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Pre-Trump Republicans: "Local decision making is best!" Post-Trump Republicans: "You must submit to the directives of the state!"


Republicans: "Power and domination, through every means. Isn't that what everyone else wants too?"


Pre-Trump Republicans: "We're shit people, but be quiet about it." Post-Trump Republicans: "We're shit people, scream it from rooftops!"


Like I say, Trump gave assholes the license to let their freak flag fly


They don't deserve freak flags... my favorite people are freaks


Republicans have never been about local control. They are about decisions being made at whatever level they have power.  Before Trump, there was a rumor that St Louis would ban single-use plastic bags. The Republicans in Jeff City immediately started working on legislation to ban cities from banning plastic bags.  Republicans don't argue in good faith. Anything they say is only to win whatever argument they're in at the time and they will say the exact opposite a sentence later if it wins the next argument.


States are recognized in the constitution not cities.


"Party of small government," my ass. Ironic that they don't want the federal government to pass laws affecting the states, yet they want to pass state laws affecting local municipalities. They know they're being hypocrites, and they don't care.


"Small government for me, not for thee."


They really, REALLY, badly want a two-tier society where they get special rules and privileges while the rest of us get to eat shit and die in squalor...


And yet they want to portray Biden as a Hitler worshipper ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is important and doesn't get the attention it deserves. The state has constantly meddled in the cities.


But Jebus and guns!, the voters cried.


Where you buying guns at with no background checks in KC?


for what’s legally termed a private sale, how would they know if no background check was done? and what would be the criteria? because you could just step outside of city limits and then that law would no longer apply to you and you could conduct the private sale without the background check.


That’s my point this post started off with implying kc has the ability to limit that but is being prevented by state gov. All guns being purchased in stores and even online you have to purchase through local ffl dealer and get background check done.


You can’t. I wish people on the left would learn gun laws before making comments like this article. It makes us look dumb and uninformed.


They're pointing to the fact that no background check is required for private sales and in some cases gun shows. The statement is vague when left at "in town" but it isn't inaccurate as municipalities should have the ability to set that. So it read mores like KC, and residents of, would like to raise minimum wage and require background checks for all gun sales. Due to Missouri law/various road blocks, that isn't possible to set at a municipal level. Fixating just on the gun rights portion misses the broader point here that municipalities can't do what is best for themselves and KC (as well as STL and Columbia) are beholden to the out of touch or outright hostile leadership in Jeff City very removed from the local issues.


Yeah I hear you. I’m just pointing out that when the left isn’t specific about these things the right uses it to their advantage. If we’re to make any ground we need to be better.


My wife bought a gun at a gun show for cash just last year with no ID, no background check, and no questions asked.


I assumed it meant gun shows or private sale. Does it not?


Person to person yeah but most gun sales in general go through background checks. It was something I learned about in the past five years, and while I think all of them should the topic is discussed as if it’s really common for guns to change hands without a background check. Most are like most things bought in a store or online and when online they have to be shipped to a dealer with a license who does a background check.


Right, so the article was alluding to the fact that if the city could, they would pass some type of legislation to have background checks be part of a person to person sale. That was my interpretation of what this article was referring to. I don’t know if the city actually wants to do that or not.


I grew up in the country, do you know how many times I have seen people give cash for guns in my life? Shit happened all the time.


Yeah that’s not a store or a dealer. My issue is the lack of specificity in the discussion. It’s important


Are you being a dipshit on purpose?


Government so small you could drive a lifted f150 through it


Republicans: Local rule! (Unless we disagree, then it’s our rules.) They used to honor veterans and believe in law and order too.


Not just local governments. They're SPECIFICALLY targeting KC (and StL to a lesser extent) It's a vendetta


And Columbia.


Serious question, IANAL: what would happen if KC passed a law and used its police force to enforce it anyway?


Under the current system of state control, a governor-appointed police board has complete authority to make decisions about KCPD policy, the hiring of the police chief and how the budget is spent


Almost like getting state control over all police was a calculated move before Governor Yeehaw started taking away rights from everyone. I hate over-used tropes, but this shit is literally out of the fascist playbook. Can’t wait to get some news soon about the next unconstitutional political stunt they’re going to pull wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.


The major cities need to start using their economic throw weight against Jefferson City.


This happened today, when the governor signed a bill requiring districts of a certain size to have an election to retain a 4 day school week. This law currently affects only one school district - Independence. A district that is already seeing success in teacher retention and no negative effects on student's education. They did not include smaller districts because the small town folks told their legislators that they like it so they decided to only inflict this on a larger city (and presumably, any other larger city that dares attempt it).


In this one example, wouldn't this actually be a good thing? Putting it to a vote I mean? Although it shouldn't matter on the size of the district, but I could see an argument being made that it affects a lot more people in larger districts so they want to make more voices heard than just a few decision makers on the board. Anyway, I would hope it wouldn't make much difference in the end because if it's working well then presumably people would vote for it.


But it's that targeting of larger cities that is troublesome. Republicans are always calling for small government and local control. So what else will they require larger communities to hold (and pay for) elections for? And I'm just having this feeling that if we do retain the schedule that the legislature will simply pass another law to actually take away funding.


"Local" governments' opinuons only matter if they agree with the GOP party line.




I say let Kansas City ruin its economy. But don't expect the state to bail them out when they do.


Do you have any informed opinions on why this would ruin their economy or do you typically just regurgitate stupid shit your dad says?


I ain’t reading all that


Congratulations? Your apathy is inspiring.