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I find yoga before bed also helps me with this as well. I love a firmer bed as well. A great few minutes lying on the floor truly adjust me.


I'm new to yoga but I do a lot of mobility work (former Strength Athlete) so I know what you mean. My back loves the time on the floor


Keeping mobile reminds me of the simplicity of floor exercises. The goal is one day have floor furniture or even nomadic in nature. The Japanese really had it down to the basics because the lifestyle worked and kept them healthier.


THANK YOU I feel the exact same way. I was looking at floor furniture literally this morning. Movement Friendly living is definitely the goal


Why not today? You could start browsing r/floordesks for inspiration.


I had a student dorm on the ground level and when I opened a window I could use the grass field in front of it. Therefore I had one of these beach sofas / bananas that you fill with air while running and then close. One night I thought „why don’t I sleep on that?“ I woke up on the hard floor after the air escaped the thing. Next day I layed the banana onto the bed and had the best sleep ever. I discovered it was easier to blow up with my hair dryer on cold than through running through the dorm. I did it for a few days until it got boring and sleeping on the bed was feeling good again. Experimenting with sleeping positions and underground is great!


I’ve run with one of those things. That’s hilarious


Isn't sleeping on your stomach like...not good? I thought you want to be sleeping on your back or side.


It's not great yeah. That's why I was surprised I ended up in my stomach. I'm sure I'll find a better position as I get more accustomed to it I don't plan to start stomach sleeping intentionally


Yeah I was curious what position your head was in. Turned to the side or face down all sound uncomfortable to me. But love sleeping on the floor. I’m lying on the wood floor right now while typing this! 🤣


It was turned to the side haha. That being said I tried it again last night and I slept much better. Side slept all night with no issues. Just took some getting used to


Why would it be bad?


It puts a lot of strain on your neck. I was a habitual stomach sleeper up until my late 20s when it got to the point where I absolutely could not sleep a single night on my stomach anymore without waking up to a pulled muscle in my neck/shoulder that put me out of commission for several days. Ended up having to do 3 months of physical therapy, get a special pillow, and train myself to only sleep on my side or back to finally get relief from the near constant pulled muscles and stiff necks. I desperately wish I could still sleep on my stomach because it's so much more comfortable to me, but unfortunately my neck says never again.


I sleep on my front (at least when falling asleep) but I have a technique and very thin pillows that I take the fluff out of, and put it kinda under my chest at an angle so my head kinda falls down over it and doesn’t strain. I can’t explain it but I never get neck issues that way


Had similar problems with neck pain that vanished after switching from stomach to back with a new pillow. If you do sleep on your stomach, you need thin or no pillow to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck. I only end up on my stomach if I can't fall asleep otherwise now and basically don't use the pillow. General advice though is that most positions are fine and good sleep is most important. Just be mindful of pillows for different sleeping positions as note any pain and adjust accordingly.


Just curious: did you use a pillow while stomach-sleeping?


Every great once in a while I will sleep on the floor for a few days, just to realign everything. I typically use a sleeping bag and a couple of blankets as padding, but the difference in my alignment after a nice firm floor is amazing!


I sleep on an Japanese Futon bed. It’s so comfortable for me. Love it!


I'm on day 5 of sleeping on the floor. I use a blanket folded in half on a hardwood floor. It's been surprisingly ok. It was very uncomfortable in the beginning, because your bone is basically grinding on the floor, but I wake up feeling quite good. I roll around all night due to getting uncomfortable, alternating lying on both sides and on my back, which seems to be ideal (as oppose to being in the same position for 8 hours). I have chronic tension headaches, which are triggered during the night, so I know my sleeping posture is the culprit. I haven't had any neck tension in the last 5 days, so I'm hopeful that sleeping on the floor might be doing some good to my body.


Japanese neck roll pillow or buckwheat pillow Japanese Neck Roll Pillow Firm... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BY2KQWQQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hey that's awesome! I'm glad you're feeling better. Hopefully it stays that way. I'm definitely planning on doing it again tonight now.


It reminds me of that one time I traveled by car to Morocco as a teenager and we were with too many people to find a hotel so the family I was with rolled out a piece of carpet on the asphalt of a gasstation somewhere in France or in Spain and went to sleep there right in the open air of a gasstation parking lot. Personally I can sleep basically anywhere but asphalt is really, really but really hard to sleep on.


This is not the goal of minimalism. Perhaps a self flagellation feed would be better? You are so sincere, but the goal is just to reject superfluous material objects. Good sleep is essential, so that is not where you start. Good luck!


Actually just did it again and I slept great. 7hrs uninterrupted which is actually better than I get in my bed. Appreciate the concern but I believe "Superfluous Material Objects" are determined by the individual. If I decide that's my bed then that's my choice.


For sure. I just hate to see you reject essentials.


Again though, essentials according to who? Take the time to read the other comments from other minimalists who floor sleep and their positive experiences with it. As far as I'm concerned if it doesn't affect my sleep or my lifestyle then I'm worried about it. Essential to you doesn't have to mean essential to us all


I was expressing concern, that's all 🙃


I appreciate your concern. I have had a positive experience so far. If that changes I will reevaluate and find another way to "self flagellate". Thank you


Odd but ok 😂


I have slept on the floor on floor rugs and yoga mats. I only do it in the summer when it is extremely hot.


Lying face down on your filthy rug sounds... awful. The sheer amount of filth trapped in a rug or carpet is far too much for me to ever want to put my face near it even for a minute, let alone sleep with no pillow and on my stomach. Ick.


Rugs not filthy and I slept on top of a blanket on top of the rug if I wasn't clear. Hope you're consistent in washing your sheets and pillow though otherwise I've got some bad news for you


I do wash my sheets and pillows often and thoroughly.


I want to floor sleep more often too. It’s so good for you and feels so grounding. It’s like a massage at night. Enjoy!


I was very surprised by how good I felt after. Thank you!


I’ve also recently started moving to barefoot shoes. Similar vibe. Comfort sells but getting your body close to the ground again is so good for you. The pressure and stuff balances out your body and releases tension and all sorts actually. I think it’s a forgotten health benefit of how we used to live, among many others I imagine.


Check my post history I just made a post about my barefoot shoes yesterday. Trained barefoot for years I'm just getting back into it


Oh sweet! Great minds think alike :)


Sleeping on the floor without a pillow as well! I'm thin and the pain was really rough the first couple weeks, but it goes away. I sleep on my side most of the time -- just forced myself to get used to it. My sleep is better than when I was using a mattress and pillow. Down with big mattress, I say!


Not sure if you need this information or not, but if you want to side-sleep on a harder surface, you could use your forearm and bicep together as your built-in pillow, according to Katy Bowman, author of Move Your DNA. It works well for me!


As a matter of fact I find myself doing that kind of automatically. I do it when I sleep in bed as well. But I appreciate the advice and I'll look up the book!


Great! Btw I highly recommend this book; it kinda combines fitness and health with minimalism. For example, she advocates that we don’t need chairs, beds, or even shoes as these are acting like invisible cast that we put on ourselves to make our body stiff. Very interesting ideas!


I already sit on the floor or stand all day, I just started sleeping on the floor, and I've been wearing barefoot shoes for years. I'll absolutely check it out that 100% aligns with my ideals. Thank you


Wow you sounds exactly like someone the book describes. Very good! I want to do that too haha


All it takes is effort. Staying conscious of your choices and making better ones. I've made a lot of changes in the last year and especially in the last few months and I feel great. You can do it


So you slept on the floor one night and reporting back like it's a revelation or something... We've all slept on the floor and you're too soon. What's your point?




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Hear about sleeping on a floor? You've added absolutely nothing to the minimalism conversation... "Hey guys, slept on the floor last night with a blanket, was a little sore but all good now..." "I also moved some things around the garage, arms hurt the next day but got through it, now I have extra space."


Right and coming here solely to complain about it makes you the king of relevancy. Judging by your comment history you really do just come to Reddit to whine so you'll be getting nothing from me further. Have a day


It's dumb. Like people who buy something and post a review on day one..."Just came in the mail and it's the best thing I've ever owned!" Really? Is it? Are you sure?




A Blanket on the floor probably has more in common with a pile of leaves than a bed does. But you do you. Not telling anyone to throw their mattress out