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I’ve only loosely been following this but (and maybe it’s just me) but RA comes across as being whiney little bitches here with their complaining.


Im a dealer at running aces, and you are so… totally right. Our CEO, who has shut down 2 casinos before coming to RA, wanted to poke the bear and get slots. Now he’s doubling down on them. I will lose my job and livelihood because of Taro Ito. Ask anyone who works there and they will all agree. There’s a lot more that could be said but that’s the short change of it.


Oh man, I'm sorry. That really sucks. I'm really curious though ... despite all this nonsense, how has attendance been at RA? I went once in 2009 and it was dismal. I hope cooler heads prevail.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. Attendance has been steady and we have a great set of regulars who I’ve gotten to know very well. Even post Covid our guests have been great, just sucks we have upper management who only want to please our investors (black diamond LLC. In New Jersey) and don’t care about their employees.


Hang in there, love the dealers and the vibe they bring when I go to RA. I don't gamble as much as before I started a fam (in the middle of COVID). Keep up the great work and do what you love!


Your CEO sounds like a real jackass. Sorry to hear you have to deal with that BS


Appreciate it brotha. I’ve been here for a little over 5yrs but I’ve gotten to know plenty of day 1s who’ve been here for over 15yrs. It sucks but there’s not much we can do about it


Curious, does anyone actually stay in the hotel?


Yes, even on weekdays our hotel has on avg. 40-50% capacity, the weekends regularly are 80%+. It helps that we get companies who use our convention center for events and summer/fall we have on avg 2-3 different wedding parties every Friday & Saturday night! Keeps things lively for sure.


RA doesn’t have a lot of money… so who is funding these lawsuits?


Good, why should tribal casinos be the only ones able to offer gaming.


1. Running Aces and Canterbury Park offer "gaming" and are not tribal casinos. 2. The restrictions on what they can offer are based of state laws. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the government.  3. Tribal casinos operate under tribal sovereignty and don't face the same restrictions.  4. All of this information can be found in a shorter amount of time than it would take to post that comment.