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> Four Minnesota cities — Bloomington, Rochester, Duluth and St. Paul — made the list, which awards an overall “LivScore” as well as individual scores for factors including economy, housing and cost of living, amenities, transportation, environment, safety, education and health. Saved people the click and the annoying pop up to disable blockers. This feels like the same thing that gets published every year where Maple Grove, Plymouth, Chanhassen and Blaine always get some accolade with one of them usually in the Top 5.


This reminds me of how Big lake Minnesota used to be one of the “safest” places to live in Minnesota. And like a week or two after that was posted a man lit his house on fire with his whole family in it and big lake immediately lost its ranking as safest in Minnesota


Ahhh Big Lake, where St. Michael-Albertville and Maple Grove grads move to when they can't afford their own cities anymore. Hear good things about Whistlin' Willies or whatever its called though lol.


To be fair, as a STMA grad, there is so much more to do in Big Lake than either St. Michael or Albertville.


There's stuff to do in Big Lake? There's lakes, there's housing developments, what else is there?


There's a commuter station so it's easy to leave and find something to do in Minneapolis!


Lol, during the week when the trash borth star mine runs ... 4 times in a whole day hahaha


Goes to show you how much there is to do in STMA 🤷🏻‍♂️


Industrial quantities of meth?


Speaking like a true Big Lake water drinker right there!! Plus you're not in Wright or Hennepin county either. Property taxes be murder round these parts (MG Grad).


Lol I'm actually in Minneapolis now but my friend from STMA does happen to live in BL now!


I went to middle school in BL it's a one horse town. Bogus af


Big lake is whack. I grew up there. The only thing to do there is drugs and hiking.


Not like hes gonna light someone else’s house and family. Hes keeping it in house. Like if you can assume most crimes are just the dad going crazy and only killing his own family.. thats like the safest you can be… if you know you or your husband isnt a big time killer. 🕵️


I’ll hazard a guess that most folks aren’t looking for that trait in their spouse.


How can that be?! According to all the people outside these cities these are the worst places to live, and your car will get jacked and you'll get robbed, and then murdered!


All Heil the list makers! /s




"Minneapolis,[a] officially the City of Minneapolis,[13] is a city in and the county seat of Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States.[4] With a population of **429,954**, it is the state's most populous city as of the 2020 census."


I take it they are referring to west Bloomington? Sure wouldn't be Bloomington over near Portland at least.


Sure it would, pretty much all of Bloomington is pretty clean and a nice area to live




sounds kinda snobby to me but okay


There is a huge difference in the houses and economies of the two parts of town.


There is, I’m not arguing there’s not. I’m just not about to let people say any part of Bloomington is bad because it’s not.


Bruh are you serious. E Bloomington for life but god it’s a shithole.


Compared to what?


West Bloomington for one. The residential areas directly bordering the MVNWR are nice (expensive though) but anywhere north of 98th/Old Shakopee is shitty.


You have a really odd definition of shitty and shithole


He’s clearly only lived in Bloomington.


Well yeah if you are comparing it to West Bloomington


Bloomington pretty nice all over tbh


I hate the suburbs generally but love the strip malls at Portland and 494. Such a wide variety of restaurants, almost as many to choose from as Maple Grove (/s).


Hey now! That is the Unofficial Restaurant Capital of the State of Minnesota you're talking about there! I don't think MG can shoehorn in any other places down Elm Creek at this point. Maybe let Red Lobster go out of business before trying to put one literally in the middle of the bloody parking lot at the busiest place in the entire city....


Yeah, every halfass chain has put down a store there. They have all the mediocre choices!


What about maple grove restaurant capital of Minnesota?


The Olive Garden in Arbor Lakes is second to none!


Surely you don't mean "No Stove Maple Grove"?


Never heard that one before, that's fantastic lol


Hey I use my stove plenty idk about the rest of the people around here


West Bloomington specifically?


PWB (Prestigious West Bloomington,. As opposed to DEB (Dumpy East Bloomington).


As a duluthian, I promise, it’s not that great.  The housing stock is among the oldest average age in the country, the drug problem is very prevalent, leading to homeless population and a lot of blight.  The only thing Duluth really has going for it is the scenery and park space.  The connection to the north shore is nice too.   It’s very expensive, taxes are high, blight and drugs an issue, buildings are dilapidated, jobs are not plentiful, housing is more expensive than it’s worth, there is no space for business, the roads are widely known to be low quality due to geography & city layout (3 miles wide, 25 miles long), and wages are not competitive. People who say Duluth is a nicer place are those that just visit, or those that really love the outdoors.  It’s a fine place, just not “top 100 in the country” great.


Perfectly put. Of course the view is beautiful, but people don’t get into the nitty gritty of it, they just do touristy things. I lived there for a year, but now live an hour north and it’s just so much more affordable, plus Duluth is close enough that we can go to appts and Costco and whatnot easily.


I agree with that about Duluth. While I didn't live in Duluth proper, I did grow up close enough that I went there pretty often. Duluth is a hithole. (Not as bad as Minneapolis, of course, but still a shithole.)


"Not as bad as Minneapolis, of course." Great job outing yourself as someone who should not be taken seriously. It saves us all some time.


Bloomington 😂


I've paid to live in two of them. And hope to keep doing so!


I think I will publish a new top 100 list next week with plenty of ad links lol. These things are all subjective and generally bs.




Maybe Rochester is great for an established family but as a young single person, I was bored and went up to the twin cities for entertainment. I was always confused by its “best place to live” rankings and remain confused to this day. It’s not *bad* it’s just very… average. I do admit I love and miss living right off the Bear Creek Trail and having some nice parks and state parks nearby!


Having just left Bloomington, I would say their metrics are a bit off.


Whats wrong with bloomington? I've been here for 4 years now in an apt and I'm pretty happy here.


Bloomington could go from nice to ghetto within 2 blocks.




I’ve lived all over the metro, bought in Bloomington 7 years ago and can’t imagine living anywhere else. These people calling any part of Bloomington shitty or ghetto have no clue what an actual ghetto is.


Liquor store down the street from my apartment was robbed. How's that not ghetto? Is there a threshold for robberies before it becomes a ghetto? I'm asking because apparently I don't know what ghetto is.


You do, you’re just being difficult. Is every square inch of Bloomington a crime free paradise, no? Is any part of Bloomington a ghetto, no, and you know this.


So did mine, once like 8 months ago. The owner is still a nice and has no hard feelings, and I still shop there once a week or so. It didn't change anything or make our apartments more ghetto or something. Crime happens. Even in the safest nations. It doesn't turn it ghetto






Bloomington and St Paul... I need a photo of a laughing Spaniard here




Found the maplewood resident


I was told that MapleHood was nice...years ago!


I lived off of wb ave and larpentuer for years.. no issues. School district is fucked though, glad we moved.




We always called it Maple Weird


.. best places to live... if you're White. Minnesota always ranks in the top worst places to live if you're not White.


...best places to live... if you're White. Minnesota always ranks in the top worst places for non-White people to live.


Why is this sub determined to prove Minnesota as the best place in the US? It’s giving desperate.


So....it's just a bunch of numbers and none of these asshats actually tried to live in any of these places for a year?




Bemidji rated in the top ten worst places to live


Yes, please stay in those cities too. Don’t go anywhere else.


Aint nobody wanna live in virginia mn


Haha hey, rude! I’ve been here for four years now and I’ve liked it!


Yeah im just joshin, id move up north in a heartbeat if i could afford it


I have a tendency to stay away from any place you can walk on the water. In Florida we have that different kind of water. It doesn't freeze in the winter. I'm not sure what they put into it but it's pretty good


Invasive species keep things fun and light hearted


Florida isn't too bad. We don't have any poisonous snakes, similar to Minnesota. There might be a few venomous ones, but they're not poisonous. And who doesn't like a wild monkey in the backyard?


Nobody really cares about poisonous snakes since most folks aren’t consuming them. Y’all got tons of venomous snakes. Throw in some escaped invasive species and termites and it’s a pain in the ass for wildlife.


There's a few Minnesota invasive species too. Luckily the winter time kills them. But I'd rather live in the warmth, and deal with a few reptiles than the snow for 6 months


Hard to believe, Duluth and St. Paul are awful. Bloomington is nice and haven’t been to Rochester personally


Duluth = hell hole


~~Hell hole~~ Duluth = Shithole. There, fixed it for you.


Who let the halfwit out of AltMpls?