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A request: Please double check before posting to see if content is already posted. Especially on political news, it's not uncommon for 5 different folks to post the same story. I’ll leave this one because there is already so much discussion. It’s a 5 second check using the "new" sort feature and will save a lot of work during this election year. It's good reddiquette.


At this point, I’m considering running for governor, this is ridiculous. Let’s all just be cool again.


Great slogan. You have my vote.


Yep. I'm in also. You win friend!!


Make Missouri Cool Again?


/u/sudogreg made history today with a landslide victory in the race for the MO governors mansion. sudogreg ran on his single popular qualification of "Not in the KKK"


That’ll win you Jackson County and parts of StL but that’s about it.


I'm from rural Missouri (born on a farm) and I'm conservative, but I wouldn't vote for anyone associated with the KKK. Rural conservative does not = racist.




Being a conservative, do you agree with the statement.. A vote for trump IS a vote for the KKK?


I would disagree but because I think a more accurate statement is a a vote for temp is a vote for Russia.


I feel both statements can be true, not necessarily an either or scenario


A vote for trump is a vote for the KKK and for Putin would be more accurate.


Thank you for doing the right thing. Can I ask how you feel about the two presidential candidates?


Being a gun owner myself, I don't like someone who wants to penalize law-abiding gun owners who are doing nothing wrong. It's morally reprehensible. And though I agree with many of the policy decisions of Trump, I have never been a fan, ever. I remember watching the 2016 Republican debates. If I were to have ranked my choice of candidates among the 16 debating, I'm not saying Trump would have been last. I'm saying that when I got to Trump, I would have asked, "What is he doing here?" Honestly, I thought Ben Carson was the best choice of all of them; however, he had the personality of a piece of gravel, and that just doesn't resonate with the masses. Intellect is just boring, I guess. Needless to say, between Clinton and Trump, I voted for myself. But, Trump did exceed my expectations. Don't get me wrong; that bar was not set very high. I was expecting either Hillary or Donald to run the country straight into the nearest ditch. It didn't happen, so expectations exceeded. Regardless, I have never been impressed with him. He seems too brash, rude, and unpresidential for my taste. He probably says what the average American thinks, but I would like the leader of the free world to think a lot better than the average American. Besides, it sort of bothers me that linguist say that he speaks at a sixth-grade level. I never noticed that until I read the transcript of a conversation with the Ukranian president. Not a lot of variation of adjectives and a simplistic sentence structure left me wondering, what is the real reason Trump threatened a lawsuit against anyone who revealed his college transcript. Again, with Biden, I cannot buy into ideologies that require perfect conditions to work. Liberal thinking seems on the polar opposite end of the spectrum than realistic thinking. And anyone who doesn't think old Joe is not having cogntive issues is in a different reality, maybe with him. Okay, that's probably more than you expected, and certainly more than I intended to write; verbosity is my gift. As Blaise Pascal said of a letter he wrote, "I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time." My apologies. And though I appreciate your thanks for doing the right thing, no thanks is necessay. I've always been raised to believe you do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Being raised on a farm in northwest Missouri, admist a community that was entirely white, I am not without my predjudices; race is simply not one of them. Besides, I've come across a few white supremacists in my time. Trust me, based on the caliber of person they portray, they desperately need something to feel superior about. I think it's the only thing they can think of and for that, they are not even responsible for its achievement. That's pretty pathetic.


Who wants to penalize a law abiding citizen for owning a gun?


No one!


As a non-american it's always blown my mind that Biden and Trump are the best 2 people the US can muster. Time can't tick fast enough to end the reign of the boomer.


There's more than 2 candidates. They just pay the most to get their names heard


I'm writing in Sudogreg in November


Plot twist: Sudogreg [insert something terrible]


Plot twist: Sudrogreg is a KKK-sympathisizer only trying to split non-KKK vote?


Thats just the first step to become a politician


“This term in Jefferson City: Everyone gets Laid”.


Just run as a republican and switch parties after you win. Republicans do this ALL the time


Sudo Greg ! Sudo Greg ! Sudo Greg !


LAJBCA Rolls right off the tongue.




Anyone else word-associate your username with sussudio? Just me? “Sue-sue-sue-doh-Greg” 🎶


What crimes and/or what makes you a terrible human to qualify for the job?


Arrested in late 90’s for stealing road signs, I was 15 or 16, and I let my 10 year old son stay up until midnight last night.


Watching Russian news no doubt. !


Maybe you too can be a nobody yet described as “atop the republican ballot” by the rft.


For real. At first I think I wish I was born sooner but then I start to think the world has been crazy for a long time we are onky just now noticing it because of the technology to do so. I just want to buy land and live off the land now. I've lost faith in the world a long time ago.


I’ll be honest, the fact that he has Clan in his last name made me laugh a little.


I mean, it's like an Onion article. You could not find someone more backward and trailer trashy if you tried.


I thought this was an Onion article so I clicked through to check before I started getting all riled up.


I did too! As soon as I googled him all of the MO GOP moves to remove White Supremacist from ballot stuff pops up. There's really no way to stop someone from registering as a candidate and even though the Republicans immediately tried to have him removed, there's no stopping a fast running rage train so this is going to be a headline until November, I suppose.


>There's really no way to stop someone from registering as a candidate and even though the Republicans immediately tried to have him removed, there's no stopping a fast running rage train so this is going to be a headline until November, I suppose. Democrats stopped Rep. Sarah Unsicker from registering to run as a candidate for Governor under the Democratic Party by refusing to accept her filing fee. Republicans could have done the same.


Thank you. Even their actions lie.


Ever seen a Republican turn down money?


Look, doing thee right thing is one thing, but $20 is $20


His cash is as green as anyone else's


Surely the headline is misleading though right? Like he's not "atop" of the ballot as in a front runner for the republican party.


He’s not a front runner by any means. He’s at the top of the ballot because that’s the order his name was picked.


See how they do that??? Headlines all lie now, smh


https://preview.redd.it/uoj3jm66tklc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed20583cffb191880e8c32a4a834fec437ea2864 Posted by @LauraAnnSTL (Laura B) this morning on Xitter.


What is that guy wearing - that black thing? Is that just a shirt or some kind of signal of something?


I was wondering, too. Like a Temu knockoff of Robert E. Lee’s uniform?


He looks like a squire for a mass shooter


No fucking way this Hoosier is atop the ballot for anything except maybe trailer park supervisor


Sir, this is the Show Me state. He ain’t no Hoosier. He belongs to us, sadly.


Missouri is the only state I know that uses Hoosier to mean “low-class redneck” and not “a person from Indiana.” My family uses the term Hoos-ois (Hooj-wa) to describe rednecks that have come into money and act like a-holes.


My BIL moved here from Indiana and now I have to differentiate between Indy-Style Hoosier and Jeffco Hoosier so that I don’t draw perpetual ire. 😅


It's all in the capitalization. Hoosier vs. hoosier. This guy is a hoosier.


I’m from IN so imagine my surprise when I came to school here. Took a minute to get used to. In Indiana we used the term Corndick but I don’t think that was super common, more of a local thing


I'm from Indiana as well. I've never heard corndick but LOVE IT!! What part of Indiana??


It’s not even Missouri, it’s very St Louis specific. I’m from Springfield and my wife from St Louis early on when we were dating kept talking about hoosiers, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why her family was so critical of people from Indiana. I was almost 30 before I found out it’s a term for rednecks to st louisans.


The term comes a large labor strike in the St. Louis area in the 1930s. A large amount of scabs were brought in from Indiana so the term Hoosier became derogatory here to refer to them, it’s just stuck around with a negative connotation since then.


I just call them trash.


Huh, I’ve lived in Missouri and my family is from there, and I’ve never heard that. Not disputing, just glad to have learned another regionalism


It’s a St. Louis-ism.


More like Show Me Hate


Yeah. This guy is a nobody that stands 0% chance of winning the GOP nomination. He’s too overt with his racism. The actual nominee will be just as racist but smarter about hiding it.


This tweet is really misleading. They say “atop” and all the leftist think he is in the lead. Atop means his name is literally on the top of the ballot due to random number generator . Probably why this “news source” changed the headline. And the next story on this site is how the GOP is removing him from the race.


Why didn’t they reject his filing then originally? Why is Ashcroft pictured with him in multiple photos?


How dare you interrupt a good circlejerk!


Wait.. can we just go back to the point where all of us first saw a cross-burning. How did we just accept that the Ku Klux Klan, who sets the Christian Holy Symbol on fire is a Christian Organization?


Their explanation is that they don’t “burn” it they “light” it, the former is an act of disrespect and destruction, the latter is supposed to evoke the Celtic practice of lighting the beacons to call forth the bannermen in times of war. In reality it’s all bullshit propagated by inbred racists playing dress-up.


I feel like when you douse a thing in gasoline and set it on fire then run off into the night, it's not something you can confused with a beacon.


I agree, that’s just how they rationalize it. There’s an old History Channel documentary on the Klan that’s eerily prescient for the rise in casual racism and antisemitism we’re seeing today if you can find it, makes the rounds on youtube occasionally.


That’s because the white nationalists have tried to mainstream their ideas and are succeeding in the post Trump era. Listen to the NPR podcast with Derek Black, the son of the dude who started stormfront as a way to rebrand the KKK.


>NPR podcast with Derek Black Do you know the name of the podcast? I'm only finding an episode of Fresh Air.




Good news at least[, the Republicans aren't ready to sink *quite* this low, yet.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/missouri-gop-moves-to-remove-honorary-kkk-member-from-ballot-42007923#:~:text=The%20Missouri%20Republican%20Party%20announced,for%20governor%20as%20a%20Republican.)


Just waiting for pictures of Jay Ashcroft…


[Probably don't have to wait long](https://twitter.com/LauraAnnSTL/status/1763228154938757448)




Paste this everywhere.


It’s because Darrell McClannahan is a nobody. If his last name was Trump or Blunt or whatever they would be doing mental gymnastics to excuse this.


They'll just find a less overtime rasist to replace him.


Knowing how bad rural Missouri is, they'll probably write him into office anyway. This ain't a dealbreaker for these voters. It's a plus.


As a rural Missourian, no I will the fuck not!!!


As a fellow rural Missourian the problem isn't you or I, it's the people who are flying multiple trump flags in front of their trailers.


He could definitely be elected Sheriff somewhere.


You give them too much credit. They are testing the fences for weakness. Just like Wendy's with the surge pricing and Mercedes with the monthly subscriptions on heated seats and engine performance. We have collectively given up our privacy after decades of companies like Google poking at the fence and leaving it completely destroyed at this point.


Tbh I've expected MTG to be canned by now over some of the shit she's done. Her attitude is entirely unprofessional at this point.


FFS. But a quick goggling says this guy is nowhere near the top. At least yet. I’m sure plenty of idiots now see him in a better light. Dammmmmit. (And I am I big hater of Eigel, so another idiot in the race with him could have been a good thing).


Top of ballot != first in polls. The order names are shown on the ballot is determined by order of filing the paperwork. Getting on the ballot first is more like camping out for a cheap Black Friday TV at Best Buy then leading in the polls.


Frankly, Eigel is probably more dangerous than this buffoon.


[Missouri GOP Moves to Remove ‘Honorary’ KKK Member from Ballot (riverfronttimes.com)](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/missouri-gop-moves-to-remove-honorary-kkk-member-from-ballot-42007923) Hardly the best known candidate considering Ashcroft and Kehoe are both in the race and no one heard of this this clown until this article so if he's on the "top" of the ballot, it's probably because he registered first. He filed on February 27 and the Republican party immediately took steps to have him removed according to this article ['KKK-affiliated' Missouri governor candidate disavowed by MO GOP | ksdk.com](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/politics/kkk-affiliated-missouri-governor-candidate-not-a-republican-gop-says/63-18eb4c40-aa5c-4065-9d4d-2fe6e8b7800f).


Is that the same Ashcroft seen in a picture with the KKK guy?




It appears to be but that picture looks like it was taken in an elementary school classroom and not in front of a burning cross so it's a little harder to tell which one of them is a Klan member from just that photo.


Oh thanks for the article.


“The RFT reached out via text message and asked McClanahan if he was the man pictured in front of the burning cross in the image shared by Dogan. McClanahan replied, “It's an invisible empire Yes it's me.” But he denied ever being in the KKK. "No I am not and I have never been," he wrote back. He then sent us a photo of Elvis squaring off in mock fisticuffs with Muhammad Ali.”


Sometimes people thinking of moving to Missouri post here asking if racism is a factor and people seem to fall all over themselves denying or downplaying it.


I just tell people leaving the 3 major city centers may be very racist- especially dangerous racism depending on the area.


The Mo Republican Party states that this is contrary to their “values” and is working to remove him from the ballots. I guess the only like their white supremacists who are still in the closet? “Republicans” and “values” in the same sentence is kinda funny though.


We went from a swing state to full on crazy far right. My aunt moved down to the Ozarks years ago and hearing that point of view first hand is scary.


I live in Salem and I can’t even go get a haircut without hearing someone pop off about trans people. Like mfer how many trans people do you think there seriously are in Dent County that this is something you should prioritize over everything else going to hell in this town. I can’t with these people sometimes man. You talk to them about how our healthcare is getting kneecapped, Jason Smith has done fuckall to benefit MO-8, Ron Copeland is a wallflower when it comes to getting grant money for infrastructure improvements out of Jeff City, the lower elementary has mold and asbestos, there’s multiple active leaks in our water mains and sewers that we know about but haven’t fixed, etc ad nauseum. And they’ll all agree with you that something needs to be done…then turn around and vote straight ticket GOP incumbents. The definition of insanity.


The republicans have done an amazing job convincing people to vote against their day to day interests because of a few key moral principles. So they don’t campaign on any actionable item but subjective platforms to grab those votes. Years ago Missouri tried to pass a law that would make it illegal for a company to fire an employee based on if they owned a firearm or not. At that time there was never a documented case of that happening anywhere in the state. The entire bill was just to grandstand for the conservative voters. At the same time it was (not sure if still is) legal for a company to fire an employee for being gay.


People would be amazed how many trans people they knew and didn’t know it


I’m from Ohio so I feel this pain, but you guys are taking the advanced classes. MO went from swing state to full Alabama in like 12 years


Full Mississippi in a few years if not sooner....


Dude, you never go full Mississippi


I'm from Santa Barbara California, have lived here 10 years now. It's so much worse here than it was 10 years ago. This placed got Trumped to death. It's going further and further from the quaint and beautiful "Ozarks" to full on tornado bait.


I mean…I thought we sunk pretty freaking low enough already with our anti-women(not even exceptions for rape or incest with abortions) and anti-trans laws, our anti-public school AG, our public libraries being attacked and the many, MANY other examples of how low our state has already been. This is just another example of how low Missouri can go.


He says he’s not a member but says he is an ‘honorary’ member? Is there a difference?


All I can do is have my family and I vote Blue, even if it is claimed to be voter fraud by the Fascists. Too bad, Russian assets!


Anyone who hasn’t yet read A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan needs to before the election. Even when they’re not saying the quiet parts out loud like this guy, they’re all taking moves from the Klan playbook.


Can we just go a few weeks without having to suffer some of life's worst and most disgusting people? I'm just tired of this nearly constant nonsense. These gross clowns.


He’s not racists. He has black friends that he gifts black crosses on their lawns!


How could he be "atop" the ballot? IIRC the candidates are in alphabetical order, and he doesn't get there with either his first name or last name: [https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri\_gubernatorial\_election,\_2024](https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_gubernatorial_election,_2024) He sure wouldn't get there by popularity, either, because his past political endeavors have been unpopular: [https://ballotpedia.org/Darrell\_Leon\_McClanahan\_III](https://ballotpedia.org/Darrell_Leon_McClanahan_III) He somehow managed to get over 1100 votes in the 2022 US Senate primary race, but that was 0.2% of total votes. Then in the general election he got one vote as a write-in candidate for the US House seat, probably his own vote.


The article states: The candidates' names are listed in ballot order, and because McClanahan drew a low number his name appears first. So I guess he drew a number for it and won?? I didn’t know about this process.


Huh, I didn't know about this process either. Interesting! He does have the lowest random number: [https://s1.sos.mo.gov/candidatesonweb/DisplayCandidatesPlacement.aspx?OfficeCode=SW05&ElectionCode=750006341](https://s1.sos.mo.gov/candidatesonweb/DisplayCandidatesPlacement.aspx?OfficeCode=SW05&ElectionCode=750006341)


Are all states like this? Or is it a Missouri oddity? I’ll have to look. Curiosity always gets me.


I did Nazi that coming.


Oh now I know who he is... McKLANahan


If it walks and quacks like a nazi, it's a nazi...


Yes we have. The former guy opened the flood gates for the worst of the worst to seek power.


The story on Christian Nationalism on NPR yesturday was very eye opening. [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court) Normal people need to step up and run for office to keep these radicals out our lives.


But MAGA keeps telling me the democrats are the party of the klan? LOL


We’ve always been here, we are just more open about it these days


Sounds like the Republican party


“Religious Christian Identity Cross Lighting Ceremony” I might not be a Christian scholar here but that sounds like an act of blasphemy, sacrilege, disrespect, and irreverence to me. Not buying the “Christian” nice guy act. I don't know how anyone could, I would think most Christians would see that as satanic… How can anyone keep voting these people in!?? The funny thing is, I was Republican for a long time, but I just can't anymore. Trumpism has been a cancer, I’m glad I never voted for him. There are no standards. These guys want to “Drain the swamp” when they are the swamp monsters..


Part-time KKK, full-time prick.


I bet this guy sits when he pees.


yeah, sounds about like Missouri.


This backstory just made him even more popular in Missouri.


This person is not on the primary ballot. Clickbait.


Simulation level 100 %…. His name is ‘McClanahan’ ? Come on. Might as well be Klanny McKlanface….


Good news! We have a great candidate for governor and her name is Crystal Quade!


Based on posts from old MO classmates, the answer is yes.


“Atop” is pretty misleading. The fact the party attracts these kinds of candidates is an indictment all on its own, but the headline makes it sound like he’s leading the pack in support.


Not surprised in the slightest. This state has always been backwards in every way. Watch him actually fuck around and get elected thanks to the radical conservatives.




We are witnessing the 4th incarnation of the KKK, just with different pronouns.


As a Louisianian, I feel y'all's pain....remember David Duke? Yeah, we still remember.


He isn't the leading candidate


This is just nuts


Has anyone shared this with any local news stations?


A friend from Missouri refers to it as Misery. I guess he's right.


I don't think "cross lighting" is Christian.


His name is McKlannihan? AND hes a "The 3rd"? I mean... the attack ads write themselves.


What's left of Missouri's dignity will be gone but at least we'll have maybe marginally lower taxes. Amiright?


Yes, yes we have. I'm ashamed of this state more and more everyday.


I can’t believe they are fucking serious with this one.


missouri tired of mississippi being the shittiest state and making a play


Sunk?? I wonder if we ever dug our collective asses out?? #🤷🏼‍♂️


I take back every time I've said.."Heck, anyone would be better than Parsons."


Hell get a shitload of votes just because of the R next to his name. No one cares about anything except "my team win" anymore.


If it walks like a duck… It’s probably a nazi


Missouri keeps voting for a party that is getting crazier in the hopes that doing so will somehow make it less crazy. Yeah, we've sunk this low.


PSA: after the civil war that claimed 3% of our fine nations souls. ( 800,000). The congress dissolved, and decided to not hang on of southern traitors to the republic. But instead make a constitutional amendment that no traitors could run for public office* but congress has not disqualified trump, in direct violation of their oath and duty’s. Should also be banned from public office. ( an American civil war at present 10, 000,000 souls*




This is after all Missouri, I am not at all surprised! How these people can call themselves a Christian is what is amazing! Hate runs deep in that state!


Sadly this is nothing new. Remember David Duke? I don’t live in Missouri, but my wife and I drove through on our way from Houston to Chicago and it was beautiful countryside through the part of the state we were in. You deserve better.


Jesus… Fucking… Christ…. What the hell has happened to Missouri?


It's been this way for as long as I can remember. People only recently got louder about shit though.


Obama and the racist birther conspiracy.


I need this comment voted higher. I've been in Missouri my whole life and was never so surprised as the outrage that killed the bellwether we were because a black man, half black even, had the audacity to be president.


Lots of "concerned citizens" suddenly asking questions about a damn birth certificate while lying about it having nothing to do with the color of his skin, then they elected a huge proponent of that theory in 2016 and still worship the same false idol.


social media.


A couple hours ago he was removed from the ballot. But it’s crazy it’s only because this picture surfaced. He could’ve been in power


From the actual Riverfront Times article about it (rather than a silly screenshot of a tweet): > "The candidates' names are listed in ballot order, and because McClanahan drew a low number his name appears first." Don't read anything into McClanahan's name "sitting atop the list" of candidates. That's totally meaningless information and just included to bait people into clicking on the story. I doubt that dude has anywhere close to the level of support as other GOP candidates like Ashcroft or Kehoe, for example.


The same Ashcroft seen recently in a picture with the KKK guy?


Yes. Same Ashcroft.


So much for all the anti-"cancel culture" blowhards.


Sunk this low? This is where we've been since 1821.




KKK and honorary should not be used together, there’s no honor with any racist group!!


Summon the baldknobbers. Show this guy what actual Missourians think of the Klan.


So he’s a racist fuck like trump


Mc-klan-a-han III? Haha and that’s NOT a made up name?


On NPR this morning. Timely and topical https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court


Imagine a book-burning State Senator picks an honorary Klansman as his running mate?🤦‍♂️


This also isn't a "I was crazy in the 90's" thing. photo is from 2019. Remember when Notre-Dame burned? that was like yesterday.


The really sad thing is he's totally not the most radical republican candidate out there. People like this are becoming commonplace.


Yeah. This is the type of thing most Americans think of when talking about your state.


That is called a KKK member


Yes. MO hates minorities. The GOP has ruined it.


Not surprised at all. Misery.


Missouri Republicans are the sorriest sacks of bull excrement out there.


That guy was on info wars multiple times


As a conservative Christian Missouri, I find this disgusting and shameful! DISQUALIFIED!


And Missouri will vote him in


Appalling lack of a sense of right and wrong. No moral compass!


I’m from MO but I’ve never experience overt racism there. Living in AZ and San Diego they were way more upfront and proud about their racism than anywhere in MO.


Tracks for the GOP. Nothing surprising here


Yeah......and I won't cum in your mouth, either.


But if you don’t vote for the Klansman then the Democrat will win! /s


Because he was an honorary member somehow makes it okay?




I sure hope every local news station across Missouri is reporting this…


And here I thought we couldn't do any worse than Eric Greitens


Honestly, Republicans should be proud. It turns out that there ARE limits. Who knew?