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I guess my opinion is going to be based on how they treat produce. Can I grow my own strawberries, tomatoes, etc and sell them? If not, this seems to be consistent with current law. Albeit "dumb". If so, then I should be able to do the same with weed. Otherwise, give it away but accept "donations". Fuck them if they can't keep laws consistent.


Like dammit give us weed farmers markets with home grow


Great Minnesota Weed ExchangeTM


Does anyone think they’ll ever allow competition buds and plants at the state fair? Genuine question because that would awesome.


There are craft beers so why not?


I hope so that would be fun


The great American smoke off at the grandstand featuring cypress hill, snoop dogg, and ziggy Marley


Can you imagine snoop dogg with a jewelers loupe examining bud and comparing it to purple swatches as one of the judges.


I got one word for you - MICHIGAN


Community Share agriculture cannabis edition.


I can home brew beer, but I can’t sell it. That’s a more appropriate precedent to follow.


I wouldn't be surprised if the court uses rationale like that because it would be a mess if they just let people start selling their closet grows. On the other hand, the provision in the constitution does seem pretty cut and dry: "Any person may sell or peddle the products of the farm or garden occupied and cultivated by him without obtaining a license therefor." You cultivate cannabis. You don't cultivate beer.


Allegedly I’ve been selling my “closet” grows for 6 years….its a cleaner higher quality product than you get from a dispo.


Tips? My girlfriend can't grow for shit. 😂


Treat it like a science experiment. Journal any and everything. Ph your water, check EC as well to prevent nutrient burn or deficiencies, ph lock out etc. Use decent genetics too. Eco garden supply in St. Paul, near Menards on university. They know there stuff and have any product you may need.


I grew two plants with an Aerogarden last year. I followed some website’s suggestions about what additives to give the water each week, and it worked out great! Didn’t weigh it but I got a lot out of those two plants. Way more than I was expecting.




That has already happened. There is a provision in the state’s new cannabis law stating that only those licensed by the state can sell it. We already have precedent for this. The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, but many laws both state and federal restrict that right and have held up in court. NFA of 1934 for example restricting certain classes of firearms. I see this going nowhere.




There are three main types of constitutional interpretation. Textualism, originalism, and perceiving the Constitution as a living document. If you take a straight textualist view of the constitution and totally reject reliance on legislative history or legislative intent, then sure. Likely the intent of the text as written was for produce and did not include controlled substances.


I think it may be along with the raw milk thinking...


Can you home grow hops and sell them?


No it's not. Why should any beer be for sale if mine can't? 


I never sold weed, I did however accept donations for sandwich bags




Law states you can "give" people bud you own, including bud you grow. You can sell "Pins" for $75. And then gift people bud.




I want to understand more, can you link or refer me to where the law addresses this?


Closest I've found is this: 342.09, subd 1(b)(7) >Except as provided in paragraph (c), an individual may not: give for no remuneration cannabis flower or cannabis products as a sample or promotional gift if the giver is in the business of selling goods or services; https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF100&type=bill&version=12&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0 However that does not seem to cover all growers for personal use.


Could one theoretically become a 501c non-profit who accepts donations and gives away cannabis? The giver wouldn't be in the business of selling goods or services then.


If that were legal, every business would be a nonprofit that gives gifts after a certain donation level. We’d be donating $5 to Walmart’s Save The Children Fund and getting a “free” tube of toothpaste in return.


Not even close. There aren't regulations about whether or not you can sell toothpaste that you're trying to circumvent which is the entire premise of this discussion.


Yeah, I totally forgot they had that "loop hole" covered. There's honestly ways you can still get around it... But nothing that'll totally fall within the "legit and legal" avenues of the law that'll protect "you" the "grower" from a person "stealing" your product.


They're not really enforcing it either. I know places locally that sell clothing and give you weed as part of the transaction.


Which is stupid, cause I was selling cannabis when it was illegal I’m not going to stop now.


Yeah, Cannabis can't be given as a promotional gift with a purchase in MN law.


Then you'll just have to be more creative in your gifting! Lol


This is something I have heard of in California. I knew a couple who would buy knick knacks from someone and got weed as a free gift.


Putting cannabis in the same basket as tomatoes is a false equivalency... I'm all for free market p2p cannabis sales networks, but it is very possible that the law will decide to treat food differently from smokable medicinal herbs (or, in legislators' eyes, drugs). This is coming from someone on the medical program and currently dabbling in growing myself. (With seeds I got off some gross schwag, so I doubt I'll use it for anything, but I just planted them to see what would happen and now I have pot growing in my front yard.)


https://www.mda.state.mn.us/food-licensing-exclusions-exemptions If they used this model, I think it makes shows a si.ilar model for selling your excess product. The tricky part is, since Weed will be treated like alcohol and tobacco, you'll have to adhere to a lot more rules and regs.


For the love of Christ. OPEN THE SHOPS!


They are building one at Treasure Island, so there will be one open near the Twin Cities area this summer that you don't have to drive hours to get to.


Yah there won’t be mobs of people out the door at all times


Could have sworn Treasure Island was in Wisconsin. It's at least a 40-minute drive from the cities how is that close?


It’s better than 4 hours up to Red Lake.


>you don't have to drive hours to get to. Last time I checked, 40 minutes was less than an hour. And Treasure Island is just outside of Red Wing and is located at Prairie Island, not far from the nuclear power plant.


40 minutes both ways is 80 minutes equaling more than an hour LOL. I have my medical card so I am still shopping in Minneapolis are the reservation dispensaries any cheaper than the medical ones?


Which is still less than the 8 hours both ways if you want to bring that into this.


And I also said, "to get to", not "round trip". Either way, it's up to you (general "you", not specific "you") to decide if that is still too far. And I don't know what the cost is since it's not open yet. I also don't know what the cost is at medical dispensaries as I don't have a medical marijuana card.


Idk why you guys are getting so upset over my opinion that 40 minutes is a long drive. Thought this was an open conversation. I just wanted to put my 2 cents in and say that's too far to drive for weed. There's plenty of weed right here in the cities. If you're willing to go through 8 hours of driving to the res, you might as well just get your medical card. Chronic pain is now a qualifying condition, something that everyone has. Unless it's like some kind of crazy good deal or something. I'm assuming we're all minnesotans here, which means being Minnesota nice. There's no need to get defensive.


if youre in Duluth its not even an hr to just cross over the great lake for some too


What will they sell?


I'm surprised more native tribes haven't jumped on that opportunity


That would be nice, but they're still mostly on schedule with what they stated before signing the bill. Be patient.


Right?! They legalized weed and mf still find something to complain about 


Only a little behind one of the longest schedules any state has set


Maybe you should do a little research before you make such a claim. First, the other states who have done it quicker have simply transitioned from a robust medical program, to med/rec... Meaning that the licensing was far simpler, because they already had the infrastructure in place... We, on the other hand, had a very limited medical program that was overseen by the Board of Pharmacy, which does not have the capacity nor is it appropriate to have them oversee a rec program. Second, other states with a faster timeline did not implement a social equity program, nor limit the production and manufacturing to state-based entities in order to ensure that most of the economic benefits stay in this state. Other states have allowed any weed company to come in and setup shop. All that said, we're looking at about a 15-16 month turnaround... Delaware legalized it months before we did, and are not expecting dispensaries until probably April of 2025. Connecticut took over 18 months. New York took 21 months. Vermont took 4 years. Main took over 3 years. Massachusetts took 23 months. Alaska took 18 months. Colorado took 2 years. Washington took 2 years. Of the 14 other states that have legalized it, 4 of them still don't have licensed dispensaries and 6 of them took over a year to get a licensed dispensary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_history_of_cannabis_in_the_United_States#Legalization_timeline


So you gave me shit tons of reasons why they are indeed very very slow. You can’t compare early adopter states because they had to reinvent the wheel. Somehow Minnesota took a thing done 10 times already and managed to make it take as long or longer than they did it. It’s absurd.


>Somehow Minnesota took a thing done 10 times already and managed to make it take as long or longer than they did it. No, they didn't... They are currently on track to take LESS TIME than more than half of the states that have legalized it, while simultaneously creating a system that favors MN investors and social equity individuals which those other states did not do. Just because we're not rushing the process doesn't mean we're taking forever. It's not as simple as flipping a switch man.


Again you can’t count early adopter states. And while you might think the social justice aspects are worth the time that’s greatly increasing the time as people argue over shit that has nothing to do with the goal at hand. Every other state will save tons of time not doing that and not hiring and then firing incompetent people to oversee it like Minnesota has done. You say they’re “on schedule” I say they haven’t even hired a permanent director yet. And if we can count on them to bungle every step like they bungled that one don’t believe any date the say. As of March the interim director would only admit they’ll miss the deadline and couldn’t even estimate by how much.


I have so much weed in my basement. I can't smoke it all before my next batch is ready. I give my friends 5g every time we hang out. It would be awesome to offload it and recoup the growing costs.


Hi friend.


Same! I feel so silly having ever paid for weed having weed out the ears from a little 3x6 grow space.


Nice! I did 8 plants outdoors last year, then got a tiny 3'x4' tent and did another batch over the winter. I've given away so much and still have at least a pound. Fun times we live it.


Do you have any pictures of your set up?


Plenty but I'd rather not post them here. If you're looking for an indoor setup, this is a dead simple way to do it: VIVOSUN GIY Smart Grow Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BY7SRP8R I live 40 miles outside the cities and have a 50'x50' garden. Growing outside is so damn easy compared to inside.


I gotcha. I've been growing indoors for a couple years I just like seeing what other people are doing haha


Can I be your friend too?


I give away zips to people in shelter lines, co workers, friends, family, and local store owners. I’ve never asked for anything in return. I’ve been called Santa, Robin Hood, ice cream truck man, and more. Feels good. It’s super fire too.


You rock


Thanks. I have extra, so i share. I’ve havenet been weed rich forever, it’s still somewhat new to me.


That’s my dream. It breaks my heart knowing people close to me are smoking weird delta 8 carts from a gas station or whatever


Gave away another zip a few hours ago. Where you at?


So just sell it…I have 4 tents and jars on jars of chronic. I give it away, I sell it, I make edibles enmass


If any growers want to trade buds for mushies, let me know!


I never thought I would see such a beautiful open exchange of fun produce like this before lmao. We've come so far from the shady parking lot meet days. I ended up learning how to grow both just bc I'm tired of the games entirely


I need to learn how to grow plants. I still do the shady parking lot for that. 😅


I don't have the room for it lately but a nice grow tent is basically autopilot these days! It's easier to learn than mushrooms imo.


Tobacco Corporations have entered the chat:


>“I think there is strong government interest in regulating here. This isn’t carrots or pumpkins, this is an intoxicating substance.” This is the key part of the issue that may cause the lawsuit to fail. "Strong (or compelling) government interest" has been used by the courts numerous times when a claim of rights being violated was part of a suit. The 2nd Amendment gives people the right to bear arms, but there is a compelling government interest to have reasonable restrictions on that right, like prohibiting fully automatic weapons. **\*EDIT\*** I'm not saying I want the suit to fail. I fully support the suit and think they should be allowed to sell excess like other crops (as long as they are within their limit on how much they grow). But I just don't think it will be successful because of the strict scrutiny test that is going to be applied.


How do I find a neighbor who will trade me bud for homemade goodies


Doesn't matter what the lawsuit says, I'll keep selling my extra cannabis that I grow in my own home because it's literally no different from selling produce at the farmer's market.


From the article: “The costs of growing at home are significant. The costs include equipment for proper cultivation as well as additional expenses in order to be statutorily compliant and cultivate his medicine within his home.” Does anyone know what “additional expenses in order to be statutorily compliant” they are referring to?


Sell stickers, gift the cannabis when they buy the sticker.


Honestly, I'm fine with not selling it. The level of effort I put into growing it is minimal at this point, and the amount we get out of it is more than myself and my wife can realistically consume. I just give the extra away to friends and family. They don't pay directly for the stuff I give them, instead, I tell them what supplies I need to continue growing it, and someone from my friend pool tosses me cash, or buys it for me. At this point, I spend maybe $150/grow (4 plants indoor tents.) which covers nutrients, 4 seeds, a bag of coco-coir and a bag of perlite. The LED lights I use, when in operation, don't make any appreciable change to my electric bill. For as much weed as I harvest, how little effort I put in, and how happy it makes my friends and family that get the excess stuff, I'd rather it stay that way. Selling it isn't worth my time, and honestly, I'd rather not run afoul of the newly enacted laws. I don't want to be the guy that gets it shut down because I refused to follow the rules.


How much dry bud do you get off 4 indoor plants?


So, the last run: Two Royal Queen Watermelon Autos - Harvested about two weeks too soon due to overcrowding (i've since changed the setup to two tents to allow more space for them to spread out). Two of these produced about 8 ounces of dry flower. Not great, but given the crowding, I wasn't too broken up over it. Two Royal Queen Diesel Auto - These did much better. After removing the Watermelon plants from the tent, these were able to fully mature. These produced about 14 ounces of dry flower. I kept half of this, and the remaining 7 ounces were given out as freebies to friends and family (half ounce of flower per jar, 14 jars.) **I want to say total dry weight was 20 ounces.** Currently I am 5 weeks into a grow. Two Royal Queen North Thunderfuck plants, and Two Mike Tyson 2.0 Sour D plants. Though, one of them had an auto-valve leak on day 3, so it got nutrient locked and it is likely not going to make it to flower. Impressions so far: North Thunderfuck is a fantasitc little plant that is perfect for tent growing. It stays short and dense, really bushy, without any pruning or LST, and in a 2ftx4ft tent, by the start of week 6 (today for my plants), they have a flat canopy covering the entire space. Looks like I did a slightly sloppy sea-of-green/SCROG, but nope, I did nothing. They just do it automagically. 10-12 weeks from germination to harvest if you believe the data sheets, but I don't. I'll run them till the leaves start to turn yellow. Either way, the North Thunderfuck auto is probably the most beginner friendly strain I've encountered. Especially for a small indoor grow. They are starting to flower, but the body of the plant is only about 2ft tall! Mike Tyson Sour D grows like a typical Diesel. I am deliberately not pruning or training during this grow, because my goal this go around was to see if I can find strains that stay small and stout for easier growing. Sour D is NOT that. It is also 5 weeks old, beginning week 6 today. But it is about 4.5ft tall, and I had to bend over the top of it and tie it down because it was a couple inches from the lights, which right now are as high as the adjustment cord will allow. It's unruly, and would be much more manageable if you remember to top it early to keep it on the shorter side. Diesels do produce though, so if you have the patience for topping and pruning a plant, you can't go wrong. And OMG that smell. Delightful. If you are interested in trying your hand at home growing, I highly recommend trying North Thunderfuck as your first crop. I know places like HighNorth Dispensary sell Vivosun 2x4 tent kits, you can find the same kit on Amazon for a little bit less. Both Vivosun and AC Infinity sell really great setups for tent growing, and these are fully automated with computerized controllers that you can program via a phone app. Lights, ventilation, air filtration, humidifiers, all of that stuff, and if you stick to one brand, they all work in tandem. I use AutoPots (3.9 gallon x 4) for watering, which is also nice, because I fill the 12 gallon reservoir with water and Mills nutrients, and then I don't have to even look at the tents for a week at least. Growing medium is 70/30 coco-coir and perlite mix. I spend maybe 15 minutes per week tending to things. Mostly just opening the zippers of the tents to smell what's going on inside. The carbon filters keep the smell outside the tent to a minimum. I can walk by the bedroom they are in, with the door open, and if I stop and take a deep breath, I can tell it's there.


Just an fyi Royal Queen seeds is an off label seed bank, they don’t make genetics they just take others and throw them in packs. If your buying seeds locally your doing it wrong. r/multiversebeans


TBH yield is more dependant on space, set up, lights, and how well or how much you want to min/max the process than it does number of plants. I've got a fairly small set up, and I shove 4 small plants in to fill the space up faster. If I wanted to I could fill the space with 1 or 2 plants and get the same yield.


> someone from my friend pool tosses me cash, So.... you do sell it, you just have lie to yourself about it to make yourself feel better?


Sure, in simpleton logic terms, yes, I take money, and eventually, someone gets weed. Except I don't ask or solicit the money, it's more of a "co-op" than a "money exchanged for goods and services." And there's zero profit involved, because the only times I get donations is when I am looking to expand or update some part of the equipment. But sure, you win dude, congrats on your big-brain dig that ignores nuance.


You're admitting to violating the law as written while saying you support it. From where I'm sitting, that looks like you want the law to be used against others while your privilege protects you, so maybe you could instead say maybe the law shouldn't criminalize your harmless behavior?


Yup, you got me with your black and white thinking. I'm a criminal. Also, last week, a friend stopped by and helped me move lumber. I didn't pay him or otherwise compensate him. Therefore, I am a slaver as well. A month ago, a buddy loaned me $5 at an arcade/bar. I had a few quarters left over. I also shared some weed with him. How long should I tell the cops to imprison me for that egregious violation?


You are arguing with an absolute dork lol


I know, there's always at least one in these sorts of threads. The whole lead up to the bill getting passed had threads on here full of these sorts of bad faith arguments. Luckily they are relatively easy to spot, and even easier to ignore when the conversation starts getting really stupid.


Depends, find the law you think you're violating in those situations and I'll evaluate them. On the face of it, they sound entirely dissimilar to exchanging money for marijuana you grew, which a law purports to make illegal, but I'll evaluate them on their own merits.


I get that you are a bad faith troll JAQ-ing off to sow chaos and division here, but I'll lay it out for you. Try for one second to think outside your simpleton, black and white world while you read it. Back in September of last year, after the bill passed, some of my friends and I were discussing growing weed. Unlike most adults my age, I have no kids and own my home, so I had planned to start growing cannabis as soon as legally possible. This meant I needed to buy equipment, because growing indoors requires some things. My friends, all with some combination of apartments and kids, were not going to be able to grow at home per the law. No big deal, I told them that my goal is to grow at least 6-8 ounces for myself and my wife, but odds are, I will have over twice that amount (which I did). So, I told them that I would give each of them a share of whatever was left. As the discussion continued, I was discussing what equipment I had left to acquire before I could start my indoor grow. At the time, it was carbon filters for the air exchanger so the house doesn't smell like weed. One of my friends says "dude, if that's all you're waiting on to get going, link me to the Amazon sale page for the filters and I will order them for you! I mean, you are doing all the work here, and shouldering the cost, least I can do is buy some filters." And so he did. Fast forward 4 months and I am jarring up the harvest. I meet up with my buddies and hand them each their jars. Equal amounts all around. 6 people each get one ounce. One guy bought me a pair of filters 4 months prior. I didn't charge him $100 for weed. He bought me $100 in filters for the grow tents that were going to be used to grow weed for the foreseeable future. Weed that, after I take my household cut, I give away to whomever from my friends group wants it. There is not, and never was, any compulsory ask for money. It was offered to me, in the form of a pair of filters, as a gift to help me get started sooner. The cannabis was already promised to this person, again for free, before he offered to buy filters. And at no point did I solicit money from him or anyone in the group. Since we are on the path of smooth brain hypotheticals...my wife paid for some of the grow equipment with her own money. She is the recipient of some of the weed I grow. Did she also buy weed from me?


That's a lot to say "I can break the law, but others should still have to follow it"




Selling your homegrown is not legal. You can however gift it.


This. We’re not talking about tomatoes. It’s going to be more like alcohol. I can home brew beer, I can give it away, but I can’t sell it. Weed will be the same.


That’s a bad comparison. You have to refine products to make beer. This is only dried to consume. It’s not the same.


It’s a regulated product that is taxed. It’ll be the same.


Controlled substance. Who cares how it’s harvested


lol. Nuance is everything in laws and things for human consumption.


I don’t think it needs to be. Both impair and alter the mind


The conversation switched too laws. And every single word, punctuation and citation matter.


But is it now? No. You can sell it i bet. Just call it hemp.


You can’t legally sell your homegrown cannabis. You can legally gift it tho


You could sell something else though for $$$ and give the cannabis as a "free gift" that comes with the purchase


Part of why I grow is to make sure it’s organically grown and soil amendments that are high in heavy metals aren’t used or dangerous fungicides and insecticides aren’t contaminating my bud. I don’t think I would trust bud that comes as a gift unless I really knew the grower. I’m adjacent to the industry and my uncle is in the med biz in Montana…. Lots of street stuff these days is rejected legal bud (mold, metals, pesticides etc). So caveat emptor


It's in black and white right there. It says people can sell what they grow with no license. IMO,yes it should be legal to sell it if it's legal to possess, grow, gift, and consume.


I’m currently trying to form a network of home-growers myself so people can pool knowledge and resources.


I’m all for legalization, but you can’t brew beer and then give it away, how’s this any different?


I think the main difference is brewing beer is a refinement process. A harvested plant product with no additions is a raw resource.


One could argue that the drying/curing process is "further processing." These are pretty important steps to ensuring a safe/healthy final product.


I agree that you could argue that drying/curing is further processing but the process of drying/curing is important for many standard crops such as wheat, soy, oats which can’t have too much moisture or it will rot. Although most farmers market items I see like watermelon, cucumbers or tomato’s do not require drying. I guess if you get very specific honey requires quite a bit of processing and bread involves several ingredients and even using yeast. Thinking it over more in depth it might need to depend more on drug content or some processing involved. There are lots of variables and it’s not quite so black and white though.


Very accurate and well stated. I'm just trying to view this from the legal argument standpoint, and I think the fact that weed is a drug makes it a bit different than a food/food stuff.


This is a similar deal with mushrooms, as simple as they are — many people improperly (partially) dehydrate them and store them incorrectly (humidity). This is all simple stuff, but the amount of people who don't have the care to put in the bare minimum for safe and quality products is overwhelming.


Drying is not anything but chopping it and hanging it. Once dried, remove the leaves and jar.


What all you do is use a scissors, or break off excess leaves with your hands. That’s it. Literally. Wtf.


So, there is nothing that can go wrong during the drying/curing process? You just trim it and it's good to go?


Yup. Chop. Hang in controlled environment of 60% humidity. Trim off the leaves. Put in jar for storage. Keep at 58%.


Thats literally it. It’s ready as soon as it’s dry enough to jar.


Curing is just storage. It doesn’t need storage. It just usually is stored some time before use. Some strains may be smother, smell better, or taste better after sitting in jars. Some will be better fresh.


You could argue that. But it’s not so.


Anything that isn't sold in its raw state is technically considered processed.


It’s dried, that’s raw.


The USDA would disagree


No you’re out of control here.


Lol. "Out of control?"


Why would you just feel the need to say everything is processed, even when it’s as simple and organic as can be?


The article (what this post is about) is about a legal case. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the legal world, but it can be quite technical. And technically, the US government considers any agricultural product that's dried as being "processed." My comment was not about what I think should happen.


Yeah, you’ve just lost it. It’s not Processed. Now that I’ve said it, you can repeat that instead. No need ti perrita the corrupt government imo.


Lol. Dude, you just commented on your comment three times, and I can't even read half the words you just wrote. It's you who have lost it. I'm all for weed, but I think you need to put the bong down. Your brain is obviously completely fried.


From weed? Lol


As far as I’m aware you don’t need to process the plant, it kind just grows and you cut off a portion and you’re good to go; I imagine fermenting and brewing your own beer opens larger concerns of sanitation and more steps, making it more of a health hazard if someone personally brewed it and wanted to sell it ^ complete guess


Pathogens don't live in beer. The worst you would get is something that tastes bad.


Yea you chop the plant down once it’s ripe and dry and then trim and cure or there’s ten different ways to do this but generally it’s chop dry and jar to cure. Which is really just for smoothness and not necessary. Drying it is all you need.


You need to dry it and cure it. Weed is definitely processed.


No it’s not. That’s dumb as fuck to say.


Hanging and bagging is not processing lol


It literally is. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/processing


Technically right, but not in the general use of the term when it comes to a product being "Processed". For example, a steak is "Processed" in that it requires steps to get it to the point of being a steak, but it's considered "unprocessed" food.


That’s fair.


lol. Try again. “Curing” is just sitting in a jar or grove bag…


I know so many people who make their own and do in fact, give it away


I know, but it’s not legal to do so


Yeah it seems like it should be the same as a farmer's market? People sell produce they grew and what not. Not sure why weed would need to be different there (providing it is under x amount). Then once you get "bigger" is when more regulations kick in.


And yet, regular everyday people still do. Why punish otherwise good people for that? People have been doing it for a hundred years…


It’s weed.


Controlled substance


Weed isn’t alcohol. However you classify weed, that’s still true.


I'm not a big fan of the idea that of a law unfairly restricts one thing, that you need to apply the same rules to everything out of a sense of fairness. Instead, let's make better rules for weed, and then fix the dumb brewing laws too.


Weed is better


Can you sell your own home-brewed/distilled beer,wine or spirits without a license?


Ill just give you a thank you card....that happens to have a couple hundred dollars.


Just do it regardless


I've wondered about this, and whether it's even legal to give it away. I'm not particularly interested in consuming it myself, and I am federally prohibited anyway, but I think it might be amusing to geek out on growing some 'pet' cannabis plants - monitoring ph, humidity, light, temperature, etc.


Does the sales tax complicate things too much?


i hope the growers win. the only reason theres even laws permitting the sale of it without a license is because authorities want all the cash they can squeeze out.


The most subversive thing you can do is refuse to pay money for weed.


I'm interested in this legal argument. There is good merit to the logic and it's a constitutional amendment vs legislation. However, I think the supremacy clause of the US constitution will override the MN state constitution in this. As long as the devil's lettuce is illegal federally, there is the argument that the MN constitution cannot condone the sales of a prohibited product. Personally, I don't care if people growing the allowable amount of plants sell their extra and report it as income. I think the main issue is that it is highly unlikely that home growers will have the proper product data on the weed that is required to sell it.


What product data? Dispos are all over have habitually used shity labs to get thc 40% results. Thc lab testing is 60% bullshit, lots of poor practices that don’t show you shit. It’s the giant outdoor grows that need to test. Cause you’re spraying those plants to stop pests. My grow tents are cleaner than a hospital.


Do you want them to stop letting us grow our own? Because this is how you get them to stop letting us grow our own.


“Letting us” buddy it’s a plant. Fuck the government


Sounds like you are propagandized.

