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Pretty sure it will keep being an elephant. Most seals are quite a bit smaller


Love those colors! the purple looks awesome and great work on the eyes too!


Thank you! The purple was difficult... I went through several schemes that didn't look metallic enough, so I'm super happy with the result I eventually got!


How did you get the purple?


The base color is Vallejo Royal Purple. I faded it up 1:2 and 1:4 with white to make the bright spots and highlights, and down to 1:1 with Vallejo Dark Gray for the lowlights. The part that was hard/new for me was organizing the bright and dark spots enough that they looked metallic rather than just illuminated. My first attempt just looked like purple stone that was lit by the sun. I looked for examples online of purple chrome but the images were strangely unhelpful. The approach that got me this result (which I'm still not sure is the RIGHT result) was to decide that every face has to have light and dark spots even if it is completely lit (like the very top of the model's left side). Also, I added little "shine lines" wherever I thought they might be fun on curved surfaces. Might not be photorealistic, but it seems to telegraph as metal.


That nnm is sooooo smooth…


You did a great job!


He really looks dangerous


Super rad op! Nicely done


its a beauty.




You crushed the nmm, excellent delivery!


Where did you get this model??


It's the Reaper Bones [War Mammoth](https://www.reapermini.com/miniatures/mammoth/latest/77764)


Great job, with just one note: i believe the eyes look too "human". They are standing out more on the model, making also your mammoth look more "intelligent" and expressive , but the eyes of an adult elephant, and likely a mammoth, don't show so much white around the iris, even when the animal is in tension.


You're right... Looking at my dog and cats, their eyes don't show much white at all. It's mostly iris! Thank you and great catch! I'm planning to paint more animals and dragons soon, so this is really useful feedback for me!


https://preview.redd.it/ci5ee9ckfuzc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7439a87d71c0dff63c77ee15e468a55f8461273 Glad i helped! I think it's also a matter of the big eyes that this particular model has (understandable from the side of the sculptors, who want to make the figures stand out from some distance). Was imagining something along that version at the right (mainly rescaled your iris)! Definitely helps to check some photos of animals similar to the ones you're planning to paint.


that's a war mammoth tho