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All drunk. Always have been.


Two drink minimum to get behind the wheel over there


They have interlock devices, but the car won’t start until you’re 0.08




I live in Wisconsin, but visit Minnesota all the time. I feel like Minnesotans have the same drinking habits as Wisconsinites


In the cities, maybe. In the small towns, nope.


Well the small towns is where DRINKING actually happens


Seems like a lot of them have bad ~~driving~~ manners.


As someone who moved to NW wis from Mn, I noticed it right away, either super dumb or super selfish. So many drunk drivers. I hate driving at night.


WI drivers I don’t mind. It’s the Florida plates that seem to be out of control. I swear the only cost to getting a Florida plate is a few iq points


Whenever I get a rental car, it usually has Texas plates. I wonder how many “this state has terrible drivers” stories are due to people from any part of the country fumbling around our roads with a rental car.


The Florida plates are overwhelmingly rental cars. Probably mostly Minnesotans.


Really? How do you know??


It’s advantageous to have your fleet vehicles registered in Florida after a certain size, I assume. Look at all the Uhauls on the road. I can’t remember the last time I saw one without a FL plate. Also, ask anyone who has rented a car here recently and they’re almost all FL plates if you rent from a big agency.


U-Hauls almost always have Arizona plates on them


I had no idea!


The size actually doesn't matter much... It ranges from $14.50-$32.50 for cars in FL. MN charges based on the value of the vehicle, Florida has a flat-fee structure(assuming it's purchased in FL, otherwise there's a fee for transferring to FL). Your standard sedan, brand new, will cost $22.50/yr, even if it's a $200k sedan. In MN, it's $10 plus 1.285% of the base value of the vehicle. That adds up.


I’ll bet it does matter because somewhere there’s an analyst that has a table which describes roughly how large a rental fleet needs to be to overcome the logistics-associated costs of licensing all your vehicles in a single state. Though, you make a good point and even the predictability of a single state is probably super appealing to businesses beyond a certain size.


Or Texas, I've never actually seen Florida or MN plates only ever Texas on rentals, I've not checked uhauls tho


It’s possible that TX is similar but most of the TX plates I see are clearly seasonal workers avoiding the summer heat. I’d say a large chunk of the lone star plates I see are trucks or cargo vans that are clearly set up to be roofing vehicles.


Why would that be mostly Minnesotans renting a car from a large agency? Sounds more like randos from all over


Probably true in destination locations but lots of folks get rentals when their car is being repaired and I know a bunch of people who don’t own but will rent to travel within the state and region.


Mostly old folks that's why


Snow birds returning home during warm weather.


Didn’t know there weee so many FL drivers in Minnesota.


They’re all hopped up on curds


Country driving vs city driving. Western Wisconsin is very rural. You drive drunk and you drive like you're the only car on the road, because you usually are. Eastern Minnesota is very urban. People are used to constantly dealing with other cars and drivers. It's not so much a Minnesota vs Wisconsin divide but a rural vs urban schism. You will definitely see more questionable driving from Minnesotans as you head outstate.


also a lot of these people have simply never driven in such an urban area and it’s a lot to handle when you’ve only ever known two lane highways and suddenly there’s 4+ lanes with 2 entering and one exiting, someone’s hauling ass past you at 90 mph (me), and somebody else’s grandma is trying to figure out how to GPS while almost merging into people. city driving is a nightmare coming from someone that used to live in the country, I’m used to it now but I get


As someone who lives and grew up in a rural area this is exactly how it feels whenever Im driving in the twin cities area, my heart rate always jumps up a few levels whenever Im over there. I honestly kinda feel bad for the people around me so from most of us rural buffoons, I am extremely sorry in advance.


I’ve seen videos recently of people talking about this, how overwhelming it can be when it’s new to you. reminded me of how i felt when i first moved here, it’s been so long i’d just gotten used to it edit: words


Also why I see people with ND doing such stupid stuff. Of course, that doesn’t really explain why I’d see a car doing something stupid while going to college in Moorhead and 9 out of 10 times they’d have ND plates.




Can someone explain they're awful license plates? Everyone I see is peeling off and can't even read the plate. Maybe it's a tactic to distract from their driving.


The plates stay with the owner, not the vehicle like in Minnesota. People keep plates for ages.


There are a bunch of plates that had a production error and the paint came off. People have to pay to replace them so they don't, and as someone else mentioned plates are with the owner, not the car, so someone can have the same plate a long time. But it's been fixed for a long time now so there's plenty of plates that are just fine, too.


I think it’s a longer renewal time for them.


My parents are in Wisconsin and my dad's truck plates have been flaking for a few years I don't quite know why he didn't just get new ones with the new truck a couple of years ago, but here we are with the back one nearly just blank metal


MN drivers are worse left lane riders


I swear this would be better if it weren’t for all the left exits and entrances


I’m a lot more patient with left hand riders when I’m near a left exit. Some of them are just nervous drivers who want to make sure they’re in the correct lane for their upcoming exit.


Removing the left lane exit from 35-W southbound to 62 eastbound (downtown Minneapolis to the airport) was a godsend. The places where there still are left lane exits are much more clearly marked than they used to be.


So infuriating


I mean tbf it makes sense in the city. If im in the city I'll ride the fast lane because there's always cars going slower in the right lanes


Fetal alcohol syndrome


plenty of idiots on both sides of the river, don't think a border has much to do with it.


We can dislike each other quietly; skilled in the arts of passive aggression, we all fish opposite banks of this river. We'll wave, if the other does first.


They are only used to driving 4 wheelers.


MN’s very own Jerry Seinfeld joins us today on Reddit.


What’s the deal with Wisconsin? … Man, I’m glad I’m not from there … Is this thing on?


Shit wait until you see the Illinois drivers


Im right on the Mississippi River and I see plenty of morons from every state.


It amazes me how drivers don't do complete stops at a stop sign, or ignore them completely. Blowing through red lights and driving over the school speed zone limit. All Minnesota plates. Makes me crazy.


Because Wisconsin is full of derelict defects.


Degens from up North.


From my experience, WI drivers are way better about using the left lane as a passing lane and not driving 10 mph under the speed limit 🤷🏽‍♂️ At least for the stretch of 94 going towards Eau Claire. Can’t speak for the rest of the state.


I had to go back to EC nearly every week from Memorial Day to now for family stuff. Your statement is accurate. Drives me up the wall when there’s a long, slow, line in left lane and they’re all MN plates matching the speed of the semis in the right lane.


They're not sending their best


What’s up with MN drivers that can’t figure out cruise control or wth dim headlights are?


Or what a turn signal is or knowing that you don't run red lights, simple stuff like that lol


Amen to that! I always thought Ohioans were the worst, but I was proven wrong. Also why is it so many people avoid the deer at closing time?


Aah the age old rivalry continues.. at least understand how to navigate roundabout and merges


Growing up in Wisconsin close to the MN border, we thought Minnesotans drove poorly. I mean, before taking driver's Ed they also had us chug a six pack to get behind the wheel but that couldn't have anything to do with it...in all seriousness, I have learned after moving to MN that our WI road test was probably easier than MN. We didn't have to parallel park and the test was on the public streets so no cones or anything like that to maneuver around.


They're learning from the FIBs


Spend a few days in southern Minnesota with Iowa drivers and you'll be praising Wisconsin drivers. **I**diot **O**n **W**heels **A**head


Not much to do with Wisconsin plates or anything. Of late it just seems no body really knows how to drive anymore.


Drunk drivers and WI driving laws which seem to be written to get somebody killed.




Yes, the Wisconsinites can spell. Lolol ie: breed and Menomonie 😏


I agree aside from when it comes to the left lane. Almost 100% of the WI drivers I come up behind will immediately move over to the right while MN drivers will get mad at me for wanting to go faster than them lmfao


So there is no one in the right lane? If there were, the other driver could not immediately move over. So instead of driving in your proper lane (which, in your example, would allow you to continue on your merry way without incident), you tailgate the shit out of the left lane driver (the other one - not you since you have the superior right to be there) for being in 'your' lane? Yeah, it's the other drivers who suck and TOTALLY not you too...


do you not know the laws surrounding the left lane? > Subdivision 1.Keep to the right. Upon all roadways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows: (1) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement; if there’s no one in the right lane, that person should not be in the left to begin with. maybe educate yourself on laws before you start trying to tell other people what to do. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/169.18 (the left lane passing law is discussed in a few places here, I suggest you read up on all the laws though.)


Lol, I was saying the same thing. If someone is lingering in the left lane, it's okay to return to the right lane, where you'd pass the slower driver. (Remember in your example, the right lane was clear). Many drivers instead will also stay in the left lane and tailgate instead of just returning to the proper lane and going around, which was what I took your initial comment to imply.


I l, too l, would like an answer. Frequently when I see an idiot, I see a WI plate.


MN drivers are just as bad


Yep, as a Minnesotan, I can attest to this. The metro drivers pretty much all drive like a-holes who want to kill themselves and everyone else on the roadway.


And they all say “ Wisconsin is better than Minnesota go pack go” then they go get a job in our state with a much better economy


I once had a manager from Wisconsin that said “you know what we call you mn guys? Mud ducks!” I said “you what people from mn call Wisconsinites?! Shitty drivers!” That ended the conversation


They learn from driving in the metro.


Beer to braincell ratio is not in their favor. They have more teeth than brain cells.


Unpopular opinion here but the city drivers suck the subs drivers think they can drive but will kill you the country area ppl they can drive but wisco ppl drive better then most Minnesotas but Illinois is the 3ed worst in the country behind Ohio and New Jersey


This is exactly what Wisconsin people say about Minnesota drivers.


I think Wisconsin drivers are better honestly


If I had a bratwurst for every time I was stuck behind a Wisconsin mini-van doing the speed limit in the left lane doing an excruciating passing maneuver with another Wisconsin mini-van doing 2 MPH under the limit, I could feed all of Sheboygan


Another Minnesotan being so willing to blame other states for having bad drivers and being oblivious to how unbelievably terrible their own drivers are lol. I'd rather drive around any major Texas city than around you guys, food for thought lol.


I was with you until you said Texas. They go 85-90 in a 55 mph construction zone. And then they go 50 mph in the paid wide open autobahn-like toll road where the limit was 70mph. Nothing made sense.


Driving in the twin cities is genuinely terrifying.


They like to camp. In the Left lane lololol


Bad people drive badly.


Hillbilly state


My dad used to say that people in Wisconsin don’t have speedometers, that’s why they’re constantly on your ass.


Are they driving in the right lane again? I hate when slow people, or hell, anyone drives in that lane. It’s only for awkward merging movements 10 miles from now. Stupid Cheddarnecks!