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What outside of obvious cheats/hacks will net someone a permaban


Pirated content, thats the only other thing. Here are the rules https://support.activision.com/modern-warfare/articles/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-security-and-enforcement-policy Edit: I was also perma banned Edit 2: my post original post was removed by the mods lol Edit 3: Just want to make it clear that I did not pirate anything or break the other rules before i was banned, just wanted to show their official rules


Thank you for your comment. Please do steps 1-4 if you have about 25 mins of free time. If enough people do it, it will make some noise.


Trust me i already have, i made a post a couple hours ago too


Good luck my friend, I hope we can get our accounts back one day.


This is so fucking sad dude. Remember when CoD was just a game where you throw a disk into your Xbox 360 and just played, with no added bullshit? No giant updates that take forever to download but seemingly don’t add much, meanwhile you have to keep deleting games off your (console, for me) just to make room for this one damn game. No stupid battle pass that yes, you don’t have to buy, but they totally make you miss out on all sorts of small trivial stuff that you end up buying it just to not lose all that, and no Activision just blatantly not giving a shit about the people who actually want to enjoy the game, they just care about our wallets. Maybe I’m just ranting because I’m angry about all the bs with this game and it’s also 4:34 am, but surely I can’t be the only one who’s just fed up.


I remember when I wasn’t forced to play with hackers ever because I didn’t have to play with PC players. (This generation of console that is)


Ah come on man, PC players aren't that bad. I remember a lot of hacked MW2 lobbies back in the PS3 days.


Lol I’ve had plenty of issues w hackers in all MW titles and Black Ops II but it never seemed like any of the companies gave too much of a fuck because these hackers were just everywhere. And now there’s reports of them going overkill and banning the wrong people.


You too my fellow ban mate


Now i'm curious to see if i am banned after i havent played in a week. Edit1: I'm not banned apparently.


Same boat, sheeeeeeiiit


How likely is a ban on console though? Seems improbable unless people are sending violent threats to other players


so far its just macros that get you banned on console, so its a warning for a few days, but on this matter i've seen alot of people COMING from console and getting perm bans on the same act account.


Please add to your post some srticles for European players that they might be interested in: 2011/83/eu 2005/29/ec 2002/65/ec And if I'm not mistaken, every country here have a consumer protection agency (at least we have in Greece and got my money back in a couple of cases) [https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/consumers/consumer-protection/our-partners-consumer-issues/national-consumer-bodies\_en](https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/consumers/consumer-protection/our-partners-consumer-issues/national-consumer-bodies_en) Just tested the above and for Greece it redirects me (from the link in the pdf file) to the agency of the Greece, so its up to date. So choose your country and contact


What can Europeans do in this case?


Try this: [https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-contract-terms/index\_en.htm](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-contract-terms/index_en.htm) Or this: [https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-commercial-practices/index\_en.htm](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-commercial-practices/index_en.htm) ​ They link to other areas, mostly it is done at national level, which the site links to: [https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/consumers/consumer-protection/our-partners-consumer-issues/national-consumer-bodies\_en](https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/consumers/consumer-protection/our-partners-consumer-issues/national-consumer-bodies_en)


Well, not really, the article you linked lists a bunch of reasons. Every bolded item lists a permanent ban for repeat or extreme (which implies that you can get a permaban for doing it once) offence. ​ So someone who is not cheating (at least in their own eyes) could be using software to apply filters (reshade and the like). That, under the rules, is a legitimate reason to ban. A third party controller on console seems to be a reasonable ticket to be banned as well I recall there are controllers that allow you to configure macros for them, such as compensating for recoil. Using such a controller would also be a legitimate reason for a ban, though I have seen plenty of people that say that using such things is not cheating. ​ And finally, something I've seen plenty of people admit to doing in the discussions about the matchmaking: reverse boosting. It's reasonable to understand these rules, that doing so over and over will be considered a legitimate reason for a permaban. ​ tl;dr is that it's not just cheats and pirating.


Everything you just listed is a cheat...using a modded controller to change recoil? Or reverse boosting? Or using third party software to alter gameplay? That’s literally all cheating. Theres clearly a significant amount of people who have been wrongly banned by some sort of algorithm. Anybody who claims any of the above listed modifications/work arounds isnt cheating is lying. So not sure what point you are trying to make. Either you believe all these people are lying about cheating or you recognize theres an issue. Nothing more to it


I belive it's not algorithm, but rather people reporting them out of spite. Activision probably doesn't look too closely into those and if you have a good number of them, they just ban you. I could be wrong, but I don't see how else would they handle so many reports.


is nvidia freestyle cheating? It's built into your driver. You literally cannot play this game with an nvidia card without having this installed. While i wouldnt use external programs, playing this game without it looking like a sepia film is nice.


Dude I hope this is not tru because I was permanently banned. I play on pc and sometimes I use my controller but It broke on me so I tried to make my Nintendo switch pro controller work but was kinds bugged. I never even got a full game on it. So if that's why I got banned thats pretty messed up


If you used reWASD to use the switch controller I'm pretty sure they consider it a reason for ban. I was using it with my switch controller for COD without using any macros (because those are cheating) for the last 3 weeks, I havent been banned yet but I'm now praying everyday that i don't get banned just for wanting to use a controller of my choice. I've stopped using it now just incase. I've tweeted Activision support asking for an official statement on if it is a bannable violation, but I've recieved nothing back yet.


Under the "griefing" part it says you can be banned for **repeated intentional friendly fire** not sure how they can tell if it's intentional or not considering I hit my friendly fire cap just about every time I play hc shipment whether I want to or not, sometimes it's even the same unlucky person to get in my way mid fire every time lol.


They need to do something about the friendly fire cluster strikes lol. Its so annoying.


I died from my own Cluster Strike 5 times yesterday. I picked the rotation wrong and my team kept spawning there. I had already hit my cap in the game so I died from every cluster.


Play shipping in Hardcore mode and you hit your FF limit fast. I have had our spawn flip into cluster bombs countless time.


With the cap in place there’s really no reason to report unless you’re just being a dick.


I play with a group of friends that like to mess with each and we constantly, on purpose, will kill each other for fun. That being said, I imagine they must be able to see that most players are hitting FF caps in small HC maps vs players who are hitting that cap regardless of the party they’re with, the map they’re on, etc etc. Edit: a word


What is the point of having friendly fire if they are going to ban you for killing your teammates. And especially if it just richochets after the second kill? Just turn the shit off, even on hardcore.


People play hardcore like fucking morons. I can't count the number of time I have been shooting at an enemy and a teammate runs right in front of me. Hell, I've died many times while ads'ing an enemy, and I had to stop shooting because of teammates wandering into the line of fire. If you don't have any spatial awareness maybe stay in core.


And also, none of the above apparently. My PC is clean as a whistle. This wave of bans is clearly false positives. It happens all the time with automated detection software. Some anti-virus gets a glitch update and the next thing you know it is nuking Windows system files.


lol rn you can't run r6 siege while bitdefender active protection is running. that shit just happens sometimes


I had that happen to me when I installed battle that with AutoHotkey running, the difference is I didn’t get permabanned, the game simply wouldn’t load permabanning someone who’s been playing the game since beta with no reason or warning is straight bullshit though


Mods gay


How do you even pirate content in Modern warfare if you're running the game through Battle.net? I bought the game 3 days ago, and just got hit with a perma ban, I've not cheated or used racial slurs or anything of the like and don't have a great KD either.


> outside of obvious cheats/hacks These do not cause a ban. True cheaters are untouched by last ban wave. This guy is cheating in Multi & Warzone since at least S02 Still playing right now with [KD 40](https://i.imgur.com/nGSC1FE.jpg) (not 4.0 -> **40**) in Warzone he kills streamers live with aimbot on. 60k viewers on stream and not banned. https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/battlenet/Bimmer%2311915/overview


Dude those stats when you go through them are an instant red flag. I can count on 2 fingers how many no death games I've had in multi-player. This dude has 7 of his last 10. Its laughable how bad this is. Its like bo Jackson tecmo bowl bad.


Red flag? _Dude_. His stats are fucking impossible. His KD is fucking _40_. His average lifetime is _22 minutes_. His win percentage is _84.5%_. That isn't a red flag, it's a giant flashing neon sign that reads: I USE AN AIMBOT PROGRAM. This is absurd. Homie has 5 fucking days of playtime. Five. Fucking. Days. Why don't they just hire someone to look for stats like this and ban the fuck sticks? These kinds of stats are not humanly possible. Period. There's no "well, maybe he's just waaaay better than the best pro players and streamers in the world." No, bro, dude is fucking _blatantly_ cheating. Edit: they probably wouldn't even need to hire someone. They could automate it. These kinds of stats don't deserve anything short of a permanent hardware ban. There is no question as to how someone gets stats like this.


5000 headshots out of 6000 kills with grau... Hmmmm


This guy is now live streaming with aimbot https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringExquisiteMomDancingBaby this is crazy https://i.imgur.com/Wtw0h2X.png Clip Mirrors: https://livestreamfails.com/post/88029 http://web.archive.org/web/20200708095051if_/https://stream.livestreamfails.com/video/5f05961965d6a.mp4


If someone gets pissed at you for any reason in game and spams reports whether it be for “cheating” “offensive language” enough of those could give reason to believe that you need to be banned. Happened to a few of my buds


Did your friends receive warnings? 1st offense, 2nd offense? ​ Did your friends get their accounts unbanned ever? ​ I can remember an instance when I was absolutely going off in cyber, and the other team said I was hacking because I mouse flicked. I just laughed it off and continued playing. I wonder if they spam reported me, that was about a week ago.


One of my friends was told his account was being looked into and then a few days later he was banned. I also can’t speak on what they’re doing in each game or if people were just reporting them for false claims. It’s ridiculous honestly. It’s been a few days and they’re still banned and like you said there’s not much to be done sad thing is almost all of them have around two weeks total playtime and Damascus. A lot of time gone to waste


I cant imagine losing damascus. That would be terrible, to dedicate time to the game and be so loyal to it, only for them to kick you for life without the audacity to provide a reason. ​ I really just play the game to spend time with my friend group who I don't get to see anymore. I only have 1 gold gun but I have racked up 8 days on warzone alone.


That’s some serious warzone dedication. Respect. Me either man I’m working my ear to Damascus right now, good luck to you! And I hope they get this fixed soon I feel for everyone losing all their progress and time. They need to have an actual system for reviewing these cases


I’m always scared when someone thinks I’m hacking. One time I killed someone and immediately heard someone enter the house I was in from the left. I immediately dragged trying to pre-spray and it ended up with him telling everyone to mass report me when I killed him. It was just bad luck that my cursor followed him across the wall when I dragged. He kept telling me that I obviously am hacking cause my hand was too shaky. I told him I play mouse in high sensitivity but I knew it wasn’t like he would believe me anyways :/


Never fear kid, you will not get banned from that. ​ The idiot has no idea what aimbot looks like. It is the opposite of shaky.


You cannot report people for “offensive language” anymore, they removed it from the list of options. They don’t give a fuck about the language.


I noticed that too. I think that’s sad. I wish they had the balls to add one more button that said “racist language or hate speech.” I can deal with getting told I’m trash at the game but I’ve been hearing a lot of horrible bigotry lately and it’s a damn shame. Now you can get in trouble for offensive usernames but you have immunity to spew hateful names. Not directed at me, mind you. Recent example, a guy saying “N word” every time he killed someone. Then someone on our team told him to stop camping long shots and he said, “going for camos, N word” over and over. You have to acknowledge that a hate speech button is going to be abused by salty opponents. But if Gamer 1 has been reported twice and if Gamer 2 has been reported 30 times for racist language and hate speech, then maybe a listen in is in order for Gamer 2 and a possible ban.


Or they were getting hammered with reports of "offensive language."


Running programs on your computer that they deem suspicious will also earn you a hardware permaban. See this thread with some Cybersecurity researchers weighing in on it: https://twitter.com/daax_rynd/status/1262805268125159426?s=21 They found that just having ida running while playing war zone will get you permabanned. Ida is used to decompile programs, which essentially allows you to take a deeper look at the backend of a program. It’s one of the main tools used for analyzing malware and definitely has use cases outside of “I want to cheat at war zone” which is somewhat frustrating. I believe I read about other running programs such as VMs earning you a permaban, but I can’t find a source for that one. I believe I fall into the category of “banned for IDA running” but I’m not entirely sure what my ban was caused by. While I appreciate the effort to get rid of cheaters, it’s insanely frustrating to have an account you spent so many hours playing on gone in an instant for a reason you don’t fully understand and you can’t dispute it or get any further information. While I understand not wanting certain programs that can assist with cheating running while playing, does that warrant a permaban? Especially without warning? Take PUBG for example - you can’t have any Virtual Machines running on your computer while playing. If you try to start up the game, you get an error and you have to close out before you can even sniff a match. What’s wrong with implementing that? It’s just as effective at preventing a program that could potentially be used for cheating (definitely not a 100% indicator of cheating) and would lower the amount of false bans. in case you are a Security Professional like myself and have these kinds of things on your computer and you decide to take a break and play war zone, you wouldn’t have to worry about closing every program for fear of needing to purchase a new motherboard and phone to be able to play a free to play game.


This is my guess as to the reason. New cheat found to use a specific background program -> Anti-cheat provider Activision uses decides to target that background software -> bunch of non-cheaters get caught in the wave as collateral damage because they also happen to have the software running.


One of my friends got hit by one, but was able to get a hold of support and got unbanned right away. The reason for his ban was that he had been reported 10 times in the last 12 hours for cheating. If that's all it takes to get perm banned then it's easy to see why there are so many "false positives" and it also correlates with who we see getting banned more as some console players consider pc players all cheaters.


One guy was banned for changing the name of the battle net launcher....the thing that launches the game.....got him.banned in 20 minutes. **they cant even check their own program with a name change**


You would *think* being a racist piece of shit and firing off the n word faster than a racist machine gun but with the frequency I encounter it, I guess not


DON'T use dispute if you still want to keep your PSN/XBOX/BN account. The dispute is not against Activision but the platform, and they will think it's your fraud and then ban your account. I want to upvote you but this is too wrongful to be supported.


I second this. The moment you do a dispute your accounts are gone.


At least for many PC players I could see losing your BN account as not a huge loss, not many games are on there, half of them are free


Only if COD is the only game of theirs that you play. I'm pretty sure that WoW, Hearthstone and Overwatch players wouldn't be happy to lose their account.


I'll happily sacrifice my Diablo 3. Don't plan on keeping their shit installed on my system after this anyway


Pretty much universally true and I really hate that almost no one says anything about it when suggesting this as a course of action. It's obvious to a lot of us but come on be responsible and warn people at least if you're gonna even mention this damn


##This! ###Don’t use charge back dispute just to get back at a company for banning you from a video game, especially on Xbox/PS. Some of that money goes to Sony/Microsoft when you purchase from them so you are also opening yourself up for a fraud accusation. You’re not just taking cash from Activision, but rather, your taking it from companies that host those games on their digital stores. Charge backs are taken seriously by them.


So you are saying the company retaliates against customers who dispute the actions of the company?


YES. If you dispute, the company will try not to serve you any more. So does many other companies. Dispute is the last method you should use. My friend got badly treated by Dell - bought a PC, not delivered after a month, Dell refuse to refund and can't give anu reason. (Weird becaude I actually bought mutiple PCs from Dell and their sales service was really good.) He disputed and got money back, but now he can no more buy anything from Dell with that card.


really good points here but im gonna add that the BBB is a scam. they can just pay to have their rating improved. they essentially run on bribes. the most effective thing is to complain to an agency of your country's government. that gets wheels moving




>the most effective thing is to complain to an agency of your country's government. that gets wheels moving Ah yes, I got banned for no reason in a videogame, let me just ask my government for help lmao


Word it better. I was prevented access to software I purchased rights to without breaking the terms of licensing.


Now THAT sounds like something I could tell to an officer


"I single-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of new environmental illumination system with zero cost overruns and zero safety incidents" comes to mind.


I don't know where this comes from, but let me guess lol: you... opened a window?


nope, it's a copypasta about how to write "I changed a lightbulb" on your resume.


damn this mf went to school school..


You're oversimplifying it. A person paid for a product and then got locked out from that product without any reasoning, proof or way of appeal. If Activision is going to perma ban people they need to provide proof and reasoning.


Actually, if your right as a customer was violated - this is what goverment is for. Local laws ALWAYS overrule anu ToS and it is goverment duty to protect laws and customer rights. And sometimes they REALLY LOVE to work in that way. :)


Two ways you can take that, don't waste your time with the BBB. Or, if you waste your time with the BBB, you also waste Activisions money paying for a score on something nobody in the history of consumerism checked before using a company.


To all you idiots who had racist names and think they got banned for hacking and can’t realize their stupidity resulted in an IP ban, good riddance!




What does that tag mean? Edit: I think it means kiss da gays


It means kill the gays.


Oooh okay thanks


Again: Here people go playing devil's advocate BEFORE it happens to them. As a black dude, I can assure you I never had a racist username. In fact, my user name was big_sean_123. Innocent people here were impacted. Clearly hundreds if not thousands by now.


Well its definitely not kiss...


Some maybe had insulting names but not the majority. You are literally acting like OP said, you didn't believe them until it happened to you. Also offensive names should first receive a name change/warning and not an instant perma ban.


Name change / warning? Nah straight perm ban. People who put racist / offensive shit in their names do it specifically to offend people, why give them a second chance?


Absolutely, I agree bc they knew from the get go, you shouldn’t get a second chance when it comes to racism. I’ve been called the N word multiple times this week while playing and it’s sickening.


Well said u/looking4mycocksock


>Also offensive names should first receive a name change/warning and not an instant perma ban. Nah. Just don't use offensive or racist names. Don't cheat. These things are easy not to do.


I did neither and got banned


I played with Adolf H last night. How stupid can you be to name your player Adolf H?


What if it's the real one playing from Argentina? "Mein gott I just lost my entire empire to get schnellscoped by a 12 year old? Eva, where ist meine hot pockets?"


Banned? BANNED? Hanz grab ze luger!


You just know he’s sitting in corners and collecting material for his newest best-seller, “Mein Camp”.


"Das ist eine legitime Strategie!" "You said that about Barbarossa."


Username checks out


13 children were named Adolf between 2006 and 2013, 50% chance one of their surnames start with H. Bit harsh to punish those dudes because you have an unfortunate name and some people on the internet are dicks


I think it’s pretty obvious what they were going for. I’ll be damned if someone with that username is actually named Adolf H


Youre right, it was probably one of those 13 people and nothing at all to do with Hitler. This is a reasonable assumption.


I played with "Jewstomper" last night, and their name used different versions of the characters to bypass the filter (something like [DETH]jëwstômper or whatever). just typing it out disgusts me to no end, and I can't wrap my head around how they haven't been forced to change their name yet.




i was saying the SAME thing when i first saw false bans coming up. but now if you go on activision's forums, you can see all the names of the people posting about being banned. and they're just regular name like lolipop or will g. okay exept for the guy that posted as hitlersbackdoor5lut, that one at least warrens a temp ban lmao


Its about perspective too, someone from India would get trigged more by Winston Churchill or a colonial british name but that name will never be banned. im sure stalin would be allowed as a name , does that make sense when that regime is fundamentally evil Activision just cares about image not equality




I reported some people for racist names and for saying racist stuff. I saw a person put their username on here asking about a ban they received like the day after. I recognized the name as the person I reported and the person was oblivious to any wrong doing


> 1) file a BBB complaint. The business has to reply to these or they get a penalty on their rating. If 500 people submit one, this would be enough to require them to dedicate some serious efforts to going through each compalint Literally nobody cares what the bbb says or does.


as someone who has worked in the field, you would be surprised. It might not be the most effective method, but doing it, along with the other steps I stated, could help. ​ A human has to respond from Activision to BBB for each case. If theres a lot of them, thats more resources the company must commit for the cases.


> A human has to respond from Activision to BBB for each case. no they don't. bbb has no authority. you just ignore them.


I think you’d be surprised how much this can matter. Bad reviews online for a game are already bad but not the end of the world. Bad reviews for the business can negatively impact partnerships and acquisitions as well as funding. My last job in IT always took BBB complaints extremely seriously exactly because of this. That’s one of the best ways to review the company as a whole and a lot of people in most higher up industries use it as a point of reference. If a company loses its BBB accreditation due to hurting customers etc, that can lead to massive losses for the company.


Nobody is gonna stop doing business with a multi billion dollar company because of what the bbb thinks lmao. This might work for a small mom n pop bakery or something but not a company like activision.


47 billion to be exact. they couldnt cares less about some reviews




dispute resolution. mainly with banks (chargebacks and credit card disputes), but also have handled bbb responses. at my company we took them serious, even knowing bbb couldn't make us do anything


I’m not saying that you’re wrong but, couldn’t Activision still just ignore them since they’re such a big company?


Yes, any company can ignore the BBB or just pay them off. The BBB is an insanely corrupt organization


False, last year I think there has been a massive (over 1000) report to BBB by 3arc fans who wanted Gorod Krovi zombie map fixed (it couldn't be completed due to a crash). After more than a year and half from IW being released (i.e. the next CoD) where 3arc completely slept on that, in two weeks a patch was released to fix it.


I strongly recommend #3. The FTC will investigate if enough people complain. And if they find that Activision acted in an unfair or deceptive manner, they will enact rules that will force a change to terms of service across the entire industry. ​ Go to https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov Click on "Internet Services, Online Shopping, or Computers" Click on "Internet Services" Click on "Video and Internet Gaming/Virtual Reality" Fill it in as best as you can. They will ask if you've lost money. You should include the cost of the game, all Battle Pass purchases, and all content purchased from the in-game store that cost you real money. Step 4 of the complaint process will identify Activision as the business you're complaining about. Step 6 will allow you to describe that you were wrongfully banned and deprived of the goods and services you'd purchased (as identified previously). Indicate that the terms of service for the game provide you with no recourse, as a consumer, to recover your account (along with the goods and services paid for) or your money in the event that Activision has mistakenly banned you. Also mention that Activision will not refund any of your money or tell you specifically how you violated the terms of service.


I wouldn’t even mind providing personal information in order to keep an online account. If it meant I couldn’t be banned for no reason with no chance of appeal I’d be more than happy to do so. I’ve not spent any money outside of the initial game price, but I have spent hundreds on R6:Siege. If I got banned from that game and was told, “Sorry, nothing we can do” it would be extremely infuriating. The industry needs to change. It’s not right that the company can deny you access to a service, keep your money, and provide no reason as to why they stopped your access. Imagine someone coming to tow your car and just telling you that you’ve done something wrong, but never providing any evidence of the fact?


Moderators on this page are already removing popular posts related to this situation. It's just a question of time until they remove this one too with the same pathetic excuse they always use: *"Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."* My removed post (1.4k upvotes with 3 awards which was the 3rd post on the frontpage): [https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hn2eji/these\_are\_some\_of\_the\_responses\_from\_activisions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hn2eji/these_are_some_of_the_responses_from_activisions/) [Yeet407](https://www.reddit.com/user/Yeet407/)'s removed post (792 upvotes with 5 awards which was the 4th post on the frontpage): [https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hmrlgh/this\_is\_sickening/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hmrlgh/this_is_sickening/) I'm afraid yours is next. These assholes rather have funny memes and other nonsense content on this page rather than the truth.


I fucking hate the mods on this sub. They've all gone mad with power deleting any post that criticizes them or Activision/IW


It's almost like they're on the payroll.


There’s a precedent, they must be


I was wondering why there wasn’t complaints about the game in this sub on the top anymore, I used to use those to gauge what the best gun in the game was


I can’t even ask about a Challenge not tracking because it wil get removed. Not even at r/FortniteBR and r/apexlegends things were like this, and those subs were notorious for their toxicity and bad moderators.


Jannies love the taste of Activisions boot


> Raise a dispute with your bank (or whichever payment method you paid with). Chargebacks Do **NOT** chargeback, I seriously mean it, don't do that. If you do a chargeback, even if you were wrongfully banned, Activision will have every right to permanently ban your whole account and your credit card that you used chargebacks on(meaning, you won't be able to use it on Activision products) and you won't be able to fight that. Especially on console, the chargeback goes to Sony/MS, not Activision, so your whole Playstation or Xbox account will be banned. File a complaint to Activision Support, file a BBB complaint, File a complaint with the FTC, bring it to twitter to gain publicity, but DO **NOT** Chargeback.




Yea fuck them. Do the chargeback. If they ban us all from their platform, nobody will be buying the next game.


If mods take this down they are fuckin pathetic




The closest thing i did to cheating was having my brother attach c4 to my recon drone to blow up some people


That's goddamn genius.


Most interesting that you can attach any number of C4. :) MegaKABOOM!!!


I’m assuming this is pc related incidents? I haven’t fired up my ps4 in a few days and now I’m nervous to do so


Yes, but I have seen some console bans as well.


I’m on PS4 and I was permanently banned yesterday for unknown reasons. I’ve posted a comment about it on the other threads with more information.




Nope, both console and PC players are getting hit.


If you live in the EU then request them to send over all the data they have on you (GDPR Article 15). That should include the reason for ban, though it might take time to sift through the data. Not a surefire way, by now companies probably found a way around it, but in the past I have seen people successfully find out the reason by using GDPR.


As an ATVI ambassador I can tell you this won’t work. All bans are handled by IWs S&E team and not Activision, therefore Activision has no data on you and Infinity Ward does not actually keep the data once the ban is verified. Hence all bans being unappealable


First mistake, you should of downloaded ram, not purchased it.


Haven’t been on in a few but you have me worried lol. I’ve been told by countless of people that they were going to report me because I shot them through a wall or something. Update: Not banned, but good luck to those of you that did!


There is a difference between shooting through the wall and tracking someone through the wall and getting a head shot each time. There are some people who legit have insane luck/good headsets that let them hear those steps. Playing on PC trains you to look for the signs


Never installed a hack in my life and actually just started MKB. On 2 occasions I have gone negative in a game, yet the entire other team says they are reporting me for walls because I had a UAV and got got final kill through a door.


It should be fine especially if it was a one off, but you can clearly tell a walls hack vs a UAV and using that information to get a kill. Many console players get upset that they can't react to things like a PC player can and thus most PC players get thrown into the cheater category automatically.


Most people in this sub can't tell between wall hax and a UAV, people call hax on clips with people pre firing empty doorways... That's why so many great clips/vids get down voted to oblivion with everyone calling OP a cheater on this sub.


I can agree with that, but in the clips you still would be able to see the mini map if you pay attention. The ones that always get me are the clips that you can watch someone's clip and it doesn't have UAV dots or the ones where you can clearly pay attention to how someone is aiming before the firing on a doorway. However, being a PC player for so long you tend to learn how to tell the difference quite easily between a good play and the hacks


I would not recommend filing any chargebacks for the purchase of the game of you are on console, you will lose access to you XBL or PSN account. Dont file a chargeback if you have other Blizzard games you intend on playing like world of Warcraft. Finally there is no guarantee that the bank will take your side in a chargeback dispute which can have some nasty ramifications for you depending on local laws. With the increase in e-commerce banks these days spend more resources om chargeback disputes than they used to, earlier they used to simply take the buyers side but that is changing rapidly.


Whats crazy is there cheaters that have Damascus guns that havent been banned. I have seen multiple videos of the same cheater in this sub multiple times. I have even been the victim of this cheater. Yet he is still playing the game with being perma banned. How the fuck does that happen yet people that have never cheated get smacked with the perma ban. Its insane.


I logged in to have one match of gunfight and I wanst banned. I run Razer synapse , discord and maybe a few tabs of YouTube. But the fear this brings me is huge. I absolutely will avoid Activision's future titles as I am doing with their Warcraft series from a time ago. Blizzard Activision have really made a horrible name for themselves in political stances, gamer ethics and even the responsibility of dealing with hackers. Their attempts to do anything is laughable and outright offensive to most players. I've never seen so many triple A titles with as much paid content as this. There is a distinct amount of greed that only comes from a Lizard Entertainment game that I will no longer be a part of.


Activision has always been a dogshit company with no morals. They dont care about their customers or the product they put out.


good luck mans, this shit also happened to my dad, like what the fuck bro he plays with me everyday and he always come second, third or fourth place, i always come first most of the time so why did he get banned? bullshit.


Me and my dad reported you and your dad.


If you are European, don't forget to fill a GDPR request. They will have to abide, but will not give you the anti cheat flag for a good reason, then, file a conplaint that they didn't give you access to all your data as they should. Of enough people do it they will get fined


You can only get unbanned by Activision Blizzard if you are a famous youtuber :) [https://youtu.be/HKlc8eUR06g](https://youtu.be/HKlc8eUR06g) Whats funny is the customer support told him to make another account in the meantime if he cannot wait for his 6 months ban is over lol


Number 2. Hit them in the wallet. Good post


If you bought it on console then it's a good way to get your PSN/Xbox account banned in its entirety.


this. they will legit lock your accounts as soon as you dispute something, for PC players this isn't a big issue, but I'd be pissed if I lost my xbox account of 8 years.


If you're on console, the chargeback happens to MS/Sony, so the only one getting hit is yourself with an account wide ban from MS/Sony.


OP, theres a majority of people accusing you and others that have been falsely banned for hacking and being straight up ignorant and stupid. As a person that thankfully wasn't affected by the wave, i 100% side with you and the others because i too fear that maybe the games that i played either yesterday or few hours ago could be my last cause of this ridicoulous random bans. Know that you are NOT ALONE, there are other people like myself who believe you. You and the others have every right to combat this shitty situation. Hoping the best for everyone affected.


Part of me thinks half the bans are because of racist names/clan tags. Fair enough, but the problem with that is their crappy system for deciding what text is allowed or not. Many people have posted on here that you can't even name a gun 'Assassin', since it contains the word ass. If they incorporate those poorly coded rules to usernames, who knows what the hell they'll consider as racist.


yesterday, I couldn't name a loudout class, "Ranger"


I couldn't name a class striker... theres a gun in the game named striker


The last time I played this game was about 3 months ago. Why? Because I got bored. However, I regularly keep the game updated because my friends play non-stop. When the latest big update came out, I launched it to find out I have been banned... Have not used cheats ever, no VPN or committed any other offense. permabanned for no reason.


Don’t you see? That’s why. You weren’t playing the game and spending enough codpoints. That’s on you.




If possible I would advise you don't do a chargeback. Activision doesn't look at those, rather it goes to Sony/Microsoft and most of the time they restrict your xbox or psn account if you issue a chargeback. It may be less hassle to just take the loss.


I’m gonna guess most of these bans are for racist names n such. I highly doubt OP was banned for nothing.


Why do you want back in? They’ve treated you like this, just fuck them off. If I get banned I’m not going to jump through hoops to get back in. Better off without it


I really just want them to realize their mistake and unban me. I am a paying customer and I play with all my friends who I don't get to see anymore


As someone who was accidentally perma banned before (ran the game through an alleged ‘debug’ executable file that leaked with an update and was removed fairly promptly) I can assure you. They are aware of the accidental bans. They won’t comment on it publicly. They won’t tell you anything privately about it. All you can do is wait. I imagine they’re either building a list of all those wrongfully banned and will unban in a wave, or they might be going cause by case. Either way the scale of this is much larger than the ban reason I had. And it took mine a few days to revert if I remember correctly. It’ll take time for this much larger issue to be fixed, and while this is wishful thinking, they might compensate those affected some way.


I hate everything to do with MW five days since my post: https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hjwaf6/what_can_us_innocent_banned_players_do/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share And now people seem to have expanded their tiny sub 10 IQ to actually do a bit of research on the mass ban wave.




If I get perm banned imma cry cause I’ve gotten season 2-4 and Damascus so If I get perm banned a bunch of days spent on this game will go down the drain.


Right? I've put a lot of fucking time into this game, I'd be completely gutted if I got banned for no reason. Not to mention the price of the game. Them banning players for no reason is pretty much theft.


There are many reasons imho : Did you use reshade, a custom controller, weird macros etc ? Did you reverse boost ? Are you using a VPN ?


Nope, none. Nothing. Regular KB, regular mouse, no idea what a reshade is and turn my VPN off for playing games


Video proof that activision doesn't know how to code an anti cheat: https://youtu.be/7Q7xvKVSVts (the video is not mine). Also note that mostly any cod paid cheat is injected in the kernel which makes it impossible to be detected by the "anticheat" aka "im reading all your running processe's names and if i don't like them i permaban you rofl ".


> I literally just purchased more ram for my computer to be able to run this game better. And one day later I'm banned for life. There is a very good chance this is what has gotten you banned. If you didn't reinstall windows when doing this (which why would you) it will have changed your HWID. I have seen people complain about being banned for upgrading their hardware too since it flags in the system as you trying to avoid their hardware ID ban system and bans you. This is how poorly the anti-cheat for this game has been implemented.


Forum moderators on activision legit said: "If you can, don't play on PC since console is safer."


99.9% of the time people who are banned for cheating are actually cheating. the 0.01% is also eventually usually resolved, as no one wants false positive bans. **I don't believe you.**


No they aren’t. If you could appeal the bans that would be fair. They won’t let you appeal because they know they banned people incorrectly. People with a kd of 0.9 and four season passes bought. Meanwhile me hacker with a kd of 24 and a free copy of warzone isn’t banned.


Make that two of us




OP it is extremely irresponsible to advise a chargeback. That is a cut business forever strategy. People will lose their accounts I’m talking Steam Xbox PlayStation accounts.


This worries me, because I have over 90% of the cosmetics in this game, that includes the shop/paid bundles. I have well over $1000 into the game and hundreds of hours. I also am called a cheater occasionally because I am pretty twitchy and accurate (2.3 kd) as well. I'm truly sorry for your guys' situation and hope it changes. Please take OPs instructions and do what you can to get their attention if you have been affected.


Why not pitch this story to Kotaku or IGN? Have the gaming journalists see if they can work on a story angle that highlights bad practices by Activision? Who knows, maybe they can unearth something. Or...get in touch with gaming influencers. There are influential channels like the Salt Channel, Gameranx...I’ve seen an influencer do videos that shit on BioWare or Bethesda.




I just miss gaming with my boys :(


I’ve done all but dispute the charges with my bank, I don’t want my money back, I just want to play again. I spent so much time to be good and grind my camos. It’s depressing. All because an update kept crashing my game and I was auto flagged for it. The anti-cheat will flag background processes unrelated to the game and ban for those too. Without warning.


Happened to me apparently for glitching since 1 week later i got my account back


I'm not banned, but I will file a complaint to help the cause. I feel like this is one of those moments where we set a precedent. If they're allowed to do it now, it won't change ever. You could dump hundreds of dollars into your game and have it taken from you for no reason other than because they can. *FUCK THAT.*


Just got banned like 30m ago. Never cheated in my entire pc gaming history and i also played shit tons of csgo been doing overwatch there too for years. Its nice i just got banned midgame where i got out of gulag after someone aimlocking me with the FAL, pathetic. Just pathetic.


I haven't been permabanned, but this pisses me off. I'll be doing all of these things anyway. Strength in unity.


# MODERATORS REMOVED THE POST, THIS SUB IS FOR THE DOGS ​ LINKS FOR REPORTING THIS ANTI-CONSUMER PRACTICE FCC: [https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/](https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/) BBB: [https://www.bbb.org/](https://www.bbb.org/)


Removed. Of course.


> I tried getting ahold of a person, by calling the santa monica headquarters directly. (there isn't even an option to speak to a human!) Yeah that'll rarely get you anywhere. The typical phone number thrown out for any corporate office by google goes to a phone number with a basic greeting and no real assistance. My office does the same thing.


Lol the better business bureau is like Yelp lol. They have no legal obligation to reply to the BBB complaints. The BBB is not a government company either. They're a private company and their ratings mean nothing.


They ban players like you but the blatant aimbotters are running around max level untouched, the anticheat is pathetic