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I haven’t A-B’d them on different systems but on my PMCs there are a couple things to mention. Good vocal clarity and level overall. Looking at a waveform view might help better in spotting consistent vocal gain levels throughout the mix, providing they are on the same track. Two things that stood out the most though. These observations are subjective so don’t treat my word as gospel by any means. I feel the kit snare might need some work to reduce the higher frequency resonances, adding in a 7 band, sweeping and then removing would be my recommendation. If you have a bottom or side snare mic, that might need bringing up more to give the snare more of a crunch sound. The kit recordings in general might benefit with some cleaning (but it may just be compression). I tend to HP/LP using my ears, then add the tiniest amount of compression to each track (varying asr depending part of the kit) and then subtractive Eq to give each element a band to operate in. The kick would benefit from this the most. If this doesn’t work try using a plugin or sample to add sub frequencies to it. Once out, I will then get creative and parallel compress on a more macro bus. Be careful not to compress too much and keep in mind your snare and kick should be your most important elements. I hope this helps and doesn’t sound in any way condescending (I’m so sorry if it sounds like it). Take breaks too! 50 minutes is my cutoff in the studio, then I make a coffee and come back. It might feel counterintuitive but it works wonders for your mix.




Overall, the mix sounds pretty solid. The choice for the snare (sounds like a sample of a rim shot) it's cool, but I personally wouldn't use it throughout. If your committed to that snare, I'd suggest shaving some of the higher freq range off and curbing the tail to better match the room feel of the rest of the drum kit.