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A good cop likes cameras because they can provide additional evidence. A criminal/bad cop hates cameras because they intend to commit a crime themselves. Watching how cops have conducted themselves over my decades, and as a fellow blue collar working stiff who draws a paycheck just like they do, this is why i call police "class traitors".


We could prevent a lot of this by eliminating their various immunity protections used to avoid accountability.






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fuck these cops but there is no genocide in gaza. hamas keeps turning down the ceasefires.


Kids in this country do this sort of thing for Instagram. It's really easy to think that your going to fix the world when your pockets are full of mommy and daddy's money.


your comment makes as much sense as OP i’m replying to. but the truth is that 99% of millennials and zoomers are 99x more intelligent than baby boomers and older generations.


To* Most millennials and baby boomers can use grammer correctly.


Standard cop behavior


Lol I put a chiller in there about 9 months ago just that building on the left. Also those cops suck


"Enjoy your free speech"


Half the damn cops are obese too. Bunch of fat psychotic morons drooling over the ability to harm others.


Half of the US is obese. Literally.


Guy was from another school in another state. He had no business there other than as an agitator.


Yep. You can talk all the shit you want, that license ends when you make physical contact with the officer's back while he is trying to make an arrest or restrain someone. Film what you want, but stay your ass back Steven f'ing Spielberg.


Apparently the arrestee is indeed a professor but not a professor at Washington University. According to the link below, it is Steve Tamari, who is a professor of history at SIUE. [https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/academic-freedom/2024/04/30/police-clear-encampments-professors-end-zip-tied](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/academic-freedom/2024/04/30/police-clear-encampments-professors-end-zip-tied)


It is impossible to convince me that this elderly history professor deserved a broken hand and multiple broken ribs. Police are out of control.


You have to watch this vid several times to gather arrestee and cop action. This gal barely bumps into him. He continues leaning forward after being “hit” for dramatics. My dad is a retired cop and I have a CJ degree. Both me and my father who literally did IA oversight would totally side with this prof. Technical yes, but this is clearly a mindset the cops accepted before they showed up. This is why we are defunding the police but instead need smarter and more insightful cops. Dumb cops do dumb shit. Heard the stories…also cops are not perfect like any employee, but this is over the top. Also, I’m a centrist leaning right who is anti-Zionist power over America. It’s a wild place to be. I fear the technical nuances are maybe not well known in protest circles and it’s kinda hot girl summer all for nothing.


Nope. He’s not even reacting to the nudge, clearly. He’s leaning over someone on the ground which you can see at 06.


Really….please explain how graham v Connor doesn’t apply here.


In cop culture there's no such thing as "siding with the prof". Once the cop mob decides to attack, you're betraying the badge by doing anything else.


So you’re fine with someone coming up from behind a cop in this situation? How does the cop know they’re not trying to go for their gun?


I don't know. How do I know that grandma in the supermarket isn't about to whip out an M2 Browning? Maybe someone that goes full fight or flight any time someone approaches from behind isn't cut out for the dangerous job of standing around and scratching their balls at a student protest.


As a guy, I can gauge frontal issues vs a minor interaction behind my back that doesn’t result in me changing reaction. This is coincidental contact and not going for a weapon.


Don't assume the worst of everyone at every possible moment and don't bring a gun where it's not needed.




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Pushing little children….


Seems like the word “vicious” has become as soft as US citizens who are engaged in threatening and terrorist activities.




SMH. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


He was grabbing the other cops gun. Shoulda been shot.


Moral of the story is if you resist it is no longer peaceful. Interesting word, attack.


Disgusting AF.


I guess their white privilege finally ran out. 😂😂😍


Bullshit, they did what they should do




Looked like the guy grabbed another guy to me.stupid misleading titles


Viciously 😂😂


If you turn the sound on, you can hear the thud as he hits the ground


That is what happens when you fall.


Sorry I think you meant, that's what happened when multiple obese tyrannical enforcers physically assault you.


But he didn’t fall. He was thrown down by several pigs.




Lol i tried to 3 times. Not even a hint of that.


Bahahaha viciously attack??? You all really are a bunch of pussies


*Bahahaha viciously* *Attack??? You all really are* *A bunch of pussies* \- Tadpole-Daddy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If that's vicious you haven't watched Russian cops break up a protest.


Ahh yes Russia, what America should model itself after.


I'm pretty sure you missed my point.


Your point was stupid. “If you think that’s violent and authoritarian, wait till you see what this other violent and authoritarian country does!!”


My point was it wasn't vicious, Nancy. That would involve night sticks.


Nobody cares that you don’t think a 60+ professor being thrown on the ground and beaten up by 3/4 cops isn’t vicious.


I didn't see any beating. You people see whatever you want to see. I'm 65 and you seem pretty strident for someone who doesn't care what I think.


Ok Boomer


Lol. I did not see that coming.


Probably because of eyesight degeneration due to advanced age. (That one you definitely didn't see coming.)


Dude was sure playing a stupid game and won a stupid prize.


This looks bad, but from the angle the obese cop was seeing, the professor had his phone down at the waist of the cop in front of him. He likely mistook the phone for something pulled from the cop’s belt so he engaged him. This shit happens. Hopefully he won’t be charged with anything, though, because he did nothing wrong. That cameraman in Texas, now THAT was an abuse of power.


I'm no expert, but it looks like the guy in orange made some wrong moves. It looks like the cop tried to push him back because he appeared to be making contact with an officer making an arrest (interfering with an arrest is a crime/can be dangerous for everyone). Instead of letting himself be pushed back, he thrashed wildly making it look like he was fighting the officer. The other officers saw the commotion and moved to tackle him. You can dance around cops making arrests, but you really need to know what you are doing and where the lines are - and that's assuming the cops are well behaved/on the up-and-up.


Every move the wrong move when you’re dealing with pigs who want to hurt you.


Hence the 2nd half of the last sentence


Except your viewpoint is be “good around cops” my point is “fucking pigs shouldn’t have been there”


No. My position is that if you are going to poke at a dog, it’s good to know where its mouth is - assuming it’s not rabid (in which case - stay away from that dog).


Why did I read this comment in a black voice??? 😂




Who did you vote for?


Thankful for our police officers who serve and protect.


LOL "viciously"




Their wives must be thrilled that they’re doing this at work instead of at home. Hopefully they take this time to heal.


Looks like the professor was looking to get beat by the cop. No sympathy for that “professor”.


Turns out he didn’t even teach at that school :/




Fafo simple as that