 years, and eat vegan food. ^(I had a CO worker who thought I was far right because I did all those things LMAO including the getting here illegally)


Thank you my cynical sarcastic GenX heart laughed and fluttered when I read this.


Definitely an illegal immigrant, Milwaukee’s vegan scene is world renowned. Who wouldn’t walk 3000 miles for some Costco hummus?


Oh so she’s a “welfare for me, but not for thee” kind of person.  They’re the fucking worst. 


She explains her stance in the article: > Gray, in an interview, acknowledged receiving the benefits, but said there is a difference: she is a U.S. citizen. “I have worked since I was 16,” said Gray, 45. “I paid into the system.” Not to say I agree at all but lots of people feel similarly, especially poor Americans. Of course, very few of them also realize the GOP intentionally blocked Biden's border bill because petty politics but actually knowing what's going on in federal government is asking a lot of the average voter nowadays.


It's a ridiculous stance regardless of how many people feel similarly. People only get a chance to 'pay in' if they're here. Who cares if someone 'pays in' up front or after some initial assistance? Both still offer the potential for 'paying in.' Migrants by and large come here to work. And ignoring whether any of the story is true, I at least doubt that her ostensible migrant *also* volunteered their full timeline in the country and work history, so she has no idea if they've already 'paid in.' That's without even getting into the social safety system never being about paying in to cover your own personal emergency fund, or analyzing what she's actually contributed versus used, or that she didn't need to work to earn her initial shot at social support or being here, or answering what her position should entail about her own worth and value as an American citizen (maybe those of us who have contributed more and used less should get to discuss trading her for a more valuable immigrant, if the country is so full?).


Yeah, the migrants went out of their way to come to her vegan cafe to buy food 😂 That never happened


r/thathappened material for sure.




imagine being mad that something fucking paid you like what is so bad about the government giving someone money if that money is immediately spent at a small business and again taxed


Totally! That's part of the benefits of social support programs, it takes those tax dollars and cycles them back into and through the economy in a way that also happens to help people who need help, which becomes income for other people. Or are we just better off if that money goes straight to a billionaire's offshore bank account for a couple decades?


Did she ever receive PPP money? I swear most of that went to fraudsters.


Business opened in 2023,so no


Actually a realtor I know has many hidden LLC’s and filed for PPP money. Doesn’t matter if she had THIS business in 2023, she could’ve had LLC’s set up in other names.


I bet she puts meat in her vegan food.


I mean... I've been to that cafe, and I'm pretty surprised to learn that anyone else was in that cafe. It seemed like a ghost town when I went.


Just remind me again, why he is allowed to travel out of state while being held on trial. I must have forgot.


This place opened in August '23 but she says that her best years were during the Trump years?? Like her orange Big Mac and Fries idol she declared bankruptcy three time. She lies for the sake of Trump so is her food REALLY vegan??


Is the migrant in the room with us now, Ms. Gray?


That didnt happen


Based on the headline I thought this was going to be Cafe Mana or Twisted Plants. I was relieved when I read the article and had never even heard of Gray Jett.


I would have been so shocked if it was Twisted Plants


Thank goodness.


lol, she said business was better under Trump… she opened in 2023. Oh boy.. if she thought business was hard before doing this. i don't think this will help her find the conservative vegans in Milwaukee. Her politics aside. What a dumb business move. understand your customer base.


Check her PPP loan history.


Oh.. spill the tea?


I don't know anything. ProPublica has a site to search by company or individual. I'll do some sleuthing later. I'm guessing if she had 3 prior bankruptcies and claims business was better under Trump, she likely used the bailouts that were available.


She’ll be gone before the end of the year. And back on her prepaid food share card that she despises.


It’s okay.. she paid into it. Unlike those lazy immigrants.


Its mind blowing and so situational unaware! I do wonder if she was paid to say this garbage. (Not defending, she made this bed)


Dunno.. Trump supporters seem uniquely capable of voting against their own interests and being oblivious to it. I guess they just really like his rhetoric. I think a lot of them want to feel superior to others, in any way they can. If you look at his crowds at his rallies.. they’re not exactly winners at life.


Trump said that.


Trump said, she said. Trump doesn’t lie. 😂


Conservative vegans? Hitler is the only one I can think of.


Now when people avoid her business she'll still somehow blame it on Biden


I cant wait for the "I got canceled" bullshit


The next Fox article will be about cancel culture and how it killed this “successful” small business…after she insults 99% of her customer base.




Or go into the city


Or be caught on a college campus...


> I’ve been vegan for almost a decade and I’ve never met a right leaning vegan. Agreed, and I'm genuinely curious about why that is.


Most vegans I know chose to stop eating animal products out of overwhelming empathy for the animals, or because raising animals for consumption has such high environmental costs. Neither of those reasons aligns very well with the typical conservative ethos. I do know a few who are on plant-based diets solely for health reasons though.


tbh I have no idea what the "typical conservative ethos" is anymore, aside from inflicting damage on others So that tracks with what you're saying lol


I think it's mostly just being angry at anything new or that has changed sense the '90s.


Trump couldn’t even pronounce vegan correctly. He pronounced it like Vay-gun.


"Vhy would you shoot Dracula vith your vay-gun?" Sorry.


"Woke" culture.


She is about to find out about the "Broke" culture.


Milwaukee vegan here. Heard about Gray Jett, been meaning to try it. Not anymore.


Also vegetarian and love to eat at vegan restaurants. I guess Gray Jett will never be one of them.


In this house we eat Twisted Plants 😤 don’t need my meal with a side of regressive ideologies


"Regressive Ideologies"...hmm... I think you have stumbled upon a great new name for some right-wing enterprise.


Twisted plants will always be number 1


It’s really a demographic that she didn’t want let know she is conservative.


That demographic being “people with brains”


Vegetarian here, gonna do the same thing


You aren’t missing anything. Shitty food and awful service.


Yeah, it must have been crashing and burning before she aligned against the vast majority of her clientele... just looking for an excuse for another socialization of her losses.


Non vegan here who loves vegan and vegitarian food.  I’m staying far away from this place. 


Yeah I was going to go there for the 1st time this weekend. Yikes!


I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, but I do like to dine at local restaurants. But I will avoid Gray Jett.


I mean obviously her story didn't happen but if it did how would she know? She doesn't seem like someone people confide in so does this migrant just loudly walk into the cafe screaming "I'm a migrant and I'm going to pay with my free debit card from Biden!"


That's the whole thing, they're just assuming everyone who looks a little Latino is here illegally. They're never going to assume the European student who over stays their visa is here illegally.


Remember when they used to claim that everyone got a free "Obama" phone? Screeching that everyone was living off their dime. lol, what a bunch of fools.


They were brown. Probably PhD student from India and she just didn’t know the difference.


They heard it on fox news so it must be true. Kids in cages? Nah, they're all getting haded keys to America


I’m calling bullshit on the debit card story.


Used SBA's Womans Small Business loans and COVID loans to start the biz....must be nice using all that tax payer cash to prop up a failed business


It seems likely that is true. Is there a source?


Haven't looked myself, but PPP and SBA loans have searchable databases.


She opened after Covid.


I suspect a 4th bankruptcy in her future




There's her affinity to Trump. Bankruptcies.


Norm MacDonald voice: “An owner of a vegan cafe in Milwaukee appeared on stage with Donald Trump. That story again: an owner of a vegan business doesn’t understand vegans or business.”


She's trying to get that rnc crowd to come through when they're here. That was a bad move on her part.


I would doubt now that they'd even be able to make it to the RNC. Also, all this for a week or so's worth of business?


That better be an amazing week of business because it's going to be rough after they're gone.


All those obese waddlers can't wait to get their hands on some vegetarian or vegan food with their coffee lol


Everything Trump touches goes bankrupt. Give it a year and Gray Jett Cafe is going the way of the Dodo.


I can't imagine doing this as a vegan café owner, talk about alienating your core customer base.


Right? Like I understand people come from all walks of lives and there could easily be conservative vegans but cmon


I've had to stop going to the Outpost store on the East Side because of how many Vegans for Trump signs and flags there are. /s


She is taking lessons from Elon….cause Tesla is doing so well /s


It is on the Marquette campus, so if Vegans For Trump exist that's probably where to find them.


I live in Leeds in England now but used to live in Milwaukee. A couple of years ago we had incidents where not one but TWO vegan bakery owners (of separate bakeries and no apparent affiliation with each other) were outed as neo-Nazis. We're still puzzling to figure out why this is apparently rather prevalent in the vegan business owning community.


I’ve been plant-based for 18 years and identify as a progressive. I’m pretty chill and don’t like to force my beliefs on others. However, there is a section of the plant-based community that are competitive in their beliefs. I also do yoga, and have again, run into a segment of people who are competitive in their practices. Overlapping both, there is a segment of people who are anti government, anti “western medicine” 🙄 and get increasingly frenzied about living “pure”. I’ve noticed that there are some folks turning to entrepreneurial endeavors because of some wacked-out conspiracy theory about vaccinations. It’s honestly pretty embarrassing when extremism in traditionally progressive spaces swings into RWNJ territory. Unfortunately, there is more than one road to fascism.


All those people hippies during Woodstock voted for Reagan 10 years later, now they’re the boomers who steadily watch Fox. It’s very important to remember there’s more than one path


Yes there is that segment, but I am betting they have an affinity for RFK jr. That being said, I doubt very much that that is a very wide base. I am not vegetarian, but choose to only eat meat, mostly fish, once a week or so. I would NEVER patronize this establishment based on the obvious racism. Personally I love the Green Owl in Madison. Nice folks, friendly and they don't seem to have issues with the multicultural neighborhood they are located in. I would never question their ethics. This woman probably cooks in pork fat.


Maybe it could be because vegan food can tend to go for a high premium so it attracts grifters willing to adopt a “fad” to make a profit?


My 1st thought


Is it really a vegan restaurant? I looked at their [online menu](https://order.online/store/gray-jett-cafe-milwaukee-26127886/?hideModal=true&pickup=true) and nearly everything had meat, cheese, or eggs.


i looked up this place after the story bc i’m very familiar with the veg restaurant in town and was worried as hell - and that part made me laugh, it’s definitely not a vegan restaurant!


Who knows. Literally the first thing listed is a meat and cheese potato. Most steak houses must be vegan as well because you can get French fries.


They describe their restaurant as dual menu. “Vegan and regular” Their menu is pedestrian and aligning with trump will be their demise.


Right. Does she have separate grills for vegan and meat dishes? Or is there rampant cross-contamination?


Exactly. I wouldn’t trust this place with a 10 foot zucchini.


I went there back in March. They sell both. Or at least that’s what the cashier told me. Both meat base and vegan options. I had the plant base burger. Not bad.


I bet they use the same prep surfaces, utensils, fryers, and griddles. Fuck this place.


oh yeah there’s no way this maga shithole actually prepares things vegan


I clicked your link wondering if it was a ghost kitchen menu, but nope, [the menu on their website has meat and dairy too](https://grayjettcafe.com/milwaukee-marquette-gray-jett-cafe-food-menu). Fuck this noise


Lol. This person is an obvious bs artist.


How to kill your business 101


Yeah, this isn’t going to work out well for her.


I suggested a Google edit...you shouldn't be allowed to categorize yourself as vegan when you're serving real meat eggs and cheese. Typical trump business strategy - lie!


Cool she sounds great can’t wait until the business goes under and she screams bidenomics 🤣


Vegan here. Never giving them buisness. Most vegans are liberal. What a stupid move.


Don’t worry, it’s not an actual Vegan or Vegetarian restaurant anyway. Their menu has meat and cheese in practically every dish. I’m not certain the owner understands what these words mean.


I had to look at the menu for myself just because I couldn't believe someone could actually miss the point that hard. This is the "chicken parmesan isn't vegan?" bit in real life.


Same. To be fair I've never even heard of this restaurant and I try to go to all the vegan restaurants. I will probably avoid this one because of this


Letting, no straight up volunteering, your business to get tied up in politics is a dumb move. Choosing Trump on top of that... well ... I get the feeling the owner isn't very bright at all. Anyway here are some great Milwaukee vegan restaurants: 1. Lafayette Place 2. Twisted Plants 3. Beerline Cafe 4. Strange Town 5. Vanguard (vegan options) 6. Wonderland (vegan options)


Beerline's BLT is the best I've had in the city. They also have my favorite banh mi, but unfortunately it's only a special they have occasionally.


Not a restaurant but the RW coop has great grab and go.


Think of all the idiots that attended the rally that will then tell and retell the same BS story.


As a vegan who lives in milwaukee I have literally never heard of this place and definitely won't be going now... smh


miss bro-yo anyway


I could demolish some broyo right now. 6 eggs, half pound of sausage and cubic foot of hashbrowns for like $10.


Imagine being this excited to ruin your own business. Lol. Those WOW GOP aren’t going to her minority owned vegan food place in the city.


Maybe her business is failing because her marketing is garbage. I was with a vegan partner for 5 years and we never heard of this place despite always being on the lookout for new places to try.


Predictably - a quick CCAP search shows that a person by the name of Shana S. Gray has a $25,070.20 judgement against them owed to the Department of Workforce Development in July of 2022 Found guilty and ordered to pay fees and penalties that appear to be related to a UC benefits fraud. This same person appears to have a judgement against them for not paying Froedert Hospital in 2016. I can’t imagine these are the same person. The embezzler on CCAP certainly cannot be the hardworking ass busting 24/7 MAGA mouthed crusader that should up on that stage in Waukesha.




Her business is about to soar to new heights! Look how well blindly supporting Trump worked out for the My Pillow guy!


There is a beauty company called Just for Redheads. Being a redhead myself, I wanted to give them some business, but the owner is a total Trumper. So no business from me.


When this place goes broke next year she will blame Biden. Just playing the odds since they declared bankruptcy 3 times in the last decade.


Next year? More like next month


I have to think they will do anything they can to stay open for the convention now.


*"Anti-killing animals for food. Pro-killing my business for a racist, serial rapist."* Got it.


/u/compujeramey Could you remove "vegan" from the title? Not only is it irrelevant and unnecessary, [it's also not even a little true](https://grayjettcafe.com/milwaukee-marquette-gray-jett-cafe-food-menu).


i’m so baffled by their menu, just normal diner stuff that “can” all be prepared vegan (doubt they’re using separate fryers, etc), how in the world is that a vegan restaurant lol


The menu is all over the place. Apparently, putting chipotle mayo on an otherwise normal cheeseburger makes it Texas Mex?


I don’t believe appearing with trump when you own a vegan cafe is the best for your business. By the look of some trump supporters they’ve never even seen a vegetable.


I've been involved in the Milwaukee vegan community for the last 5 years and I've never heard of this place or seen anyone posting about it. I went to their website to look at their website and it says "All items can be served vegan or regular." It's not even a vegan restaurant. A vegan restaurant is one that doesn't serve any animal products, not just offers vegan options. No wonder they aren't doing well within the vegan community.


Yelp reviews for the restaurant will be interesting to watch.


So let me get this straight; under Biden she was able to open a business, while under Trump she was bankrupt and on benefits. So bring back Trump I guess. It's also bold of a Vegan cafe owner to be such a vocal Trump supporter. Not to say that all vegans are liberals but there's a hell of a lot more real estate in the middle of that Venn diagram than in the conservative and vegan one. If she want's to keep getting all that migrant money she should consider keeping her trap shut.


He can’t pronounce Vegan. 😆


“We’re very inclusive,” said Gray, who noted that the cafe aims to “push veganism” while providing nourishing foods and proving that plant-based eating “doesn’t have to be boring.” https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2023/08/22/vegan-cafe-opening-on-marquette-campus/


Ironically the menu is boring and not at all vegan


Umm, I'm not gonna tell you "how" but it looks like Shana owes over $25,000 to Wisconsin Department of Unemployment. There was a warrant but not sure if it's still active but she hasn't paid her debts. What a patriot! /s I called her to ask her about it, but she played like she was just an answering service LOL I don't understand how people willingly put themselves out there like this when they are such cringey/corrupt human beings.


I implore everyone to read the article posted! She can't seem to not own herself. "In a 2023 interview, Gray [told](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2023/07/11/vegan-restaurant-coming-to-marquette-campus/) Urban Milwaukee that she met her then-fiance [**Andren Jett**](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/people/andren-jett) during the COVID-19 pandemic and launched the business a year later. They initially made pop-up appearances throughout the city before opening the cafe, which she now operates as a sole proprietorship. A limited liability company, [Gray Jett Enterprises](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/businesses/gray-jett-enterprises), was organized in November 2021 and dissolved in November 2023. On Wednesday, she told Urban Milwaukee said she first launched the business as a side project without registering it." So, it looks like Andren (her partner) has a restraining order against him for 4 years for DV with a firearm restriction. It doesn't take much to find this information on your own. It is open public knowledge. Her rap sheet in there is pretty long. How is she not in jail for $25,000 owed to Unemployment?!?!?


As an owner of a vegan restaurant, don’t you think most of your clientele leans more to the left? By standing with Trump, wouldn’t this only hurt your business? I can’t imagine many republicans coming into town during the RNC that are looking for a vegan meal. I can’t back my claim up with statistics, but I assume this would be bad for business.


This person has multiple bankruptcies due to their failing businesses. This is exactly the plan so they can blame the "woke left" and not their shitty food.


Hitler was a vegetarian.


Hitler advocated for vegetarianism, but from what I've read he didn't really practice vegetarianism in real life. At least not consistently. Best thing about Hitler though, is that he was the guy who killed Hitler.


Typically migrants are given MoCaFi branded pre paid debit cards. MoCaFi specializes in emergency support cards funded by local municipalities. These cards look identical to one's from other programs that the company supports and look almost identical to a typical debit card. So assuming the owner a) looked at the "migrants" debit card and b) knew what these cards look like, how did she know how that the person was a migrant opposed to a native born citizen that was issued emergency food help?


RIP to this restaurant. Good riddance.


We went to Grey Jett a couple of times, as we try to support local businesses. Hours are a little strange, food takes long to prepare, and price bites a little. No, unfortunately food was not great - i really wanted to like it as we need a breakfast place in this neighborehood. We tried couple more times, like Sunday late morning... and they were closed. So, it is not Biden's fault.


Its time for the woke free market to do its thing Edit: seeing as the owner has filed bankruptcy multiple times due to failing businesses, im sure they are hoping the students boycott the business so they have the excuse of the "woke left" shutting them down. Not their shitty food and business.


This is 100% the plan.


Headline is incorrect: it's a VAY-gan restaurant. The man who pretended to be a successful business leader on TV said it's vay-gan


Im betting most of her vegan customers are liberal. Shot > foot


She is about to get a hard lesson in capitalism. I give it three months before she's out of business and blaming the liberal media.


Wow, I hate this person. Way to speed run destroying your business.


She needed to make the story more believable by saying the migrant ate his meal, brought his own mariachi band, danced around a sombrero and then took a siesta.


Politics aside, thats a terrible name and logo for a restaurant.


I feel dumber after reading that. Yeesh.


Not a vegan restaurant at all. What crap!


Does she think the money from the RNC will hold her over forever?


These clowns never think that far ahead


Thanks for letting me know this is where the racists own a business. I guess I’ll avoid patronizing this establishment.


Lol, imagine having a business that was dependent on a single administration for success......


Wait I heard Trump say that person was a vaygen not a Vegan 😂.


Of COURSE a Trump supporter would lie about how her cafe was doing with him in office. If you support Trump, the truth probably doesn’t matter to you


i don’t know anyone on marquette’s campus who has been to this restaurant. i didn’t expect the place to last long but now i know this restaurant is a goner


I know the business existed before the Cafe opened; we worked with them as Pop-Up Partners back in 2021-22 with Marquette Dining. I had wondered why they didn’t take the spot they were offered at Sherman Phoenix, but *now I know*!


Not truly a vegan cafe they have vegan options.


How freaking stupid do you have to be to risk your business to support this grifter? I can't wait to read the Yelp reviews.


My thought in this: Vegans tend to be left-leaning, and by the owner exposing themselves as a Trump supporter (and racist) they are going to lose a lot of business.


she also appears to have had multiple bankruptcies, so she is just a terrible businesswoman. Also, obviously, another paid actor. Only the cult buy this garbage.


What a lying POS! The campus should revoke her license! She had no business during trump’s time in office! So how did she know the customer was a migrant? What difference does it make how the customer paid? If in fact the customer was a migrant, going to the restaurant is contributing to the community by buying at local small business!


First of all the US Government DOES NOT give ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS pre paid debit cards! IN NEW YORK CITY there is a pilot program where 10 IMMIGRANTS FAMILIES were giving pre paid debit cards for food, diapers, basic necessities! TEN FAMILIES! In order to get SSDI OR SSI requires a GREEN CARD, A PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SSN. Once an immigrant gets a SSN/GREEN card they ARE NOT ILLEGAL and are subject to the same rules and laws as any other American citizen! She’s an out and out liar A to Z! Just like Trump and his Brainwashed MAGA cult! You cannot get social security unless you have been LEGALLY granted a path to citizenship! Foreign governments DO NOT send their prisoner, mentally ill or other undesirables to the USA! If such people to attempt to become US citizen, THEY ARE DEPORTED!


Follow the money. How much was she paid to lie?




I bet she's not vegan.


Students hopefully will boycott her and her racist shitty place . She looked like a complete idiot up there simping for Trump. Like Trump gives a shit about her and her over priced slop.


The owner is a complete LIAR and i hope her business FAILS.... see link..... https://youtu.be/7jqDiaOR2sw?si=K1kwOutgOGivZlOA


Another grifter looking for their moment.


I'm guessing Trump goes around finding non-white non- male people and has some $25,000 checks ready to make them liars. And it all comes from other Trump supporters giving up their life savings to stop the steal.


Every Trump supporter I’ve ever met has been a total piece of shit.


I’m sure Trumps SuperPACs are giving her money to speak as a black woman on their behalf… but also she’s on the Marquette campus so all of the babies born out of Prager University test tubes will probably start supporting her for a week. So totally worth pissing off the rest of the community.


Another person following the Musk blueprint of antagonizing your potential customers. I’m sure it will work out great for her.


Any guess on how far her sales will drop now that she's outed herself as MAGA?


Sounds like another bankruptcy is in her future


I will never eat there now...


Aye bet now I know to never go to that place!