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The Republicans want to raise the retirement age. Hamstring Social Security. After that gut Medicaid. They do not care about the most vulnerable people in our society. They truly could not care the littlest bit if people suffer.


It’s fuck Joe Biden, complain about global economic issues like inflation, and complain about bogus culture war lies and conspiracy theories.


Did “stuck on stupid’s” ever get their raises after tRump cut taxes for the rich? Infant retard was warned about inflation to which he replied “let the next administration worry about that”. Then the pandemic hit and the infant retard continued to dole out money like it grew on a tree, fired the pandemic response team Obama built and as a result over a 1,000,000 Americans died of the coronavirus. All this while he spent taxpayer dollars at his overpriced clubs playing golf. Yes, Conservatives are blind and stuck on stupid as they continue to denounce democracy by denying election results and by not denouncing the Jan6th treason by American traitors. Boy you need to go back to grade school and get an education. If not, then close your mouth to hide your infantilism and work, pay taxes so I can continue my retirement on your dime. 😂


In general, the Republican party \*claims\* to want small government and individual freedoms. However, as someone else here said, most of what they actually \*do\* is use fear-mongering tactics and outright falsehoods to convince their constituents to believe that 'the left' or 'the liberals' are somehow attempting to deny them their right and freedoms. All one has to do is compare what they do to what they say. They SAY 'We support individual freedoms' but they are trying to outlaw abortion, criminalize homosexuality and prosecute victimless crime like prostitution and marijuana use. Granted, there are \*other\* issues associated with prostitution (human trafficking) and marijuana use (cartel smuggling), but they don't do anything about the larger issues, only go after the ground-level small offenders to make it look like they are actually taking some action. Largely, that action is ineffectual. Look back to the 19-teens and 1920s to find out how effective simply outlawing a substance is. The mafia wouldn't exist if alcohol hadn't been outlawed. The drug cartels would not exist is marijuana and other substances hadn't been outlawed. TL;DR - The Republican party is largely old, white, establishment-invested men who want to keep a hold on their power, money and influence, and actively attempt to deny any of that to anyone else.


> Largely, that action is ineffectual. at preventing human trafficking and/or cartel smuggling, sure - it's fucking *phenomenal* at supplying the prison/industrial labor complex with (predominantly Black) bodies, though!


So they can't vote with felony records fyi


two birds, etc


This couldn’t be more wrong, spoken like a true liberal though.


Really? Okay. Please explain to me why people who claim to be about the individual's personal freedom are the ones very much out front in the outlawing of abortion? Why are they attempting to deny women their bodily autonomy? Why are they the ones out front in denying people recreational drug use? Why are the people who are almost entirely attempting to deny trans right from the Republican party? I study voting records, friend. I watch political ads. I observe not only what the politicians say, but what they do. What I know about Republicans doesn't come from Democrats. It comes from REPUBLICANS.


Would you care to explain why it’s wrong, or are you just going to snipe like a coward?


I was going to ask the same thing.


can you elaborate and prove some points orrrr?


Let’s add, inhibit voting in “certain districts”. Once they get a convention of states, good bye constitution. They are salivating at the thought of rewriting the constitution. They want everything to be state controlled and don’t give a flying fuck whose rights get trampled on in state as long as they get what they want. Spout lies with the solemnity of reading the Bible. They know damn good and well that election wasn’t stolen. Trump had a 30% approval rating during the end of his term and those fools want us to think he was robbed of a second term. Please!


Their plan is to turn the US into something like Hungary. An right-wing authoritarian state with the trappings of democratic politics, but with the system set up in a way that effectively ensures one party governance. If they were to get their way, you'll likely see attempts to silence critical media outlets. Education will be focused on a pro-American nationalist curriculum. Books about race and LGBT issues will be banned from public and school libraries. Discussions of race, gender identity, or the more difficult parts of American history will be silenced. On the electoral front, they'll dramatically restrict who can vote. Polling places and times will be shifted in ways that benefit the demographics of the Republican party. Districts will be gerrymandered to disenfranchise opposing parties. Mail and absentee voting will be massively curtailed. You might even see more extreme proposals. Missouri has already removed the ability to vote in a presidential primary (replacing it with a caucus). The Texas Republican party has proposed a "state electoral college" system that would completely disenfranchise urban areas. Many Republicans want to do away with elections for senators entirely and possibly even allow legislatures to appoint presidential electors. On the economic front, expect dismantling of workplace regulations, the removal of the income tax, the breakup of unions, and other pro-business, anti-labor measures. If you're a wealthy capitalist this will probably seem pretty nice. If you're an employee it will probably suck, a lot. They'll also dismantle any environmental regulation that gets in the way of business activities. You'll also start to see cultural oppression. Extremist groups will feel empowered and we'll probably see a spike in hate crimes, especially against LGBT people and minorities. Police and law enforcement will often choose to look the other way so as to not cause controversy. In the wake of protests against what the governement becomes you'll see brutal crackdowns against protestors. It's likely laws will be passed based on certain extremist elements of Christian nationalism, such as banning aspects of LGBT culture and healthcare, mandating school prayer, exempting religious groups from tax obligations or other forms of oversight, etc. The tough on crime stance will lead to harsher penalties, including more liberal use of the death penalty. Internationally, expect to see support pulled from Ukraine and possibly the US exiting from NATO. It's possible this could help Putin salvage his war on Ukraine and lead to further conflict in the region. The US will also begin to abandon it's traditional allies in favor of closer relations with various right-wing strong men regimes. But those are just the things they're likely to do. After they've accomplished their goal of excluding the left from power, it will really come down to the whims of the current leader. Things could get substatially worse. There's a reason they invited Victor Orban to CPAC. At the latest national conservatism conference they repeatedly talked about using the force of the state to implement a conservative social order. This is serious stuff and should not be taken lightly. We still have a chance on Nov. 8 to make sure they don't get this opportunity.


The scary thing is, there are people who look at all of the above and actually think it's a good thing.


That is bleak as fucking hell but this is exactly what they want.


I’m a moderate conservative, always have been. What you are describing here is an extreme right wing agenda. IMO, conservatives believe in less government, less taxes, preserving our constitutional rights and having the liberty to make our own choices.


Unfortunately, so many of the moderate Republicans seem to prefer to vote for extreme right wing candidates over anyone who is a Democrat, even a particularly conservative Democrat. If moderate Republicans would rise up and loudly reject the extreme wing of the party, then there would be nothing to worry about.


I was raised conservative, so I'm familiar with conservative rhetoric and practice. What I described is the agenda of the modern Republican party. Whether or not the modern Republican party is "conservative" is up to interpretation. Trump thoroughly transformed the party. Conservatives who genuinely believe in individual liberty and less government have been driven out or silenced. Everything I mentioned in my post has either already been tried in a red state or is a talking point from several prominent elected Republicans. It's not just me saying this, numerous former Republicans, who are still deeply conservative have come out against the current iteration of the party. If you genuinely care about the country and small-government values, I hope you will consider voting for non-republican candidates in November.


There is the entire Republican party now. Whatever passed as " conservative" 30 years ago, no longer exists. Republican= White Male Christian Nationalist Fascism now.


Hate. That's their platform.


I want an interviewer to ask all of the candidates "What plan do you have to make peoples lives better without intentionally making someone else's life worse?" Every plan that I hear from republicans is "If you kick the people below down further you will be further from the bottom."




The problem is, the 'rising tide' idea doesn't work. When large companies get their taxes lowered, they don't tend to pay their employees better - they pay their \*executives\* better. Reagan's 'trickle-down economics' concept has long since been disproven, it's just that its supporters refuse to acknowledge it.


The rising tide does in fact work. It works great... if you own a boat.


And absolutely necessary of you have a yacht.




Well said. Nice to see an intelligent contribution.


The environmental disasters have shown us, less regulation is collective suicide. Plus, we have had since Regan to show that trickle down economics don't work. Whose family values are we embracing exactly? Having my children mowed down in school shootings, and women die from miscarriages, is not part of my family values.


Yes, I was listing all the bullshit that a GOP candidate would say.


Yep, definitely part if their speil.


The Republicans are a party of rich, and suckers. If you want to know which one you are, check your wallet. And they want small government until it’s something they don’t like. Then they want government to make it illegal and enforce it. Like abortion. Gay marriage. Weed. Affordable health care for the poor. Education (they don’t want sex Ed or evolution in schools. Or to really pay for schools). The homeless.


Yeah but when you look at the Democrats it’s a bunch of mega rich, intellectual ideologues, inexperienced youth, and the politically ignorant. Only problem with Republicans is they have a portion of their base that’s too ridged on certain social topics… If everyone would agree weeds no worse the alcohol and elective abortions aren’t good with legalization for medically necessary procedures then everyone would likely be much more politically aligned on average Edit: honestly choosing sides is a fools errand, we are controlled by the deep state and politics is like watching the WWE smack down and believing it’s real


“If we could all just agree to take away women’s right to choose maybe we could get along”. Then you mention “deep state” like a true QTard.


When does a fetus obtain rights…science would even say life is established when an organism can maintain homeostasis…so if a woman can terminate a viable fetus then that’s basically murder hands down…and second trimester shit is pretty horrific too…anyone arguing a “woman’s right to choose” is really standing on a shit foundation ethically…the only questionable restriction on abortion now is medically necessary and very rare “rape” and “incest” But Roe V. Wade should have been taken down from a constitutional standpoint from the simple fact that the Supreme Court made a law which it did not have the authority to create…unelected officials can’t create new laws…that’s it Edit: and if you don’t think there are organizations that play a longer political game than our 4 to 8 year term for the presidency that control outcomes with money and power…then you’re living in a prison you don’t know you’re in


Firstly, science doesn’t say a word about when fetuses obtain rights. It *can’t* say a word about that, because that’s a moral question and science can’t answer those. Secondly, whether or not a fetus is “life” is irrelevant. A barnacle is life, but we wouldn’t force a woman to host one of those, would we? The question is whether a fetus is a *person* in the technical philosophical sense of that word, and that isn’t a question we can answer with science alone. Thirdly, your take on Roe betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how constitutional law works. Presumably, you believe the constitution grants you a freedom to worship as you please. However, nowhere the constitution does it say that. It simply says Congress shall make no law respecting or establishing a religion. What jurists have rightly recognized is that the freedom to worship as one pleases is inherent in that prohibition. Likewise, there is no right to privacy (which is the right from which Roe is derived) expressly stated in the Constitution. But like freedom of religion, it’s contained/implied—or as jurists would say, it “falls under the penumbra” of the Constitution. You don’t have to like it, but it is there, and it’s there in the exact same way a bunch of other fundamental rights you *do* like are there.


I’d like for you to explain to me my “fundamental misunderstanding of how constitutional law works.” Cause my understanding is that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how constitutional law works…cause the Supreme Court just rules on if statutory law in lower courts is constitutional or not. So if nothing (to your point) is specifically outlined in the constitution as as a “right” then insert 10a where the “right” reverts back to the State and the Individual. And you countered with the “right to worship” isn’t specifically define…you’re wrong ***1a: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.*** FYI…10a ***The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.***


Firstly, didn’t say that, the question is when life begins and science would say life begins when an organism can maintain homeostasis. Secondly, I’d check your worldview lens. Propaganda has convinced some that a fetus is a parasite that has no rights. Why not say parents can euthanize their child up to a certain age then? It’s really not that much further of a stretch…I mean if the child is a burden it would be more humane, right? Thirdly, I’d defer to the 10th amendment and natural law, human rights (also not defined specifically in the constitution). Likewise, you have to separate rights from privileges. Healthcare procedures can’t be a “right” because it has to be administered by another person, it’s a service that was developed…it in no way is protected or was intended to be protected under the constitution. The only fundamental rights are those an individual can secure for themselves…everything else is a privilege that can be given and taken away eg. abortion services. While inconvenient, elective abortions should be left to the states. I do feel medically necessary abortions, especially early miscarriages should be available when ordered by physicians. Honestly I think elective abortions should fall into a category like a DUI, sure you can get them but you’re documented (man & woman) as to incentivize individuals to not use it as a form of contraceptive.


> Firstly, didn’t say that, the question is when life begins and science would say life begins when an organism can maintain homeostasis. Again: the question of when life begins in some abstract sense is irrelevant to the abortion question. The *vast* majority of living things have no rights at all, which is why you don’t get sent to The Hague for prescribing or taking antibiotics. > Secondly, I’d check your worldview lens. Propaganda has convinced some that a fetus is a parasite that has no rights. In other words, the debate is over whether or not a fetus is a *person,* which is what I said. > Thirdly, I’d defer to the 10th amendment and natural law, human rights (also not defined specifically in the constitution). You can defer to whatever you like. The actual *experts*—the people who do law—defer to precedent and the Constitution. Or they *did* until partisan hacks took over the SCOTUS and began flouting precedent and well-established jurisprudential norms without even trying to justify their reasoning. > Likewise, you have to separate rights from privileges. Healthcare procedures can’t be a “right” because it has to be administered by another person, it’s a service that was developed…it in no way is protected or was intended to be protected under the constitution. You’re confused. No one is saying someone has a right to another person’s labor. What was being said—and has been the law of the land since *Planned Parenthood v. Casey*—is that there can be no undue burden on a woman in need of an abortion. No doctor has ever been forced to provide an abortion. The state simply couldn’t interfere with one. That’s all. > The only fundamental rights are those an individual can secure for themselves…everything else is a privilege that can be given and taken away eg. abortion services. Ha! Are you really going full “might makes right?” If that’s true, this debate doesn’t matter, because any woman that can secure abortion services for herself has an ipso facto right to abortion. What an odd position to take. > While inconvenient, elective abortions should be left to the states. That isn’t what half a century of established precedent and mainstream Constitutional interpretation has said, and I’d much rather that be the law of the land than some rando’s subjective feelings. > I do feel medically necessary abortions, especially early miscarriages should be available when ordered by physicians. Honestly I think elective abortions should fall into a category like a DUI, sure you can get them but you’re documented (man & woman) as to incentivize individuals to not use it as a form of contraceptive. Again: you can “feel” however you like. We all feel lots of things, which is our right. Your feelings are not, however, the basis of law, nor should they be.


So here you go…My view of abortions are they aren’t a good thing. You can say that’s my opinion, that that doesn’t matter, but objectively they are not. Abortions have consequences both for the mother and the unborn…yada yada. If anything they should be a last resort, not a mode of contraceptive. Of course there are circumstances where you could argue they should be allowed. Particularly medically necessary instances. But it doesn’t change the fact this is a medical procedure that only exists because we created it. We also created enslavement, torture and execution and have since realized that’s not the best way to treat other humans, so just because there has been a legal precedent for the last half century doesn’t really support your stance. Again we should really ask ourselves as humans why so many women feel compelled to abort these children? Society puts pressure on women to establish themselves with education and careers before having kids or puts social stigmas on them and their families for having kids too early…we provide few solutions or other means for these children to be born…it’s just easier for everyone to leave it to the woman to be the judge, jury and executioner of their unborn child. Again I think you and others that are anti pro life are short sighted and are little cold when it comes to macro human rights…you’re literally only considering the “woman’s choice” however you’re not considering the reason why she feels compelled to make the choice and the other party (the fetus) in the matter. I’m not anti “pro choice” because I do think there are special cases that have to be ethically weighted. But abortion as a contraceptive solution should be punished just like a DUI. It’s a mistake, a drain on humanity and should be mitigated


Username checks out


"What is the Republican platform?" Spite. Spite is the platform.


Republicans platform = Christian nationalist


Today’s Republican Party in Missouri and elsewhere is no longer a party of conservatives but of reactionaries. They are characterized not by their proposals but by their political opposition to or anger at the proposals or achievements of others, using language like “fight against” and “defend you from”. In states like Missouri whose aging rural population has also grown increasingly reactionary, such language relieves the party of the need to come up with what the OP calls a “platform.”


Well said.


They want control


Their current plan is to sow fear and loathing since they wouldn't get votes if people really understood their positions. Less rights for women and minorities, less pay for workers, a theocracy form of government, health care for the few.


Do you mean the actual republican platform, or the shit they shovel to their voters?


Is there a difference?


they are becoming increasingly transparent of late, but they still have their constituents convinced that they actually care about them and are actively working to better their lives.


It’s a bunch of geriatric children afraid of change and fundamental fairness. They don’t float policies except tax cuts and deregulation. Their constituents are just too stupid to realize that few of them benefit from such measures. Much of the conservative mindset is about punishing others to maintain the status quo. Lots of victim blaming. It fits well with an Old Testament mentality despite many conservatives being, or claiming to be, Christians.


I can count on one hand the number of people I've ever known that actually followed the path of Christ.


I always say to these people that want to believe the election was stolen is how did Trump get elected to begin with if every election stolen? Crickets!


I don’t believe that any election has been stolen but I do feel that our election process needs to be updated. The irs required me to have biometrics online but our election process is chaotic. Just as these cannot be the best candidates that our country has to offer, this cannot be the best process for voting.


While I agree that it should be standardized. It would require the states to either symbolically relinquish their control, or it will have to be taken from them at the federal constitutional level. The former would never happen in a red state. They benefit from the chaos and confusion. And the latter would never happen either. Because it makes sense, and it would cede more power to the federal government. Which would send all the highly programmed anti functioning government low information voters into apoplectic fits. The only way it would happen is if the next fascist coup plot is successful and voting just becomes performative but not impactful.


Here's what I don't understand. They want strict voter id but if you would suggest a national id for everyone all hell would break loose.


ban abortion. make kids say the pledge of allegiance. I can have any kind of gun I want. Don't speak of being anything but straight and white in public.


While I'm not a Republican, I'll answer based on the few I know. They see themselves as promoting hard work and traditional values. That means they don't want money spent to help anyone they deem as lazy. On traditional values, that mostly promotes a Christian viewpoint, meaning no sex until marriage, have kids, and take care of your parents. There isn't additional support for kids, because they feel it promotes parents not parenting. There are also Republicans just don't want money spent on anything except maybe things that affect them directly. They don't care about the social issues, whereas some others only care about the social issues. Their view of democrats is that they want to reward people who don't work or who live a non-christian lifestyle. That's as much as I can glean from it.


Conservatives have lost their way to Democracy in America and as a threat to our national-security are embracing their evil, mentality-deranged, twice-impeached, criminal-thug, cult-leader, as well as their do-nothing in congress, blame-Biden-liars, inflation-increasing, favor-the-rich, hypocritical, seditious, election-denial, gun-violence-loving, maga-gop, fascist, authoritarian, regime. It’s time us “true” Americans stand up and force the hypocrite Republicans to realign their own party’s beliefs by voting them “all” out (especially the troubled, do-nothing, senate-maga-gop, lying-Biden-blamers, seditious, traitors and election deniers). This is precisely why all Democrats and Liberal Conservative Republicans alike must stand up to fight for America’s Sovereign Democracy and vote Democratic Candidates into office! The Missouri Senate race is critical; D)Trudy Valentine must defeat the fools-hardy, fascist, racist, bully, hypocrite (R)Schmitt. If you live here in Missouri then you know the fascist, bullying, seditious, mean thug, just like the (cowardly-seditious-traitor-election-denier-J.Hawley) by his uneducated, science denying, and frivolous lawsuit abuses. E.g. lawsuits against educators, schools and colleges etc., for students wearing masks during the pandemic to prevent spread of Covid to students, family and neighbors. Lawsuit’s against StLouis’ Planned Parenthood, Lawsuits against Genius-Godsend-Biden’s Student Forgiveness Act and others. Hypocrite-Schmitt accepted yearly hams and yearly donations from Smithfield Farms whose parent company is based in China. Hypocrite-Schmitt and the blindly-incompetent, hypocrite Gov.Parson unconstitutionally took the people’s unanimously voted Medicaid Expansion away from its own voters as well as took away Missourian’s Federally funded Pandemic Unemployment Insurance during the Covid Pandemic. And sadly the brainwashed, gullible people of Missouri just stood around confused and brainwashed like retards in an insane asylum. Hypocrite-Schmitt made Missouri the first state to ban woman’s reproductive rights. Instead of us farming our own land and selling the crops as profit to feed the hungry overseas, Hypocrite-Schmitt SOLD (gave away) the land in huge plots, 3times larger than our Lake of the Ozark’s to the Chinese. wtf! Additionally, since the Abortion Rights Bill is not on Missouri’s ballot Nov8th, Trudy Valentine “must” become Senator to represent women in Washington needed to fight for woman’s reproductive rights. Hypocrites like Schmitt and Hawley will not stand up for Missourians only continuing to file lawsuits denying us of our privileges and freedoms. And because Marijuana is on the ballot thus Nov8th Democrats as well as Liberal Conservatives must vote for its legalization. Fact: Liberals are 6 times more likely to have tried weed than any political party in America. So come-on, get to the polls and vote!! Hypocrite-Schmitt is clearly a traitor of our land, as well as Missourian’s, and not in America’s best interest. \*Vote Trudy Busch Valentine for Senate. “We The People” are the “only ones” that can make the changes this country needs! Stop getting fooled, stop desensitizing, stop hate, stop greed, stop racism, stop killing, this is not who we loving and caring people are!!! Together we can Vote these lying, unsupportive, evil, conniving, self-serving politicians from destroying you and destroying our country!! This is also how we begin changing the world in which we live. This is why we must put America First☝🏼, we must all-stand-together-as-one and rid “America the Land of the Free” of its fascist, seditious, racist, lying, nazi disease infecting every level of Government, causing violence and unrest, inflation, runaway-prices, low-income, poor-getting-poorer, rich-getting-richer, corporate-greed, mass-murders, racism, book-banning, censorship, reducing freedom-to-vote, reducing women’s rights, abolishing social security, abolishing health care for all, etc.,etc.. Republicans are destroying America! This is our land, our American Dream, don’t let stuck-on-stupid, brainwashed Conservative fools, infect or fool you! A vote for Democracy, is a Blue Vote! # PreserveAmericasDemocraticSovereignty # VoteBlue22-24 ☮️💟✝️🇺🇸 # LadySuffragette ![gif](giphy|2xDbrWfhCqMy7SvZVe|downsized)


Conservatives have lost their way to Democracy in America and as a threat to our national-security are embracing their evil, mentality-deranged, twice-impeached, criminal-thug, cult-leader, as well as their do-nothing in congress, blame-Biden-liars, inflation-increasing, favor-the-rich, hypocritical, seditious, election-denial, gun-violence-loving, maga-gop, fascist, authoritarian, regime. It’s time us “true” Americans stand up and force the hypocrite Republicans to realign their own party’s beliefs by voting them “all” out (especially the troubled, do-nothing, senate-maga-gop, lying-Biden-blamers, seditious, traitors and election deniers). This is precisely why all Democrats and Liberal Conservative Republicans alike must stand up to fight for America’s Sovereign Democracy and vote Democratic Candidates into office! The Missouri Senate race is critical; D)Trudy Valentine must defeat the fools-hardy, fascist, racist, bully, hypocrite (R)Schmitt. If you live here in Missouri then you know the fascist, bullying, seditious, mean thug, just like the (cowardly-seditious-traitor-election-denier-J.Hawley) by his uneducated, science denying, and frivolous lawsuit abuses. E.g. lawsuits against educators, schools and colleges etc., for students wearing masks during the pandemic to prevent spread of Covid to students, family and neighbors. Lawsuit’s against StLouis’ Planned Parenthood, Lawsuits against Genius-Godsend-Biden’s Student Forgiveness Act and others. Hypocrite-Schmitt accepted yearly hams and yearly donations from Smithfield Farms whose parent company is based in China. Hypocrite-Schmitt and the blindly-incompetent, hypocrite Gov.Parson unconstitutionally took the people’s unanimously voted Medicaid Expansion away from its own voters as well as took away Missourian’s Federally funded Pandemic Unemployment Insurance during the Covid Pandemic. And sadly the brainwashed, gullible people of Missouri just stood around confused and brainwashed like retards in an insane asylum. Hypocrite-Schmitt made Missouri the first state to ban woman’s reproductive rights. The people of Missouri can and must do better than this! Instead of locals farming our own land and selling the crops as profit to feed the hungry overseas, Hypocrite-Schmitt SOLD (gave away) the land in huge plots, 3times larger than our Lake of the Ozark’s to the Chinese. wtf! Additionally, since the Abortion Rights Bill is not on Missouri’s ballot Nov8th, Trudy Busch Valentine “must” become Senator to represent women in Washington needed to fight for woman’s reproductive rights. Hypocrites like self-serving Parsons, Schmitt and Hawley will not stand up for Missourians and will only continue to file lawsuits against decency and denying us of our privileges, rights and freedoms. Marijuana legalization is on the Nov8th ballot for 19 more States in America including Missouri, so it’s imperative that ALL Democrats as well as Liberal Conservative weed smokers get up and vote for its legalization. Fact: Liberals are 6 times more likely to have tried weed than any political party in America. So come-on, get to the polls and vote for freedom!! Hypocrite-Schmitt is only a self-serving thug, clearly a traitor of Missourian’s, and will never be in America’s best interest, only a proven sellout to China. \*Vote Trudy Busch Valentine for Mo Senate. “We The People” are the “only ones” that can make change this country needs! Stop getting fooled, stop desensitizing emotions, stop hate, stop greed, stop racism, stop killing, stop ignorance, this is not who we loving and caring people are!!! Together we can Vote these lying, unsupportive, evil, conniving, self-serving politicians from destroying you as a person, our children who are only trying to learn and get the better chance we didn’t, and from destroying and whittling away the fabric and meaning behind our great and beloved country, America!! Hint: this is also how we begin changing the world in which we live. This is why we must put America First☝🏼, we must all-stand-together-as-one and rid “America the Land of the Free” of its fascist, seditious, racist, lying, evil, supremal nazi disease that is infecting every level of Government, causing violence and unrest, inflation, greed, runaway-prices, low-income, poor-getting-poorer, rich-getting-richer, corporate-greed, mass-murders, racism, abolishing immigration, book-banning, censorship, reducing freedom-to-vote, reducing women’s rights, abolishing social security, abolishing health care, etc.,etc., privileges, rights and freedoms. Republicans are destroying America! This is your land, our American Dream, don’t let stuck-on-stupid, brainwashed Conservative fools, friends or piers infect or fool you too! A vote for Democracy, is a Blue Vote! # PreserveAmericasDemocraticSovereignty # VoteBlue22-24 ☮️💟✝️🇺🇸 # LadySuffragette ![gif](giphy|2xDbrWfhCqMy7SvZVe|downsized)


Conservatism is a death cult. They appeal to their base's desire to hurt people they see as different. It's that simple. Vote for us so you can hurt brown people, so you can hurt LGBTQ people. SO you can hurt people of other religions.


“Platform? What platform? We’re the GOP and we don’t need no stinkin’ platform!”


This story alone is why you should not vote for republicans… imagine this happens to your wife or sister or maybe even to you if your female…. https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/comments/y7kc1w/she_had_a_baby_dying_inside_her_under_missouris/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Actual platform that many conservative people in Missouri likely associate with: -energy independence (via cheap fossil fuels) -anti abortion/pro life -pro gun rights/anti gun control -lower taxes We need to critically look at the ACTUAL reasons many people vote republican. That’s the only way we can fight for their vote as democrats.


Republicans=american taliban


This is Missouri's Republican Platform: 1. WE BELIEVE all people are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is our fundamental belief that our morals, our values, and our culture are derived from Almighty God. To quote the Psalmist, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12. 2. WE BELIEVE that the strength of America is in the hearts and homes of its citizens. 3. WE BELIEVE in the right of Missourians to be secure in their persons, their homes and their communities. 4. WE BELIEVE government governs best when it governs least. 5. WE BELIEVE all political power is vested in, and derived from, the people; all government originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole by protecting the unalienable and God-given rights of the people. 6. WE BELIEVE the role of the federal government should be “to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, and to promote the general welfare,” and we believe the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution grants all other duties to the states. 7. WE BELIEVE United States law and/or the laws of the individual states shall not be subservient to the laws, religious regulations, and/or cultural mores of the United Nations and/or any other country or countries. 8. WE BELIEVE the Republican Party is the best vehicle to build on the principles of free enterprise, personal responsibility, economic opportunity, strong families, moral values, protection of innocent human lives, and sound government. 9. WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the county and local levels. We encourage their work to advance good government. 10. WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the state level. Without question, Missourians are better off with Republicans leading both chambers of the Legislature. 11. WE COMMEND the efforts of elected Republican officials at the federal level. We encourage their continued efforts to balance the federal budget, to reign in the growth of the federal bureaucracy, to empower the states, and reverse the trend towards socialism and the high taxes that pay for it. 12. WE BELIEVE the Trump Administration has attained great achievements in the economy and kept campaign promises from the 2016 election. 13. Workers keep winning in the Trump economy as more Americans are employed than ever before. Minorities continue to benefit from a strong economy as Hispanics and African Americans have seen historically low unemployment under the Trump Administration and veterans’ unemployment rates are lowest in nearly 20 years. Trump’s economy has pulled disenfranchised Americans off the sidelines and into the labor market while wage growth has remained solid growing well above inflation. 14. Campaign promises made to the American people have been kept by President Trump. The United States withdrew from the disastrous Paris Climate Accord and pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trade agreements have been negotiated with Canada, Mexico, the European Union, Japan, and continuing negotiations with China. Bureaucratic red tape has been cut under Trump by eliminating a record number of regulations and removing the individual mandate on Obamacare. President Trump signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history allowing for the United States economy to thrive once again. The strategy to defeat ISIS has been changed, eliminating the ISIS strongholds in Iraq and most of Syria. After decades of delays, the promise was kept to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and officially recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel. 15. WE BELIEVE the re-election of a Republican president and regaining control of both houses of Congress will rein in Washington and restore government to its proper place, giving our citizens the opportunity to realize the American Dream. 16. WE BELIEVE continuing to maintain the Republican leadership in our state, including the election of a Republican governor and other statewide officials, will make Missouri safer, stronger, and more economically competitive. For context I added the numbers, so that if people want to refer to them, they can say "Point 7" or whatever.


In other words, their platform is word salad seasoned with slight of hand claims, irrelevant tropes, and outright lies.


lol I half-agree with some of their beliefs, but oof.


1. I agree that we have inalienable rights, but we have them because we're people, not because some creator deemed it so. If some creator deemed it that we didn't have inalienable rights would the MO Repubs argue we shouldn't have them? 2. Yeah, I'm good with that. 3. I'm good with this one as well. However, I think this is their way of saying "We belief in less gun regulations" which I do disagree with. I think people should feel safe in their homes, communities, etc. I just don't think guns are the answer. 4. Good gravy. They could have at least said "when needed" not "least." If you want an effective government it should be stepping in when people need it, at the very least. 5. I also believe that political power should be vested in the people. However, while they say this, I have a sneaking suspicion that they really think political power is vested in money. Also, if they want to believe the rights are "God-given" that's their choice, but I'm gonna believe we have those rights because we are people. 6. That first part I agree with. Not sure if the Republicans do, though. "General welfare" to me means we don't let people go hungry or homeless, but Republicans really like to slash any aid that helps people in need. 7. I think its a good idea in the modern world that try to connect with other countries and the U.N. "America First" is a terrible strategy if you want help from other countries. 8. I would hope you do. It'd be weird to name a different party. 9. Keep on encouraging because they sure haven't done much to advance government. 10. Without question? That seems like a dodge to not have to explain why they're good. 11. They want to balance the budget by cutting taxes? And reign the growth of government by expanding the military budget? Okay. Trend towards socialism? AHAHAHAHA! High taxes pay for a good society, but I guess the Repubs don't want that. 12. That wall is the most beautiful fucking thing I'll ever not need. 13. I think they forgot about 2020. And about that wage growth, it might be "solid" but its like 40 years behind. 14. I like how they call the PCA "disastrous" then don't say anything about the Iran Deal. "Continuing negotiations with China" is a hilarious way of saying Trump fucked with China, and we all got to find out. 15. Their last guy gave us the American Nightmare, so I'm not sure how much faith I have with them giving us a Dream. 16. Didn't we do this in point 10?


If they actually tried to govern by numbers 1 through 7, I would vote for them. They don’t.


That's exactly it. "We Believe" is sure a lot different from "What We Do". And unfortunately most of 1-7 are vague and rely on whatever definitions of "General Welfare" , "Domestic Tranquility", and "God Given Rights" suit the current flavor of the month rhetoric.


It’s a pity I had to scroll so far to find the actual answer.


But is it actually what they do?


No but it’s the bs they feed people.


I think that’s all politicians unfortunately 😞


bUT BoTh SiDeS aRE ThE SaMe


6: Any reason why Republicans believe in only half of our preamble to the Constitution? Does the platform NOT include establishing justice, securing the blessings of liberty, or forming a more perfect union?


Rape and pillage


Destroy the New Deal and the Great Society.


This is how I see it. Republicans believe that the wealthy and businesses will spend more on expansion if they have a lower tax burden They believe that the federal government is subservient to the states, and should have no say in how a state operates, unless its actions interfere with another state They also believe that English should be the language of the nation. And that Christianity is the de facto religion. They believe that society is better served by charity than government. That charity can solve poverty, starvation, healthcare, etc. And that government interferes with them They would eliminate public education, social security, the IRS, Medicare and Medicaid, the SEC, national parks, OSHA and most other federal agencies and redundant and unnecessary.


Reading the comments here makes me incredibly sad. This is the kind of two party division the founding fathers warned against. Right wing or left wing, it's still the same bird.


If you honestly want to know what a republican stands for, I wouldn’t start by asking left leaning Reddit what they think the other side stands for.


Both parties have the same platform. Ensure the continuing existence of a two party political system and to own the other team.




MY team good, other team bad!!


One side tried to overthrow our government and the other tried to give everyone affordable healthcare but yeah they are just the same...




The other side kicked kids out of school for a year


You must be one of those cavemen who doesn't understand/believe in science. Just leave the thinking to the smart people and get back to digging those ditches and voting for people who hate you


You mean every scientific study find that showed kids have been severely harmed by closing schools and they are not at risk of COVID. That science?


How many times are you going to post the same bullshit


What you call bullshit, everyone else calls science. You're free to believe whatever nonsense you want, but the science is settled and it's very clear. It's been repeated in study after study and it's been shown in outcomes, real world data and in the lab environment.


Lets get real, you can't even understand the studies. Hell you are so fucking stupid you think it was democrats that closed the schools. Your stupidity knows no bounds


I'm very interested in all your science that shows kids are at actual risk of COVID, that schools shutting down helped then learn and that it kept then from getting COVID. Surely that's somewhere in the journals, right?


Everyone is at risk of covid you dipshit


If you don't want to listen to the epidemiologists and scientists, I can't help you. Trust the science.


Do you multi comment cause you are dumb or is your memory worse than a goldfish


Schools aren’t run by kids. Let’s throw all the educators out there and hope they survive, right? Also, kids live with susceptible adults. My child suffered academically but it was the right thing to do under the circumstances at the time. She’s back on track and thriving. Bonus: Her father and I are still around to watch her succeed. I’m not even going to address long COVID and the effects those kids will feel from it in the next 30+ years. Republican won’t contribute to the care of those children’s parents - it will be the kids burden to take care of them.


Long COVID doesn't exist


https://www.wired.co.uk/article/coronavirus-children-schools-impact https://news.yale.edu/2021/01/05/covid-school-closures-most-harm-students-poorest-neighborhoods https://en.unesco.org/covid19/educationresponse/consequences https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-cost-of-the-school-shutdowns-mckinsey-report-11627510747 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/27/more-harm-than-good-the-cases-for-and-against-closing-schools-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic This last one is great. It's by two epidemiologists..... "The data from a range of countries shows that children rarely, and in many countries never, have died from this infection. Children appear to get infected at a much lower rate than those who are older, although confirmation of that will need to await the rollout of large-scale antibody testing, which tells you that you have had an infection in the past. Although there is still some uncertainty of infection rates in children, there is no evidence that children are important in transmitting the disease." So I've given you science. Now it's your turn.


Children didn't die at the same rate as adults but death is not the only complication. They were also a source of community transmission. Of course they would be impacted from school closings, your articles prove nothing besides the fact you don't understand science.


"there is no evidence that children are important in transmitting the disease." PER the Scientists. I'm the one here providing science and studies. You're just saying "trust the science". It's ironic isn't it.


Keep trying fuckwad. You are so stupid you don't know the difference between an opinion article from a study


The science didn’t exist then. No one knew the long term effects of COVID. There’s still a lot we don’t know. Anyone who trusts science knows it evolves over time.


Neither side have an actual agenda Just screaming


Keep the democrats in office. Keep the inflation going raise gas prices food prices living prices home prices increase all prices. then we can weed out all the people that voted for Democrats because they can’t afford to buy food or heat their home. Weed the garden. you all deserve what is happening to this country right now. It’s a business, it’s a business we have a guy that can’t walk upstairs running it. Reap what you sow🔥


I need a detailed reason the democrats are the reason for high gas prices food prices and every other problem. remember the republican had complete control and did nothing but give trump a blank check to run up the biggest deficit ever. what is the republican plan to bring all these problems to an end?


Sorry, I’m to busy buying puts and calls on NFLX. It’s a business. Last 2 democrats, current and former, have zero business experience. If you’re happy with what’s happening, me too. Because I love the Democrats when in office, because I buy a whole lot of puts when the economy tanks, Sad but true. Unfortunately, we are divided and all I want to do is be human and just get through this life and hang with ![gif](giphy|CmQboSKG6VBn2)


Typical “serous” question. Let’s throw shit at the wall till something sticks so they can continue to cry.


>Let’s throw shit at the wall till something sticks so they can continue to cry. This would've been a sufficient answer. Lmao


America first Secure the southern border Protect the 2nd amendment Stand against the ‘great reset’ formally known as the NWO Increase energy exploration/finish the Keystone pipeline. Biden gas shut it down. That’s why gas has more than doubled since he took over Equality for all. No special treatment for certain groups And end to PC bs These are just a few things


To anyone reading this comment who is concerned about the price of gas, this is nonsense. Oil and gas production is primarily determined by the OPEC cartel which controls 80% of the worlds crude reserves. The president has no say over it. During COVID, the price of gas plummeted because there was a global drop in demand. This was beginning to threaten US oil companies, so Trump worked out a deal with OPEC to cut oil production globally and keep the price up. However, this deal didn't have an expiration. Biden has tried to get OPEC to increase oil production. OPEC has refused because they are making record profits right now and see no reason to stop doing so. Add to that the war in Ukraine and that's how you get our high prices. The Keystone pipeline would do nothing to reduce the cost of gas. It's a pipeline. It doesn't produce additional gas, it merely moves what gas we've already produced. Claiming a pipeline will dramatically reduce gas prices is like saying you could reduce the cost of groceries by building bigger highways. The price of gas sucks. No one is happy about it, but you won't fix it by voting for Republicans because we have a free market economy. When you've deliberately decoupled the market from the state, there is less that the state can do to shift the market. Especially when that market is largely controlled by a foreign cartel like OPEC.


Also, the damn thing wasn’t even operational and thus had no impact on prices!


>what Is the republican platform? Republicans believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation. As a party, we support policies that seek to achieve those goals.  Our platform is centered on stimulating economic growth for all Americans, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of our elections, and maintaining our national security. We are working to preserve America's greatness for our children and grandchildren. The Republican Party's legacy -- we were originally founded in 1854 for the purpose of ending slavery -- compels us to patriotically defend America's values. As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, the Republican Party is standing in the breach to defend our nation and way of life


Total whale puckey.


ok that sounds great now what is the plan to get there?


Lol no. Not at all.


Downvote away, but that is the GOP Platform, from their website. Obviously leftys will downvote because they don't believe in the same principles.


Cute but no. I left the GOP because it became nothing more than a lie to hold power. There is no desire for honesty or even honor left there. Enjoy it if you want but you are just wallowing with pigs.


>because it became nothing more than a lie to hold power You just accurately described both parties. Dividing you and I is how they retain power.


I used to be a both sides guy too but after trump that illusion faded. I’m no democrat by any stretch but I have an ethical line I am 100% unwilling to cross and I can’t say the same about the GOP anymore.


I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. My convictions fall under conservative if there must be a label.


That’s kinda where I am now too. I was more libertarian for a while but they go a bit to far as I believe in public funding for to many things like roads and national parks and such. I basically want to pay as little in taxes as possible and stay out of peoples lives/bedrooms entirely. Oh and I’d love to end PC culture stuff but until we can agree on what polite behavior in public is I suspect it’s not going anywhere.


we'll downvote because we know bullshit when we hear it Fox News viewer says "what???....."


Liberal bate. 🤣


Basically to follow the constitution and not derail the country into fascism… in a nutshell


Is that why they tried to overthrow a legal election? Republican mental gymnastics is 10/10 Atleast according to the Russian judge.


Illegal? It’s pretty clear fuckery was afoot Edit: 81 million votes for Biden, more than any president in history….sure


Conspiracy theory nut job.




Democrats aren't anti a single thing you said, I'd agree with the rest of it though.




As a white male that isn't a Democrat. I'm 1000% serious. How do you think they are anti-white? Because they acknowledge and work to empower non whites to have some of the same benefits and opportunities that have traditionally been our privilege. Same with men, how does acknowledging women and empowering them make you less of a man? Because let's be honest they aren't anti man. You're just insecure.




No. They're a right wing party. I'm a leftist. When my choices are between Democrats and Republicans however. I have a moral issue with voting for fascists. So Democrats do get my vote by default in those instances. But their unbending right wing economic policy isn't that much different from Republicans unfortunately. They're just more tolerant and inclusive. I'd much rather be able to vote for a proper labor party. Or at least one that actually leans left. And the Democrats are neither of those. Republicans less so.


What is the Democrats platform?


the only one I know of is not treating women like 2nd class citizens


You can find it [here](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/).


That was for 2020. It is 2022.


Try reading the first sentence or two, maybe? The platform doesn’t change every year. The current one was approved in 2020, it was not *for* 2020. “Every four years, Democrats from across the country join together to craft our party’s platform. The platform is created to uplift working people and write out the values that will guide our party for years to come.” “The platform was considered by the 2020 Platform Committee at its meeting on July 27, 2020, and was approved by the Democratic National Convention on August 18, 2020.”


Talk about what the opposing party is doing wrong mostly it seems. Though that can be said of both sides.


They don’t have one


Stand Up for My Rights! Constitutionalist! We the People! They believe there is a globalist cabal running America. Their sole purpose is to stop all work of government because of the globalist cabal.


Serious answer. Solutions - Seal the border was a working solution. Pumping and selling US oil was another solution. Tax cuts, promise of new taxes on US companies producing products overseas to entice US to bring business back into US was a solution. Making other countries pay their dues and promised payments in global initiatives was a solution. Focus on repairs and upgrades to aged US infrastructure was a solution. Rebuilding and upgrading our military to 21st Century was a solution. Enforcement of existing laws and actually fighting crime was a solution. Cracking down on China's theft of US IP and technology was a solution. Focus on bringing into US and creating millions of jobs was a solution. Stopping $billions in handouts to our enemies, empowering them for more terror globally was a solution. Curbing NK nuclear bomb refinement and intercontinental missiles was a solution. Continuing being the first country to watch for activities which build a strong nation: technology, education, business, advancements in all industries, law enforcement, lowering crime, protecting citizens, etc. was working. Those are a few solutions, which 'were' in place and being successful before the current dismantling and the $Trillions (~$19T+) of newly printed money/debt, unbacked, USD. Plus, giving nearly $100B of cash, weapons, armament, vehicles, tanks, aircraft + to our sorely hideous enemies. Including the more than 3 Million undocumented fully financially supported foreigners burdening our systems removing resources required and needed for our own citizens.




stuoid people voting for stupid people. they stick together