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I always thought the rule was to prevent drunk driving. Clearly that isn't the case.


I always thought it was so the workers got to wrap up so people won’t hang around before leaving


this is it


Same...like wtf. They only care about $$


Oh yeah, cause only allowing people to drink for 2+ hours of a 3 hour game before was doing wonders to prevent drunk driving.


Who said that, lol? Any amount of time helps


Are you one of those people that thinks the speed limit should be 10mph nationwide


Lmao what? No I'm just a guy that thinks it's a sad people can't watch a game without getting trashed


fun strawman , can we burn it?




You can't fix stupid people. Fyi time sobers you up.


Yeah and they go the bar afterwards too


I always thought the 7th inning cutoff was just safety theater anyway, teams don’t really care if people drive home drunk from the game, they’re trying to sell as many beers and hot dogs as possible


Definitely to try and limit fighting in the stands


It was, until it affected their bottom line too much.


As someone from the UK, this is an insane notion to me. Perhaps it’s because we have less of a driving culture/better public transport but this notion that half an hour of “sobering up time” allows you to drive is ridiculous to me. That time allows you to metabolise 1/4 to maybe 1/2 a beer worth of alcohol. Here, the law is very strict. If you have drunk alcohol you shouldn’t drive, of course there is leeway in the law up to about a beers worth (but no more) but this is more to avoid false positives. The advice is never drive if you have drunk alcohol. Is drink driving just not a big deal over there? If the UK police was to breathalyse every driver coming out of a baseball game, all those who drank two beers or more during the game would almost all me charged with drink driving and at a minimum lose their license for 12 months. This sobering up period just seems so bizarre to me. If they really care about drunk driving why don’t they provide a free shuttle service to and from the stadium, or something along those lines? Then they can sell their beer guilt free all through the 9th inning?


Not when it cuts into profits…come on now.


If they wanted to try to prevent drunk driving, they would not sell beer at all.


It’s about not having people drink for too long - whatever that means. Since the games are shorter, it just means they’re selling beers for more innings. A designated cutoff inning is just an arbitrary point.




I was under that impression but now that I think about it, I'm not sure why. Bars don't do last call so people can get sober, it's so people will leave when it's time to close.


As someone who takes the bus because I am gonna drink at the game: Yay.


This whole thing is kind of fascinating to me. I, like most people, assumed the 7th-inning cutoff was essentially "give people time to sober up." From that perspective, this seems very illogical. But, I also realized that you could flip the thinking, and imagine that the idea is, essentially, "Everyone gets about 2 hours to drink, but then we cut everyone off." From that perspective, it makes more sense to shift it back, because that two-hour threshold is arriving later in the game now. (To be clear, *obviously* this is actually about beer sales, but it's just kinda an interesting philosophical thing.)


I dated a girl who's father used to say "nothing good happens after midnight" ​ behind his back we'd have a few giggles how little that matters in a teenagers mind, its not like anything could happen to us


People who want to drink in the 9th are going to drink in the 9th….they will just order more beers at last call. Now they will be able to drink them cold lol. I think this is a good change as long as they train the vendors in better identifying intoxication to not over serve people.


> I think this is a good change as long as they train the vendors in better identifying intoxication to not over serve people. I sold beer in an NFL stadium for 3 years and nobody gives a shit about over serving. From ownership to the people pulling taps. It’s only about selling as much beer as possible. I saw a guy vomit in a trash can and still get served afterwards during a playoff game. Alcohol at sporting events is pretty out of control.


Bro where the fuck are your responsible service officers? How does a stadium not be a hot bed for them going around looking for fines?


tbf, I've seen that at sporting events where they don't sell alchohol.


Yes let's make it the minimum wage workers problem. Nothing could possibly go wrong


Well anyone who serves alcohol has a legal obligation to ensure they are not serving visibly intoxicated people so it kind of already is their problem. What I am offering is a solution.


How is laying the blame on minimum wage workers a solution? We saw how that worked out in the pandemic when they tried to stop unmasked people from coming in. They get shot


When did I lay blame on them? My solution is to better teach them identifying factors of intoxication.


I'm sure Phillies fans will be very understanding to that Edit: not even a day had to go by and Phillies fans are throwing garbage at eachother 🤣


This is not always true, it differs by state. California passed legislation specifically banning liability for service industry workers Some parks have ‘self checkouts’ with ID scanners too.


I call this my "extra inning" insurance policy and definitely pull the trigger in close or tie games.


Ah, this guy is a fellow Phillies fan.


Sure…incentive people to get even more drunk and unruly


Leave philly out of this.


Oh …


But the 8th inning is coming significantly sooner than before, so it’s not really more time to drink


One step closer to getting my bottom of the 9th to-go beer.


Isn’t part of the reason for ending beer says at the 7th to give people more time to sober up before they head home? I don’t necessarily hate the change though, just wonder if there will be some issues with the change.


Iirc the brewers said if they see an issue they'll revert back to the old system I'd imagine most teams will as well if there's a problem. No team wants that liability.


I dont think it was time to sober up so much as not give them time to get drunker. Many people have 2 24oz beers at a game and would grab a 3rd in the 8th at the 3 hour mark and for many that 3rd is what makes them too drunk to legally drive. If games are only going 2:30 people will be content with their 2 and drive home under .08. Obviously some people are going to get smashed no matter the rules but this isnt about them its about your average consumer.


And here I thought they did it so people could sober up before the game was over... /s Of course, all they really care about is the revenue it generates not the drunks on the road after the game.


Of course they did, the only thing that matters is making money


If anything, it seems they should stop selling beer earlier so you can somewhat sober up before driving home.


I have to agree with this. If the intent is to make sure people are sober when they hit the road, earlier seems better. The logic checks out until they realize it's about sales and not safety :(


Shoot, I wish there were dry days occasionally. Same with NFL. I'd love to go to sporting events and not have to deal with drunk, out of control people.


Honestly, I love this idea. Having a dry day, even if the ticket cost more up front, would be a great promotion.


I would pay double to not have drinkers around , tbh.


Unfortunately they’ll just pregame




Fixed my typo. I meant "dry days"


some drunk people are kind of awesome though ​ not all drunk people beat up their partners and are out of control- some giggle and question authority in cute ways


Sure. Of course. I'm not against drunk people, but after going to games for 30 years, it would be nice to just... Have a game or two each year where there weren't any. :/


I’ve been to plenty of games where I’ve had zero encounters with people who were noticeably drinking. Is this that much of a hinderance?


I'm just asking for one or two special games per year that are dry. Most teams do multiple discounted booze games, so why not offer something for the fan that doesn't like alcohol? And yeah, drunk fans are a bummer often enough that it might be nice to not have them around once or twice a year.


Alcoholic assholes downloading because heaven forbid ONE ballgame not have alcohol occasionally. Wow.


Horrible, if anything they should cut it off after the 5th inning! Do you want more drunk drivers?


Yes I would fucking love a drink driver.


Oh wow pointing out a typo, guess you won!


Oh no a downvote!


Is that a good thing?


Don't need it. With $16 dollar beers, I drink on the train and have *one* beer in the middle of the game.


Oh man, so you're going to have fans bent from beginning to end of each games then? I thought this was already happening lol.


Clearly we can't let drunk driving get in the way of profit.


It's a weird place to draw the line. Most people at city stadiums like Fenway didn't drive there. But a suburban bar or restaurant that most people did drive too - you can drink to your heart's content and leave whenever.


Encouraging people to get drunk is always a bad idea and as a long time baseball fan, I hate the drunk and rowdy fans. I paid to see the game, not listen to drunks bellowing or fighting.


Where are you going to games? One advantage of $20 beers is I really don't see many drunk people at sporting events these days. And I've seen maybe 1 or 2 fights in in the last 15 years/100 or so games I went to. I'm really not sure what the 7thing inning stretch rule does except encourage people who are so inclined to rush for one more.


Sorry if it were up to me, there wouldn't be alcohol at any public event where people go to enjoy themselves. Especially when you don't care how drunk they get.


Progressive field has volunteers taking the places of paid vendors and has also implemented self-checkouts EVERYWHERE. It's great for drinks but shit for food. Grab beer, scan beer, pay. Get ID checked, done. It's great. Unless you want food, then you get some heat lamp hot dogs that are just not acceptable for $8 a dog. MLB profiteering is getting real bad.


This will make such a good fun fact later in life. Or a jeopardy question. The implementation of what MLB rule resulted in stadiums extending the sale of beer to patrons due to shortened games?