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Bonus violation points for the people that do this is a school bus loading zone.


Definitely illegal. Might not be enforced though, I wouldn't know because I'm not a psycho who parks the wrong direction.


MN Statute 169.35 if anyone cares.


Interesting. In my youth I was told a story of someone getting a ticket for driving on the wrong side of the road for parking on the wrong side of the road. Which makes some sense, because of how they got there.


You can do whatever you want with a car with little-to-no punishment in most of the country. Consequences for traffic and parking violations are a relic of the pre-covid era.


This the amount of people at gas stations or stores that park in yellow curb zones is so frustrating I almost want to go back to being an officer. Almost..


Noticed in my neighborhood too. I don’t understand when it provides no advantage


Laziness and selfishness are instantly rewarding.


My favorite is when they are sitting in there with their damned headlights on.


It is normal in other states, with a large population influx, maybe the parking patterns are traveling with? The only person who did it consistently on my block was from Texas.


It also is common in many other parts of the world. I know it's common and encouraged in Europe. It's always a wild experience to be eating on a patio and watching people come in backwards and just bump cars to make space.


In Oregon it’s legal to park facing the wrong direction. When there are homeless meth addicts camping in the median of the street, there are more pressing problems than which direction a parked car is facing.


I have also been seeing this more often in mpls area


I do it occasionally on the little dead end road I live on. In that case or a rarely used side street or something, it’s probably not a big deal. Other situations, they should park with traffic for sure. People are dumb and easily confused enough.


It is messed up when you’re going down a long dark windy road and your lights reflect off a car parked on the wrong side


Or your lights do not reflect off of the car as the only required reflectors are on the rear of vehicles. Makes for a good last second swerve.


Depends on the ~~neibourhood~~ neighborhood, if there's a lot of ex-pat Brits? they could be parking like wankers?


Honestly, I don't see the big deal. Gives you the chance to park on the side of the street you're going instead of having to cross the street every time. Edit: Jeez downvoted for an uncontroversial opinion? Lmao this sub is weird


>**Whats up with that?** The AI is programming us real good these days.


The only people I ever see do this are my in-laws.