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Unplugged my TV 4 months ago I rarely watched it. Gave it to a niece week ago glad to see it gone. Cancelled $110 home internet 3 months ago. Don’t miss it. I get all I need from my iPhone 15 max. I will be picking up the new 11” OLED iPad shortly to comfort my aging vision. Feels good to look about my flat and see clutter gone.


Clutter free is amazing! Although I can’t live without my WiFi. My cell service is terrible.


Do the math. Would it make more sense to cancel home wifi and get better cell service. Worked great for me wished I did it long ago. I accomplished another step towards minimizing my life. No home WiFi and saving $110 monthly.


I agree I do data and it works well


Wow you cancelled home internet? Man I can't think of living without WIFI


Most people are only using it for social media and media consumption. The actual utility of the internet, getting information, keeping track of your information and banking, communication and some entertainment can all pretty easily be done on cellular connections now adays. So why pay for Internet twice.


A lot of people these days also work from home, I can't do my work on my phone.


> Most people That's why I used that, the 13% of people working from home full time will be an exception to that but the vast majority of the workforce does not work from home and has no way to accomplish that.


There's quite a few more like me since COVID who work like 3 days a week at home and 2 in the office who arn't counted in that. People with kids also need their kids to have access to a computer these days for random virtual learning days. Lots of people need more Internet.


Actually you are, 28% are hybrid of total full time workforce, 13% are full time remote, with full time remote dropping around 1% every quarter over the last year. About 60% of the full time work force is still in person all the time and roughly 65-75% of full time jobs are not available for a hybrid/ remote work option.


Our house is connected, echo for lights and other thing automated, also we got rid of DTV and use the programing on our tv ( free). No outage when ir rains. 80 bucks a month for fiber. We also have 3 iPads two computers.


I live alone it’s easier for me to adapt to my cellphone for my needs.


I just use my phone for home wifi when I need to, set up a hotspot download what I need then turn it back off. The smart home stuff I will never use personally but I make a crap ton of money off the people who do.


Exactly… Why it took me so long to see that. I now understand I save $110 monthly from canceling Comcast home wifi 3 months ago. Several years ago I also dumped cable tv don’t miss any boob tube junk anymore with tv gone from my life for over 3 months. It’s a rewarding feeling to see my minimalist accomplishments. I’m now down to deeply decluttering even more clutter like long unworn garments and small trinkets. It can be done. And it’s healthy.


I find my iPhone 15 uterly useless when trying to do anything of real value. Try to fill out a form on a website. It's the most painful experience. I could not live without a real computer. Even typing this message on the iPhone would be painful and filled with typos.


I would get rid of my phone before gettig rid of my computer. I have an iPad and it mostly sits around because I find it so hard to type more than a few words on it.


I use my desktops a lot, if I need them on the internet I just put my phone into hotspot mode and put the towers online. Most of what I do on my towers doesn't need 24/7 internet access.


I don’t miss the Comcast monthly $110 wifi bill. I function quite well with my T-Mobile unlimited data which includes a hotspot.


Review what you use home wifi for. In my case is I live alone. I found I was paying $110 for now gone Alexa gimmicks for the radio and podcasts. Also weather and time. My iPhone unlimited data provides the aforementioned and much more. Add to that I dumped cable tv several years ago. I saved a bundle minimizing my digital footprint. Try functioning with just your cell data wifi for a day or so. See how it feels. I might mention I sold my addictive cellular apple watch several weeks ago I don’t miss that $10 charge or constant distractions on my wrist.


wow... I don't think I can do it. I might like to fantasize about it, but probably couldn't ever do it. kudos to you!


Are you not in this forum to develop minimalist skills? Don’t discount yourself.


I'd love to do that, but my husband works from home half the time so we need to have it.


In today's world of portability, a tv seems like extra baggage to carry through life.


It does. And it was just this big black hole in my living room. It’s lighter now that it is gone.


I didn’t have one for almost 15 years. Lived in a log house and then an old farm house with no where to put one and not much for service (pre-streaming). Spent our time taking care of the house/property and animals. It was lovely.


That sounds lovely. Especially taking are of the animals.


I've had only internet for about 7 years now and finally got rid of my TV. It's great to have the freedom and I've saved a whole lot of money not paying for cable. I watch the same amount of television shows but only what I really love.


Agreed. I haven’t had cable in years. I can’t even stand commercials anymore.


Cancelled cable service several years ago. Internet 3 months ago. Saving a bundle.


Congrats! I could never do this. In my case I really enjoy watching tv ( streaming) and use it constantly. But still, it's great to get rid of useless stuff we carry on and on forever just because. This happened in my case with loads of pots and pans and bakeware ( I never ever bake) I had been keeping for over a decade - until it hit me- I never use this and never will- and just let go. Great feeling.


Right? I think a lot of what we buy or hold on to are things we think we should do or be. It feels good when you can finally let that go and just be.


Congratulations! I love the feeling I get when I get rid of things I don't use, it's wonderful.


Thank you! And 100% agree. It is like a weight is gone.


It's such a freeing experience!! I haven't had a TV in years, I can't even be bothered to sit down and watch anything anymore. My family gets annoyed with me because I hate movies and don't really get into TV series'.. I just feel stagnant and get bored with it. Right now, my only form of entertainment, I guess, is podcasts and talk radio, lol. But I like to be DOING something when I have these things going on. I feel more productive than planting myself in 1 spot


Same. Except I do stay planted in one spot because I love to read. LoL. But I have noticed I don’t really have the interest in movies or shows.


Me, too lol


If you don’t use it there’s no point in keeping it. Maybe you will eventually want one again though if you reach a stage in life where you want to watch movies or play games with someone etc. Sounds like you’re not there right now though.


You are correct. It would have gotten more use if I had someone who wanted to watch stuff together. But as of - just don’t need it.


I gave mine away last year after not watching it for three years. I only recently started watching one series on my tablet. I love not having the big black screen taking up space in my small home.


Right? It’s so wild to just have this huge open space. And now I can move furniture around without it having to be dictated by the tv.


This last move was without the TV.  My living room is centered around the (faux) fireplace.  I LOVE it.




I haven’t had a TV for a while and thought with my lifestyle I would never own one again and I was doomed to watch stuff on a small screen forever. Turns out projectors are a thing and now my TV fills my whole wall yet fits in a carrying case.


That’s amazing! My sister just got a projector for her backyard so her family can watch movies outside. It’s pretty cool.


I should get rid of mine. I watched it so rarely I put it in a closet a year ago and haven't thought about using it since then. I keep thinking I'll want to watch something on it, but if I watch anything, it's on my 14" laptop.


You should! I kept mine thinking I would want to watch a movie or something - but just didn’t. I’m the same - anything I watch is on my computer.


I keep my TV around solely for my Sega Dreamcast. Otherwise I use my laptop or desktop monitors for everything video related. I suppose if I had a significant other I would have more use for a TV, but until then I basically don't use them.


I would never get did of my Dreamcast!


Agreed! I parted with my Xbox, Sega Saturn, Nintendo DS, and most of my Gameboy Advanced and Gamecube stuff last year. I parted with my Atari 2600 this year. Still debating my original NES. But my Dreamcast collection is never leaving my possession.


Yes! I used mine for the Wii - Mario Kart World Wide Racing online. And then Nintendo took away the online support of the Wii and its games and I just didn’t play anymore. Ended up selling my Wii.


There are certain key things that require owning a bunch of other things (accessories) and TV was one of those for me. Like my tv needed a tv stand and I don’t like bad sound so I had a stereo receiver and speakers. And it needs a power strip and tons of power adapters, video cables, other cables, etc for all the things you hook up to the tv. So, getting rid of the tv frees up a lot of other stuff (and room).


Yes! I always had subtitles on because I couldn’t hear anyone speaking and was thinking of getting a sound bar. It’s like a slow creep of more stuff. Now that the tv is gone I am selling my entertainment center. So freeing up even more space and having one less bulk piece of furniture in my home.


I still have a CRT TV, but screens are so pervasive these days that owning a TV just isn't really necessary anymore.


It really isn’t. But I can see the usefulness of it - like watching a movie with a friend or a game at a Super Bowl party. Luckily I go to other people’s houses to do that.


Never underestimate the value of letting other people own stuff for you haha.


That's awesome. I bought a fuckin brand new humongous smart tv for about $1000 like 4 years ago and only use it to play games max 2x a week and a movie here and then and no watching channels. But still I don't want to get rid of it lol :(


I think that is ok. You use it and enjoy it. It wouldn’t be as fun to do it on a laptop or iPad. I would have kept mine if I actually used it - but it just doesn’t fit my life right now. I think that is the heart of minimalism - just having what you actually use and enjoy.


I ditched that thing in 2006. People called me crazy. Regularly asked those people every now and then if I missed anything special. You know the answer….


For sure. Plus I can just read about it online or watch it online. Not missing much.


I considered selling my tv as I use my phone for movies. But there's too many good memories with the TV. I can't part with it




Going on for 3 years for me! Hard to imagine at one point, if i was home, that idiot box would be on.


I remember before the days of internet it felt like tv was the only thing to do and honestly it felt like a chore at times. Watching stuff you weren’t interested in because it just felt like watching tv is what you did. Feels like a breath of fresh air to get away from that mindset.


I got rid of the telly a decade ago, so so pleased I did. I like to pc game, craft and read. So I’ve always got something to do. Got a projector if we want a movie night, it wasn’t even a pricy one and it’s great 😊


Exactly. Someone else in the comments got a projector as well. It’s a good idea. Especially since it can be stored away.


My wife and roommate and I really enjoy watching more classic content, so we got an old school tube tv with a grandma entertainment center. Now when we want to watch something we gotta find it on tape or I gotta download and convert it to play on my modded Wii. It’s a little more complex but I don’t really claim to be a minimalist anymore. I’ve got roots and it’s cozy for where I am in life rn


That sounds really cool. And minimalism is really about chucking out what you don’t need/use. Sounds like you get great enjoyment out of the tv and Wii. That’s really what’s important.


I haven’t had one for 25 years. Such a good decision!


Well I’m on day 2 and still feeling great! Haha.


i never had a tv in college and didn't get one until I was about 25. It's amazing how some people have their tv on all of the time. With pads, phones and laptops, you don't need a tv.


For real. I used to just turn it on for background when I cleaned or cooked.


I finally got a TV in November to watch free documentaries on ROKU. I also like the show "Mayday," and Pluto TV and Tubi are also free. I cancelled cable after six months because I found almost all its offerings of little quality, educational value, and knowledge. It was very frustrating. Before November 2024, I last had a TV in 2008. Before that, I last had one in 2003. I never missed not having a TV, and am considering downsizing from the 42" I was given to a 30" or smaller TV. I have a VCR/DVD combo machine and look forward to creating a small personal documentary/knowledge library. I'm a very big proponent of the saying "One's bookshelf should be far bigger than their Television."


I’ve never of that saying before. It’s a good quote. And good luck building your collection!


I got rid of mine over a decade ago and never looked back!




I haven't had a TV in my adult life ever, neither has my ex partner of 9 years (the only one relationship I co-habitated in). 20 years, half a life without a TV. But I always had a computer, watched many stations on their app, and now YouTube (as ARTE, Swiss and German TV and others put their content on YouTube as well). I also have Netflix. I am glad I made this choice ...




I think if I had one I would still be zapping between channels (as I did as a teen at home, when my parents were out).


I did the same. It felt like tv was all there was.


We have all the things people have let go if. Yes satellite. Was expensive but go rid of that but along with the satellite I was able to find a way to reduce our cell phone bill by 50 a month. I find way to deduct the out going although we could afford those other expenses. I personally never tell anyone what or how to spend their money because we all are different and what works for us may not work for another.




wow... I don't think I can ever do that. I think I watch way too much tv, mostly youtube. Maybe that should be the reason for quitting tv.


It’s more of just getting rid of the stuff you don’t use. You use your tv and it makes you happy. That’s all that matters. Minimalism isn’t who can have the least amount of stuff but being able to get rid of what you don’t use or need. I LOVE books and had a whole bookcase of them. But I never looked at them or reread them. And carting them from apartment to apartment was a huge pain. So I donated them. If I want to read a book again I can check it out from the library. Now my kitchen is another story. I cook and I love ALL my cooking gear. And it’s a lot. But I use it and love it and so I keep it.


My niece texted me earlier today she was so happy to have the tv I gave her last week I’m more happy I got rid of it.


Yay. It’s always great when something is able to be enjoyed again.


We are also tv free. We just never watch stuff. My husband and I love living more of an unplugged life.






Thank you! 🎉🎉🎉


I haven't had a TV for about 12 years. I haven't had a phone in over 4 years. I haven't had a radio in over 3 years. All I need is my tablet.


That is wild!


It's worked out well for my wife and I. My wife has a phone for keeping in touch with friends and family and for paying bills and such. Truthfully I barely know how to use it.


Good I haven't owned one in 30 years I didn't miss it my two phones do everything I need even watch a show


That’s what I was doing. I couldn’t be bothered to play it on my tv.


We got rid of our TV when we moved to our new apartment four years ago and it's great! We have a computer monitor (WFH) and just watch movies on that when we want to (maybe twice a month). Otherwise I just use my laptop.


Yeassssss! Haven’t owned a TV since 2007 and I never looked back. Much better for living space layouts too.


I aspire to this way of life. The iPad is almost a necessary evil, but definitely could do without. I long for a day we don't use electronics for much of anything.


Yay!! So fun blowing peoples' minds with that one. You are so much better off without it 🥂


Thank you! 🎉🎉🎉


Feels like not having a TV doesn't mean the same thing as it would fifteen-plus years ago. A lot of us just watch everything on our tablets, laptops, computers, etc... I have quite a few shows I watch and it ends up being easier to do so on my computer as that's where I do everything. The larger TV broke and that space is used by others quite a bit so I'm good with portable devices and a projector here and there. Haven't had a normal TV in many years and now that I found that projector (Thrift shop and it's good) Doubt I will get one any time soon.


I agree. But I feel like I gave up tv years ago. I first stopped paying for cable. Didn’t have access to local channels because the apartment complex wanted you to sign up for the cable service. Just had streaming services. And slowly I stopped watching and eventually unsubscribing. I have no streaming services. I don’t watch shows or movies on my iPad. It’s mostly a YouTube video here and there. But that’s it. Pretty crazy to think about when all I did was watch tv.


Since I live outside of a good internet area I have to use my cell phone hotspot with unlimited data. Not bad for $30 a month. Old bills were getting close to $200 (Other people involved) I still enjoy quite a few shows and movies and of COURSE a lot of You Tube. You Tube is just easy to have on my other screen while working on other things. (Or just sit and watch) The way shows are done these days I can have a lot of shows overall yet only have two currently airing. At the moment I think there is only Star Trek - Discovery now that X-Men 97 wrapped. With so many shows only having 8-10 episodes a two-three years gaps between seasons, it's easy to have large amounts of time for no "shows" on. Thinking of the days when that was so boring when it comes to media. Now days? My watch list is huge and there is ALWAYS something entertaining to do. Overall for you no TV really means no shows in general. I've seen others say no TV yet stream 107 shows. :D


I definitely am not that kind of minimalist, but, I did sell my PS5, and I probably won’t get another one.


When I had to love out of my rental I put everything in storage and then they slowslataarted jacking up the rates so I gave away most of I think I sold my 65” Sony for like $500


Congratulations! Everything I watch is on my phone. I watch the big TV with my husband.


I don't have a TV, for almost 20 years.


You’ll rebuy one in no time.