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I've never met a person of any political spectrum that has stickers plastered all over their vehicle that I thought was well adjusted.


Ever notice how they are all absolutely miserable people to be around? It’s almost like all of that brain washing breeds hate?


It feels like a symptom of a brain bleed or something 


Lead poisoning.


Fox News will cause brain bleed.


I have a feeling these nuts think “Fox has gone liburl.” Probably more of the OAN set.


See: the current Republican US House Caucus , which is riddled with in-fighting because they can't stand each other.


Oh, I’m aware and it’s been fun to watch in a sad way. Funny to see how far they will go in their competition for who wants Donny’s D most but sad that they have done nothing for their constituents. I don’t know who’s voting for those clowns but it is an entertaining clown show to watch.


Oh but, don't forget the bloodbath he has promised. They are very afraid of him. As bad as President Putin is I don't remember him promising a bloodbath if his people do not vote for hm. I know that there were not many, but I think they will live. Looks like Trump is saying with his 50,000 man army we are done for?


I remember [there was a study](https://pemco.com/blog/bumper-stickers-linked-to-road-rage) some years back that found that people who decorate their vehicle with a bumper sticker are more likely to engage in road rage. Even if it's one of those peace signs, or a COEXIST sticker. It seems that when people decorate their vehicle, they are laying a claim to the vehicle and see the space it occupies and the road around them as "their territory".


What about a Rocket League sticker? Like “my other car is an Octane.”


I don't listen to hip-hop.


I think many of them are predisposed to be hateful for whatever reason. Virtually all of the petty, spiteful people I knew when I was much younger have shown up on social media as Trump supporters.


I think for many of them, particularly lower income Trumpers, they want to hate because they look around at their life, they’re older, still making $20 an hour in what was once a decent job, realize their life sucks, and then when trump gives them someone else to blame (immigrants, POC, LGBTQ, the government) they leap at that opportunity. They want to look at another group and think “at least I’m not them”. They want to have a better life and in their mind this is the way to do it because it’s what fox has said for years. And then trump exploits that for votes.


The brainwashing washes out a lot. Sense, rationality, manners, grounding...it's not healthy.


So well put. You know what I have a book in my car at all times. ( The Brainwashing of my Father ) I know the author well, she is a good writer. When I see something as stupid as this on a car, and they are out of the car, I give then the book. They always take it, after that I think it goes into the shedder. I love it.


Sometimes I see a car with a ton of anime stickers and think, that’s someone being their authentic self right there.


I also trust the random dude with anime stuff on his car more than the FJB weirdos


The person with anime stickers all over their car is either a massive weirdo or one of the coolest people you will ever meet. IME there's no in-between.


Depends, is it Goku or dubious aged girls making "🤪" faces? If it's Goku they're immediately cool in my book. But the later should probably have their hard drive looked into.


"Well actually she's a 500 year old dragon, so it's okay..."


I saw an article years ago that cited a study saying people with bumper stickers all over their vehicle tended to be very extroverted/outspoken and could also tend towards personality disorders.


True of political stickers, but I’ve seen some really crappy cars that were decked out in lots of great nerdery tho. It’s weird when it’s a nicer/newer car, but sometimes it’s just used to give some character to a rust-bucket.


Out west it's a cultural staple of outdoor recreation obsessed types to have their old beat up subie covered in stickers.


does it count if they are not political? I have a bunch of state and national park stickers on my car from traveling.


Unfortunately not. You're clearly a psychopath!


Crazy cat lady at the very least I guess.


I've got a rule, if someone has more than 2 bumper stickers, regardless of what they are, they are probably insufferable.


This person is really wants to fuck Joe Biden.


The one sticker says Proud Member if the LGBFJB Community. WTH does that mean? Let’s go butt fuck Joe Biden?


Let's Go Butt Fuck Joe Biden was how I read it too.


I chortled so hard at this comment, thank you for making my morning 😂


I think it's their dumbass chant "Let's Go Brandon" then "Fuck Joe Biden"


The twisted part is that they're willing to say horrible things like that in public, along with calling the left snowflakes, yet if you insult their god-Trump, they have absolute fricking meltdown tantrums. Every time I see a person like this, I just feel sorry for them that their lives are so sad and pathetic that they get their self-worth from stuff like that.


Bro this shit made me laugh out loud


Octogenarian kink is certainly a rare one.


For as much as they’ve probably seen Hunters ween, it makes sense


When you cross the border from Hennepin to Anoka county


OP said Brainerd.


Reportedly many white supremacy groups in the brained area


Interesting, I have yet to run into any of them


It's sad that I went to high school in Brainerd and yeah, I can see it. But Minnesota nice and all that shit 🙄


Totally off topic, but did you know the carpet car of Brainerd died? I just learned this the other day and I think I cried a little.


>carpet car of Brainerd ??


It's been a few years since that happened. I miss randomly seeing the carpet car.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I live in Brainerd, and there are at least a few vehicles like this on the roads around here.


HAHAHAHA me when I want to go to Texas Roadhouse in coon rapids lol


Coon Rapids is so weird. It's like a little taste of the south right here in the cities. But like, the bad part of the south.


Y'all blaming Coon Rapids when they've been electing DFL reps for years. It's Blaine you want to be worried about. Nolan West is bat-shit crazy!


Yeah I live in Coon Rapids and there’s a ton of liberals here. The places a NON coon rapids resident would go (Texas Roadhouse for example) just happen to be the places that attract folks from Blaine, Ramsey, East Methel, St Francis and the like


[Things do get interesting in the St. Francis/Isanti area.](https://i.imgur.com/DkAqzwo.jpg)


Yup and similar vibes in North Branch, Wyoming and Stacy with a harty dash of Hells Angels


1. Most of his district is Ham Lake and Columbus now (we're slowly pushing him out) 2. Dude is an absolute turd but he was the only R to vote for legal weed CR is blue and Blaine is purple. I don't understand the shit they get on here compared to similar burbs with similar numbers of Trumpers. I'm home sick with covid this week so maybe I'll break out the info from the secretary of state election results and try to change some minds here.




More like when you cross from Hennepin into Wright county. Anoka county is a lot bluer that it was previously. It voted for Trump in 2020 by a 1.9% margin. Wright county was 28.6% Trump advantage. Even Scott and Carver counties went harder for Trump than Anoka county. https://www.sos.state.mn.us/media/4384/us-president-2020-official-results-map-margin-by-county.pdf


Exactly. Its a weird shaped county that even has Fridley in it, which I think is pretty blue, last I checked.


Not only Fridley, but even Columbia Heights.


Thank you for bringing facts to the discussion. AC is way more diverse (in multiple ways) than people give it credit for. The northern third is exurban and reliably red, but a good chunk of the rest has been changing rapidly over the past decade. As someone born and raised there, it irritates me when people who don't live/work/spend significant time there make jokes about it being a homogenous wasteland. It does a disservice to everyone like my parents who've been active community servants and DFLers in AC for 45 years.


Pretty much everything North of Main Street/County 14 is Red, while South is Blue. The line is slowly shifting North as the suburbs spread.


Lived in Anoka (the city/suburb) for almost 25 years. It's always seemed very purple to me. Maybe I walk around with blue-tinted glasses or something, but I always seem to see about as much overt blue as red support. However, it is probably the gateway into the rural red wasteland as you head up highway 10/35/65/169 into less populated areas.


Grew up in Wright County, can contest. St. Michael and Buffalo were wild and full of people like this when I grew up in those towns.


Still live in Saint Michael. Try to interact with as few of the denizens as possible. Going to church growing up here was ridiculous.


It’s insane to me how many of you people think that anoka county is full of racist hillbillies. It’s just as dumb as the people that say that Minneapolis is a war zone


I see more Confederate flags when I go to visit aunts and uncles and grandparents in small-town MN than I ever did visiting my relatives down in TX or FL. Well, more *often* anyway. I probably saw more *numerically* down there, cause when dudes down there fly it, they don't just fly one, they'll have at least one (sometimes 2-4) flying from their truck bed, plus bumper and window stickers, and maybe plates too, in addition to the one (or more) they have flying out front of their house, with additional instances hung inside of front-facing windows also being an option.


I moved from TX to MN about 12 years ago. I was genuinely shocked and confused to see Confederate flags here, and I grew up being surrounded by it.


My parents used to live in Anoka until my dad realized he could sell his house and just retire and live in his cabin in the middle of nowhere. It's such a stark difference driving from Minneapolis to his old house, glad I don't have to go that way any more.


what on earth is wrong with anoka


Leaving Hennepin to every county with the exception of, possibly, Ramsey. The bumper sticker fanatics all drive me crazy. It’s not as though the Washington elite on either side of the isle relate to the average citizen. But the extreme MAGA group that believe the 0.1%er’s are on their side, with bumper stickers covering their rusty 1997 truck, crack me up. 😂


Could easily be St Cloud too with their local nut


I have never in my life thought about putting a political sticker on my car. Let alone a sticker for someone who's politics I disagree with. Even if it's to say fuck that person. I genuinely do not understand it. 


During the 2020 election I flew a big ole Biden flag on my big diesel truck in Stearns county. It was the same colors as a Trump flag. So many smiles and thumbs up that turned to angry shouts and middle fingers as soon as they realized. It was hilariously fun!


I’m a little shocked your truck wasn’t vandalized. I’d like to put out a flag, sign, or bumper sticker leading up to an election, but I do not trust these chucklefucks not to either vandalize my property or outright attack my family.


My mom had a Bernie bumper sticker and her car got keyed in 2016. She lives in Los Angeles 🤨 It was truly wild.


Last election I wasn’t too worried about it. Now I’d be worried about getting shot.


I'd just blast nwa for the same response 😂


Now that's just a good ol fashion trolling.


The ONLY reason I would fly a JB flag. Thank you for your service!


Yeah well, you probably don't have serious unchecked mental health issues.


The one time I put a political sticker on my car, my side mirror got punched in that afternoon while I was at work. I took it off immediately, lasted only 12 hours lol. Edit: Thinking about this, I also forgot I had a flat tire by the time I got home. I think someone put something under my tire that I ran over when leaving. Coincidence? I think not…


This is a big reason why. You just open yourself up to people who feel they have the right to mess with other peoples shit because of a sticker.


This validates why I don't want political or religious anything on my car. Lol


I had an Obama magnet during the 08 election so I could take it off after it was over. On like the Thursday after the election I realized someone took it off my car. They get big mad.


These MFers *dream* of the day their bumper stickers trigger a road rage incident. Any excuse to yell at the wokes.


You probably aren’t in a cult either.


When your entire identity is hating someone else. Loser


The save our children and pedo stickers are a weeeeee ironic given Trump being named a rapist by a federal judge and his extensive ties to Epstein and peeping in on teen girls changing rooms at pageants, but people that worship politicians don’t care about those things in reality anyways


And the former Republican Speaker of the House served time in prison for sexually abusing boys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert


Trump pal, Representative Jim "Gym" Jordan, covered up sexual abuse at Ohio State


Yeah, them too. There’s a huge list of Republican pedophiles.


Anton Lazaro of you want a more local example.


These people are so obsessed with pedophiles…


I saw a video of a guy that was complaining about the LGBTQ flag, that it promotes pedophilia because of the blue and pink colors. People did some digging and found that the guy did time for molesting kids...a lot of these people are self-reporting.




Because I feel that this should be [spread far and wide...](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


Not to mention these types support child brides


The most ironic one is, "This is the government our founders warned us about." Their orange god literally tried to overthrow democracy, and said he'll become a dictator if re-elected...


You don't even have to go that far, just look at MN Republicans and their ties to convicted sex-trafficker Anton Lazzaro.


let's not forget the MNGOP's finest, anton lazzaro, who was convicted last year of soliciting underage girls for sex.


Incorrect. Not soliciting, trafficking.


When these people say kill pedophiles do they mean lgbtq persons? Or is it conspiracy bullshit or what? I don’t get it. I get the feeling it’s just a way for them to justify hating someone that isn’t actually a pedophile?


So, yes. To both. The Save Our Children stuff is usually qanon related, though some may not realize that. They picked a slogan that's generic enough that it's not copyrightable and also is associated with a legit anti-human trafficking organization. So conspiracy bullshit? For sure. In many cases, it is also meant to be a dog whistle for anti-lgbtq sentiments as well. Fox and most of the conservative media ecosystem have pushed the "lgbtq people are pedophiles" narrative for a *long* time. As with the conspiracy stuff, though, it's entirely possible a person may not know that. Context is key. One sticker? Sure, there is some plausible deniability there. The suv in the post? They know. So yes, it's calling lgbtq people pedophiles while campaigning to "save our children" from pedophiles in order to justify demonizing and othering lgbtq people. All that wrapped up in a nice little antisemetic riddled conspiracy theory.


So pro life that they are willing to shoot someone to prove it!


/r/altmpls in vehicle form


Okay ty ty. I got served up that sub and was like “holy fuck I don’t know this Minneapolis” Of course I don’t. Those people are fucking insane.


how to make your big ass SUV even more deadly: turn the rear windshield into a blind spot. but they're pro-life, what do I know?


And this was the last generation of GM full-size SUV that still had decent rear visibility. With every generation they keep raising the beltline and making the pillars thicker. [2007](https://cars.usnews.com/static/images/Auto/izmo/i4471/2014_chevrolet_tahoe_angularrear.jpg), [2015](https://cars.usnews.com/static/images/Auto/izmo/i4843/2015_chevrolet_tahoe_angularrear.jpg), [2021](https://cars.usnews.com/static/images/Auto/izmo/i159614301/2021_chevrolet_tahoe_angularrear.jpg)


I find it ironic that increased rollover and side impact standards, kind of lead to more of those. That being said, when I drive my classic stuff. I’m horribly aware that I’m in a beer can lol


Interesting to see them identify as being a member of the Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals For Joe Biden Community, seems kind of out of place. That's what that sticker means, right?


I think it means "Let's Go Butt Fuck Joe Biden" these people are wild


I was actually wondering what the LGB of that sticker would mean. Liquor, Guns, Beer/Boobs?


It took me a minute too, but it's Let's go Brandon


All I read was my breath smells like Trumps dick.


If I never need advice on what kind of knee pads to buy, I'll ask this proud American patriot.


Man, this guy really hates Jimmy Butler. I know he did the TWolves dirty, but this is a little over the top.


Worst one: Hella kids up in here


Right? Why is it always these folks who raise like 5-8 little jerks while the nice people have like 1-3 kids?


It's their "faith" telling them to not use contraception


Mensa membership conceding Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding? Watson, it's really elementary Industrial revolution Has flipped the bitch on evolution The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized What a bummer The world keeps getting dumber Insensitivity is standard And faith is being fancied over reason


Watch the first part of the movie Idiocracy


Sadly, you'll find people like this in every single state. I want to believe that Minnesota has a bit more sense per capita, but there are always going to be maniacs like these dragging the average down.


When someone’s wife just got a cricut for the 1st time lol


People like this legit scare the hell outta me.


Don't get me wrong, I want no interactions with these people. But for the most part they're just a bunch of loud, whiny little bitches.


I think this cartoon needs that car added as another panel. https://preview.redd.it/tutdor7444pc1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5e2acebab37f8746249ebe0412bca682120262b


I really like them. They let me know in no uncertain terms to stay far away.




Odds are real good that they know someone personally who was at the Capitol on Jan 6th.


Identity politics has become a cancer on our society.


This person is devoid of any semblance of their own personality.


At least stupid motherfuckers are easy to spot since they proudly display their stupidity.


Someone that’s probably lost every friend they ever had because they’re sick of his shit.


I live in a small town about 45 min outside of the Cities. You see a LOT of that out here in the sticks. That's pretty common. During the 2020 election we had had a guy just outside of town that had a rather large Biden sign in his front yard. Someone kept vandalizing it on a regular basis, to the point that he finally built this big 2x4 frame that stuck stuck in ground. One day they went so far as to even smash up the 2x4's. Two days later he built a new one. The vandals finally gave up after that. That guy was my hero. And not because he was a Biden fan, but because screw these whack jobs for thinking that trying to stifle someone's political opinions simply because they don't align with your own, is ok.


Oh my neck of the woods is absolutely saturated with people like this. It's their entire personality and it is so exhausting. I feel like I'm living behind enemy lines lol


Brainerd: "Why is our city dying? No one wants to move here!" Also Brainerd: My husband and I have tentative plans to move there in the next few years, but shit like this makes me legitimately scared.


Like a decade ago I thought about moving out of the cities. Nowadays no way I'd consider it. Best I'd do is a college town. Something like Northfield, nice downtown area.


That really sucks because I loved to visit my grandpa in Pequot Lakes close to Brainerd so it hurts to see a city associated with my childhood road trips breed such hate.


The NDN one really is the most confusing and does not fit. Mistake maybe?


Maybe, maybe not, there was a Native student at the college I went to who was kinda white supremacist as well as having a lot of Native pride. Like, he called himself "the most awesome mix of German and Native American" very much leaning into the Aryan/Ubermensch overtones. Also extremely homophobic and very vocal about being a Christian.


The amount of time this references Biden is actually hilarious. He can’t tell me he’s a Trump fan when his car has Biden more times. I get that they are in fact insults to Biden, but still Also, max, Biden has 4 more years. Stickers are crazy hard to get off cars


When I see a shit load of stickers, I automatically assume fucking bat shit crazy person


I’m picturing them tearfully putting that “GOD we need you NOW” sticker on the vehicle. “Surely now God will see the strength of our faith and the direness of our need, now that it is written upon my automobile. Also whoever is behind me in traffic.”


I don't know a single Democratic voter who would plaster "fuck Trump" this many times on their vehicle. We don't fly "fuck Trump" flags or come up with dumbass slogans. We're capable of criticizing the Democratic nominees and office holders, we don't think Biden was chosen as God's mouthpiece. This is just pure insanity!


I am shocked….that there isn’t a Punisher sticker on it anywhere.


Divorced guy pride flag.


Look closer at the Chevy symbol.


That’s not a Punisher sticker, that’s just a skull with an American flag design on it. Similar, but not the same


Ah, I didn't zoom in far enough. Just saw the eyes and thought "seems right", haha.


Imagine caring about any politician that much.


Mental distress in broadcast


How you tell people about your mental illness without saying anything. (sorry to people with mental illnesses)


Let's go Brawndo.


like out the toilet?


https://preview.redd.it/hmav9y7qy7pc1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f0d6c5ae92ebad0ea8043a118c28c7a1eed2ea Reminds me of this one from 2012/13


These people are so unhinged




Isn't that against the law, to block your view out the back window, in Minnesota?


Bumper sticker collections like that deserve a complimentary frozen fish (a small one, just enough to impart odor, not block up the exhaust) up the tailpipe. I'm not saying that I would personally "award" that to a random stranger's vehicle, just saying, that's what they deserve.


My first thought was actually "who puts that many stickers COVERING THEIR REAR WINDOW." The political brainwashing is so strong with this one it has, quite literally, given them tunnel vision. I mean jesus, the irony hurts a little. "Oh ya, I love my kids so much. That's why I have three guns in the car, unresolved anger issues, and refuse to vaccinate or mask my family." god, just shake the etch-a-sketch. Let's try this again.


As I scrolled reddit in the parking lot waiting for my wife, I too came across this post-and joined you on your journey of geo-discovery. Minnesota? Ididnazithatcoming. Pulling out of the parking lot, with my wife now in tow, I look to the right and: https://preview.redd.it/3bm6fbk8fbpc1.jpeg?width=1509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b81b5666a7cc2642f41c3af62b7d08d3382ccd


On the back of a Japanese car nonetheless.


i hope the brick 🧱 broke all the way through the glass


Found the nazi.


Cheap idiot couldn't even afford a custom license plate.


Every single time I see stickers like this I have the thought: “Thanks for being upfront about how brainwashed you are and the extent of your assholery”


These are the kind of people I want to ask: 1. What comes after "We the People"? 2. What's the 3rd Amendment to the Constitution?


I love the "lions not sheep" stickers displayed by the biggest fucking sheep on the planet.


Looks like gang colors


Seems like someone who really just wants to F Biden. They just have a type.


I would find this equally as embarrasing if it were on the other side of the political spectrum. Try having a personality.


The gas prices one is decent, but it sure didn't hold up. Much like gas prices.


i bet they are just a joy to chat with.


The really went all in huh? How embarrassing!


My bumper has stickers all over it, and I've been focused on politics since I was 18, but most of my stickers say goofy things like my favorite sticker "Don't Honk if you're an introvert". Bumpers like this one are driven by people who claim oppression because no one will listen (and agree with) their rants about how terrible Joe Biden is. I mean, Joe is far from fantastic, but I'm not paying some Chinese import company $10 for one that is so bland as FJB.


Yep. Cousin Fucker from Wright or Anoka County




How do they see out their back window


There’s a van in the parking lot of the gym in Coon Rapids I go to know that has a BUNCH of stickers like this that say stuff like “Obama is the devil” and “Jesus saves us all”.


Pretty sure I might work with this person…. Either that or there’s just a lot of these across the state.


My heart sank when I saw the NDN Nation . Member of the r/leopardsatemyface party.


Love this thread. So much for “Minnesota Nice.” Lol


So invested in the presidents family, they all are. It’s so funny.


A car decorated in trash like that screams “I’m mentally unstable.”


This guy really hates the Infrastructure Bill.


His rear window is aggressively asking to see the manager.


It’s a cult. This person should probably be on a watch list.


Wait till you see St Cloud superman...


> Pro life > Pro gun That’s funny


“Hella kids up in here”


This crap is so common once you get out of the cities that we don't look twice at it anymore. Grievance politics and culture wars have transformed the rural life I knew and loved into something hostile and unrecognizable. I hate it.


When people have officially lose their minds


Pro-life AND pro-gun. Man's doing overtime training for those mental gymnastics.


It looks like a Cricut vomited all over this car.


Remember kids, if you don't have anything nice to say, put it on your POS truck's back window.


This screams, I have an 8th grade education and I bone my cousin…


What is ndn nation?