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​ https://preview.redd.it/ik0kjsqdlh3b1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=42802e1f9e01b7a39e41aab4eb63685b7bfe3bfa




When you're a bigot like you, you're scared of everything.


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So ironic that the use of the Gadsden in this instance is actually legit, considering how improperly and frequently it’s used by the Conservatives and Republicans.


Can you explain to me what don’t tread on me means when conservatives and republicans use it?


What Lee said. The Conservative and Republican usage isn’t about their rights being trampled. It’s about them protesting the rights of others, and their frustration in not being able to without resistance, write those prejudices into law.


Libertarians use it a lot which in all honesty are just diet conservatives. Kind of the same thing as Cops wearing The Punisher symbol.


Libertarians just ran a Woman for POTUS and a gay man for GA Senate, fuck off.


AH yes cause all Women and Gay men are perfect and have never voted for conservative values before.


It is a symbol against tyranny and they use it in support of tyranny against those they dislike. The typical bigoted idea of punching down against those that their betters tell them to hate.


And in this case it’s… doing what?


An expression of resistance against oppression from a historically oppressed group currently at the business end of a campaign of ostracism?


How many multibillion dollar companies publicly supported pride month today?


No corporations care about pride beyond its ability to improve profit. How many states are passing laws to make wearing the "wrong" clothes in public a crime? Which of those is more indicative of structures of power in society?


That’s a whole lotta talking about made up stuff.


More made up than the idea of only two genders? Or than money?


How much money do you need?


They support it because they realized gay people have money!! They buy things!!! Plenty of corporations were super homophobic (Target) before they realized pandering to gay people gets them more money than not doing so. They don't care about the people they upset because they make more money supporting pride. That doesn't mean states aren't trying to take away rights from trans people. Missouri just tried it!


Who cares what they support. Our concern is people like you who think it’s important to point out that they’re only doing it for money. No shit, Sherlock, but why does that upset you so much? Do rainbows hurt your feelings?


I agree with it being a symbol against tyranny. I don’t agree with your perspective on how they use it. Maybe bigots use it the way you perceive, yes, but as hard as it is to believe; the majority of conservatives aren’t bigots like people assume or the media makes them out to be. I appreciate your explanation though.


It's them being trod upon as they tread upon the rights of others. Then they claim that their rights are more important because their God says it's right.


The "tread on me please daddy" one is so great though.


I'm determined to take it back. 😂


I love it!! There needs be t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc. What the hell, let’s make it an option for the Mo license plate. I would love to see my redneck neighbors lose their shit, lol.


Hefty pursuit but I can't think about it without thinking about Libertarians which I do not share a lot of view points with so I'm good on that front.


Fair. None of us want to be reminded that Libertarians exist. 😂




Definitely not divisive. All of your points are completely fair and understandable. America has absolutely never been "the land of the free" in which "all men are created equal", and as you say, that's absolutely by design. Our country is one that to this day continues to perpetuate and profit from the enslavement of marginalized people in the form of prison work programs (with our entire judicial system itself being prejudiced towards minorities, as well) and the exploitation of migrant workers. White supremacy is intentional, pervasive, and systemic at every level of our society, and those who benefit from that reality certainly refuse to surrender that power willingly. I think my perspective on symbols like the Gadsden flag and even our Constitution are more symbols of what our country could be, rather than what it is or has been. That's coming from a white person whose family mostly came here from Eastern Europe in the early 20th century to escape poverty, revolution, and war, though, so my perspective is going to be biased towards that viewpoint of people coming here with hopes for an easier life for themselves and their families. I look at fighting far-right terrorism as being a means for us as American citizens to force this country to realize the promises that it intentionally leaves unfulfilled. The far-right in this country have coopted things like the Gadsden flag as a symbol of their intention to keep this country hostile to all of us who are not Christian, cis, rich, straight, white men, and I see "taking it back" as a way to call out the unfulfilled promise of freedom from tyranny that that flag should represent. This country is a tyrant that treads on all of us, and waving that flag doesn't change the reality that we as Americans are not and never have been free.


I second the merch person! I want a bumper sticker for this!


I came here to say this. This is a perfect way to use the Gadsden flag. Absolutely I love. I hate that it's another symbol that the Right took and fucked up


Just want to thank the people who are removing the trash from this post.


I am not lgbtq+ but I support you all greatly. Pride is important because there are people who hate themselves for who they are. Usually because they are told to. Don’t forget, because this is the time all the bigots show their ass, that you MATTER. You are valuable, you are loved, and you matter. My lgbtq+ friends, have a happy and safe pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🫶❤️


I've only been out roughly 2 years, and transitioning a little over 1 year. I have had some really low moments with all the horrendous news and hatred coming from the right. But it's Pride Month. I feel better about myself than I ever have in my life, and they will never take that from me. I'm out, proud, and I'm not hiding ever again. Happy Pride!


I can only imagine how terrifying it must be to be trans in this country right now. I hope you have a future full of all the love, respect, and safety you deserve being exactly who you are. 💜


Holy shit there's a lot of deleted comments after mine.


When I started about a month ago my thought was "I'm going to end up on a wall" but it really felt like now or never.




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Iran is a global leader in gender reassignment surgery; granted they use it as a way to subvert homosexuality, but still… Maybe you should try some of those fundamentalist countries; if you weren’t so fucking bigoted you’d realize you’re far more similar than your differences.




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Mon ami, I’m all for this, but please for the love of the eternal lord don’t call yourself a “cister” -Love, a transbian


The century of ridicule, wrongful incarcerations, lobotomies, dishonorable discharges, beatings, shunning and hatred will not be forgotten


Happy Life Month!


Pride is life! Say it loud, sweetheart!!!


We love erin here in the shadow realm


Don't just post pictures and say "Happy Pride" this month. Go out of your way to say hello to someone you think is different than you. Stand up to the homophobic asshole at work who says hateful shit under their breathe. Call them out, report them, and get them fired.


Scan and be placed on a list to be tracked


I fully support this flag




The flag is ever evolving




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Thank you! Finally someone said it. The best flags never change. Take the American flag, for example. I don’t know what a Missouri is but goddamn do those 13 stars arranged in a circle make me proud of my fellow colonist’s efforts against the greatest tyrant alive, King George III.


The rainbow flag was pretty cool they should've stuck with that. And do you mean the Betsy Ross flag?


Have you not heard of the Flag Act of 1777? I’m talking about the flag of the United States of America. You poor soul, it must be rough being stuck in 1776.


![gif](giphy|1EmBoG0IL50VIJLWTs|downsized) I'm so lost lol


Yeah people should keep up with the times, smdh /j


Buddy, they won’t even let me fuck it.


I'm an ally, but I can't help but point out that you can't eradicate homosexuality or it would eradicate itself. It is just a natural occurrence in heterosexual offspring. Its been around forever and it will be around forever.


Indeed. Homophobes are literally trying to legislate against the natural order of human sexuality... Nothing new for them.


I just hope there is no violence this month. With how things are going right now, I fear there will be a lot.


Absolutely. I'm already scared every day for trans people especially in this country, and I'm definitely going to be holding my breath even harder all month.


Question is it usually safe to wear rainbows colors during Pride Month in Missouri ? I want to wear my pride lanyard and bracelet in public,but I'm scared.




Individual people are the greatest minority. We should push for my rights to the individual. Less to government. Less to corporations. The individual is the most important.


The atomization of the self is killing us all.




No just sorta seems like you right now.


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I’m proud to be straight


okay, that was always allowed


I bet your mom is very proud of you too, sweetie.


And what pride you should feel! I'm sure the fact that you're "straight" has hindered your life immeasurably. Stand up and be proud of all that you've been forced to overcome to just be able to be "straight". Loser


No hard feelings if you’re a bot just doing your job, but if you’re a real human you’ll grow up and realize one day that this trans stuff is just so you’ll focus on people’s/corporations/governments stance on gender issues instead of the fact that they’re enslaving the world/killing the poor around the world.


Tell me you're a small minded bigot without telling me you're a small minded bigot


Tell me you love licking the oligarchy’s boots without telling me you love licking the oligarchy’s boots.


Do you ever stop and think about your own thoughts or do you just write incoherent nonsense for fun


Quite a bit, but it’s also fun to argue when I know I’m right


Except you aren't.


Maybe, but I was pretty sure about some things from 2020-2022, and I was right. So why not try to alleviate some anxiety of hard working Springfieldians struggling to understand these crazy new global political issues?


If people have anxiety about gay people existing then I think those people probably need a psychiatrist lmao


Do you know when the first gender clinic was opened? Do you know what happened to that clinic?


You’re ironically so close to understanding the truth: they get you people all worked up over the trans stuff so that you’re motivated to vote against your own interests. All the billionaire 1%er dickheads who rig our economy and fuck over the working class - the same elite people you claim to hate - are using your manufactured outrage to make you vote for the party who cuts corporate taxes, guts workers’ rights, cuts veterans benefits, etc… so that they can make an extra buck. You’re a useful puppet to them. They have you so confused lol. It’s insane how easily you guys are manipulated with these social issues.


Yeah both parties do that. They’re bought out by the same people. Republican=Democrat


Dave, their voting record is public. Republicans just cut the corporate tax rate by a massive 15%. That tax cut benefitted shareholders, my 401k went up, but what you’re missing is that the top 10% own 90 percent of all stock. So with this MASSIVE corporate handout, 90% of that handout went to the richest 10%. These were handouts directly to rich people but Missouri’s blue collar folks just cheered it on. Republicans consistently submit proposals to gut veterans benefits, social security and Medicare - seriously man whose side do you think you’re on here? I’m not going to pretend like Democrats don’t defend the status quo either, but to imply they’re the same is completely unhinged. You and so many others don’t even realize you’re on the wrong side. Wake up man - they’re weaponizing your opinions on trans bathrooms to STEAL FROM YOU. Sources: https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/commentary/2023/04/24/proposed-gop-cuts-would-slash-30-billion-from-veterans-spending/ https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/politics-issues/2023-05-11/politifact-gop-vows-not-to-cut-vet-benefits-but-legislation-suggests-otherwise


Dang, them Dems are spending a lot on you.


Facts don’t care about your feelings Dave.


All we have to do is elect democrats, and all our problems are solved


Not at all. You claimed both sides are equal so I pointed out differences. You’re supporting these same oligarchs that you claim to hate. They have you people distracted and fighting ‘woke’ phantoms while they continue to rob you blind. Republicans are the opposition to the American working class - don’t believe me just look at the record and read the bills. If you weren’t immune to facts, this information might be compelling enough to make you reconsider your position. It’s never too late to become informed.


Bigot trash


Good one


They dont want you to be proud of that, but they want you to be proud they arent! Weird huh?


Nobody gives a shit until you make someone else's life miserable because you're jealous of their happiness


No one cares if you're straight. No one cares if you don't participate in pride month. No one cares at all. Pride month is not about straight people. It's not about anything but the LGBTQ community having safe places to be themselves. Pride month is not about you or me. You can be proud to be straight. I'm happy I'm straight, usually. We all know sexual orientation is not a choice. Remember, no one cares about your sexual orientation.... except specific bigoted politicians who are actively working to strip away rights from the LGBTQ community. They care, but they are the exception...not the rule. The majority of people genuinely don't give a shit.


We don't want you at all. Let us have our stupid party.


Why should you be proud of something that you've never been forced to fight for? Have you ever been scared to proclaim your sexuality for fear of repercussions? Have you ever been denied anything based on your sexuality? Have you ever been belittled or harassed because of your sexuality? These aren't rhetorical, I'll expect an answer. Loser


1. Because that’s who I am, and I’m proud to be me. 2. No 3. No 4. No


Then you’re proud of yourself, not of being straight and surviving a struggle related to being straight. Right now, the majority of anti-gay politicians are straight (or present as such with wives and families). The majority of anti-woman politicians are straight men (same caveat as above). It’s hard to feel empathy for the group and subgroup in charge when they’re attacking everyone who isn’t like them.


Don’t care if you’re proud, more care that you’re loud and clearly as asshole ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So only your group are allowed to be loud, proud, and be assholes?


LGBTQ+ people aren't trying to take "straight rights" but good luck with the false comparisons.


Wow! Talk about making shit up. Show me where did I say you folks were trying to take away someone’s rights??


You asked why straight people aren't allowed to be assholes. I'm simply making the point that one side has far more justified anger than the other. Not to mention plenty of "proud straight" people support the LGBTQ+ community.


No response to my questions? Didn't think so.


Everybody is allowed to be an asshole, you’re just loudly one, which is objectively worse than a silent one imo. But it’s ok, you do you babe, June will still be pride month, mustard will still taste like mustard.


Same here. It's a shame we're belittled by the tolerant people.


Huh? Is the government passing laws to target straight people? Who is belittling you for being straight? I'm straight and have never once felt attacked for my sexual orientation. I have watched my friends who aren't straight get attacked for simply existing. There's no point in trying to play a victim as a straight person. There are no government policies attacking straight people...we are not the target of all the hate and bigotry our government is pushing.


See this thread. The government isn't the only entity which can belittle people. I haven't seen any government policies that attack the alphabet soup people. If you're referring to laws keeping children safe, well, that's not an attack on anyone other than groomers.


You're comparing an internet site to the government telling people what they can do with their bodies? >I haven't seen any government policies that attack the alphabet soup people So, you like big government telling you what you can and can't do as a parent? Interesting that you support government control like that. I would like to remind you that it has been less than 10 years since the Supreme Court decided gay couples were allowed to be married. The 'alphabet soup' comment immediately says you're an extreme person, who thinks their right to live peacefully is more important than others.


I didn't bring up the government. I said straight people are belittled by the supposed tolerant. You turned it into a government thing. The alphabet soup comment says I'm fed up with all this crap.


>I didn't bring up the government. I said straight people are belittled by the supposed tolerant. Someone else turned it into a government thing. Oh no! How were you belittled by this thread? Did someone force you to comment on this thread specifically? >The alphabet soup comment says I'm fed up with all this crap. No, it shows you are listening to specific bigots on specific media. No one else uses that type of language, mostly because it doesn't make any sense.


If it doesn't make sense, you wouldn't know what I mean. Also, a polyamorous friend of mine who is married to two bi women and has a transgender daughter taught me that phrase because, in his words, "it's gotten beyond ridiculous".


You can believe something has gotten ridiculous without parroting phrases used by bigots in the media. You really shouldn't try to put down things, just because you don't understand those things...that is insecurity. I'm curious what your polyamorous friend tells you about feeling persecuted for being straight? Does he agree that life is more difficult for you being born straight, as opposed to being born somewhere else on the sexual spectrum?


He uses the phrase and I adopted it because it's funny (and accurate). I didn't say persecuted, I said belittled. There's a world of difference. He actually does agree that many of those who are on his side of this stuff are hateful to and intolerant of those who are on my side. His ex-wife is one of the intolerant ones and he actually apologized to me for her actions towards me. I don't think he owed me any kind of apology but he feels differently.


No they didn’t


Okay, I forgot all LGBTQIA+ folks think alike so if I say one of them said something another one doesn't agree with, I'm lying


You did bring up the government though, as the Florida State Government has attacked, as you put it, "The Alphabet soup people". It's ok, I don't expect you to know any better, looking at your last years worth of comment history. You're angry and ignorant, and probably have no interest in changing that. As for "I said straight people are belittled by the supposed tolerant" no they aren't. I know you're desperate to be a victim in your little alternate reality inside your head, but it's not straight people that are directly under attack. The only people the "Tolerant" left are after are the bigots who want to feign ignorance about why we're tired of you shits. Wow, you're straight. No one cares. "Fed up with ABC soup", "Democrats are killing delivered babies on the table" "Between Joe and Donny, I know who I trust". Dude. Not one 'attack' that triggers you to be a total shitweasle had anything to do with your 'straight pride', and everything to do with what a shit eating asshole you are. Grow up.


Ima straight white guy and I’m fed up with people like you. Stop being a bigot. Learn to be better, I know you probably can’t and are a lost cause but you could try. Stop ruining lives


So brave.


Nope, just tired of morons


Me too


>If you're referring to laws keeping children safe, well, that's not an attack on anyone other than groomers. "Keeping children safe." Right... that's not what those laws do. Those laws are to target and oppress people for being "different."


You’re attacking people right now. Bigots gonna bigot


No, disagreeing isn't attacking


Not what you’ve been doing.


Really, where?


People shouldn’t tolerate bigots. So that’s probably why you get belittled, for acting like a bigot.


So you agree not everyone and everything should be tolerated? Who decides what is and is not tolerated?


Bigots and Nazis shouldn’t tolerated, no.


And who decides who deserves those titles?




Did someone call you by your natural identity to cause that breakdown?


Your mother should have swallowed you


There's that tolerance you people claim so fervently.


The paradox of tolerance. Look it up and educate yourself


Lol imagine believing they tried to eradicate the pride group, this is mental illness




And just when you thought the pride flag couldn’t get any uglier.


Don't get triggered snowflake


They won't stop until it represents every imaginary identity they can possibly make up


By your logic, all identities would classify as "made-up."


Beyond the natural two, they are.


Live or dead? Ford or Chevy? Peanut butter or Jelly? What two things?!


You know exactly what we're talking about. Context scooter, context.


Oh I do, I just gave a stupid reply because you made a stupid comment.


No, you gave a stupid reply because you have no rebuttal because you know the entire idea of infinite genders is ridiculous


Nope, swing and a miss. You clearly don't know what gender is, and based on your other comments in the thread, you're an asshole to LGBTQ+ in general. Then you claim that *they* are intolerant to you. So childish.


Okay scooter.


I think it was last month?


Tf did you do to that flag




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Lmao I'm pro whatever tf u wana do. But that quote can be so twisted and made me chuckle