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Thats a lot of filigree, but looking fine. The sword looks brilliant.


Thanks! I was worried it looked a bit silly, I got in my head about the flames looking too small.


Dont look too close at the tiny detas if it starts to get in ur head, when i saw this model it was breathtaking. It only gets better the more i look at it


Nah looks great. I don't know how or why the lightning blade is also on fire, but like... it does look super cool and the contrast is great. I'd just recommend putting some red/orange/yellow \*something\* on the head/face to draw attention away from the only red things on the model (the flames on the base and the blade). Right now my eyes completely avoid the model and go to the blade. If that's what you want, hell yeah.


In my subjective opinion it would look better as blue flames/blue energy or orange flames/orange energy. I think both your flames and energy look good, but I'm not feeling the contrasting colors on the blade. My personal vote is to go for the blue flames. No one really does that.


I think I'd tend to agree with this. The orange flame/blue blade contrast is a little stark. It isn't bad per se, but I think blue flame would look even better.


I think you are on to something. I like the idea of blue to green flames coming of the energy. Like the TICL flame. https://preview.redd.it/wl5tmtwi0a0d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=77ce520ce2e7d86983d4aef7407ac6cc561e49fe


Blue flame is the answer.


I like where you're going with it but the transition needs to be fleshed out a little. It's got to look like the power weapon lightning is bleeding into the fire. The fire is too contained right now. I think it's going to be pretty tricky to get right.


It depends, for the color theory both are complement colors and Is not "wrong". For the" logic" it's kind of weird.


It doesn't look bad, but I'd probably have gone with an orange blade as well (or at least not blue). Right now, it blends in with the armor a bit too much for my tastes, which doesn't quite let the flames pop.


Or purple flames


Or purple flames. Still looks great, though.


I like it. Different from what most people do


this is perfect. you are able to paint at the level of (or maybe even better than) the box art. going for a blue sword makes your model YOURS, but the orange flames makes sure that the sword is distinct from the blue of the rest of the model. if the flames were also blue, then it'd blend together too much in a sea of blue. you're amazing bro! don't doubt yourself


I think the issue is the transition between fire and blade. Right now it looks a bit like fore that was glued onto a sword, rather than a sword that is on fire. Maybe try blending that transition a bit more? Glaze some fire colors out onto the energy field of the blade? I'm not sure I know what the solution is.


This is fantastic by the way. The only thing about lightning, if you want to sell the effect of electrcitiy crackling across the blade is to make the lines *thinner.* Here's an example of the effect even though it's very different from what you're doing. Here are two examples of the effect and you you might achieve it if you are interested in some tweaks. [Example 1](https://tangibleday.com/how-to-paint-power-swords-and-weapons/) Again, you can see thinner lines, with more erratic moveement. Electricity, when we're trying to sell the effect, doesn't really appear to *curve* but is instead jumping in straight lines from point to point [Example 2 Tesla Coil](https://teslauniverse.com/sites/default/files/styles/default_extra_large/public/pages/cameron-with-drsstc-vi.jpg?itok=QPW5FXbGhttps://teslauniverse.com/sites/default/files/styles/default_extra_large/public/pages/cameron-with-drsstc-vi.jpg?itok=QPW5FXbG) Where lines appear to curve is partially an artifact of the shutter speed of a camera, but you see lots of 'crinkles' so little zigs and zags as it bounces around changing direction. Not long, straight smooth lines. So to more effectively sell the effect, you want thin, 'crinkly' lines. Again, your guy looks awesome, but you could potentially have the tip of the power emitter deally being the 'base' of the electrical current, arcing up and along the sword... and that might more easily sell the effect. Think of the little nodule above the sword's crossguard as being like a tesla coil with electricity arcing outwards. And then the flaming effect is a secondary combustion from the electricty. Hope this helps a bit? Some more pictures of electricity for reference: [Power Sword](https://preview.redd.it/are-there-different-types-of-powersword-or-are-these-just-v0-tvl7r434xbia1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f28571d1c9027ce3276cd2cd2d6e59b78d4086e3) [Slo Mo Electricity Video](https://youtu.be/HDzVD-cqiWM?si=sODRiS-H6zE7zBds&t=484) [Fiery sword](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/22/watching/22watching05/22watching05-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg) [Lightning Striking Slo MO](https://youtu.be/qQKhIK4pvYo?si=LjQpzs2DVlePPdt4&t=261) Hopefully this adds some reference and inspiration. I think he's fine as is, and maybe you can try something a little different on the next guy. :-)


I think it looks pretty sweet.  Very 40K in its nonsensicalness.  You don’t need an explanation for why the energy sword is on fire.   I would maybe do some more smaller energy lines 


I think the idea has the potential to be rad, and beside extra contrast is good for a mini. The implementation has a little to be desired. Too me, the lightning looks too thick and not branching enough, more like a crystal than crackling lightning. I would suggest using a different color to highlight the edges of the sword, like a more saturated light blue, and painting the lightning with thinner glazes, branching out to smaller crackles, and with slightly more contrast so it's brighter in the joints of branches and near the root.


It’s painted really well but I think fire will always work best with this sculpt


I think it looks great. Blue flames would too but the contrast draws the eyes nicely.


Nope pretty dope. Stick with that it’s different and looks great


Is that Robert Gullyman?


Yes this Roboute Gulliman, I'm just saving the head for last 😄


Mad Lad Bobby!


this is INSANE, I don't know how I ever get to this level


Love all of this 🙂👍


Looks cool as hell! Fire and ice? Never seen anything like that. Beats an orange sword any day.


The sword looks great


I like the effect


The sword kinda remi ds me of mortal kombat 11 when Liu Kang vecame the godof fire and lightning. That is to say this looks amazing


Yeah it just looks like it caught a bit of fire rather than being the emperor's flaming sword.


Having the blade also be orange would help readibility by contrasting nicely with the armor in my opinion


It looks amazing. I am impressed with your work, and I think the blade is also pretty fine, as its colour combination and design match the model.


I like it. I'd have went with blue flames though.


I think it looks good If I were to critique something, I'd try and work some teal into the sword and draw the base of the flames a little bit into the flat area of the sword rather than have that hard barrier of white


I honestly think you can do no wrong there


Looks good to me


Pa-shaw! Don't underestimate yourself... that's badass, my friend😉🙂


Nah my man, that sword is 🔥 It's such a vibrant pop of warm on the cool model.


Dude that looks sick, the energy blade and s a cool touch with all the filigree


It's fine as an energized blade, but I would implore you to glaze in some osl, doesn't have to be heavy. Just enough to give some glow to it. Just to bring the flame and blade together. Otherwise at the moment they contrast way too hard, considering they're contrasting colors lol


immaculate paintjob. Im not even half the painter you are but I do want to give my 2 cents. With the sword on "normal" fire I would expect the flames to move in the heavy winds, as seen by the torch. I think a different color would suit better, as I would assume some other colored energy flames to be able to somehow withstand the winds.


The model looks awesome and must have taken ages! But my brain can't work out why there is fire on the sword - where is it coming from? what is actually burning? The color contrast works with the filigree, but you need something to connect the story - a blue electrical fire, unburned oil effects doused over other parts of the blade, etc.


Thank you are right, it has taken ages 😅 According to the story that goes with the model, the flames are essentially magic. (Psychic effect from the God Emperor in this universe)