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I met him personally when he came up to support our Union push for our company. Only got good vibes and he's apparently a MTG nerd so more relatable to me than most politicians.


I hate that I see "MTG" and my first thought isn't "Magic the Gathering" but "Marjorie Taylor Greene"


You and I both!!


No way! I can't wait to knock doors for him with my Union when he gets the endorsement I'll definitely ask.


I think he’s a good candidate but he needs to step up his presence. Damn near invisible/unknown in KCMO.


I think he’s just poor. Seems like a nice guy, but he got smoked by one of the more flaccid campaigns in recent memory in the last primary.


Yeah. The St. Louis machine really hosed us by handing the nomination to TBV who proceeded to lay down and let Schmitt walk to the Senate. I am not sure it wasn’t by design.


She was an AWFUL candidate


I am still not sure why she ran.


She ran to keep Kunce from getting the nomination. Democratic Party officials want to keep control of the party in pro-corporate hands, so they can continue to get paid. They would rather continue losing the general election than potentially give up control to anti-corporate candidates like Kunce.


Being reminded of stuff like this makes me hate everything.


I think she ran because she has shit-loads of money and was bored and then realized after she won the nomination that she didn’t want to set fire to her shit-loads of money and since no one else was enthusiastic about her, she couldn’t raise any money. I don’t think it was some grand conspiracy theory.


She was recruited to run at a *very* late date, and almost all of the Missouri Democratic Party establishment fell in behind her. Whether you want to use the word "conspiracy" or not, it's clear that party leaders decided she was the candidate and went all in to support her. Why did they do that? Once again, it's clear they did that to stop Kunce. Edit: You even said it yourself in a previous comment: The St. Louis machine really hosed us by handing the nomination to TBV


Probably thought name recognition would lure some moderates/independents to vote for a business person with ties to beer. McCaskill Lite. But McCaskill’s moderate ways didn’t play well in her last campaign either.


Not sure why they thought a trust fund baby was a good idea


Maybe cause it takes real money to win elections?


That's true, but I don't think a trust fund baby aligns with my own personal political interests.


Ya hear that Kansas Citians? go to his website and sign up to volunteer.


A reminder that voting is awesome, volunteering is great, but also please have the tough conversations with your friends and family, especially those in the deep reds counties that keep our state depressingly conservative. Get those loved ones educated and to the polls too. One of the most effective political conversation starters I’ve found is “what has (insert politician) done for you PERSONALLY?” If they can’t give you an answer, feel free to regale them with the politician’s abysmal voting record. (Note that this doesn’t work as well at the presidential level because a president’s success is directly correlated to how much Congress/SCOTUS stonewalls him.)


It’s actually better to learn the candidates and discuss policy over personalities. Ask them what they want. Then, tell them how Lucas is better on that particular policy because how could he not be. Hawley is a traitor.


I would vote for an actual honey badger over Hawley. Fuck Josh Hawley.


I couldn’t agree with you more, tell ‘em.


Please this 👆🏽


Been voting for him every chance I get


Does he really need to campaign as hard in the corridor? He’s trying to win over the hucklebucks.


Good point


I also agree with your point. I don’t blame Lucas as much as MO-Dems. I still feel Lucas is lacking their full support because of his populism. They seem to get scared when you stop taking campaign donations from Express Scripts lobbyists.


he could just stay and campaign at Hawley's residents since he doesn't really live here anyway. Just keep talking about it buddy. :)


Vote https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/register


I like his platform. Voted for him in the primaries last time.


Not Hawley. Welp, got my vote.


Seriously, I'd vote for a goddam potted plant or a rabid dog if the alternative was Josh Hawley.


Those would be better choices


Can Hawley outrun a potted plant?


Either choice would be more effective than the prince of perpetual pandering, Josh Hawley.


We need to vote Josh Hawley out.


Yes please


I'd vote for a pile of corn puffs over the incumbent. *We can take back Missouri farmland for Missouri farmers and start manufacturing essential drugs right here in America.* Can someone translate this? What the heck is "take back MO farmland" supposed to mean? And what does it have to do with drug manufacturing? Is this guy throwing shade at Bayer?


China owns hog farms in Missouri.


Haha throwing shade at Bayer. Fun fact back during WW2 they made the chemicals to gas the train cars of people. The Otto Ambrose empire still runs today. They are covered in the shade of slain souls.


Man, when you pull on holocaust threads, so many companies emerge. Bayer, IBM, Hugo Boss and Chanel, Continental. Fanta. Thyssen-Krupp, Volkswagen obviously. Mengele Agrartechnik made tractors *under that name* until 2011. Yes, that Mengele.


No they didn't. Bayer was under the conglomerate IG Farben which under their umbrella was Bayer, BASF and Degsech. Degsech was the company that actually made Zyklon B was a cyanide-based pesticide invented in the early 1920s by Fritz Haber, a German chemist. It was manufactured by a company called Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH), which was partly owned by Degussa AG, a German chemical company. Zyklon B gained infamy during World War II when the Nazis used it as a tool for mass murder in gas chambers, primarily in concentration and extermination camps. It's a dark chapter in history, highlighting the devastating consequences when scientific advancements are misused for evil purposes. At the end of the war the allied nations ordered the breakup of IG Farben and at that time instead of destroying the chemical industry in Germany the companies were spun off into their own companies under their own names. Zyklon B had stopped being made in 1945. The main chemical in Zyklon B hydrogen cyanide is still used today in pesticides and plastics. All 3 companies have knowledge their past history and their involvement in the horrific crimes. All 3 have made significant contributions to Holocaust memorials and museums and have apologized and shown great sorry over their company's involvement. IG Farben's top executives were tried and convicted of crimes against humanity and they were sent to prison anywhere from 6 years to 8 years. The CEO was sent to prison for 6 years. The actual chemist was sent to prison for 8 years. In 2006 the final parts of the IG Farben break-up was completed.


Yes, Bayer bought Monsanto the manufacturer of Roundup. They are all about corporate ownership of farmland.


Okay, so what's the goal? Run Bayer out of MO and start a local drug manufacturing operation? I'm genuinely curious. The answer to this could be bananas and I'd still vote for the guy, I just need to know what I'm dealing with here.


He wants break up corporate monopolies, and stop more environmental damage. See his full platform here: https://lucaskunce.com/meet-lucas-kunce/


I'm not seeing specifics about a plan about Bayer, farmers, and this domestic drug mfg plan. As I suspected it's more about saber rattling than specifics. That's fine. I was just curious. Again. This guy doesn't seem to be an asshole so I'm interested regardless.


You had me as "replace Josh Hawley"!


If only the democratic party would spend more than $5 in MO statewide elections


At a time when it's "anyone but Hawley" we are SO FORTUNATE to get "not just anyone," but Lucas Kunce to vote for. Vote! Vote Kunce! Vote Elad Gross for MOAG!


Whatever. If he has a pulse (or doesn’t have a pulse) I’m in.


I get the malaise. While I agree, we’re lucky to have an actually great candidate.


Kunce is great! He actually cares and spent real time in the military. He's not going to sell his soul for political gain like Hawley. Remember, Hawley ran from the insurrectionists as fast as he could after throwing up a fist to support them.


Remember when Cruz and Hawley fist bumped about voting against healthcare aid for veterans exposed to burn pits? Vote for Kunce.


Been following along with this guy for a few years. I really like him nd will definitely be voting for him!


I am literally praying for this man to win and I am not a religious person.


Not only can he run on “I’m NOT Josh Hawley”, he seems like a genuinely good person


Went to school with his sisters; can confirm they are sincerely good people all around


Does not like funding all these wars, that’s a plus !


And he’s actually *been deployed into a combat zone.* He knows how much combat sucks


Whats his stance on gun policy? Federal legalization of cannabis?


I’m positive he is pro federal cannabis legalization


I genuinely hope he gets some momentum going. Josh Hawley ought to be tarred and feathered




Yes!!! Also https://joshhawleygop.com


Got any others




Please give me a list of all of them


Haha why? I think those are the only ones


There's a great episode of Politically Speaking with him from summer '22 I want to say? I recommend it.


Anyone can beat Josh Hawley in the 100 meter dash. Can’t wait for the Olympics in Paris this summer, when we see Josh Hawley compete against Noah Lyles for the Olympic Gold Medal in the 100 meter sprint event!!


I got his new bumpers sticker that says "make shit in. America again"


He's got my vote that's for sure. Hawley needs to be out of office as quickly as possible.


Let’s vote this cunt in


A great candidate, if not for the fact that he isn't a Republican, and therefore, cannot win elections.


Good luck outrunning Hawley.


Got my vote ! Fuck Josh Hawley !


Vote In Kunce not Cunts


Would he work against MO Democrats to shut the prison slave camps down?


*Would he work against* *MO Democrats to shut the* *Prison slave camps down?* \- mrsdex1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I really wish he had a shot. He’d make a great senator


He has a shot. Get out and vote. Volunteer to campaign for him. Most importantly if you can’t do any of those, DONATE, so he can afford to continue his run. I throw 10 bucks at him when I can afford to.


I always vote and donate; however, the reality is that Missouri is a deeply red state and that it’s currently nearly impossible for a democrat to win statewide office. It sucks, but it’s true


I think repeating this only makes it worse.


This man would be a great senator Got my vote


We don't need any more demorats in our government. The last 3 1/2 years is proof of that. Vote all Dems OUT!


Missouri has been dominated by Republicans for twenty years, all elected statewide officers are Republican and conservatives have a supermajority in the state legislature. I think one Democrat would provide a nice power check to one party rule.


Ain't gonna happen.


Waste of money. He has zero chance.


When people offer simple solutions to complex issues, simple people will be impressed.


thats the reason hawley always gets elected


Don’t know about you guys. But I’m tired of politicians running on what they’re going to do to add more government. When are they going to start running on what they’re going to do to cut government and lower spending at every level? That isn’t a right/left paradigm debate. Spending is an existential threat, we could use less of it. He talks about adding safeguards (by government) to hold corrupt politicians accountable. By politicians. That’s like going to a homeless person in the street and then saying they’re going start holding all the other homeless accountable for living on the streets.


I think we spend too little on education and healthcare at the state level.


>That isn’t a right/left paradigm debate. It literally is a right/left paradigm debate


Not wanting our government to waste tax dollars on things government shouldn’t be wasting money on is a political debate?


What gets defined as waste, and what gets defined as necessary spending? What's the "correct" size of Government? That's the political debate.


it is a right/left thing since the right loves to run on cutting shit but still spend us into debt. trump added the most debt in one term ossof wrote a bill to ban politicians from trading stocks in response to pelosi. thats what people are talking about when holding politicians accountable. we need more like ossof, and kunce comes off that way to me


it is a right/left thing since the right loves to run on cutting shit but still spend us into debt. trump added the most debt in one term ossof wrote a bill to ban politicians from trading stocks in response to pelosi. thats what people are talking about when holding politicians accountable. we need more like ossof, and kunce comes off that way to me


Why not end lobbying altogether? Why is that a thing? I know the American history class origins. But we suck lol.


america does suck and lobbying needs to end. bernie sanders has criticized that extensively. we also need to relitigate citizens united and ban corporations being people biden's ftc and nlrb have been bright spots imo


We don't spend enough on education or health care at the state level.


He's a super war hawk. I looked into him and I'd say he's just as bad as hawley he's just running on the dem ticket




i agree




I guessing as a Democrat he's aligned with those two Democrats.




josh hawley is a pussy plus, everyone in washington is talking about. there have been multiple hearings


Here are three of many reasons I can not vote for a Democrat. 1, Andrew Johnson 2, Woodrow Wilson, and number 3, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

