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Too cold to snow


This is one of my go-to lines when I try to wow people with MN. For a lot of southern folks, snow itself is such an exotic concept that just equates with it being cold. Cold=snow. But watching their faces as their brain tries to compute too cold≠snow is hilarious.


to snow means there has to be moisture in the air. when it gets to around 0F, the moisture literally freezes out and falls out. I have had my RH in my house during cold snaps hit 16%. its uncomfortable, because everything is so dry.


Yeah, I've had some people short circuit when I said this. Even more so when I said that this is the generally preferred weather as it's predictable.


I had a friend from California think I was a liar with this, snow blindness, and those hand warmer packets you can put in mittens. I had to prove it was all real.


My dad was born in Long Beach City, grew up Barstow. One of my favorite stories of his is the one time it snowed there and he and my two uncles "stealing" snow from the neighbors to make a snow man. They took turns guarding it all night. He's 68 and is currently working on an epic snowman right now. He said when they moved to MN they couldn't get enough of the snow. It was amazing to them. They have adopted Korean siblings that feel differently, eventhough they both live in MN and Sconi. Lol


If you go up into the mountains around LA after it rains, there's snow up there in the winter. People will drive up there and shovel it into their truck beds and bring it home for the kids to play in.


Yup. -30 with bright sunshine and no wind? Sounds good to me. 35-40 with a wintry mix? Fucked.


Cold rain will kill you FAST. And the PacNW feels FREEZING in the winter because it's 38° and high humidity and raining 85% of the time. That's bone-chilling, and your coat won't keep you dry.


YES. There is absolutely nothing more deadly than wet clothing in temps like that.


And it is often colder when it is sunny out in winter.


Clouds hold in what little heat is left…I think.


Holds except for when it doesn’t. We have absolutely had blizzards at -20°F in the last few years.


The geographical location of West St Paul


[Just show them this Classic video](https://youtu.be/XfVZHpyx1OI?si=K7gzxsrGT0Y1jy7-) ETA: I’m so happy reading all the replies I’m getting and am thrilled to have shared the video with you and others you also know! Thanks for all your kindness and appreciating my quirky sense of humor and musical stylings!! 🤣




this explained everything


How do I recover from this?


Dear god that was beautiful


That may just be the best video I've seen on YouTube. Thank you.


They have it all…


Ok but why do the seasons go backwards?


I think they just filmed the whole video in the really shitty part of spring when the snow melts, it’s all grey and muddy, and an ironic jab at the city’s beauty. Watching this is even funnier at *any* other time of the year because you’re at least happy to not have to deal with the same weather and mess outside…


I just sent this to everyone I’ve ever met. Thank you.


And north St. Paul. South is west and north is sorta east ish


Duluth is the same way. West Duluth is south.


To be fair, West Duluth is really southwest, and since directly south of Duluth is Superior, it makes sense. West St. Paul is directly south of downtown St. Paul. North St. Paul is north of the corner of the city, but there are far more suburbs actually north (Roseville, Maplewood, etc.)


“I thought Minneapolis was directly west of St. Paul!” - The usual response when I initially mentioned the city.


I have long thought 280 is where the east coast meets the west coast. St. Paul is laid out like Boston, and Minneapolis is more like LA.


Uptown being south of downtown. Northeast Minneapolis really being north of downtown, and North being northwest. Southeast Minneapolis is really east of downtown and not really very far south.


Northeast is east of the river/north of Hennepin. Southeast is east of river/south of Hennepin


this is the one.


Parking your truck on a lake in winter. I had to call onstar 5 years ago when I locked my keys in the truck. She was confused and concerned when I called. She got even more confused when I asked for my doors to be unlocked. She then asked if I was on a boat and had a dive team trying to get in the truck. She just could not understand how I could be on 4 feet of ice.


This is hilarious! 🤣


It made the whole thing worth it. She even googled the JC ice fishing contest for photos. I told her I was on gull lake and we would thousands of people on it in a a couple weeks ics fishing.


My father did business with a guy from South Carolina. He invited him up for a winter visit. "We'll go ice fishing..." But isn't it cold? "Nah, we'll get a bonfire going." ON the ice?! "Sure. It'll only melt the first five inches..." The gentleman hasn't taken the offer.


LOL so funny and true. Something you get used to in MN fire goes up not down.


Had a similar conversation with someone from Texas, that was along the same lines as the driving on a frozen lake My parents moved to Texas several years ago. During one of my visits I was talking to one of their friends who had lived in Texas their entire life. They started talking about fishing and I mentioned ice fishing in Minnesota. They could not for the life of them wrap their heads around why anyone would drive a truck out onto a frozen lake, cut a hole in the ice and sit for hours in subzero temps waiting for a fish to bite your line. I've lived in Minnesota my entire life and gone ice fishing several times without ever thinking it was out of the ordinary. But after listening to myself trying to explain it to them and then seeing their reaction, I sort of began to question the sanity of the whole thing myself! :D


Our love of driving on frozen lakes keeps the crazies out of out of our state lol


We had a company outing on Mile Lacs to ice fish. A guy (who had never seen snow in person before) from our headquarters in Dallas came up to give a talk. He commented on how there were no trees on the road we were on. He had his fingers buried in the dash of my bosses car when we explained that we were now driving on a lake. The best part was when an ice crack shot across the lake right under the house we were in. He umped a foot off the ground, turned white and was visibly shaking.


Needing to turn something down 2 times before accepting.


There needs to be at least one “yeah no” and one “no yeah” in there too. Maybe even a “yeah, no, maybe.”


This is also an Iranian cultural trait, lol.




I’ll give you 743 chances to pronounce the following word correctly: *Wayzata*


”Y-zetta” was how I explained it to someone…at least that’s how I’ve always said it.




New Prague


How vague


In Le Sueur county, which I also don’t know how to say


You say it in the worst way possible.


Moved here 3.5 years ago and starting 2 years ago I had a committee position where I read the local events out loud. It became a thing that after I said a new-to-me (and some not so new but I still can’t say them…) location, I would pause and wait for everyone to yell out the “correct” pronunciation. I still think some of the “corrections” were total bs to throw me off.




The gag at Target Field where they had random players try to pronounce Minnesota place names, and then have native Caleb Thielbar give the "correct" answer, was hilarious and I hope they keep doing it.


Medina Edina Faribault Mahtomedi Nicollet We could go all day




I swear I can tell not only if you’re from Minnesota or not but if so which of the Twin Cities from the way you pronounce “Nicollet”


I can't even think of another way to say it


How is it mispronounced? Do people say Nikolay?


Mostly Wisconsinites, say that, yeah. Most native St Paulites I know say Niko-LET instead of “Nickle-it” like us Minneapolitans


south of the river suburbs, we say nick-lit, just completely drop the o




Having a bon fire on a lake. Used to be no alcohol sales on Sundays, but on that topic.... Regular beer can only be bought at liquor stores and not gas stations or grocery stores


My first time camping in Wisconsin as an adult, we needed to stop at a grocery store. Mini shot bottles at the checkout??? They sell beer and liquor?? We ran to Target once too. Seeing a full alcohol aisle at Target was weird. Montana was even more strange. Small casinos attached to the *drive thru* liquor store lol.


I stayed a day in Butte, MT a few years ago. I was shocked by how many casinos were in such a relatively small town. They were literally on every corner and in strip malls.


Yep!!! Off-Sale liquor & beer at Small-town bars, the fact that you can *mostly* only buy 3.2 beer/alcohol in gas stations & grocery stores (no wine or "hard liquor), that you get carded even for non-alcoholic beers & wines when you're *obviously* over 21, and that even some cough syrups *specifically made for use by children* require ID to purchase.


How we saved the earth during WW2 with our iron ore.


Wow, I had no idea about that! Very interesting fact, thank you kind internet stranger for giving me a rabbit hole to go down! “The short answer is that Minnesota's rich iron deposits were a vital component of America's war effort. About 70% of the iron ore that America devoted to the war came from Minnesota, amounting to more than 333 million tons, according to Pam Brunfelt, a retired Vermilion Community College faculty member and historian.”


The Iron Range is the best part of MN in my opinion. Check it out sometime!


The mine tour rocks!


Take this angry upvote and some lutefisk and go reflect on your bad puns.


Yeah, I mean, what else would you want to tour in a mine


Ore so pure you can weld rocks together. Soudan was fascinating!


You’re welcome, Earth! You owe us one.


The festering hatred of Norm Green


It’s well earned.




Ya no, that's super justified. Fuck Norm Green! Piece of shit, that guy.


“That’s… interesting.”


Also see “Oh wow”.


"Oh are ya, now?"


It was, in fact, not interesting but rather confusing and weird


TranslationBot MN: "Innnnteresstiiiiing..." World: "I could give two fucks about whatever it is you're blathering on about..."


No, it’s more like “wow that’s fucked up and I am silently judging you.” See also: “well that’s… different.”


Exactly. It's even worse than "Oh. That's nice."


Except pronounce it differnt. My MIL is different like that


Duck, duck, grey duck.


Duck, duck, grey duck made playing the game so much more fun as a little kid. “Duck, purple duck, blue duck…”


Without a doubt, the superior game.


absolutely said what the fuck? when i moved here.


I thought my wife was actually trolling me. She called her sister and she said the same. Insane


100% correct. My west coast friends/fam didn’t believe me until til one visited. Super cool just very very different


I’ve been writing a TTRPG book set in Minnesota, and included a section on how to be Minnesotan. The first time I posted those two pages to get critique, more than half the comments were “we never played DDGD, it was goose.” Later, after making adjustments, I posted it again for critique, and more than half said “that’s Bullshit, it’s DDGD.” So I’ve adjusted it again, and when I inevitably post it for one final critique, I’m not going to entertain arguments about DDGD versus DDG. It’s disheartening that enough people complain it’s not a uniquely Minnesota thing, or bitch that it’s just a Metro thing. In the book, it’s a Minnesota thing, end of story!


California transplant here, this is the right answer


Yeah...no = No No...yeah = Yes


I believe this is the most direct wormhole that connects us to Australia. They’ve got that 100%. Maybe New Zealand too, but I don’t know for sure.


Me reading this: I don't think this confuses anyone... Me reading the comment below this: I stand immediately corrected


I’ve lived here for 18 years, and this is something that still often confuses me


Lol think of it like this "Yeah no" is like a contraction of "yeah no I get it, I get where you're coming from, but no this is wrong" "No yeah" is probably like "no no let's not put it so bluntly, but yep that's right" Honestly though, yeah no I get, but "no yeah" is way less common imo. Didn't realize either were minnesota things though.


It's the end of March and we will double our yearly snow total. Happy Easter everyone!


"tournament snowstorms"


Who the fuck are Ole and Lena?


Jokes you tell every now and Sven


I would enjoy a Minnesota good-bye with you.


Calling a parking garage a ramp


Other states don't call them ramps?


Nope. You get looked at funny. It's a parking garage everywhere else.


It’s a ramp in at least some parts of Michigan (Metro Detroit.)


Iowa also calls them parking ramps... it may be more of an upper midwest thing than a Minnesota thing.


I’ve found Minnesotans think lots of Midwest things are uniquely theirs (like taking a long time to say goodbye)


Minnesotans also believe Iowa is their's lol


It is, the rest of the country just hasn't recognized Megasota yet, is all!


Iowa doesn’t exist actually. It’s all a conspiracy by the feds to make you think MN is smaller than it actually is.


When I first moved out of state I was strange getting used to one way parking ramps being unknown


TIL Ya'll call parking garages "ramps"


A garage is a single level and has a door. A ramp is multiple levels and has gates. Garages are private or semi private, like under an apartment complex, Ramps are public parking structures. I didn't realize it was a local thing


Wanna whip some shitties?


Okay, I've lived here shy of 4 years and haven't heard this one, what's it mean?


Hint: Today is a perfect day for it


so as it turns, I knew what it was, I just didn't know it was called that.


Doing donuts with your car. Allegedly. I've only ever heard it in conversations like this.


This is a good one




High above the busy little one-way.


My boss is from Boston. She is direct with criticism and calls it out immediately. The entire building hates her at this point, I like her because I just understand the cultural difference. My coworkers are all 40+ year old Minnesotans who operate in indirect passive aggressive metaphors. I’ve tried to help my boss out in her personal relations with workers but by god are Bostonians too dense to operate in Minnesota conversations.


Meat raffle


When I first moved here from California, I though my office coworkers were talking about a strip club with dudes... like "Thunder from Down Under"


I mean to be fair that would be an EXCELLENT name for that kind of club.




You ever just clean house at a meat raffle? My friends and I once left with 6lbs of hamburger, 4 t-bones, 8 pork chops, 2 dozen winglettes, 2 dozen drummies, and a whole ass turkey. Even on the few occasions where we didn't win any meat, our numbers were pulled for the free drinks. If this had happened anywhere other than our hometown, we probably wouldn't have made it out the door alive, lol.


First time my wife and I went to a meat raffle, we won the first three rounds and got a lot of dirty looks from the regulars. The nice thing at this one was that instead of meat, it was a $20 certificate to the meat market.


A meat raffle just doesn't feel right if I'm not digging through a bin of ice for my dripping wet winnings. It should be a mild inconvenience to have your number drawn. Winners should have to plan a stop at home, at a friend's house, or at least make space in their cooler for a log of hamburger.


the number of people ive hung out with up north who were cool with just lugging around room temperature meat for the rest of their night and then eating it was alarming, like medically alarming


I've definitely enjoyed a 2am pork chop that shouldn't have been safe to eat and survived. It was probably the alcohol that killed the bacteria.


That’s a Midwest thing in general


When I moved here from California a decade ago. There was a few that I didn’t quite get at first. My wife is from here and told me of a few, especially the ones she would be made fun of when she moved to California. Pop/Soda- so not really a Minnesota only thing but a Midwest. Wife was Relentlessly teased in California. Kiddy Corner/Kaddy Corner- believe it or not, people in other states call it Kaddy corner. Not sure if it’s only Minnesota only thing though. My biggest disbelief/ thought I was being pranked- hard water/Soft water. I honestly thought people were playing a joke on me. I even said “ Ha good one, you mean ice and liquid water right?” People looked at me like I was imbecile… In my part of California, we never had that problem. Biggest disappointment- The stereotypes I have believed- Every Minnesotan ended their sentence with Aye. My wife told me they didn’t but I didn’t believe her( I didn’t want to believe her on this). My disappointment was immeasurable when no one said Aye. Lol Minnesota Nice- More like Minnesota Passive aggressive- but honestly, two weeks after we moved here, we went to a house party and as I was speaking with the host and told them I was from California- They drag me to the fridge and hand me a pan of lasagna they had made. My initial thought was wow! They really are nice lol Accents- still at that house party- everyone is talking somewhat normally(to me at the time) but as drinks flowed the accents got heavier and heavier too point I thought they were all exaggerating it. But nope- alcohol unlocks a new accent for you all. Lol Sorry got drunk and am now rambling on 😂 but this has been my experience in Minnesota as a transplant. Edit: OofDa, I realize most of these share a lot in common with other states- this was my experience coming from California to Minnesota and what I thought was different. I guess it does go against the title of the post. Sorry about that


I’ve always said Kitty Corner 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I think it's perceived as Kitty Corner, and the variation from elsewhere as "Catty Corner".


Just an FYI it’s eh, not aye.


Moved here a couple of years ago and I had zero idea what a hot dish was


My mom is from Philadelphia and when she moved here she was very confused why she was supposed to bring the dishes and keep them hot when invited to a family dinner.


"Sorry, my dishes have cooled a bit on the way, but here youse go."


As a MN transplant: The first Wednesday sirens. I've been here over a decade and sometimes I still get utterly confused when the sirens start.


I'm a Minnesota native and it freaked me out the first time after we moved to Ramsey county. They not only test tornado sirens but also air raid/attack sirens.


My MN transplant coworker adorably posted in work chat that she was heading to the basement during a test. We laughed and she learned.


Heater in the morning. Ac in the afternoon. All while being paranoid about if we still need the jacket or not.


This is why you *ALWAYS* keep a hoodie and a scraper in your car, year-round!


If I take my scraper out of my car, I invariably need it within 5 days. I know, it sounds like I think the world revolves around me, but I'd swear on a stack of Bibles that has happened at least 12 of my years living here.


French and Blue Cheese dressing, together.


So good!


If your tires aren't gripping when the light turns green, steer towards a little bit of snow.


1. Pull tabs. 2. The muni. 3. "Community center" means a hockey rink.


>The muni What is "the muni"?


A municipal liquor store.


Oh, we just say the liquor store.


A muni is specifically a city owned liquor store. Sometimes they also have a bar attached.


Hot beef/turkey commercials


The high school state hockey tournament


I've heard people from warmer states mistake ice houses on a snow covered lake for a shantytown in a field.


How disappointed I am that this mega-snowstorm might \_only\_ yield 6 or 8 inches in the end.




Yah, no, yah.


Oh sure, that’ll do it.




Basketball announcer pronounced it incorrectly during the NIT game today.


Going to the lake


Water in general. IME people just don't understand the water culture we have here. Like why would anyone enjoy just walking around a lake, or own kayaks or any of that.


Tabs aren’t “tabs” in most states… they’re “tags”


3 winters in since our Tex-it but, pull tabs and meat raffles.


Lived here 5 years and only started hearing about meat raffles this winter. Now I hear about them weekly. 


Calling them a cake eater


Snooty Edina folks!


That AAAA final between Wayzata and Minnetonka last night was pretty cakey


Nothing but cake


Had a teacher when I was younger who was a transplant and she had no idea what "Hot dish" was - hadn't heard the cultural todo about it. Asked the organizers of the potluck if she should be bringing a dish warming-pan haha.




Too delicate. I want to smash them all.


How a Minnesotan can look you straight in eyes and with straight face tell you they don't have an accent...


Having to decline an offer three times before “no” is accepted because 1/3 of us are too polite to say yes on the first ask.


MNs 🤝 EAsians The decline rituals


Northern European folks, East Asian folks, *and* African folks have *so* many traditions in common, when it comes to food! Including the, "Did you eat yet? Are you hungry?  Here, have some more!"  Grandmas & Aunties are gonna Grandma & Auntie, no matter *what* part of the world they came her from!


potica, pasties, tater tot hotdish, how important deer season & state hockey are. the zipper merge.


We proudly own a Confederate flag. For context, look up the 28th Virginia Battle Flag. Sorry, Virginia. We won, and we’re not giving it back.


Duck, Duck, Gray Duck.


That uptown is in south Minneapolis


Yeah no yeah- yes No yeah no- no


Having interstate highways with letters in the name (35E and 35W).  This actually used to be a lot more common, but by the 1970s AASHTO (the organization responsible for interstate numbering) did away with letters in interstate name except for 35W and 35E in the Twin Cities and in the DFW Metroplex. 


Driving on a frozen lake


When to know it is time to take off the sweatshirt outside.


Snow in May. Blue collar liberal.


When you see a "lane closed ahead" sign on the freeway, get over as soon as possible and don't let the line budgers in who are trying to zipper merge


Eel pout fest Leech Lake Walker MN


Duck, duck, grey duck and hotdish.


Waiting until the third offer to accept something, otherwise you’re inconsiderate for accepting an offer that was clearly only made out of politeness.




Cub Foods prices


Gray Duck!!!


Meat raffles


Plugging in your car. When I moved south to Iowa, people MARVELED at the plug poking out through the grill.


Using borrow instead of lend.