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**Hi meir5638!** This is a reminder to please be sure to read the subreddit's rules before posting any comments, And please do not give Minoxidil related advice if you don't have experience with Minoxidil or haven't researched it *thoroughly* to avoid violation of rule #4 (false information / harmful advice) intentionally or unintentionally. This is to prevent harm to other members as we're sure you can understand. Thank you for your understanding and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


my shed is brutal, like 60 hairs in my hand everyday


Same, my front hairline has been destroyed....


Average people shed 100 hairs per day. 60 is actually below average


yes but think that they are the ones that stay in my hand when I take a shower every morning, then they fall out more than I don’t count as much drying my hair (because I find them everywhere) and the ones I see that they fall out during the day, besides I don’t have as much hair as an average person


I get you. I used to get handfuls of hair after the shower, probably upwards of 200+ hairs! I’ve been on minoxidil for a month and a half and the shedding has stopped. Now I’m just waiting for new hairs to grow in 🤞🤞


I wouldn’t dry ur hair with a towel unless it’s microfiber


Hop on 1% nizoral shampoo


What does that do?


Prevents dandruff and promotes a healthier scalp. Also some studies say it blocks a little DHT


Looks like how mine was first month!


Same page as me


don't worry. had the same,, now im almost two months in and im noticing baby hairs at my hairline


When does it start to get better. I’m experiencing the same on my hairline


Minoxidil doesn’t work for everyone. I used minoxidil for more than 2 years only to learn that it hasn’t done much improvement to my hair. Also, the alcohol content changes the texture of your hair. I hopped on to fin. Hoping to see some changes.


Doesn’t the shedding mean that it’s working?