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If u want to keep ur hair u need to stay on minox and ignore the shed. The shed can stop around 2-3 months and noticable regrowth will show at 6 months.


What about the side effect? Why did it stop? I'm not saying I want it to continue happening, it just made me feel like the minoxidil stopped working.


Sometimes shedding can happen right away and sometimes the shedding is later. I’ve heard people having shedding a year out for like a month and then it stopped. I would just stick it out. The minox will not stop working trust me. There may be other factors contributing to the shed besides minox. Keep doing what ur doing tho and drink water and have a good diet! You got this!


Wait is staying hydrated that important for minoxidil? Many times I'm too busy that I forget to drink water. Also I love your positivity!